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How to find wi-fi password connected to windows 10 PC

Open control panel on your windows 10 PC

Click on network and internet

Click on network and sharing centre

Click the “Change adapter settings” option from the left pane.

Double-click the wireless adapter.

Click the Wireless Properties button.

Click the “Security” tab.

Check the Show characters

Finally you the wi-fi password will be displayed at once

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Garuda Indonesia Flight GA 157 with service from Jakarta to
Balio. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven
minutes time.

We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat
or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position
for take-off.

Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. But not for the camera
it is still permitted to use along the flight , Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you
for choosing Garuda . Enjoy your flight.

Which device can be used along the flight.

W. What are doing Taylor.

M. I have put nail inside the wall to put on my clock.

W. Do you need hummer ?

M. , I have hand it, but How can I reach the upper wall.

W. I have a ladder at my house, should I bring it for you.

M. Thank you. I really need it.

What does the man need to reach the upper wall

M. I can’f find my wallet, and it consist 1 million rupiah and a credit card in it.

W. have you check the jacket you wore

M. I have , but nothing in it

W. calm down, remember, where were you going before

M. I remember I went to Alan’s house just know. I talked with him and accidentally take out my wallet
and put in on his table.

W. why don’t you call him.

M immediately

What does the man lose?

Offering a help.

W. Hello I am coming.

M. please sit down, you look thirty , can I get you something to drink.

W. thank you, I am really thirty, but lift my bag first, it so heavy.

M. no problem, let me carry your bag.

What is the man doing.

Coming to the woman’s house

Offering help to the woman.

Lifting the woman’s bag.

Serving the woman a drink

Feelng so thirty

W. I have to congratulate you for the opening of your new company.

M. Don’t mention it, Thank you, you are my special guest, lets enjoy the party.
W. I hope this new company will be success like your previous company

M. I hope so. The most important is I have to work hard and feel confident

W. that’s right , that the key to be success.

A. The man had the another company before

B. The man is the special guest
C. The man has the key to be success
D. The man works so hard
E. The man mentons something

Hi david how are you

Not so good

I have terrible cold

Really, that’s too bad, you should be at home in bed, it relly important to get some rest

Yeah you right

Have you taken anything for it

No I haven’t

Sometime it’s important to take garlic soup, try it it really work

What does the woman suggest to the man

a. To have terribly cold

b. To get some rest
c. To get some work
d. To et anything in bed
e. To cook soup

Good evening listener. Thisis chat our radio station. I am david , your host in actual news
program tonight, the first news coming from Turki, a slight earthqueake scale 7.8 jolted Turki
and suriah on 6 feb 2023, destroy the building and houses, the video recorded from the air show
the distruction due to the earthquake. Until now the rescue operation from any country keep
making effort to find the victim and survivor. Turki presiden recep tayip erdogan said there were
more 21000 victim and the other 80000 survive with injured. Indonesian foreign affaid order the
ambassador for turkey m Iqbal to move the embassy to adana a city in turkey to facilitate the
arrival of 4 plane which bring aid and logistic from Indonesia

What is the monologue about

the authorities the casualities about 36000 victim, and it will continue raising due to the lost

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