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C Mahlangu

Student Number: 56885318

Study Code: DPR 3704 – 24 – S1

Assignment unique Code: 732356

Date: 06 May 2024

Assignment 2

Assignment Topic: Social Networking and Blogging

I, Mahlangu Mmakgarebe Christina

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M.C Mahlangu 06 May 2024

K Mahlangu 06 May 2024

1. The various challenges I have encountered regarding acquiring an online presence for
NGO via a blogsite.

Sufficient support
Lack of creativity
Lack of knowledge on NGO work

As anything in life, nothing comes easy, hard work perseveres. I define myself as
someone who can always find a way of getting the work done effectively, and one of the
challenges in this case has been having to rely on others to make this Blogsite a
success, which was unfamiliar to me. I initiated an online presence research to help
direct and help me create this blog. The greatest challenge that I had encountered while
creating this blogsite, and social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and
Instagram) was the ability to attract sufficient followers and gain the necessary likes that I
had hoped for, to further support this organization. I never expected it to be as
challenging as it was. One can only do so much, and I felt that I had done enough, yet I
was still unable to consume sufficient followers/likes. Many people see and hear, but we
cannot make anyone do anything they don’t want to do; therefore, it is important to find
ways to get people involved and make them want to support, which has been a great
challenge. I have posted on the organization’s social media accounts, I had posted on my
own personal social media accounts, in the attempt to get more people involved, which
helped, but not nearly enough. What had eventually helped me, was to share the link on
family, church, work, and school groups where I was able to personally explain the
purpose of promoting this NGO. The support from colleagues was greatly appreciated. I
believed that direct communication is more promising and effective form of gaining
support, because people can listen and sympathise, which leads them to wanting to help.

My creativity is one I did not predict to be a challenge, it takes an enormous amount of

creativity, and boldness to effectively attract consumer base, my lack of creativity and
finding new ways of promoting had also served as a challenge to me. My lack of
knowledge in understanding what t takes to run a non-governmental organization has
limited me to helping as much as I would have liked. The confidence and skills required,
and the natural need to want to help.

Lastly, Time, being able to plan out events, run the social media accounts, keeping up to
date with current events, and managing everyday life, has posed as a challenge. I
worked through these challenges by using the ORM method, as a strategy to help crisis
management. I have created a dairy of notes, made checklists, and coded my formal

2. A link to video upload on YouTube that the organization has hosted of one of the events
in Assignment on stories.
3. The general experience of stakeholders regarding the above-mentioned event

4. Demonstration of how I answered a question or comment when a potential stakeholder

engaged my organization and the number of likes my organization has generated since I
created the platform.


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