Diagnostic Test.2

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A New Beginning at Glan-Padidu National High School

It was the first day of school at Glan-Padidu National High School, and Rhiana
Sandoval was both excited and nervous. She had spent the entire summer wondering
what it would be like to finally be a Grade 7 student. She had heard stories from her
older brother about how different high school was from elementary, and now it was her
turn to experience it.

Rhiana woke up early, put on her freshly ironed uniform, and quickly ate
breakfast. Her mother wished her good luck as she left the house, and Rhiana felt a mix
of butterflies and anticipation. The school was only a short walk from her home, and as
she approached the gates, she saw groups of students chatting and laughing. She took
a deep breath and walked in.

Her first class was English, and she found Room 101 without much trouble.
Inside, she saw some familiar faces from her old school, which made her feel a little
better. She chose a seat near the window and waited for the teacher. Mrs. Gallarde,
their English teacher, greeted them with a warm smile and introduced herself. She told
them that Grade 7 was going to be a fun and challenging year, full of new things to learn
and new friends to make.

During lunch break, Rhiana sat with some of her old friends and shared stories
about their summer vacations. They were soon joined by a few new classmates, and
Rhiana found herself laughing and enjoying the conversation. She realized that
everyone was a little nervous on their first day, but that they were all in it together.

The afternoon went by quickly with classes in Math and Science. Mr. Bello made
math seem exciting, and Mrs. Nieves' enthusiasm for science was contagious. By the
end of the day, Rhiana felt more confident. She was excited about the new subjects and
the interesting topics her teachers had mentioned. As she walked home, she thought
about all the new friends she had already made and how much she was looking forward
to the rest of the school year. Glan-Padidu National High School was already starting to
feel like a second home.
Literal Comprehension Questions

1. What is the name of the main character in the story?

a. Maria Sanchez
b. Rhiana Sandoval
c. Ana Reyes
d. Carla Diaz
2. What grade is Rhiana Sandoval starting?
a. Grade 6
b. Grade 8
c. Grade 7
d. Grade 9
3. What did Rhiana's mother wish her as she left the house?
a. Good luck
b. Have fun
c. Be careful
d. Study hard
4. Which room was Rhiana's first class in?
a. Room 202
b. Room 101
c. Room 303
d. Room 404
5. Who is Rhiana's English teacher?
a. Mr. Santos
b. Mrs. Gallarde
c. Mrs. Nieves
d. Mr. Bello
6. What did Mrs. Gallarde say Grade 7 would be like?
a. easy and boring
b. fun and challenging
c. difficult and stressful
d. relaxing and slow-paced
7. Who are the other two teachers mentioned in the story?
a. Mrs. Santos and Mr. Nieves
b. Mr. Bello and Mrs. Gallarde
c. Mr. Bello and Mrs. Nieves
d. Mrs. Nieves and Mr. Santos
8. What did Rhiana and her friends talk about during lunch break?
a. their summer vacations
b. homework assignments
c. sports activities
d. their favorite books
9. Which subject did Mr. Bello teach?
a. English
b. Science
c. Math
d. History
10. How did Mrs. Nieves' enthusiasm for science affect Rhiana?
a. It made her bored
b. It made her sleepy
c. It made her enthusiastic about science
d. It made her anxious

Inferential Comprehension Questions

1. Why was Rhiana both excited and nervous about her first day of Grade 7?
a. She didn't like her new uniform.
b. She was curious and anxious about the new experiences.
c. She already knew everyone.
d. She was afraid of her teachers.
2. How did seeing familiar faces in her English class make Rhiana feel?
a. lonely
b. angry
c. comfortable
d. uninterested
3. Why do you think Mrs. Gallarde described Grade 7 as both fun and challenging?
a. To scare the students
b. To set realistic expectations
c. To make them feel relaxed
d. To confuse them
4. What might be the significance of Rhiana choosing a seat near the window?
a. She likes the sunlight.
b. She wants to daydream.
c. She feels safer near the window.
d. She wants to look outside.
5. How do you think Rhiana felt during lunch break with her new classmates?
a. isolated
b. depressed
c. happy
d. nervous
6. Why was Rhiana more confident by the end of the day?
a. She didn’t have any homework
b. She made new friends and enjoyed her classes
c. She didn't like her teachers
d. She found the subjects too easy
7. What can you infer about Rhiana’s attitude towards her new teachers?
a. She disliked them
b. She was indifferent
c. She was excited to learn from them
d. She was scared of them
8. How do you think Rhiana’s walk home reflected her feelings about the first day?
a. She walked slowly because she was sad
b. She ran home because she was scared
c. She walked happily, looking forward to the next day
d. She was anxious and hurried home
9. What could be the reason Rhiana found Mr. Bello's math class exciting?
a. Mr. Bello gave no homework
b. Mr. Bello made math interesting
c. Mr. Bello was strict
d. Mr. Bello didn’t teach at all
10. Why do you think Glan-Padidu National High School started to feel like a second
home to Rhiana?
a. She missed her old school
b. She felt welcomed and comfortable there
c. She disliked her home
d. She found it boring

Evaluative Comprehension Questions

1. Do you think Rhiana's preparation for her first day of school helped her feel more
confident? Why or why not?
a. Yes, because being prepared always reduces anxiety
b. No, because preparation doesn't affect confidence
c. Yes, because she liked her new uniform
d. No, because her mother didn’t go with her
2. Evaluate the importance of having a supportive teacher like Mrs. Gallarde on the
first day of school.
a. It's not important at all
b. It's very important for easing student anxieties
c. It makes no difference
d. It can make students more nervous
3. Do you believe that seeing familiar faces can significantly impact one’s first day
at a new school? Explain.
a. Yes, it makes the day more comfortable and less nervous.
b. Sometimes, it helps a little bit but isn’t necessary for having a good day.
c. No, because making new friends is what really matters.
d. No, it might stop them in meeting new friends.
4. How well did the story convey the significance of a good teacher in making
subjects interesting?
a. The story conveyed this very well by showing how Mr. Bello made math
exciting and Mrs. Nieves’ enthusiasm for science was contagious.
b. The story conveyed this somewhat well but didn't provide enough detail
about how the teachers made the subjects interesting.
c. The story did not convey this well because it didn't focus on the
teachers' methods or their impact on the students.
d. The story conveyed this poorly because it focused more on Rhiana's
emotions rather than the teachers' influence.
5. Do you think Rhiana's experience is relatable to most Grade 7 students? Why or
why not?
a. Yes, because many students feel nervous and excited during first day
of class.
b. No, because most students do not care about first day of class.
c. Sometimes, depending on the school.
d. No, because her experience was unique
6. How important are positive first-day experiences in shaping a student's overall
perception of school?
a. Positive first-day experiences are somewhat important but can be
quickly forgotten as the year progresses.

b. Positive first-day experiences are not important because they don't

really matter in the long run.
c. Positive first-day experiences are very important because they can set
the tone for the entire year, making students feel more confident and
excited about school.
d. Positive first-day experiences can negatively impact students by making
them dislike school if they have unrealistic expectations.
7. How important is it for schools to foster a welcoming environment for new
a. It is very important for schools to foster a welcoming environment
because it significantly helps new students adjust and feel comfortable.
b. It is not important for schools to foster a welcoming environment
because students will adapt to the school environment on their own
c. It is somewhat important for schools to foster a welcoming environment,
but it is not crucial for the students' overall adjustment.
d. It is not important at all for schools to raise a welcoming environment
because it has no significant impact on new students.
8. What can we tell about the school at Glan-Padidu National High School based on
Rhiana’s experiences?
a. The school at Glan-Padidu National High School seems exclusive and
unfriendly because it might be hard for new students to fit in.
b. The school at Glan-Padidu National High School seems competitive
and strict because the focus is more on grades and discipline.
c. The school at Glan-Padidu National High School seems disorganized
and chaotic because the story suggests a lack of structure.
d. The school at Glan-Padidu National High School seems welcoming and
inclusive because everyone is friendly and supportive.
9. How well do Rhiana’s teachers help make her first day positive?
a. Rhiana’s teachers help make her first day positive somewhat well
because they provide a good introduction but could be more supportive.
b. Rhiana’s teachers help make her first day positive very well because
their enthusiasm and friendliness make the day fun and engaging.
c. Rhiana’s teachers do not help make her first day positive because they
don't do anything significant to help her feel positive.
d. Rhiana’s teachers help make her first day positive poorly because their
methods do not help make the first day memorable or comfortable.
10. How would you describe the role of Rhiana's mother in the story?
a. Rhiana's mother is supportive and encouraging because her good luck
wish helps boost Rhiana’s confidence.
b. Rhiana's mother is overbearing and controlling because her
involvement is too intense for Rhiana’s independence.
c. Rhiana's mother is indifferent and uninvolved because she doesn’t play
a significant role in Rhiana’s day.
d. Rhiana's mother is discouraging and critical because her attitude
negatively impacts Rhiana’s feelings.

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