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OCAMPO - 1215

QUESTION: Our learnings in the three
How can our learnings
main fields of sciences
in the three main fields
of social sciences help help us in leading social
us in leading social movements because we
movements? are able to educate
ourselves and to the
people that is not yet
educated in certain topics
and should be educated in
order to help and might as
well contribute a lot to any
social movements that
fight for their very own
Today's most effective
social movements' leaders
and builders for the most
part, I've seen a number
of characteristics shared
by these leaders that have
led to their success.
Good social movements
begin with a leader or a
movement builder. Then,
strong social movements
require a significant
quantity of human capital
to develop interest from
the start or to bring
together individuals who
share pre-existing
common interests.
How important is the Understanding the culture and
understanding of culture and society in leading social
society in leading social movements is very important
movements especially if the people are not
aware in the slightest way of what’s
happening in their surroundings. In
understanding these things, social
movements aren’t just fighting for
the people’s own rights but to also
create a culture that has been
happened years ago, this includes
the relations of powers that they
had in protesting and that the
number of contents of art, music
and literature to show or examine
how people relate to each other
which is an example of social
relationship of culture.

Establishing a broad platform of
action for a population that serves
to enlighten and foster the
awareness needed to prevent an
issue from harming more people is
a good idea. True good-will social
movements have the capacity to
raise awareness and deliver
practical benefits, allowing the
general public to live longer, more
productive, and happier lives.

The supporting material
demonstrated that raising
awareness of an issue may
generate support for an aggrieved
group, as well as promote
awareness and implement change
for a problem or population in need
of assistance and resources.

QUESTION: It allows people to have an opportunity to
Why are social come together and unite as one, to be able
movements good? to speak what is on their minds and make
people aware of an issue that is close to
their hearts. People that have been
wronged for years has finally and is able to
voice out their fears and become strong to
whatever wrong reason they have
experienced to. It makes the society more
open about these shallow and very
controversial topics that will surely make
ignorant people understand what is truly a
human right.
This group then motivates others to join the
movement in addressing a problem, raising
awareness, or assisting a population. The
organization then accelerates via a series of
public tools that raise widespread awareness
and, eventually, generate viral engagement in an
action or activity. This is when the movement
reaches its pinnacle and the broader public
becomes interested.
The social movement maintains its ability to
create progress on the issue or support for the
people it serves, establishing itself as a long-term

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