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There are different endings to the adjectives we can use to describe feelings.

• -ED adjectives
-ed adjectives are used to describe how a person or an animal feels.
Nouns in these sentences are things that are alive.
I am bored because I have nothing to do.
Susan is excited because she is going on vacation tomorrow.
My cat is frightened because of the storm.
• -ING adjectives
-ing adjectives are used to show the cause of a feeling.
The noun in the sentence causes this feeling.
This game is exciting. That song is annoying. The trip was tiring.

1 Common -ed adjectives

Put the -ed adjectives into the correct category.

confused embarrassed frightened interested refreshed satisfied shocked thrilled



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Can you think of any more -ed adjectives?

Now, choose the best adjective from page 1 for each of the sentences below.
I was very with our stay at the hotel. The service was amazing.
Chloe was really when she spilled coffee on her coworker by accident.
The man was when he heard a noise. He thought it might be a bear.
Zachary was by the waiter’s behavior. He thought it was very rude.
Anne felt . The shower was great after a long run.
Isaac was when he won first prize. It was a vacation to the Bahamas.
Paul was by the instructions. They didn’t make any sense.
He was by the way the artist painted. It was very unusual.

2 Common -ing adjectives

Choose the best -ing adjective for each sentence. Then compare your choices with a partner.

relaxing depressing exciting worrying

boring tiring disappointing annoying

1. Beach vacations are . 2. Rain is sometimes .

3. Rollercoasters are . 4. It is when you have no money.

5. Work meetings are often . 6. Running is .

7. It is to fail an exam. 8. Mosquitoes are .

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3 Practice 1

Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1. I don’t like black and white movies. I think they are . bored/boring
2. Max was really when he couldn’t go to the game. disappointed/disappointing
3. The news can be very and it’s always on TV. depressing/depressed
4. The dog was very . It couldn’t find the toy anywhere. confused/confusing
5. Lemonade is very , especially on a hot day. refreshed/refreshing
6. Hermann was very . He went swimming and then sunbathed. relaxed/relaxing
7. It is very that I will have my own car soon. I can’t wait to drive it. excited/exciting
8. Samantha was to sing. Her voice wasn’t very good. embarrassed/embarrassing

4 Practice 2

Put a check mark after the sentences that are correct. Correct the sentences that are wrong.

Example: The boy was boring. He couldn’t see out of the window on the plane. bored

1. I was shocked when they said my name. My picture was the worst.
2. Vincent was interesting when they started talking about football.
3. The woman was tiring after they walked 10km. She wanted to relax in the cafe.
4. It is worrying when you don’t have a job. It is very difficult to pay your rent and bills.

5. Rita was satisfying when she finally got her money back from the vacation company.

6. Gareth was thrilling when he got a new bike for his birthday.
7. Evan is annoying because he never stops talking.
8. That dog is frightened. It has really big teeth.

5 Further practice

This exercise can be done alone or in pairs.

If you are working by yourself, choose 3 different adjectives and create a pair of sentences for each.
If you are working in pairs, choose 3 adjectives for your partner, and they will write 3 pairs of sentences
with them.

My sister is annoying. She took my favorite necklace again today.
My sister is annoyed. I took her phone to school.

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