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This text is for questions 16 and 17.


Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce that Forfein Ltd. and GargantuaTbk.are now officially operating
as one. Over the past year, many of you have expressed your support for this combination.
We appreciate your confidence. As the leader in customer relationship management
software, we pledge our continued commitment to enabling your success and delivering the
benefits we expect from this merger:

Customer-Centric Industry Solutions to Fit Your Business

We plan to provide end-to-end integrated business processes by combining the leading front-
office, back-office, and industry solutions from Forfein Ltd. and Gargantua Tbk. The
integration work has begun with a key focus on developing and enhancing business
processes for more than two dozen industries.

Comprehensive Business Analytics to Achieve Greater Business Insight

Our goal is to combine Gargantua Tbk. CRM analytics, Forfein Ltd. ERP analytics, and
analytic content to provide the most comprehensive business analytic solutions to all of our
applications customers.

Flexibility and Choice to Create a Superior Ownership Experience

Our combination creates the largest and most comprehensive offering of on-demand and on-
premise solutions available today, giving customers' choice in how they procure, develop,
implement, and deploy business applications.

Adapted from: https://www.oracle.com/us/assets/ltr-cust072247.pdf (6th November 2019)

16. The purpose of the text is to announce ....

A. the benefits of merging the two companies
B. the merger of Forfein Ltd and GargantuaTbk
C. the operation of Forfein Ltd and GargantuaTbk
D. the appreciation for Forfein Ltd and GargantuaTbk
E. the development and enhancement of business process

17. What will customers probably do after reading this announcement?

A. Forfeit their properties due to inability to pay the merger cost.
B. Ask Forfein Ltd and GargantuaTbk about their reasons for the merger.
C. Sacrifice their budget for the extended services from the merged companies.
D. Consult the Forfein Ltd management and make adjustments to their business
E. Contact the Forfein Ltd management and nullify the published announcement.
This text is for questions 18 to 20.

18. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To promote a tourist resort.

19. From the text we know that Versailles ….

A. a restricted area for public

20. The interior was conceived by Charles le Brun (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. built

This text is for questions 21 to 23

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo Iwo. The
people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well as a creator. He was
satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people enough food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new harvest was
still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his hunger, he destroyed all
the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese turn to rage.
So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his stupidity. They
asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the houses and temples he had
destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep hole.
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the village gave a
sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected before into the hole. The
limestone made the water inside the hole boiling. Kbo Iwo was buried alive. Then the water in
the well rose higher and higher until at last it overflowed and formed Lake Batur.

21. What is the text about?

A. The stupidity of Kbo Iwo.
B. The legend of Lake Batur.
C. The arrogance of Kbo Iwo.
D. The formation of Lake Batur
E. The anger of Balinese people to Kbo Iwo.

22. Kbo Iwo felt angry with Balinese people because they ....
A. ate his meal.
B. turned raged
C. took his food.
D. were in hunger
E. didn’t give him food

23. Which of the following statements is true about Kbo Iwo?

A. Kbo Iwo ate a small amount of meat.
B. Kbo Iwo destroyed all the house but not the tempe.
C. Kbo iwo ate food equal to that for a thousand people.
D. Kbo Iwo is a destroyer that could not make anything.
E. Kbo Iwo was angry because his food was stolen by Balinese people.

This text is for questions 24 and 25.

Dear Sir,

To improve the skills of new marketing staff, we take this opportunity to invite you to the
marketing seminar that will be held from Friday, 3rd April 2020 until Saturday, 4th April 2020.

The seminar is intended to gather information related to strategies for effective marketing that
will support the company development in the future. The seminar will take place in Dewantara
Room, between 8 a.m and 4 p.m.

We are looking forward to new marketing strategies with you in the days ahead.

Please confirm your attendance on 065455667786 (Prita). If you need any information and have
questions, please contact her.

Tika Cahyani
Tika Cahyani
Marketing Manager

24. Who is the invitation addressed to?

A. A new employee.
B. A regional manager.
C. A marketing analyst.
D. A marketing manager.
E. A new marketing staff.

25. It is expected that the addressee will … after attending the seminar.
A. be more productive
B. apply new strategies
C. launch new products
D. serve customers well
E. lead a new department

This text is for questions 26 to 28.

In common use, consumerism refers to a tendency of people living in a capitalist economy to
engage in a lifestyle of excessive materialism that revolves around reflexive, wasteful, or
conspicuous overconsumption. In this sense, consumerism is widely understood to contribute to
the destruction of traditional values and ways of life, exploitation of consumers by big business,
environmental degradation, and negative psychological effects.
Consumerism can be criticised on economic grounds. In the form of conspicuous consumption,
consumerism can impose enormous real costs on economy. Consuming real resources in zero- or
negative-sum competition for social status can offset the gains from commerce in a modern
industrial economy and lead to destructive creation in markets for consumers and other goods.
Consumerism can also create incentives for consumers to take on unsustainable levels of debt,
which can contribute to financial crises and recessions.

Consumerism is also often criticized as cultural grounds. Few see that consumerism can lead to a
materialistic society that neglects other values. Traditional modes of production and ways of life
can be replaced by a focus on consuming ever more costly goods in larger quantities.
Consumerism is often associated with globalization in promoting the production and
consumption of globally traded goods and brands, which can be incompatible with local cultures
and patterns of economic activities.

Environmental problems are frequently associated with consumerism to the extent that consumer
goods industries and the direct effects of consumption produce environmental externalities. These
can include pollution by producing industries, resource depletion due to widespread conspicuous
consumption, and problems with waste disposal from excess consumer goods and packaging.

Lastly, consumerism is often criticised on psychological grounds. It is blamed for increasing

status anxiety, where people experience stress for increasing competition for social status by
increasing their consumption. Psychological experiments have shown that people exposed to
consumerist values based on wealth, status, and material possessions display greater anxiety and

Adopted asp(8thfrom: Novemberhttps://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/consumerism.2019)

26. Who will get more advantages in consumerism?

A. Customers.
B. Employees.
C. Poor people.
D. Business people.
E. The government.

27. After reading the text, the readers are expected to ….

A. buy cheap products
B. care about business growth
C. care about traditional values
D. avoid excessive consumption
E. promote their favourite products

28. Why can consumerism cause financial crises?

A. Consumers take on unsustainable debts.
B. Consumerism displays greater anxiety and depression.
C. Consumerism is often associated with globalization
D. Consumerist values are based on status and material possessions.
E. Consumerism leads to a materialistic society that neglects other values.

This text is for questions 29 to 31.

Why Do Droughts Happen?

A drought is a shortage of precipitation over a period of time. A drought begins with a disruption
to the water cycle, the circulation of water from the Earth's atmosphere to its surface. The water
cycle doesn't always operate so smoothly. When it doesn't, an area can have a drought or a flood.

Changes in air pressure can affect the water cycle. Air pressure is the force with which the air
presses against everything. This force is caused by gravity. Air rises when there is low air
pressure at ground level. This rising air carries water vapor, which can create clouds and
precipitation. Air sinks when there is high pressure at ground level. The high pressure prevents
the air from rising to create clouds and precipitation. If a high-pressure system stays in an area for
a long time, it can cause a drought.

Most droughts are temporary, and can occur in all climates. Some climates are permanently dry,
or arid, such as deserts. Droughts get worse when rivers and streams dry up, so they cause people
without water to drink and to grow food.

Adapted from: Droughts

29. We know from the text that droughts are said worse when ....
A. plants cannot grow
B. they happpen id deserts
C. water cycle is disrupted
D. rivers and streams dry up
E. there is no drinking water

30. “A drought begins with a disruption to the water cycle, the circulation of water from the Earth's
atmosphere to its surface” (Paragraph 1).
The underlined word refers to ….
A. Earth
B. Drought
C. Water cycle
D. Precipitation
E. Circulation of water

31. What does the text concern?

A. Kinds of droughts
B. Why droughts happen.
C. The danger of droughts
D. How to overcome droughts
E. Air pressure changes due to droughts.

This text is for questions 32 to 34.

Jane Hasibuan
Jalan Pelangi 110

November 2, 2022

Personnel Manager
Cemerlang Tours and Travel Surabaya

Dear Sir/Madam:

Reading an online job vacancy advertisement, stating that your tour and travel agency needs a
tour guide, I am interested to apply for such a position.

I am a fresh graduate from a reputable college, majoring in tours and travel. During my studies, I
had apprentice in prominent travel agencies which gave me valuable experiences. I speak English
fluently and French and Japanese as well.

I am friendly and able to work individually and in teams. I also like traveling, adventuring to new

If you’d like to know more about me, you can read my resume. Please feel free to contact number
or send me an e-mail. I am ready every time you call me for an interview.

Jane Hasibuan
Jane Hasibuan

32. What position does Jane Hasibuan apply for?

A. Tour guide
B. French reporter
C. English teacher
D. Japan interpreter
E. Administrative staff

33. How did Jane know the job vacancy?

A. From his friend.
B. By reading a magazine.
C. By reading a newspaper.
D. By browsing the internet.
E. By reading an advertisement in agency office.

34. From the letter we know that Jane Hasibuan ....

A. can speak English only
B. is fond of new experiences
C. doesn’t have an e-mail account
D. is not willing to work in groups
E. ever worked for a travel agency before

This text is for questions 35 to 37

Benny Wijaya
Jalan Nangka 12, Pekan Baru

September 21, 2022

Personnel Manager Kettle, Kettle & Co

Singapore 3333330

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in response to your advertisement posted on your website for a Marketing Assistant.
This job attracted me because it emphasizes opportunities for people who love to learn and also
because of your company's reputation for innovative and high-quality business travel magazine. I
am currently doing some freelance travel writing.

As a fresh graduate, I am well aware that I still have much to learn, so it is exactly this kind of
challenging environment that I am seeking. You will see from my resume that I am someone who
believes in getting results. My proudest achievement is organizing a highly successful student
Arts week. I have a degree in business studies with a specialization in marketing. I have good
organizational skills. I am flexible about where the city I am willing to work.

I am available for an interview at any time. Thank you for taking time to consider this
application. Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email if you have questions about
any of the above. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Benny Wijaya
Benny Wijaya

35. Why did Benny Wijaya write the letter?

A. To apply for the job.
B. To work at the market.
C. To try a new challenge.
D. To learn new environment.
E. To participate in an organization.
36. The writer wants to work in the company because ....?
A. the company offers freelance travel writing
B. the company emphasizes on travel business
C. the company has many branches in many cities
D. the company provides challenging environment
E. the company has reputation for innovative and high-quality travel magazine

37. What is the strength of the applicant?

A. He has much to learn.
B. He is a fresh graduate.
C. He has a good reputation.
D. He has good organizational skills.
E. He is available for an interview at any time.

This text is for questions 38 and 39

Below is a frictional table similar to something that you might encounter in a publication from t
the IRS.
0 - 15 0 0
15 - 20 10 5
20 - 25 12 7
25 - 40 13 9
40 - 70 15 7
70 - 100 18 5
100+ 20 3

38. What is the highest salary you can earn and still pay no taxes?
A. $21,000
B. $20,000
C. $18,000
D. $15,000
E. $10,000

39. What salary range pays 15 percent total, including Tax and Social Security?
A. $0 - $15,000
B. $15,000 - $20,000
C. $20,000 - $25,000
D. $25,000 - $40,000
E. $40,000 - $70,000

This text is for questions 40 and 41. (Caption – Picture)

40. What is the caption about?
A. The production of new cars.

41. What is the benefit of the merge?

A. Better price.

This text is for questions 42 to 44. (News Item)

The Danish Energy Agency and the Danish Embassy in Jakarta have signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with the Indonesian state-owned energy company, PLN.

The MoU with PLN is an outcome of the ongoing Government-to-Government cooperation on

energy between Indonesia and Denmark. The strategic sector cooperation on energy was initiated
in 2016 between the Danish Energy Agency and relevant Indonesian authorities.

Indonesia has set forth a very ambitious target of reducing the country's greenhouse gas
emissions by 29 percent by 2030. In relation to this, the country receives consultancy advice on
Danish experiences within renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy modeling.

The new MoU with the state-owned Indonesian energy company, PLN, focuses on challenges
within future energy modeling in Indonesia. It is hoped the agreement will pave the way for more
renewable energy in Indonesia, and in turn a reduction in the country's large consumption of coal.

The MoU was signed during a large "Cleantech Seminar" in Jakarta during the last week of
November 2017, which was opened by the Danish Prime Minister, Lars Lokke Rasmussen and
the Indonesian Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources, Ignasius Jonan.

"The Danish Energy Agency's cooperation with Indonesia is an example of Danish contribution
to the green transition in one of the large emerging economies that are facing big challenges, but
which also has high ambitions within renewable energy, and in turn large potential for export of
Danish technologies," says the Director of the Danish Energy Agency, Morten Baek.

Adopted from: https://stateofgreen.com/en/profiles/state-ofgreen/news/danish-indonesian-energy-collaboration-

announced (February 16, 2018)

42. What is the news about?

A. A competition on clean energy.
B. A seminar of alternative technology.
C. Indonesia’s effort to increase energy.
D. A cooperation between two countries.
E. A business agreement of two countries.

43. What will Indonesia get from the MoU?

A. An annual seminar to discuss clean energy.
B. Advices related to energy source development.
C. Abundant supplies of clean energy from Denmark.
D. Permission to trade for energy source with Denmark.
E. Danish experts to help Indonesia improve coal energy.

44. “The strategic sector cooperation on energy was initiated in 2016 between the Danish Energy
Agency and relevant Indonesian authorities.” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word can be best replaced by ….
A. started
B. promoted
C. pioneered
D. suggested
E. expected

This text is for questions 45 to 47. (Procedure – Manual)

You can connect a USB device to your computer by inserting its USB plug. The first time you
plug a USB device into a particular USB port on your computer, Windows automatically installs
a driver for that device. After the driver has been installed, you can disconnect and reconnect the
device without performing any additional steps. Before disconnecting a USB storage device,
make sure your computer has finished transferring data to that device. Click the Safely Remove
Hardware and Eject Media icon in the Windows notification area to remove the device before

45. What is the text about?

A. How to insert the USB plug.
B. How to format a USB storage device.
C. How to transfer files in the computer.
D. How to install a driver in the computer.
E. How to connect and disconnect a USB device to the computer.

46. How do we remove the USB device from the computer based on the text?
A. Pull the USB directly.
B. Click “Disconnecting” on the device.
C. Finish the transferring data to the device.
D. Reconnect the device without performing any steps.
E. Click “Eject Media” icon in the Windows notification area.

47. What happens if we insert the USB device for the first time in the computer?
A. It will be formatted by itself.
B. The computer cannot recognize the device.
C. The USB device can be operated with the computer.
D. The USB device will be disconnected automatically.
E. The Windows automatically installs a driver for that device.

This text is for questions 48 to 50. (Procedure – Tips)

Did you just buy a textbook? Do you want to look for other textbooks with the same quality of
yours? It’s not difficult at all. When you first receive your textbook, follow these five steps.
1. Find the Title and Author
What is the title of the textbook and who is/are the author(s) or editor(s) of the textbook.
2. Look at the Table of Contents
Find the table of contents in the front of the textbook. How many chapters are there?
What is the title of the longest chapter? How many pages does it have? What is the title of
the shortest chapter? How many pages is it?
3. Search the Index
Is there an index? (An index is an alphabetised list that points out on what page names,
places, or topics can be found in the textbook). Where in the book is the index located?
Look up any topic under letter C and locate it in the textbook.
4. Seek the Glossary
Is there a glossary? (A glossary is an alphabetised list of words and their meanings. It's
like a dictionary that includes just words used in that book.) What page is it on? Look up
any word that starts with W. Read the definition.
5. Find Another Textbook
What else is in the back of the textbook? Are there any other special sections like maps or
lab guidelines or literary elements? If yes, list them and choose one word or one map or
one set of guidelines to read.

Adapted from: Jones, Darolyn, Barron’s Painless Comprehension, New Jones, York, Barron's Educational Series,

48. The text informs us about....

A. The explanation of textbook accesories
B. The tips to explore a textbook to find the akin ones
C. The procedures on how to borrow and read a textbook
D. The instructions on how to acquire a rare textbook in the market
E. The detailed description of a textbook, its chapters and accessories

49. How do you locate words that start with E to see their definition?
A. Look up any topic under the letter E in the textbook index and read the definition.
B. Look up the author’s name and the year of book publishing on the textbook cover.
C. Look up words that start with E in the textbook glossary and read their definitions.
D. List the words that start with E and choose one word in the last page of the textbook.
E. Look up any word that start with letter E in each chapter in order to get the meaning.

50. How does the text benefit the reader?

A. The readers are able to read faster.
B. The readers can purchase another familiar textbook.
C. The readers can rewrite the textbook into their version.
D. The readers are able to effectively find similar textbooks.
E. The readers can trace and locate the place to buy the textbook.

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