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Eugh! These earphones are impossible to untangle with these weird knots! But, have you
wondered what knots actually are, and how they can potentially save the human race.
Firstly, what really is a knot? In the field of mathematics, it is defined as an embedding of a
circle in the 3D Euclidean space (AKA a thread having its ends joined so it can’t be undone).
Here, we form the simple unknot. Different variations include the trefoil, the square knot and
even the Pretzel Knot!
One might wonder how we distinguish between these knots… Well mathematicians have
come up with many ways to do so. We start off by distinguishing these knots using
Reidemeister Moves – such as the twist, the poke and the slide – this allows us to untangle
complex knots into their simpler versions. Once this is done, we can use knot invariants, or
unchanged properties remained even after Reidemeister moves, to distinguish them knots.
After a breakthrough by James Alexander II, in 1923, we formed the Alexander Polynomial.
Simply, we check the number of crossings; create a matrix based on the crossings’ rules, and
after getting rid of two consecutive columns, we find the matrix value! This simplifies into a
polynomial which represents a knot! For example, the unknot is 1, while the trefoil is
∆ = 1 − t + t2. With recent breakthroughs, we have been able to form new polynomials such
as the Jones Polynomial and the HOMFLY-PT polynomial.
Okay, okay, enough of these boring knots and their polynomials. What is their use, except for
being annoying! Well, in molecular biology, DNA often forms knots, and by studying knot
theory, we can understand DNA replication, gene expression and even possibly treat cancer!
Additionally, we can analyze data sets with dependencies; develop algorithms in Computer
Science, and even study particle interactions in quantum physics!
So, the next time you see your earphones all tangled, just imagine what an impact knot theory
can have!


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