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This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a person in order to receive and analyze prescriptions for dispensing, prepare medication as prescribed by Doctors or as requested by clients, perform dispensing operations, perform stock control and perform housekeeping / maintenance under supervision of licensed pharmacist.


ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Trainees or students should possess the following requirements: 18 years old and above Must pass the trainability/aptitude test Can communicate both orally and in written form; Physically, emotionally and mentally fit Can perform basic mathematical computation.

COURSE STRUCTURE Units of Competency BASIC 1. Participate in Workplace Communication Module Title Learning Outcome Nominal Hours

1.1 Participating in Workplace Communication

Obtain and convey workplace information Participate in workplace meetings and discussions Complete relevant work related documents 2.1.1 Describe team role and scope 2.1.2 Identify own role and responsibility within team 2.1.3 Work as a team member 3.1.1 Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals 3.1.2 Set and meet work priorities 3.1.3 Maintain professional growth and development 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 Identify hazards and risks Evaluate hazards and risks Control hazards and risks Maintain occupational health and safety (OHS) awareness
Total :

2. Work in a Team Environment

2.1 Working in a Team Environment

3. Practice Career Professionalism

3.1 Practicing Career Professionalism

4. Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures

4.1 Practicing Occupational Health and Safety Procedures

18 10

COMMON 1. Maintain an effective relationship with clients/customer s

1.1 Maintaining an effective relationship with clients/customers

1.1.1 1.1.2

Maintain a professional image Build credibility with customers/clients

Units of Competency 2. Manage own performance

Module Title 2.1. Managing own performance

Learning Outcome 2.1.1 Plan completion of own workload 2.1.2 Maintain quality of own performance
Total :

Nominal Hours 8


CORE 1. Receive and analyze prescriptions for dispensing 1.1 Receiving and analyzing prescriptions for dispensing 1.1.1. Receive prescription from client/patient 1.1.2. Confirm client/patient particulars and prescription validity 1.1.3. Confirm client/patient particular needs 2.1.1 Set-out materials for packaging 2.1.2 Pack or pre-pack product 2.1.3 Complete dose administration documents 3.1.1 Identify responsibilities of a pharmacy aide/pharmacy assistant 3.1.2 Develop drug knowledge 3.1.3 Prepare prescription 4.1.1 Develop knowledge of stock procurement procedures 4.1.2 Order and receive dispensary stock 4.1.3 Perform drug storage stocks 4.1.4 Perform stock control 4.1.5 Perform stock waste disposal 5.1.1. Perform housekeeping / maintenance duties 5.1.2. Follow appropriate 80

2. Prepare medications as prescribed by doctors or as requested by clients

2.1 Preparing medications as prescribed by doctors or as requested by clients



Perform dispensing operations

3.1 Performing dispensing operations


4. Perform stock control

4.1 Performing stock control



Perform housekeeping/ maintenance

5.1. Performing housekeeping/ maintenance

Units of Competency

Module Title

Learning Outcome health and safety practices in the area

Total :

Nominal Hours


RESOURCES: QTY. 1 unit TOOLS Executive Table QTY. EQUIPMENT/MATERIALS 1 unit AV Equipment QTY. REFERENCES 1 copy Consumer Law, each Environmental Law, Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare Law 1 copy Pharmacy/Pharmacists Acts and Related Regulations 1 copy Generic Act 1 copy Traditional Medicine 1 copy Botika ng Barangay 1 copy Medical dosage form and its abbreviations

25 pcs.

Armed Chairs Clerical Table Whiteboard Blackboard

1 unit Sound System

1 unit 1 pc. 1 pc.

1 unit Cassette Player 1 unit Computer with Printer 1 unit Airconditioning Unit 1 unit Monitor/Television Set

25 pairs Gloves 1 unit CD of powerpoint presentation

1 unit Heat seal or press seal equipment 50 pcs 25 each 1 set Jodybon boxes

Formulary drugs/ non formulary drugs* Cleaning materials for working, swabbing, sweeping, disinfecting, soaking, sterilizing and or cleaning equipment

1 unit Telephone (for inquiries) 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each Sealer, balancer and measurer Meters, gauges, beakers Mixers, spatulas Filters

1 unit Mortar and pestle *

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Observation and oral questioning Practical Exercise Observation Demonstration Return Demonstration Interview

COURSE DELIVERY: Lecture-discussion Film Showing Demonstration/Return demonstration Simulation Study Supervised industry training and field work On the job training Peer teaching and mentoring

TRAINERS QUALIFICATIONS: Must be a holder of Pharmacy Services NCII or equivalent / higher qualification e.g. Registered Pharmacist Must have undergone training on Training Methodology I (TM I) or equivalent training / experience Must be physically, emotionally and mentally fit Must possess good moral character Must have at least 2 years job / industry experience Must be computer literate





PARTICIPATING IN WORKPLACE COMMUNICATIONS This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to obtain, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements. 4 Hrs.



SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the students/ trainees must be able to: LO 1. Obtain and convey workplace information LO 2. Complete relevant work related documents. LO 3. Participate in workplace meeting and discussion.

LO 1. OBTAIN AND CONVEY WORKPLACE INFORMATION ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Specific relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources. 2. Effective questioning and active listening and speaking are used to gather and convey information. 3. Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas. 4. Appropriate non-verbal communication is used. 5. Appropriate lines of communication with superiors and colleagues are identified and followed. 6. Defined work procedures for the location and storage of information are used. 7. Personnel interaction is carried out clearly and concisely. CONTENTS: Parts of speech Sentence construction Effective communication

CONDITION: The students/ trainees must be provided with the following: Writing materials (pen & paper) References (books)


METHODOLOGIES: Group Discussion/Interaction Assignment Method Competency-Based Learning Materials Method

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written test Practical performance test Interview

LO 2. COMPLETE RELEVANT WORK RELATED DOCUMENTS ASSESSMENT CRTERIA: 1. Ranges of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly. 2. Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents. 3. Basic mathematical process is used for routine calculations. 4. Errors in recording information on forms. Documents are identified and rectified. 5. Reporting requirements to superior are completed according to enterprise guidelines.

CONTENTS: Basic mathematics Technical writing Types of forms

CONDITION: The students/trainees must be provided with the following: Paper Pencils / ball pen Reference books Manuals

METHODOLOGIES: Group discussion/Interaction Assignment Method Competency-Based Learning Materials Method

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written test Practical! Performance test Interview

LO 3. PARTICIPATE IN WORKPLACE MEETING AND DISCUSSION ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Team meetings are attended on time. 2. Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption. 3. Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and establish protocols. 4. Workplace interaction are conducted in a courteous manner appropriate to cultural background and authority in the enterprise procedures. 5. Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning conditions of employment are asked and responded. 6. Meeting outcomes are interpreted and implemented. CONTENTS: Sentence construction Technical writing Recording information CONDITION: The students/trainees must be provided with the following: Paper Pencils/ball pen References (books) Manuals METHODOLOGIES: Group Discussions/Interaction Assignment Method Competency-Based Learning Materials Method ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written test Practical / performance test Interview




WORKING IN A TEAM ENVIRONMENT This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required in order to relate in a work-based environment. 4 Hrs. NC II




SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module the students/ trainees must be able to: LO 1. Describe and identify team role and responsibility in a team. LO 2. Describe work as a team.

LO 1. DESCRIBE AND IDENTIFY TEAM ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY IN A TEAM ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Role and objective of the team is identified. 2. Team parameters, relationships and responsibilities are identified. 3. Individual role and responsibilities within team environment are identified. 4. Roles and responsibilities of other team members are identified and recognized. 5. Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified.

CONTENTS: Team role. Relationship and responsibilities Role and responsibilities with team environment. Relationship within a team.

CONDITION: The students/ trainees must be provided with the following: SOP of workplace Job procedures Client / supplier instructions

Quality standards Organizational or external personnel

METHODOLOGIES: Group discussion/interaction Case studies Simulation ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written test Observation Simulation Role playing LO 2. DESCRIBE WORK AS A TEAM MEMBER ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Appropriate forms of communication and interactions are undertaken. 2. Appropriate contributions to complement team activities and objectives were made. 3. Reporting using standard operating procedures followed. 4. Development of team work plans based from role team were contributed. CONTENTS: Communication process Team structure / team roles Group planning and decision making CONDITION: The students I trainees must be provided with the following: SOP of workplace Job procedures Organization or external personnel

METHODOLOGIES: Group discussion/interaction Case studies Simulation

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Observation of work activities Observation through simulation or role play Case studies and scenarios.




PRACTICING CAREER PROFESSIONALISM This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement, specifically; to integrate personal objectives with organizational goals set and meet work priorities and maintain professional growth and development. 6 Hrs.



SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO 1. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals LO 2. Set and meet work priorities LO 3. Maintain professional growth and development

LO 1. INTEGRATE PERSONAL OBJECTIVES WITH ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Personal growth and work plans towards improving the qualifications set for professionalism are achieved. 2. Intra- and interpersonal relationship in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation is maintained. 3. Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties. 4. Practice of appropriate personal hygiene is observed. 5. Job targets within key result areas are attained. CONTENTS: Personal Development-Social Aspects: Intra and Interpersonal Development Organizational Goals Personal Hygiene and Practices Code of Ethics CONDITION: The students/ trainees must be provided with the following: Workplace

Code of Ethics Organizational Goals Hand outs and PD-Social Aspects CDs, VHS tapes, transparencies

METHODOLOGIES: Group Discussion/Interaction Simulation Demonstration/Practical Hands-on Exercises Competency-Based Learning Materials Method ASSESSMENT METHOD: Role play Interview Written Examination

LO 2. SET AND MEET WORK PRIORITIES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Competing demands to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and objectives are prioritized. 2. Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments. 3. Practices and economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per established procedures. 4. Job targets within key result areas are attained. CONTENTS: Organizational KRAs Work Values and Ethical Standards Company policies on the use and maintenance of equipment CONDITION: The students/ trainees must be provided with the following Organizational KRA Work values and ethics Company policies and standards Sample job targets Learning Guides CDs, VHS tapes, transparencies METHODOLOGIES: Group Discussion/Interaction Structured Activity Demonstration/Practical Hands-on Exercises

Competency-Based Learning Materials Method ASSESSMENT METHODS: Role play Interview Written Examination LO 3. MAINTAIN PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Training and career opportunities relevant to the job requirements are identified and availed. 2. Licenses and/or certifications according to the requirements of the qualifications are acquired and maintained 3. Fundamental rights at work including gender sensitivity are manifested/observed 4. Training and career opportunities based on the requirements of industry are completed and updated.

CONTENTS: Qualification Standards Gender and Development (GAD) Sensitivity Professionalism in the Workplace List of Professional Licenses


The students/ trainees must be provided with the following: Quality Standards GAD handouts CDs, VHS tapes on Professionalism in the Workplace Professional Licenses samples

METHODOLOGIES: Group Discussion/Interaction Film Viewing Role play/Simulation

ASSESSMENT METHOD: Demonstration Interview Written Examination Portfolio assessment




PRACTICING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to comply with the regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety such as identifying, evaluating and maintaining OH & S awareness. 4 Hrs.



SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO 1. LO 2. LO 3. LO 4. Identity hazards and risks Evaluate hazards and risks Control hazards and risks Maintain occupational health and safety awareness

LO 1. IDENTIFY HAZARDS AND RISKS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Workplace hazards and risks are identified and clearly explained. 2. Hazards/Risks and its corresponding indicators are identified in with the company procedures. 3. Contingency measures are recognized and established in accordance with organizational procedures. CONTENTS: Hazards and risks identification and control Organizational safety and health protocol Threshold limit value (TLV) OHS indicators CONDITION: The students/ trainees must be provided with the following: Workplace PPE Learning Guides

Handouts Organizational Safety and Health Protocol OHS Indicators Threshold Limit Value Hazards/Risk Identification and Control CDs, VHS tapes, transparencies

METHODOLOGIES: Group Discussion/Interaction Simulation Symposium Group Dynamics ASSESSMENT METHOD: Situation Analysis Interview Practical Examination Written Examination

LO 2. EVALUATE HAZARDS AND RISKS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Terms of maximum tolerable limits are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV) 2. Effects of hazards are determined. 3. OHS issues and concerns are identified in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS legislation.

CONTENTS: TLV table Phil OHS Standards Effects of hazards in the workplace Ergonomics Employees Compensation Commission (ECC) regulations

CONDITION: The students/trainees must be provided with the following Handout on - Phil. OHS Standards - Effects of hazards in the workplace - Ergonomics - ECC regulations TLV Table CDs, VHS tapes, transparencies

METHODOLOGIES: Group Discussion/Interaction Situation Analysis Symposium Film viewing Group Dynamics

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Interview Written Examination Simulation LO 3. CONTROL HAZARDS AND RISKS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. OHS procedures for controlling hazards and risk are strictly followed. 2. Procedures in dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in accordance with the organizations OHS policies. 3. Personal protective equipment is correctly used in accordance with organizations OHS procedures and practices. 4. Procedures in providing appropriate assistance in the event of workplace emergencies are identified in line with the established organizational protocol. CONTENTS: Safety Regulations Clean Air Act Electrical and Fire Safety Code Waste management Disaster Preparedness and Management Contingency Measures and Procedures CONDITION: The students/trainees must be provided with the following: Handouts on - Safety Regulations - Clean Air Act - Electrical and Fire Safety Code - Waste management - Disaster Preparedness and Management - Contingency Measures and Procedures - OHS Personal Records PPE CDs, VHS tapes, transparencies METHODOLOGIES: Group Discussion/Interaction

Symposium Film Viewing Group Dynamics Self pace

ASSESSMENT METHOD: Written Interview Case/Situation Analysis Simulation

LO 4. MAINTAIN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AWARENESS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Procedures in emergency related drill are strictly followed in line with the established organization guidelines and procedures. 2. OHS personal records are filled up in accordance with workplace requirements. 3. PPE are maintained in line with organization guidelines and procedures.

CONTENTS: Operational health and safety procedure, practices and regulations Emergency-related drills and training

CONDITION: The students/trainees must be provided with the following:

Workplace PPE OHS personal records CDs, VHS tapes, transparencies Health record

METHODOLOGIES: Group Discussion/Interaction Simulation Symposium Film Viewing Group Dynamics ASSESSMENT METHODS: Demonstration Interview Written Examination





MAINTAINING EFFECTIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH CLIENTS/CUSTOMERS This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in building and maintaining effective relationship with clients, customers and the public. 10



SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO 1. Maintain a professional image LO 2. Meet client/customer requirements LO 3. Build credibility with customers/clients

LO 1. Maintain a professional image

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. 2. 3. 4. Uniform and personal grooming maintained to assignment requirements. Personal presence maintained according to employer standards. Visible work area kept tidy and uncluttered. Equipment stored according to assignment requirements.

CONTENTS: Uniform and personal grooming requirements Occupational health and safety requirement

CONDITIONS: Students/ trainees must be provided with the following: Customers Relationship Manual/Guides Personal grooming kits Material relevant to the proposed activity and tasks

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/ Discussion Group Discussion Demo Return Demo Film Viewing

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written Exam Interview/ Oral Exam Practical Exam Direct Observation

LO 2. Meet client/customer requirements ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Client requirements identified and understood by referral to the assignment instructions. 2. Client requirements met according to the assignment instructions. 3. Changes to clients needs and requirements monitored and appropriate action taken. 4. All communication with the client or customer is clear and complies with assignment requirements.

CONTENTS: Occupational health and safety requirements Customer Service Policies

CONDITIONS: Students/ trainees must be provided with the following: Customers Relationship Manual/Guides Customer Service Policies Actual Workplace

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/ Discussion Group Discussion Demo Return Demo Film Viewing

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written Exam Interview/ Oral Exam Practical Exam Direct Observation

LO 3. Build credibility with customers/clients ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Client expectations for reliability, punctuality and appearance adhered to. 2. Possible causes of client/customer dissatisfaction identified, dealt with and recorded according to employer policy. 3. Client fully informed of all relevant security matters in a timely manner and according to agreed reporting procedures. CONTENTS: Customers Relationship Manual/Guides Customer Service Policies Actual Workplace CONDITIONS: Students/ trainees must be provided with the following: Workplace location Material relevant to the proposed activity and tasks

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/ Discussion Group Discussion Demo Return Demo Film Viewing

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written Exam Interview/ Oral Exam Practical Exam Direct Observation




MANAGING OWN PERFORMANCE This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in effectively managing ones workload and quality of work. 8



SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO 1. Plan for completion of own workload LO 2. Maintain quality of own performance LO 3. Build credibility with customers/clients

LO 1. Plan for completion of own workload

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tasks accurately identified. Priority allocated to each task. Time lines allocated to each task or series of tasks. Tasks deadlines known and complied with whenever possible. Work schedules are known and completed within agreed time frames. Work plans developed according to assignment requirements and employer policy. 7. Uncompleted work or tasks detailed and responsibility for completion passed to incoming shift or other appropriate persons.

CONTENTS: Site and assignment requirements Employer policy on performance management

CONDITIONS: Students/ trainees must be provided with the following: Access to a relevant venue, equipment and materials Assignment Instructions Logbooks Operational manuals and makers/customers instructions

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/ Discussion Group Discussion Demo Return Demo Film Viewing

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written Exam Interview/ Oral Exam Practical Exam Direct Observation

LO 2. Maintain quality of own performance

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Personal performance continually monitored against agreed performance standards. 2. Advice and guidance sought when necessary to achieve or maintain agreed standards. 3. Guidance from management applied to achieve or maintain agreed standards. 4. Standard of work clarified and agreed according to employer policy and procedures.

CONTENTS: Indicators of appropriate performance for each area of responsibility Steps for improving or maintaining performance

CONDITIONS: Students/ trainees must be provided with the following: Access to a relevant venue, equipment and materials Assignment Instructions Logbooks Operational manuals and makers/customers instructions

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/ Discussion Group Discussion Demo Return Demo Film Viewing

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written Exam Interview/ Oral Exam Practical Exam Direct Observation

LO 3. Build credibility with customers/clients ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Client expectations for reliability, punctuality and appearance adhered to. 2. Possible causes of client/customer dissatisfaction identified, dealt with and recorded according to employer policy. 3. Client fully informed of all relevant security matters in a timely manner and according to agreed reporting procedures. CONTENTS: Customers Relationship Manual/Guides Customer Service Policies Actual Workplace CONDITIONS: Students/ trainees must be provided with the following: Workplace location Material relevant to the proposed activity and tasks

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/ Discussion Group Discussion Demo Return Demo Film Viewing

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written Exam Interview/ Oral Exam Practical Exam Direct Observation




RECEIVING AND ANALYZING PRESCRIPTIONS FOR DISPENSING This module involves procedures for accepting prescriptions from the client/patient and relaying prescription information to the pharmacist and the client/patient. This competency may apply to a range of work roles in the pharmacy noting, however, that a pharmacist can only give therapeutic advice. 80



SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO 1. Receives prescription from client/patient LO 2. Confirm client/patient particulars and prescription validity LO 3. Confirm clients/patients prescription needs


Receives prescription from client/patient

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Client/patient is greeted in accordance with pharmacy guidelines and procedures and prescription is received. Client/patient prescription/s are taken or directed to dispensing area within pharmacy.

CONTENTS: Clients/Patients as defined in the Philippine Pharmacy Act Medication under the Generic Act

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Philippine Pharmacy Act Generic Act Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act Code of Conduct/Ethics for Pharmacists Therapeutic Goods Act Consumers Law, Environmental Law, Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare Law

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Brainstorming Demonstration

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Observation Oral questioning Practical examination

LO2. Confirm client/patient particulars and prescription validity ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Prescriber details and prescription is verified, data checked and client/patient details confirmed and updated/amended according to pharmacy policy and legislative requirements. 2. Client/patient is questioned regarding any entitlement status in regard to the Health Care Benefits Scheme and Philhealth insurance, 3. Where multiple items appear on the script, confirmation is obtained whether all are to be dispensed at the same time. 4. Prescription is verified according to pharmacy policy and legislative requirements. CONTENTS: Life of prescription according to legislative requirements Adequate written instructions on the dosage regimen, in accordance with the provision of legislative requirements

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Philippine Pharmacy Act Generic Act Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act Code of Conduct/Ethics for Pharmacists Therapeutic Goods Act Consumers Law, Environmental Law, Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare Law METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Brainstorming Demonstration ASSESSMENT METHOD: Observation Oral questioning Practical examination Interview


Confirm clients/patients prescription needs

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Prescription discrepancies and/or other situations requiring additional assistance are recognized and referred to the appropriate pharmacy staff or pharmacist. 2. The verified prescription is passed on to the pharmacist. 3. Client/patient is advised of expected prescription preparation time and/or delivery times as appropriate. 4. Client/patient is advised promptly of any difficulty in filling prescription. 5. Confidentiality, tact and privacy are maintained at all times while interacting with clients/patients and/or passing on relevant information to other pharmacy staff.

CONTENTS: Common Prescription discrepancies Prescriptions validity Prescriptions for a narcotic drug. Request for excessive quantities

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Philippine Pharmacy Act Generic Act Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act Code of Conduct/Ethics for Pharmacists Therapeutic Goods Act Consumers Law, Environmental Law, Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare Law

METHODOLOGIES: Lecturette Brainstorming Demonstration

ASSESSMENT METHOD: Observation Oral questioning Practical examination




PREPARING MEDICATION AS PRESCRIBED BY DOCTORS OR AS REQUESTED BY CLIENTS This module involves procedures for packaging and/or pre-packaging of pharmaceutical products in dose administration containers, in accordance with legal and statutory requirements and under the supervision of the pharmacist. This competency may apply to a range of work roles in the pharmacy. 80



SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO 1. Set out materials for packaging LO 2. Pack or pre-pack products LO 3. Complete dose administration documentation


Set out materials for packaging

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Dose administration and packaging documentation, instructions and procedures are identified. 2. Appropriate packaging materials and pharmaceutical products are identified and collected. 3. The packaging work area and related equipment/apparatus complies with pharmacy specifications and regulatory. CONTENTS: Knowledge and application of pharmacy policies, standards and guidelines, industry codes of practice, legislative and regulatory requirements Workflow procedures Personal hygiene and dress code

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real or simulated pharmacy dispensary environment o Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures - industry codes of practice and relevant legislation o Access to a range of medication Access to a range of packaging equipment and related products A qualified workplace assessor an/or technical expert working in partnership with the assessor

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Brainstorming Demonstration

ASSESSMENT METHOD: Observation of performance Interview Demonstration and oral questioning


Pack or pre-pack products

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Bulk product/medicine allocated to packaging equipment/pre-packaging apparatus in accordance with pharmacist instructions, occupational safety requirements and infection control guidelines. 2. Dose administration containers filled according to prescription requirements and verified by pharmacist. 3. Packaging equipment cleaned, storage and work area tidied according to pharmacy policy. CONTENTS: Cleaning, preparing and setting packaging machinery, equipment and/or counting trays Packaging Materials and Products Packaging equipment/pre-packaging apparatus may be operated manually or automatically Infection Control Guidelines

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real or simulated pharmacy dispensary environment Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures - industry codes of practice and relevant legislation Access to a range of medication Access to a range of packaging equipment and related products A qualified workplace assessor an/or technical expert working in partnership with the assessor

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Role playing ASSESSMENT METHOD: Observation of performance Interview Demonstration Oral questioning


Complete dose administration documentation

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Dosage administration container labels, including cautionary and advisory labels, prepared and attached according to pharmacy procedures and legislative requirements. 2. Dose administration documentation completed under pharmacist supervision and maintained according to pharmacy procedures. CONTENTS: Dose administration container labels Maintenance of dose administration documentation

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real or simulated pharmacy dispensary environment Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures - industry codes of practice and relevant legislation Access to a range of medication Access to a range of packaging equipment and related products A qualified workplace assessor an/or technical expert working in partnership with the assessor

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Role playing

ASSESSMENT METHOD: Observation of performance Interview Demonstration and oral questioning




PERFORMING DISPENSING OPERATIONS This module is concerned with developing a basic working knowledge of drug categories, identifying the pharmacy aide duties and involves procedures for assisting the pharmacist prepare within the dispensing area. All tasks are carried out under the direct supervision of the pharmacist. This competency may apply to a range of work roles in the pharmacy noting, however, that only a pharmacist can only give therapeutic advice. 40



SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO 1. Identify responsibilities of a pharmacy aide/pharmacy assistant LO 2. Develop drug knowledge LO 3. Perform prescription filling


Identify responsibilities of a pharmacy aide/pharmacy assistant

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Duties of a pharmacy aide identified and applied according to pharmacy policies, standards, infection control guidelines and relevant legislation. 2. Limitations to the role of a pharmacy aide/pharmacy assistant identified according to pharmacy policy and regulatory requirements. 3. Laws and regulations applicable to the pharmacy staff member working within the dispensary area identified. 4. Dispensary workflow design and/or pharmacy concepts and protocols identified and applied according to pharmacy procedures and regulatory requirements.

CONTENTS: Duties of a Pharmacy Aide The Pharmacy/Pharmacists Act and related regulations Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances/Poisons Act and related regulations Therapeutic Goods Act Health Act and related regulations Privacy Legislation Codes of Conduct/Ethics

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real pharmacy dispensary environment, including dispensary software Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures - prescriptions (real or simulated) - industry codes of practice, standards and guidelines - state legislation where appropriate Access to a range of customers with different requirements (real or simulated) Access to a range of medications and related equipment A qualified workplace assessor and/or a technical working in partnership with the assessor

METHODOLOGIES: Simulation One-on-one teaching video tapes lectures

ASSESSMENT METHOD: Demonstration Oral questioning


Develop drug knowledge

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Therapeutic classifications, indications and effects identified. 2. Medical abbreviation, storage and location requirements in accordance with regulations identified. CONTENTS: Therapeutic Classifications, indications and effects Storage and location requirements Medication dosage form and its abbreviations

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real pharmacy dispensary environment, including dispensary software Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures - prescriptions (real or simulated) - industry codes of practice, standards and guidelines - state legislation where appropriate Access to a range of customers with different requirements (real or simulated) Access to a range of medications and related equipment A qualified workplace assessor and/or a technical working in partnership with the assessor

METHODOLOGIES: Simulation One-on-one teaching video tapes lectures

ASSESSMENT METHOD: Demonstration Oral questioning


Perform prescription filling

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Prescription and medication record referred to pharmacist for clinical evaluation. 2. Prescription/patient data accurately and confidentially entered into dispensary computer/records according to regulatory and pharmacist is alerted to any previous medical history, interactions or allergies. 3. Labels prepared in accordance with regulatory, ensuring they are legible. 4. Appropriate cautionary and advisory instructions incorporated into label or attached separately. 5. Prescribed medications selected in the desired form, counted according to the prescription, measured in the appropriate devices, and the correct quantity packaged into a suitable container under pharmacist supervision. 6. Labels correctly fixed to containers after pharmacist has checked them against the prescription order in accordance with pharmacy procedures. 7. Packaged items checked for accuracy. CONTENTS: Prescriptions Labels Prescriptions/Patients Data

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real pharmacy dispensary environment, including dispensary software Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures - prescriptions (real or simulated) - industry codes of practice, standards and guidelines - state legislation where appropriate Access to a range of customers with different requirements (real or simulated) Access to a range of medications and related equipment A qualified workplace assessor and/or a technical working in partnership with the assessor

METHODOLOGIES: Simulation One-on-one teaching video tapes lectures

ASSESSMENT METHOD: Demonstration Oral questioning




PERFORMING STOCK CONTROL This module involves procedures for maintaining a stock control system, according to standard operating procedures in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. 30



SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO 1. Develop knowledge of stock procurement procedures LO 2. Order and receive stock medication LO 3. Perform drug storage tasks LO 4. Perform stock control LO 5. Perform stock waste disposal

LO1. Develop knowledge of stock procurement procedures ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Stock procurement procedures identified according to pharmacy policy and procedures. 2. Stock procurement systems accurately compiled, maintained and data securely stored. CONTENTS: Stock procurement procedures Stock procurement systems

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real or simulated pharmacy environment Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures for dispensary stock control - industry codes of practice - state legislation as appropriate

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Simulation Role playing ASSESSMENT METHODS: Observation Demonstration Oral questioning


Order and receive stock medication

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Orders for pharmaceutical stock generated as requested according to pharmacy policies and procedures. 2. Stock received unpacked promptly and checked in accordance with regulatory and pharmacy procedures. 3. Stock received reconciled against delivery documentation, noting any discrepancies. 4. Stock data accurately entered into computer system, where appropriate. 5. Stock labeled with shelf tickets where appropriate. 6. Procedures for accepting stock back for disposal from patients/customers identified and applied. 7. Products stored according to manufacturers specification, pharmacy policy and regulatory.

CONTENTS: Pharmaceutical Stocks and Pharmacy Policies and Procedures Pharmaceutical Stocks Documentation Shelf Tickets

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real or simulated pharmacy environment Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures for dispensary stock control - industry codes of practice - state legislation as appropriate

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Simulation Role playing

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Observation Demonstration Oral Questioning


Perform drug storage tasks

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Temperature sensitive products identified. 2. Drug storage procedures identified and applied in accordance with regulatory. 3. Storage conditions monitored and maintained according to manufacturers instructions, pharmacy procedures and legislative requirements. CONTENTS: Temperature Sensitive Products Drug Storage Conditions Drug Storage Procedures

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real or simulated pharmacy environment Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures for dispensary stock control - industry codes of practice - state legislation as appropriate

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Simulation Role playing

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Observation Demonstration Oral Questioning


Perform stock control

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Stocktaking documentation and procedures identified and performed according to pharmacy policy and guidelines. 2. Shelf labels of DISCONTINUED products and those temporarily unavailable removed after the final stock item is taken from the shelf, according to pharmacy policy. 3. Stock level requirements determined and reported to the pharmacist for verification. 4. Stock discrepancies investigated and reported to the pharmacist. CONTENTS: Stocktaking documentation and procedures Stock item calculations Stock level requirements

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real or simulated pharmacy environment Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures for dispensary stock control - industry codes of practice - state legislation as appropriate

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Simulation Role playing

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Observation Demonstration Oral Questioning


Perform stock waste disposal

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Expired, damaged and/or returned stocks marked for disposal are identified. 2. Controlled substances, toxic, caustic, flammable and/or cytotoxic materials are identified and disposed of in accordance with pharmacy policy, regulatory and infection control guidelines. 3. Health and safety requirements are adhered during the disposal of stock. 4. Stock records are updated following disposal. CONTENTS: Pharmacy Policies on Stock Waste Disposal Infection Control Guidelines Disposal of Stock and OHS

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real or simulated pharmacy environment Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures for dispensary stock control - industry codes of practice - state legislation as appropriate

METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Simulation Role playing

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Observation Demonstration Oral Questioning




PERFORMING HOUSEKEEPING/MAINTENANCE This module involves procedures for housekeeping/maintenance following appropriate health and safety practices. This competency may apply to a range of work roles in the pharmacy. 5



SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO 1. Perform housekeeping/maintenance duties LO 2. Follow appropriate health and safety practices in the area


Perform housekeeping/maintenance duties

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Housekeeping/maintenance procedures identified and performed in line with pharmacy policy and regulations. 2. Housekeeping procedures performed to ensure area is kept clean, using appropriate cleaning materials and methods, to avoid cross-contamination and/or accidents in accordance with industry guidelines. 3. Tools and equipment cleaned and used in accordance with manufacturers instructions, regulations and contamination control. 4. Equipment and consumable materials maintained and stored correctly after use in line with pharmacy policy.

CONTENTS: Housekeeping and maintenance procedures Using 5S at the workplace Cleaning Tools, Materials and Equipment

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real pharmacy dispensary environment, including dispensary software Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures - prescriptions (real or simulated) - industry codes of practice, standards and guidelines - state legislation where appropriate Access to a range of customers with different requirements (real or simulated) Access to a range of medications and related equipment A qualified workplace assessor and/or a technical working in partnership with the assessor

METHODOLOGIES: Simulation One-on-one teaching video tapes lectures

ASSESSMENT METHOD: Demonstration Oral questioning

LO2. Follow appropriate health and safety practices in the area ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Procedures to achieve a safe working environment in the area identified, followed and maintained. 2. All unsafe situations identified and reported to the pharmacist according to pharmacy policy and regulatory. 3. Pharmacy policy and regulatory regarding correct manual handling practices identified and applied. 4. All housekeeping/maintenance routines carried out safely, effectively and efficiently with minimum inconvenience to customers and staff, according to pharmacy policy. 5. Dispensing area access controls identified and adhered to. CONTENTS: Cleaning Methods and OHS Cross-contamination Procedures to avoid cross-contamination Infection Control Guidelines

CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: A real pharmacy dispensary environment, including dispensary software Relevant documentation such as: - pharmacy policies and procedures - prescriptions (real or simulated) - industry codes of practice, standards and guidelines - state legislation where appropriate Access to a range of customers with different requirements (real or simulated) Access to a range of medications and related equipment A qualified workplace assessor and/or a technical working in partnership with the assessor

METHODOLOGIES: Simulation One-on-one teaching video tapes lectures

ASSESSMENT METHOD: Demonstration Oral questioning

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