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Today, I want to discuss a concern that is profoundly impacting the youth of our

country: the effect of social media on attention spans and mental health.

In an age where information is at our fingertips, social media has become an

integral part of our daily lives. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter
offer endless streams of content, capturing our attention and often keeping us
engaged for hours on end.Our attention is the new currency in this digital world.
While these platforms connect us and provide entertainment, they also pose
significant risks, especially for our youth.

One of the most alarming issues is the impact on attention spans. The constant
bombardment of short, fast-paced content is rewiring how our brains process
information. Studies have shown that excessive use of social media can lead to
reduced attention spans, making it challenging for young people to focus on tasks
that require sustained concentration, such as studying or reading.That explains
partly the reason why grades have been falling not only in notre dame but a bunch
of other schools. This fragmentation of attention can hinder academic performance
and diminish the ability to engage deeply with complex subjects.

Moreover, the curated nature of social media feeds can create unrealistic standards
and foster a culture of comparison.A little bubble is formed which traps you in it.
Young people are constantly exposed to idealized versions of reality, leading to
feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. The pressure to maintain a perfect
online persona can contribute to anxiety, depression, and other mental health

Well as our parents always told it is the damn phone. Using a fliphone for a while
seems like the biggest step you can take in tackling this.

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