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Directions (1-5) Read the following passage the child. It determines which parent will have
and answer the given questions. physical custody of the child and makes
Family law is a branch of civil law that deals provisions for visitation rights. Child support, on
with legal issues and matters relating to the the other hand, ensures that both parents
family unit, including marriage, divorce, child contribute financially to the upbringing and
custody, adoption, and domestic violence. It well-being of their children.
encompasses a wide range of legal rights, Adoption is another area of family law that
responsibilities, and obligations that govern involves the legal process of creating a legal
familial relationships and aim to protect the parent-child relationship between individuals
interests and welfare of family members. who are not biologically related. It provides
The primary objective of family law is to provide opportunities for individuals or couples to
a legal framework that promotes stability, become parents to children who may not have
fairness, and protection within families. It biological parents or whose biological parents
addresses the diverse needs and complexities are unable to care for them. Adoption involves
of family dynamics while ensuring the well- a complex legal process to ensure the welfare
being of individuals involved. Family law plays a of the child and the legal rights of all parties
crucial role in resolving disputes, establishing involved.
legal relationships, and ensuring the proper Domestic violence is a critical issue addressed
functioning of familial institutions. by family law. It encompasses physical,
Marriage is one of the central aspects of family emotional, or psychological abuse inflicted
law. It is a legal union between two individuals, within the family or domestic setting. Family law
providing them with certain rights and provides legal mechanisms to protect victims of
responsibilities. Family law governs various domestic violence and secure their safety
aspects of marriage, including the validity of through restraining orders, protective orders,
marriage, requirements for marriage, and the and other legal remedies.
legal consequences of marriage, such as
Q1 In the fictional case of Johnson v. Williams,
property rights, spousal support, and
a couple filed for divorce and sought
inheritance rights.
custody of their child. The court awarded
Divorce is another significant area of family law.
joint custody, allowing both parents to
It deals with the dissolution of a marriage and
share decision-making authority and
the legal processes involved in ending the
physical custody of the child. Which
marital relationship. Family law addresses issues
principle of family law does this fictional
related to divorce, including grounds for
case best exemplify?
divorce, division of marital property, child
(A) Best interests of the child
custody and support, and spousal
(B) No-fault divorce
(C) Community property
Child custody and support are crucial aspects
(D) Equitable distribution
of family law, focusing on the best interests of

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Q2 In the fictional case of Patel v. Smith, a (A) Adoption (B) Guardianship

couple decided to adopt a child and went (C) Child support (D) Child custody
through the legal process to establish a
Directions (6-10) Read the following passage
legal parent-child relationship. The court
and answer the given questions.
granted the couple full parental rights and
The Kerala High Court on Tuesday ruled that
responsibilities. Which legal concept of
the law does not recognise live-in relationships
family law is demonstrated in this fictional
as marriage or legal union and that it only
recognises weddings as legal union that are
solemnised under personal or secular laws.
(A) No-fault divorce
Therefore, a couple that lives together by virtue
(B) Joint custody
of an agreement cannot claim it to be a
(C) Termination of parental rights
marriage nor seek a divorce based on that, the
(D) Adoption
high court said. The ruling by a bench of
Q3 In the fictional case of Johnson v. Smith, Justices A Muhamed Mustaque and Sophy
the couple decided to get a divorce due Thomas came on an interfaith couple's appeal
to irreconcilable differences. The court against a family court order dismissing their
awarded joint custody of their child, with plea for divorce on the ground that their
alternating physical custody every week. marriage was not solemnised under the Special
Which legal concept of family law is Marriage Act, news agency PTI reported.
exemplified in this fictional case? The couple, one a Hindu and the other
(A) No-fault divorce Christian, had been living together since 2006
(B) Sole custody under a registered agreement and had a 16-
(C) Shared parenting year-old child. They moved to the family court
(D) Alimony for divorce as they no longer wanted to
continue their relationship. Disposing of their
Q4 In the fictional case of Patel v. Brown, a
appeal, the high court said, "The law is yet to
couple got married and jointly purchased
recognise the live-in relationship as marriage.
a house. Unfortunately, their marriage
The law accords recognition only if the
ended in divorce. As part of the divorce
marriage is solemnised in accordance with
settlement, the court ordered the division
personal law or in accordance with secular law
of the marital property based on the
like the Special Marriage Act.”
principle of equitable distribution. Which
The high court said that while there may be a
legal principle of family law is exemplified
situation where such a relationship qualifies for
in this fictional case?
creation of reciprocal obligation or duties
(A) Community property
elsewhere that do not mean it can be
(B) No-fault divorce
recognised for the purpose of divorce. The
(C) Pre-marital agreement
bench further said that law relating to divorce is
(D) Best interests of the child
peculiar in our country and customised through
Q5 In a fictional case, Johnson v. Smith, a legislation. "The extra-judicial divorce followed
court granted sole custody of a child to in some communities also got recognition
Johnson, the non-biological parent, after through statutory laws. All other forms of
considering the child's best interests. divorce are of statutory nature. "The statute
Which legal concept of family law does only recognises or allows the parties to divorce
this fictional case illustrate? if they are married in accordance with the

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recognised form of marriage applicable as per A couple has been in a live-in relationship
the personal law or secular law," it said in its for six years. They contemplated marriage
order dated June 8. The high court also held but had not consummated it. When they
that in the present case, the family court did conceive a child, will the child be
not have the jurisdiction to entertain such a considered illegitimate?
claim for separation in the first place and (A) No, as they intended to marry, with
instead of dismissing the couple's plea, it should consummation pending.
have returned the petition by saying it was not (B) No, since a child born to unmarried
maintainable. adults in a live-in relationship is
"Any marriage entered into between the parties considered illegitimate.
through a contract has, so far, not got any (C) Yes, as any child born out of wedlock is
recognition under law for the purpose of deemed illegitimate.
granting divorce. In such circumstances, the (D) Yes, since despite their intention to
family court also does not have jurisdiction to marry, consummation is pivotal in
entertain such a claim for divorce," the bench determining a child's legitimacy.
Q8 X, the sole breadwinner, and Y, a couple in
It directed the family court to return the couple's
a live-in relationship for four years, face Y's
plea holding that it was not maintainable.
extensive abuse by X, causing her mental
Q6 A couple initially began cohabiting in a distress. With no intention of marriage, Y
live-in relationship to assess the viability of seeks separation and claims maintenance
their future married life. Subsequently, they under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal
decided to formalize their relationship and Procedure, citing her lack of alternative
conducted a marriage ceremony in front income. Will her claim succeed?
of a deity in their home. Despite not (A) No, as X and Y were neither married nor
registering their marriage, their divorcing.
cohabitation continued as a married (B) No, since only a wife can claim
couple, and society recognized them as maintenance under Section 125 of the
such. Is this arrangement to be considered Code of Criminal Procedure.
a live-in relationship or a marriage? (C) Yes, despite Y not being X's wife, she
(A) It will be considered a marital union can claim maintenance to avoid
since marriage registration is not destitution due to her lack of
mandatory. alternative livelihood.
(B) It will be considered a live-in (D) Yes, as the primary concern is Y's well-
relationship as they did not complete being, she can claim maintenance
the formalities of a legally recognized under Section 125 of Cr.P.C.
Q9 X and Y, in a four-year live-in relationship,
(C) The determination depends on the
witness an escalation of abuse from X
parties' intentions, which clearly
towards Y, leading to her mental anguish.
indicate their desire for marriage.
With no intention to marry, Y seeks alimony.
(D) The perception of the public,
Will her claim be successful?
recognizing them as a married couple,
(A) No, as X and Y were neither married nor
establishes their marital status.
pursuing a divorce.
Q7 (B) No, as only a wife can claim alimony.

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(C) Yes, even though Y is not X's wife, she They don’t fall under the Sapinda relationship,
can claim alimony to prevent or within the degree of prohibited relationship
destitution. unless it is allowed by their custom or tradition.
(D) Yes, to safeguard X's interests, alimony The person shall be not suffering from any
can be claimed. insanity or mental disorder at the time of the
Q10 Which of the following best defines a live-
Essential elements of Section 5
in relationship under the law?
Condition of monogamy
(A) A relationship between two
Section 5 (i) of the Hindu marriage act 1955
consenting adults of the same sex.
states that at the time of the marriage a person
(B) A relationship between individuals who
should not have a living spouse.
live together or have lived together in
a shared household, and are related
Bigamy amounts to having two living wives at
through a marriage-like relationship.
the same time which is illegal in Hindu law;
(C) A contractual agreement in which a
without finalizing the divorce from the first
man and a woman agree to cohabit
marriage, a person can’t marry someone else.
and engage in daily activities
Conditions regarding mental health or capacity
Section 5 (ii) (a),(b),(c) Hindu marriage Act 1955
(D) Both a and b.
discusses the condition of valid of Hindu
Directions (11-15) Read the following passage marriage related to mental health or capacity
and answer the given questions. of the person; if a person is suffering from
Section 2 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 states unsoundness of mind at the time of marriage,
that this act applies to any person who is a Marriage will be considered as void.
Hindu by birth or who has changed his/her Sapinda relationship
religion to either any of its forms such as All prohibited relationships are Sapinda but all
Virashaiva, a Lingayat or a follower of the Sapinda relationships are not prohibited
Brahmo, Prarthana or Arya Samaj. relationships. Sapinda relationship is the chain
Section 5 A valid marriage shall be solemnized of all the relationship from the side of the
between two Hindus if the following conditions brother and sister in the family; they can’t marry
are fulfilled: each other due to prohibited relationship and
Any person doesn’t have a spouse living at the also their generation till three generations from
time of the marriage. According to the Hindu the girl side and five-generation from the boy
Marriage Act, It is not permissible to have two side, till that they all are in Sapinda
living wives at the same point in time, which relationship.
amounts to bigamy. It is punishable under
Q11 In a remote village, there exists a custom
Section 494 of the Indian Penal Code.
that allows individuals to marry their step-
The groom shall attain the age of 21 and the
siblings, even though such relationships
bride attains the age of 18. It is necessary at the
are generally prohibited by the Hindu
time of marriage the person shall attain the
Marriage Act, 1955. How would the Act
specified age given in this Act.
impact marriages involving step-siblings
The consent shall not be given by coercion or
in this village?
threat. In the modern world, a father can’t get
(A) The Act would not apply to marriages
the girl married to any without a girl’s consent.
within this village.
Marriage will be void.

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Marriages involving step-siblings would The marriage would be valid if Alok's

be void. parents provide consent.
(C) Marriages involving step-siblings (B) The marriage would be void due to
would be valid, based on their custom. Alok's intellectual disability.
(D) Marriages involving step-siblings (C) The marriage would be voidable at
would require special government Neha's discretion.
approval. (D) The marriage would be valid if Alok
comprehended the nature of
Q12 Maya's family is coercing her into a
marriage against her will, and they have
manipulated circumstances to make it Q15 Radhika is facing serious financial
appear consensual. What would be the difficulties, and her family pressures her
legal status of the marriage if Maya goes into marrying a wealthy person against
through with it due to these pressures? her wishes. She agrees to the marriage
(A) The marriage would be considered under extreme duress. What would be the
valid. legal status of the marriage according to
(B) The marriage would be voidable at the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955?
Maya's discretion. (A) The marriage would be considered
(C) The marriage would be void. valid due to Radhika's agreement.
(D) The marriage would be conditionally (B) The marriage would be voidable at
valid, pending Maya's consent. the discretion of Radhika.
(C) The marriage would be void due to
Q13 Rohit and Nisha, both Hindus,
Radhika's lack of free consent.
unknowingly marry each other while
(D) The marriage would be valid, but
being in a prohibited Sapinda
Radhika could claim damages.
relationship. Rohit suddenly passes away
without children. According to the Hindu Directions (16-20) Read the following passage
Marriage Act, 1955, how would Nisha's and answer the given questions.
inheritance rights be affected? The laws governing Hindu marriage, restitution
(A) Nisha would be entitled to Rohit's of conjugal rights, judicial separation, divorce,
inheritance due to the marriage. annulment of marriage, maintenance, and
(B) Nisha would not have any inheritance guardianship are included in the Hindu
rights due to the prohibited nature of Marriage Act, 1955, which was passed by the
the marriage. legislature. Sections 5 and 7 of the Hindu
(C) Nisha's inheritance rights would be Marriage Act of 1955 address the requirements
determined by the court. for a legally binding union among Hindus.
(D) Nisha's inheritance rights would Essential features of the Hindu Marriage Act,
depend on whether Rohit's family 1955-
accepts her. Forbidding bigamy: The law forbids a man from
having multiple wives at the same time. Section
Q14 Alok, a 20-year-old with an intellectual
5 of the Act specifies that it is illegal to have
disability, wishes to marry Neha, a 25-
two living wives at once, which is known as
year-old. Both are Hindus. According to
bigamy. It implies that one cannot get married
the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, what would
to someone else without first divorcing their
be the legal status of their marriage?
spouse (divorce). If he does the act, the second

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marriage will be considered void and he will be (A) No, they have not reached the legal
penalised in accordance with Sections 494 and age of marriage as the legal age for
495 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. marriage for boys is 21.
Marriageable age prescribed: The time frame (B) Yes, the marriage would be valid but
for getting married is set forth by legislation. punishment would be given to them.
According to Section 5 (iii) of the Hindu (C) No, they have not reached the legal
Marriage Act of 1955, the bridegroom must be age of marriage as legal age for
at least 21 years old and the bride must be at marriage for girls is 21 years.
least 18 years old when they get married. If a (D) Yes, the legal age of marriage is not
marriage is carried out without fullfilling this important as they love each other.
condition , it is void and has no legal standing.
Q17 Arjun and Meenal got married as per the
Act of 1955 intends to protect the party’s
Hindu Marriage Act. A few months after
marriage: The restitution of conjugal rights is
the marriage Meenal was found
provided for in Section 9 of the 1955 Act.
pregnant, it was discovered that she was
Restitution of conjugal rights refers to the right
made pregnant by her ex-boyfriend
to remain together. Conjugal rights are defined
before the marriage. What legal action
as rights deriving from a marital tie. The main
can Arjun take regarding the situation?
idea of Section 9 is that a spouse has the right
(A) Arjun can immediately file for divorce
to cohabitate in order to safeguard their union
and seek compensation from Meenal.
and preserve its sanctity.
(B) Arjun can seek annulment of the
Focus on the mental stability of parties getting
marriage because he had no
married: A person’s marriage will be null and
knowledge about the pregnancy at
void if they were mentally unfit when they were
the time of marriage.
hitched. The individual must also offer legally
(C) Arjun has no legal grounds to take any
binding consent before becoming married. The
action because he should have asked
prerequisites of Hindu marriage related to
her about it before the marriage.
mental health and capacity are stated in
(D) Arjun can claim custody of the child
Section 5(ii)(a),(b),(c).
and request maintenance from
Any marriage is voidable and subject to
annulment for the following reasons:
Failure to consummate the union due to Q18 John, a Hindu, is currently married to
impotence that may be partial or complete, Maria. He falls in love with Sarah and
which may be complete or partial (for instance, decides to marry her without divorcing
impotence quoad hoc conditions); Maria. What is the legal status of his
Violation of the valid consent due to marriage with Maria under the Hindu
condition(s) of mental illness specified in Marriage Act,1955?
Section 5; or (A) John's second marriage can be
Respondent’s pregnancy by someone other considered legal if he divorces his first
than the petitioner at the time of the union wife.
without its knowledge. (B) John's actions are illegal, and he may
face legal penalties under the Hindu
Q16 Jungkook, 18-year-old first year student
Marriage Act of 1955.
of NLIU wants to marry love of his life
(C) John's marriage with Sarah is void.
Rashi who is also 18 years old. Is their
marriage valid under Hindu marriage Act?

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John's actions are permissible as long marriage is termed adultery. Adultery is counted
as he obtains consent from both Maria as a criminal offense and substantial proof are
and Sarah. required to establish it. An amendment to the
law in 1976 states that one single act of adultery
Q19 Arvind and Kavita have been married for
is enough for the petitioner to get a divorce.
four years. Kavita recently discovered that
Cruelty – A spouse can file a divorce case when
Arvind has a medical condition that
he/she is subjected to any kind of mental and
renders him unable to have children or he
physical injury that causes danger to life, limb
can have children only after going
and health. The intangible acts of cruelty
through substantial medical treatment.
through mental torture are not judged upon
Distressed by this revelation, Kavita wants
one single act but series of incidents. Certain
to end the marriage. What legal action
instances like the food being denied,
can Kavita take based on the Hindu
continuous ill-treatment and abuses to acquire
Marriage Act?
dowry, perverse sexual act etc are included
(A) Kavita can remarriage immediately.
under cruelty.
(B) Kavita can seek annulment of the
Desertion – If one of the spouses voluntarily
marriage on the grounds of partial or
abandons his/her partner for at least a period
complete infertility.
of two years, the abandoned spouse can file a
(C) Kavita can claim maintenance from
divorce case on the ground of desertion.
Conversion – In case either of the two converts
(D) Kavita can seek for the annulment only
himself/herself into another religion, the other
if he is completely impotent.
spouse may file a divorce case based on this
Q20 Under what circumstances can a ground.
marriage be annulled under the Hindu Mental Disorder – Mental disorder can become
Marriage Act, 1955? a ground for filing a divorce if the spouse of the
(A) If the couple decides they no longer petitioner suffers from incurable mental disorder
want to live together for a certain and insanity and therefore cannot be expected
period. from the couple to stay together.
(B) If one of the spouses has a temporary Leprosy – In case of a ‘virulent and incurable’
mental illness developed after the form of leprosy, a petition can be filed by the
marriage. other spouse based on this ground.
(C) If one of the spouses is pregnant by Venereal Disease – If one of the spouses is
someone other than the petitioner at suffering from a serious disease that is easily
the time of the union. communicable, a divorce can be filed by the
(D) If the couple has been living other spouse. Sexually transmitted diseases like
separately for one year without AIDS are accounted to be venereal diseases.
reconciliation. Renunciation – A spouse is entitled to file for a
divorce if the other renounces all worldly affairs
Directions (21-25) Read the following passage by embracing a religious order.
and answer the given questions. Not Heard Alive – If a person is not seen or
The following are the grounds for divorce in heard alive by those who are expected to be
India mentioned under the Hindu Marriage Act, ‘naturally heard’ of the person for a continuous
1955. period of seven years, the person is presumed
Adultery – The act of indulging in any kind of to be dead. The other spouse should need to
sexual relationship including intercourse outside

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file a divorce if he/she is interested in trapped in the marriage alone. Is his

remarriage. action legally valid?
No Resumption of Co-habitation – It becomes (A) Yes, Abhishek's renunciation of worldly
a ground for divorce if the couple fails to affairs will prevent Pragati from getting
resume their co-habitation after the court has a divorce.
passed a decree of separation. (B) No,the person renouncing worldly
affairs shouldn’t think about
Q21 Which of the following statements is true
in the scenario given below?
(C) Yes, renunciation of worldly affairs is a
Abhishek and Pragati got married when
legal strategy to prevent divorce in
Abhishek was a believer of religion X.
Later, Abhishek converted to religion Y.
(D) No, renunciation of worldly affairs can
(A) Pragati can file for divorce on the
be considered as a ground for divorce
ground of conversion
under the Hindu Marriage Act.
(B) Pragati cannot file for divorce on the
ground of conversion. Q24 Can Abhishek file for divorce on the
(C) Pragati can file for divorce on the grounds of adultery if he knows that
ground of cruelty. Pragati is having an extramarital affair
(D) Pragati cannot file for divorce on the but doesn't have any concrete proof?
ground of cruelty. (A) Yes, he can file for divorce based on
his suspicion alone.
(B) No, he needs to provide concrete
Q22 Which of the following statements is true
proof of Pragati's extramarital affair to
in the scenario given below?
file for divorce.
Abhishek and Pragati were married for six
(C) Yes, he can file for divorce if he can
years. One day,when Pragati came home
establish a strong suspicion of
from work she didn’t like the taste of food
Pragati's extramarital affair.
prepared by Abhishek and in anger
(D) No, adultery cannot be considered as
shouted at him now Abhishek wants to
a ground for divorce under the Hindu
file for divorce on the ground of cruelty
Marriage Act.
stating that Pragati has mentally tortured
him. Can he do so?.
(A) Abhishek can file for divorce on the Q25 After Pragati went missing during the
grounds of cruelty. Kumbh Fair, Abhishek got married to
(B) Pragati can file for divorce on the Shruti 13 months later under societal
ground of cruelty. pressure. After six years of Abhishek's
(C) Abhishek cannot file for divorce on the second marriage, Pragati filed a petition
ground of cruelty. to declare Abhishek's second marriage
(D) Abhishek shouldn’t file for divorce on null and void. However, Abhishek
the ground of cruelty as constructive contested the plea stating that he had
criticism is good thing. obtained a divorce since Pragati was
absent for 7 years. Is Abhishek's claim
Q23 After being shouted at by Pragati and
(A) Abhishek's second marriage to Shruti
denied divorce, Abhishek renounces all
is still valid as Pragati's absence of
worldly affairs hoping that Pragati will be

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seven years is considered limb, or wellbeing (regardless of whether mental

abandonment and divorce was or physical) of the woman; or
obtained. harassment of the woman where such
(B) No,Abhishek’s claim are not valid, harassment is with the end goal of pressuring
Pragati's plea to declare Abhishek's her or any individual identified with her to fulfil
second marriage null and void is valid, any unlawful need for any property or
and Abhishek should have obtained a important security or is because of
divorce from Pragati before marrying disappointment by her or any individual
Shruti. identified with her to satisfy such need.
(C) Abhishek's second marriage to Shruti Desertion in simple terms can also be
is null and void since Pragati considered as an act of abandoning a person.
reappeared after seven years. Thus it had been defined under Section 10(ib) of
(D) Abhishek can keep both Shruti and the Hindu Marriage Act 1955. It states that
Pragati as his wives under Indian laws. divorce can happen if the petitioner has been
deserted by the respondent for a continuous
Directions (26-30) Read the following passage
period of two years immediately after the
and answer the given questions.
presentation of the petition. Renunciation
The grounds of divorce under the Hindu
A person may file a divorce under Section 13(1)
Marriage Act had been stated under Section 13
(vi) if one of the spouses renounces all worldly
of the said act. Thus these grounds are lawfully
affairs by embracing religion or any other belief.
valid grounds for divorce and if such
Presumption of death
circumstances arise, then, unfortunately, divorce
If an individual isn’t seen or heard alive by those
is bound to take place.
who are required to ‘normally know about’ the
individual for a persistent time of seven years,
Adultery had been defined under Section 13(1)(i).
the individual is considered to be dead. Thus
It states that after solemnization of marriage if
such a situation is also a ground of divorce as
a married person with the ties of marital bonds
being stated under Section 13(1)(vii).
is having sexual intercourse with another person
who is not his or her spouse, is said to have Q26 Rajan and Nisha have been married for
committed adultery. six years. Over the past year, Rajan has
Cruelty been making constant remarks about
Cruelty in simple terms means torturing or Nisha's appearance, often comparing her
unreasonable brutal behaviour against one. negatively to other women. Additionally,
Thus Section 13(1)(ii) states that even after he frequently gives her the silent
solemnization of marriage, treating the treatment for days on end over minor
petitioner with cruelty can also be considered disagreements. Nisha has become
as a ground for marriage. Cruelty is also a increasingly withdrawn and anxious due
criminal offense and also has statutory to these behaviors. Based on the
provisions for the same. Section 498A of the information provided, would Nisha be
Indian Penal Code states about the cruelty by able to file for divorce on the grounds of
the husband or the relative of the husband on cruelty under the Hindu Marriage Act?
the woman or wide. This section clearly defines (A) Yes, because Rajan's remarks about
cruelty as any wilful behavior which is of such a Nisha's appearance constitute cruelty.
nature as is probably going to drive the lady to (B) No, because Rajan's actions do not
end her life or to cause grave injury to her life, meet the threshold of cruelty.

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(C) Yes, because the cumulative effect of Based on the scenario, which legal
Rajan's behavior has caused Nisha ground for divorce might Maya
mental distress. potentially consider?
(D) No, unless Nisha can demonstrate (A) Adultery
physical harm resulting from Rajan's (B) Mutual Consent
actions. (C) Desertion
(D) Cruelty
Q27 Riya and Sameera have been married for
eight years. Recently, Riya discovered Q29 Ravi and Priya have been married for ten
that Sameera had been having a sexual years and have two children. Ravi has a
relationship with another woman. demanding job that requires frequent
According to the Hindu Marriage Act, travel, causing him to be away from
would Riya be able to seek a divorce on home for extended periods. Priya has
the grounds of adultery based on taken on the primary caregiver role for
Sameera's involvement with a person of their children. Over time, they've grown
the same sex? apart due to their separate lives. They
(A) Yes, because any extramarital sexual rarely communicate or share their
relationship, regardless of the gender thoughts and feelings anymore. What
of the partner, constitutes adultery legal option might Ravi and Priya choose
under the Act. if they both agree that their marriage is
(B) No, because adultery is only irreparable?
applicable when one spouse engages (A) Adultery
in a sexual relationship with a person (B) Mutual Consent
of the opposite sex. (C) Desertion
(C) Yes, but only if Riya can provide (D) Cruelty
evidence that the same-sex
Q30 Rohan and Priya have been married for
relationship caused irreparable harm
eight years. Seven years ago, Rohan left
to their marriage.
their shared home after a heated
(D) No, unless Sameera's same-sex
argument, vowing to return once things
relationship leads to a public scandal
settled down. However, he never came
affecting the family's reputation.
back, and despite Priya's attempts to
Q28 Arun and Maya have been married for reach out, he remained unresponsive.
fifteen years. They both have successful Priya, left alone and confused, has been
careers and share household struggling to manage household
responsibilities equally. However, over the responsibilities and raise their child.
past year, Arun has started feeling Based on the scenario, which legal
insecure about Maya's accomplishments ground for divorce might Priya potentially
surpassing his own. He frequently makes consider?
demeaning comments about her career (A) Adultery
achievements and attempts to belittle (B) Mutual Consent
her in front of friends. Maya is torn (C) Mental Cruelty
between her love for Arun and her need (D) Desertion
for respect. Maya has several times
Directions (31-35) Read the following passage
seriously hurt herself due to Arun actions
and answer the given questions.

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Maintenance is the concept which comes into Maintenance in the case of women is different
play when a couple approaches the court of Women have a special right called the Right to
justices for divorce. Since Maintenance has it is Streedhana. Streedhana is the property gained
own link with divorce, Maintenance is also by a woman at the time of marriage, it is
different in all three different religions. different from dowry. Women have full rights
Maintenance is a concept which allows one over these properties even after the divorce.
person to get financial support from his/ her
Q31 Radhika has filed a petition for divorce
spouse even, after divorce. Factors like the
against his husband and claims
monthly income of husband and wife, and the
maintenance of Rupees 70,000 per
financial status of husband and wife are
month. However, her husband only earns
considered by the court before granting
Rupees 50,000 per month. Do you think
Maintenance. Generally, the court keeps an eye
she will be granted the desired
on the maintenance of the children also while
granting the maintenance.
(A) No, the Court cannot grant
The husband and wife have to provide financial
maintenance which is more than the
support to the minor child, even after the
husband's income.
divorce. It can't be generalized that wife is the
(B) Yes, as it is the husband's responsibility
party who gets the maintenance always, there
to maintain the wife and arrange the
are some legal provisions which allow a man to
money from any other source.
get maintenance from his wife after divorce.
(C) No, it is not necessary that the
Section 24 of the Hindu marriage act says that
husband has to always maintain the
maintenance pendente lite and expenses of
proceedings can be granted in favour of both
husband and wife and Section 25 of the Hindu
(D) Yes, the wife has the power to decide
Marriage Act allow the court to grant lifetime
how much maintenance she wants
maintenance to both Husband and wife whose
from her husband
financial status is low. Delhi High Court made
an observation in a case that when the Q32 Rohan had no Source of income for the
husband has no self-income to run his life can past 6 months. Manisha, his wife carns
claim maintenance from his wife after divorce. Rupees 55,000 per month. They both filed
Bombay High Court made a different for divorce as they do not want to live
interpretation which gives more clarity to together anymore. Rohan filed a petition
section 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act; it was for maintenance but do you think he will
held in a case that her husband is entitled to succeed in getting maintenance from his
get maintenance under Section 24 of the Act. In wife?
a case, it was held that since the wife is in (A) He cannot ask for maintenance from
employment, the husband cannot make himself his wife as only wives can get
wholly dependent on her income through a maintenance from their husbands.
divorce under Section 24 of the Act. In the
absence of any handicap or impediment to (B) He can get maintenance from his wife
earning, to grant maintenance to such an able- as he has no other source of income.
bodied person equipped with skill would (C) Only the child gets maintenance from
promote idleness, which is opposed to the spirit the husband or the wife.
of Section 24 of the Act. (D) None of the above

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Q33 Shruti was getting a divorce and at that Section 25 of the Hindu Marriage Act
time her husband asked her to divide the allows the court to grant lifetime
Streedhan equally between the two of maintenance to both Husband and
them because he was maintaining her for wife whose financial status is low.
so many years. Can Shruti refuse to do (C) Streedhana is the property gained by
so? a woman at the time of marriage, it is
(A) All the property has to be divided different from dowry
equally between the husband and the (D) None of the above.
wife including the Streedhan.
Directions (36-40) Read the following passage
(B) Since his husband has been
and answer the given questions.
maintaining her, she should out of
Maintenance, also known as alimony or spousal
courtesy give a share of Streedhan to
support, refers to the financial support provided
her husband.
by one spouse to the other during or after a
(C) Yes, she has the sole right over the
divorce or separation. It is intended to address
Streedhan. She can refuse to share it
the economic disparities that may arise as a
with his husband.
result of the end of a marital relationship and to
(D) Sufficient info not given.
ensure the well-being and financial stability of
Q34 Raman after the divorce only wants to the dependent spouse.
give maintenance to his child and not his The concept of maintenance recognizes that
ex wife. But his ex-wife is claiming one spouse may have made sacrifices or
maintenance for both herself and the contributions during the marriage that have
child as she has no other source of affected their ability to support themselves
income. Do you think Raman can avoid independently after the divorce. It aims to
paying maintenance to his ex-wife? provide financial assistance to the dependent
(A) Both (b) and (c). spouse who may have foregone career
(B) The husband is liable only to maintain opportunities, education, or other personal
his wife during the marriage and not pursuits for the benefit of the marriage or family.
after the divorce. The determination of maintenance is often
(C) Since Husband is paying based on several factors, including the financial
maintenance, it is his discretion to pay needs of the dependent spouse, the earning
only for his child and not his ex-wife. capacity and financial resources of the
(D) No, since his ex-wife has no other supporting spouse, the duration of the
source of income, he will have to marriage, the standard of living during the
maintain her along with their child. marriage, and the age and health of the
parties involved. Each jurisdiction may have
Q35 Which of the following statement is false
specific laws and guidelines to guide the court
as per the above passage?
in making decisions regarding the amount and
(A) It can't be generalized that wife is the
duration of maintenance.
party who gets the maintenance
The purpose of maintenance is to provide the
always there are some legal provisions
dependent spouse with a level of financial
which allow a man to get
support that allows them to maintain a similar
maintenance from his wife after
standard of living enjoyed during the marriage.
It is not meant to be a form of punishment or
reward but rather a means to address the

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economic imbalances resulting from the end of Maintenance ensures that the
the marital relationship. dependent spouse maintains a higher
Maintenance can be awarded on a temporary standard of living than during the
or permanent basis, depending on the marriage.
circumstances of the case. Temporary (C) Maintenance seeks to address the
maintenance may be granted during the economic disparities resulting from
pendency of the divorce or separation the end of the marital relationship.
proceedings to meet the immediate financial (D) Maintenance is a form of financial
needs of the dependent spouse. Permanent compensation for emotional distress
maintenance, on the other hand, may be caused by the divorce.
awarded when the financial disparities
Q37 In the fictional country of Eldoria, the
between the spouses are significant and likely
determination of maintenance takes into
to persist in the long term.
account various factors, including the
It is important to note that maintenance is not
financial needs of the dependent spouse,
automatically granted in all cases. The court
the earning capacity of the supporting
evaluates the specific circumstances of each
spouse, the duration of the marriage, and
case and exercises its discretion in determining
the standard of living during the
whether maintenance is necessary and
marriage. The court aims to strike a
balance between providing adequate
In conclusion, maintenance is a crucial aspect
support to the dependent spouse and
of divorce or separation proceedings, aiming to
ensuring that the supporting spouse is
provide financial support to the dependent
not financially burdened beyond their
spouse. It recognizes the economic disparities
means. Which of the following can be
that may arise as a result of the end of a
considered a potential challenge in
marital relationship and aims to ensure the
determining the amount and duration of
well-being and financial stability of the
maintenance in Eldoria?
dependent spouse.
(A) Ensuring the dependent spouse
Q36 In the fictional country of Serenia, the maintains a significantly higher
grounds for maintenance include standard of living after the divorce.
disparity in earning capacity, sacrifice of (B) Balancing the financial needs of the
career opportunities, and financial need. dependent spouse with the earning
The court assesses various factors to capacity of the supporting spouse.
determine the amount and duration of (C) Providing long-term maintenance
maintenance, such as the financial even when the dependent spouse has
resources of the supporting spouse, the the ability to become self-supporting.
standard of living during the marriage, (D) Guaranteeing equal financial
and the duration of the marriage. Which contributions from both spouses
of the following statements accurately during the marriage.
reflects the purpose of maintenance in
Q38 In the fictional country of Equinoxia, the
grounds for divorce include Adultery,
(A) Maintenance aims to punish the
Desertion, and Irretrievable Breakdown.
supporting spouse for the end of the
Under the ground of Irretrievable
marital relationship.
Breakdown, couples can seek a divorce if

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they can demonstrate that their marriage purpose of the punitive maintenance
has broken down irretrievably, regardless provision in Prospertown?
of fault. However, there is a unique (A) The punitive maintenance provision
provision attached to this ground - the aims to compensate the dependent
court has the authority to order spouse for the financial losses incurred
temporary maintenance to the due to the supporting spouse's
dependent spouse during the divorce misconduct.
proceedings. Which of the following (B) The punitive maintenance provision is
statements accurately reflects the intended to deter the supporting
purpose of the temporary maintenance spouse from engaging in financial
provision in Equinoxia? misconduct in future relationships.
(A) The temporary maintenance provision (C) The punitive maintenance provision
aims to ensure financial stability for encourages the dependent spouse to
the dependent spouse throughout the seek reconciliation with the
divorce process. supporting spouse.
(B) The temporary maintenance provision (D) The punitive maintenance provision
is intended to punish the supporting helps expedite the divorce process by
spouse for the breakdown of the providing additional financial
marriage. incentives.
(C) The temporary maintenance provision
encourages the dependent spouse to
Q40 In the fictional country of Serenadia, the
seek reconciliation with the
grounds for maintenance include
supporting spouse.
economic disparity and financial need.
(D) The temporary maintenance provision
The court considers various factors,
helps expedite the divorce process by
including the earning capacity of the
providing immediate financial
dependent spouse and the standard of
living during the marriage, when
Q39 In the fictional country of Prospertown, determining the amount of maintenance.
the grounds for divorce include Adultery, Which of the following can be considered
Desertion, and Financial Misconduct. a potential drawback of relying solely on
Under the ground of Financial the earning capacity of the dependent
Misconduct, couples can seek a divorce if spouse in determining maintenance?
they can prove that the supporting (A) It may not accurately reflect the
spouse has engaged in fraudulent or financial needs of the dependent
deceptive financial practices that have spouse.
substantially harmed the marital estate. (B) It may disregard the financial
However, there is a unique provision resources and obligations of the
attached to this ground - if the court supporting spouse.
finds the supporting spouse guilty of (C) It may lead to an unfair distribution of
financial misconduct, they may order marital assets and property.
punitive maintenance to be paid by the (D) It may discourage the dependent
supporting spouse. Which of the following spouse from seeking employment or
statements accurately reflects the advancing their career.

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Directions (41-45) Read the following passage had to be called in for intervention.
and answer the given questions. According to the local laws, the couple
Section 7 of the Hindu Adoption and had to be presented before the courts,
Maintenance Act, 1956, gives proviso for where it was declared that Radhika was
adoption by a couple. The capacity of a male vindicated of charges levied on her owing
Hindu to take in adoption shall be any male to her mental condition of ‘bipolar
Hindu who is of sound mind and is not a minor disorder’, which was cited as the reason
and has the capacity to take a son or daughter for a sudden burst of fight between the
in adoption; provided that, if he has a wife, he pair. The couple later arrived back in
shall not adopt except with the consent of his India. A few years later, Laksh decided it
wife unless the wife has completely and finally was time they adopted a child in order to
renounced the world, has ceased to be a save the couple’s marriage and get each
Hindu, or has been declared by a court of other's minds off things. Radhika, however,
competent jurisdiction (courts in the territory of denied adoption and reasoned that
India) to be of unsound mind. In succession to Laksh could not go ahead with the
this, s. 8 of the Act also provides a proviso for adoption unless she gave her explicit
adoption by a Hindu female. Any female Hindu consent. Infuriated, Laksh approached
—who is of sound mind, who is not a minor, and the courts for adoption and cited that
who is not married, or if married, whose Radhika was not competent to give
marriage has been dissolved, whose husband is consent for adoption since she is of an
dead, has completely and finally renounced the unstable mind, and thus, his consent
world, has ceased to be a Hindu, or has been should suffice for the adoption. Decide:-
declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to (A) The court will not grant Laksh sole
be of unsound mind—has the capacity to take adoption rights as his cause for
a son or daughter in adoption. The child can adoption does not pertain to the
only be given up for adoption by the biological welfare of the child but rather a trivial
father, and by the biological father only in reason.
agreement with the child’s biological mother, (B) The court will grant Laksh sole
subject to certain exemptions. In case of the adoption rights as his wife has been
death of both the biological parents, the child declared mentally unstable by a court.
may be looked after by a guardian, and that (C) The court will not grant Laksh sole
guardian may, by order of the court, adoption rights, as the consent of the
subsequently give up the child for adoption, other spouse is a necessity.
provided that the adoption is for the welfare of (D) The court will not grant Laksh
the child and no payment has been made in adoption rights.
any form of exchange for the child.
Q42 In the above situation, will Laksh be
Q41 Laksh and Radhika are a married couple granted adoption rights if a court in India
residing in Mumbai. Once, the duo went makes a declaration about Radhika’s
on a vacation to a foreign country named mental condition?
Cocina. During their stay there, the (A) Yes, Laksh will be granted rights since
couple would suddenly and often erupt a court of competent jurisdiction has
into a fight lasting for hours. On the night declared it.
of their final stay, the couple again (B) No, Laksh will not be granted rights
erupted into a fight, and the local police since his wife’s consent is necessary.

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(C) Yes, Laksh will be granted adoption ago. Soon, X was approached by Jane
rights. and Foster. Jane was Y’s mother’s sister,
(D) No, Laksh will not be granted who decided she and her wealthy
adoption rights. husband (Foster) could better take care
of Y since X was a freelancer and could
Q43 A was the husband of B, and both
not afford to maintain Y. X loved Y as his
spouses decided to part ways with each
own daughter, but caring for her future,
other. The couple had a daughter named
he decided it would be better if he just let
Alice, who was eventually put under the
go and let Jane take care of Y. Jane and
custody of A by a competent court. Soon,
Foster, delighted by his act, gifted X a
A met Y, and after a few months of
food truck so that he could have a fresh
dating, the duo got married. Y despised
start in his life. X, at first, was conflicted
Alice, for she was not her biological
but decided to accept their generosity.
daughter, and hence convinced A to
Decide whether the court will grant
start a fresh life and put up Alice for
adoption rights to Jane and Foster in
adoption. Can the new couple put up
light of the above facts.
Alice for adoption?
(A) Yes, the court will grant adoption as it
(A) Yes, the pair has the right to put up
is in the welfare of Y.
Alice for adoption as A has been
(B) No, the court will not grant adoption
granted custody of Alice; hence, he
since, although the adoption is for the
gets the say in matters.
welfare of Y, X accepted a form of
(B) No, they cannot adopt Alice because
exchange in consideration of Y.
Y is acting as a guardian and is not
(C) Yes, the court will grant adoption
doing so in accordance with the Act's
rights since Jane is an immediate
requirements to seek Alice's welfare.
family member of Y.
(C) No, the pair cannot put up Alice for
(D) None of the above.
adoption unless B gives her consent.
(D) No, the pair cannot put up Alice for Directions (46-50) Read the following passage
adoption at all since A and B have and answer the given questions.
parted ways, and there is no right to According to the Juvenile Justice (Care and
put Alice up for adoption. Protection of Children) Amendment Act, 2006,
once a child is separated from his biological
Q44 In the above question, suppose A and Y
parents as per law and becomes a legitimate
pass away in an accident. Can B now
child of his adoptive parents, he gets all the
claim the right to look after Alice ?
rights that are related to his adoptive parents. If
(A) Yes, as the guardian of Alice , she can
a foreigner wants to adopt an Indian child, then
claim such a right.
he has to approach the court under the
(B) No, the guardian is not the one next in
Guardian and Wards Act 1890, and if they want
line to look after Alice.
to take the Indian child out of the country, the
(C) Yes, since mothers always have
adoption should be done as per foreign laws. A
custody over their child, over father's
married or unmarried male, a married or
after a divorce.
unmarried female, or an NRI may adopt a child.
(D) None of the above.
Any male or female Hindu who has a sound
Q45 X was the guardian of Y, who had lost her mind, is a major, and is eligible to adopt a child
parents in a car accident a few years can adopt a child. If the male Hindu is married

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and wants to adopt a child, he has to get the alone. One day, Kartik went to an
consent of his wife before adoption, and the orphanage and decided to go ahead
consent should be free. with adopting a young boy he saw there.
When a Hindu male or female wants to adopt a All of them, Kartik, Anushka, their son, and
son, they should not have a son living, whether the new child Kartik wanted to adopt, are
legitimate or illegitimate, at the time of Hindu. Can Kartik adopt the child?
adoption. When a male or female Hindu wants (A) No, because a male alone cannot
to adopt a daughter, they should not have any adopt a child.
children living at the time of adoption. If a male (B) No, the age difference has to be
wants to adopt a daughter, he should be at twenty-one years for Kartik to be able
least 21 years older than the adoptive to adopt the Child.
daughter. (C) No, because Kartik already has a son
living, and so he is not eligible for this
Q46 Samaira was a little girl who went on a
trip with her parents, Mayank and Moira.
(D) Yes, because Anushka had custody of
On the trip, they decided to go to a
the son.
hilltop, where Samaira got separated
from their parents, and soon the parents Q48 Kriti and Lakshya were married for a long
realised this, and they started to look for time—almost two decades. They did not,
her, but they could not find her. Samaira however, have a child together, and this
was found by a young, newly married was the cause of a lot of altercations.
couple. They asked her about her Lakshya wanted to adopt a son to inherit
parents, and she said that they got their property. Kriti, however, was not very
separated. The couple decided to go keen on this idea; she wanted to have
ahead and adopt Samaira. Can they do her own bloodline. But Lakshya was very
so? Samaira is Hindu, and so is the new coercive, so Kriti agreed to adopt a son.
couple. They went to a nearby local orphanage
(A) No, because they needed permission and then saw a little boy and decided to
from the birth parents. adopt him. Is adoption legal here?
(B) No, because Samaira was not legally (A) No, because they could have their
separated from her birth parents. own Child and not adopt.
(C) Yes, they can after approaching a (B) Yes, because Lakshya had the
relevant court. consent of Kriti to adopt a son.
(D) Yes, as both of them are Hindus, they (C) Yes, they both mutually decided to
can adopt her after going through own a child and so adopted one.
court proceedings. (D) No, because Kriti's consent was not
free at all, and so it is not a valid
Q47 Kartik and Anushka were married for
thirteen years. They loved each other and
had a son as well. They were happy until Q49 Karan and Karuna were high school
they weren't, and soon they started lovers. They were always only with each
fighting a lot. After a while, they decided other, and once they graduated from the
to live separately. After a while, they got a same college, they also got a job in the
divorce, and officially, Anushka got same company, and then they eventually
custody of the son, and Kartik was left moved in as well. Soon, they decided to

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have children. Karuna gave birth to a Supreme Court bench comprising of Justice
baby girl, and they lived happily. But one K.M. Joseph and Hrishikesh Roy observed that
day, due to some argument, Karan left when a son relinquishes the right to the self-
them and got married to someone else. acquired property of the father, then the
Then he wanted to adopt a daughter principle of estoppel is applied. Section 115 of
with his current wife. Can Karan be the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 incorporates the
allowed to adopt a child? Assume all the meaning of estoppel as when one person either
people mentioned here are Hindus. by his act or omission, or by declaration, has
(A) Yes, but only after Karan's wife made another person believe something to be
consents to adopt a child, then only. true and persuaded that person to act upon it,
(B) Yes, as he can legally have a child by then in no case can he or his representative
adopting the same. deny the truth of that thing later in the suit or in
(C) No, because he already had a living the proceedings. In simple words, estoppel
child at the time of adoption, so he means one cannot contradict, deny or declare
cannot. to be false the previous statement made by him
(D) Yes, because the girl he had with in the Court. Therefore, the court ruled that his
Karuna was not a legal child. sons do not have a claim on that property.
As per the suit details a suit for partition was
Q50 Jacob and his girlfriend Jessica were
filed by two children from a man's second
together for two years; they were still in
marriage regarding a self-acquired property of
college and had already, however,
Sengalani Chettiar. Chandran, the son from
decided to get married and live together.
Chettiar's first marriage, executed a Release
One day, suddenly, however, their happy
Deed before his death. Chettiar passed away
paradise was put to debris as a car ran
in 1988, and his wife from the second marriage
over the pregnant Jessica, and she died
passed away in 2005. The plaintiffs sought to
along with her baby. Jacob was very sad
exclude the successors of the son from the first
and traumatized. He wanted to adopt a
marriage based on the Release Deed signed in
baby girl and name her Jessica to honour
1975 , but the Trial court deemed it void as it
his dead girlfriend. He went to an
was executed while Chettiar was still alive. The
adoption agency and told them he
plaintiffs were granted a 2/7 share. The High
wanted to have a baby girl. He is 20
Court allowed a challenge to this decision,
years old; can he adopt? Assume they
which was then appealed by Chandran's sons
are Hindus.
to the Supreme Court.
(A) No, because he is barely an adult
Based on the ‘Release Deed’, the court inferred
himself, he cannot be responsible for a
that the intention of the father was to deny any
right of the son in regard to the property. It was
(B) No, because he can still have a child
contended that as per Sec 8(1) of the Hindu
of his own rather than adopting one.
Minority and Guardianship Act, The natural
(C) Yes, because he is a Hindu male and
guardian of a Hindu minor has power, subject to
can adapt.
the provisions of this section, to do all acts
(D) No, because he is only twenty and the
which are necessary or reasonable and proper
age requirement does not fit here.
for the benefit of the minor or for the realization,
Directions (51-55) Read the following passage protection or benefit of the minor’s estate; but
and answer the given questions. the guardian can in no case bind the minor by

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a personal covenant.. The argument put forth share of the property as he had invested
by the appellants before the Apex Court was a significant amount of money in the
that they were minors at the time of the maintenance and renovation of the
‘Release Deed’. property, while Rahul did not contribute
However, the Court refused to discard the anything. Rahul argues that since the
‘Release Deed’ based on this argument and property was self-acquired by their
noted that Chandran himself had no right on father, they both have an equal right to it.
the property. In regard to estoppel, the Court Which of the following statements is TRUE
referred to Section 8(a) of the Hindu Succession based on the given passage?
Act, as per which the rights would not devolve (A) Rohit is entitled to a larger share of
on the appellant whose father was estopped to the property since he invested more
inherit the property in view of the money in its maintenance and
relinquishment. renovation.
The court noted that there is a clear case of (B) Rahul is entitled to a larger share of
estoppel which resulted from Chandran the property as he did not contribute
relinquishing his rights, thereby allowing his anything towards its maintenance and
father i.e., Chettiar free to deal with the renovation.
property without being haunted by any claims (C) Both Rohit and Rahul have an equal
from him or his successors. Hence, the Apex right to their father's self-acquired
Court found no merit in the appeal and property.
dismissed it. (D) The law does not recognize the
contributions made by either son
Q51 Which of the following statements is
towards the maintenance and
FALSE based on the given passage?
renovation of the property.
(A) Estoppel means one cannot
contradict or deny a previous Q53 Which of the following statements is true
statement made by him in the court. about the relinquishment of a son's right
(B) Natural guardian of a Hindu minor has to self-acquired property of the father, as
power, to do all acts which are per the law?
necessary or reasonable and proper (A) A son can relinquish his right to the
for the benefit of the minor property only after the death of his
(C) The rights do not devolve on the father.
appellant whose father was estopped (B) A son can relinquish his right to the
to inherit the property in view of the property during the lifetime of his
relinquishment father.
(D) A minor can be bound by a personal (C) Once a son has relinquished his right
covenant made by the natural to the property, he can contest it later
guardian under the Hindu Minority and in the court of law.
Guardianship Act. (D) The relinquishment of a son's right to
the property has no legal effect.
Q52 Mr. Gupta, a Hindu man, passed away
leaving behind his self-acquired property. Q54 What is the legal implication of executing
His wife passed away several years ago, a release deed for a self-acquired
and they had two sons, Rohit and Rahul. property?
Rohit claims that he is entitled to a larger (A)

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The release deed is void as it was such marriages by the Hindu Marriage Act.
executed while the property owner Chief Justice Chandrachud's stance
was alive underscores the need to view the birth of a
(B) The release deed can be used to child independently of the circumstances
exclude the successors of the person surrounding their parents' union, ensuring that
who executed it these children are not deprived of the rights
(C) The release deed is only applicable to granted to offspring born from valid marriages.
ancestral properties, not self- By emphasizing the innocent nature of the
acquired ones child, the court has sought to uphold their
(D) The release deed can be challenged entitlement to their parents' property, whether
by the successors of the person who self-acquired or ancestral, while also outlining
executed it, even if it was executed the limitations of their claims to their parents'
before their birth property alone.
Of particular significance is the application of
Q55 Ravi is the natural guardian of his minor
the concept of notional partition within the
son Rohit, who inherited a property from
framework of the Mitakshara law of succession
his deceased grandfather. Ravi decides
governing HUFs. The Chief Justice has
to sell the property. Which of the
advocated for the determination of a
following statements is true?
deceased parent's share in the ancestral
(A) Ravi has the power to sell the property
property through this method, ensuring that
as he is the natural guardian of his
their children, born from void or voidable
minor son.
marriages, receive their rightful portions in the
(B) Ravi cannot sell the property without
property based on the notional partition. This
seeking permission from the court as it
pivotal step further reinforces the principle of
is a minor's property.
equality, enshrined within the Hindu Succession
(C) Ravi can only sell the property if the
Act, by providing legitimate kinship status to
sale is for the benefit of the minor.
these children for inheritance purposes.
(D) Ravi can only sell the property after
Furthermore, the court's recognition of the
Rohit reaches the age of majority.
amendments introduced by the Hindu
Directions (56-60) Read the following passage Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, holds
and answer the given questions. crucial implications for the devolution of a
The recent judicial interpretation by Chief deceased person's share in a joint Hindu family.
Justice Chandrachud has profoundly shaped Prior to the amendment, the devolution was
the legal landscape governing inheritance limited to survivorship, whereas the amended
within Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) in India, provision now allows for the transfer of property
marking a significant departure from past through testamentary or intestate succession,
interpretations. In a case centering on Section ensuring equal rights of succession for both
16(3) of the Hindu Marriage Act, the apex court men and women. This transformative stance
has articulated an inclusive approach to the aligns with the evolving social dynamics
rights of children born from void or voidable surrounding legitimacy and reflects a
marriages, solidifying their claim to inheritance progressive approach to inheritance laws that
within the ambit of the Hindu Succession Act. accommodates shifting societal norms.
Key to this landmark decision is the recognition Chief Justice Chandrachud's elucidation of the
of the legitimacy conferred upon children from legal provisions governing the inheritance rights

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of children from void or voidable marriages the other children from the valid
signifies a significant step toward safeguarding marriage.
their interests within the framework of the Hindu (C) The child born from the void marriage
Succession Act. By advocating for a holistic will be entitled to an equal share in
understanding of legitimacy and equality, the the self-acquired property, as they
judgment embodies a crucial stride towards a are a legitimate child under Section
more equitable and inclusive legal landscape 16(3) of the Hindu Marriage Act.
for familial succession in India. (D) The court will decide the division of
the property on a case-by-case
Q56 A child is born to a Hindu couple whose
basis, considering the specific
marriage is annulled on the grounds of
circumstances involved.
voidability. The child's father dies
intestate, leaving behind ancestral Q58 A Hindu woman has a child from a void
property. Under the recent judicial marriage. The child's father dies intestate,
interpretation by Chief Justice leaving behind ancestral property that is
Chandrachud, how can the child claim governed by the Mitakshara law of
their share in the ancestral property? succession. Under the recent judicial
(A) The child can claim their share interpretation, how can the child claim
through a notional partition, their share in the ancestral property?
irrespective of the status of their (A) The child can claim their share
parents marriage. through a notional partition, as if the
(B) The child can claim their share only if parents' marriage had been valid.
the other members of the HUF agree (B) The child can claim their share by
to it. becoming a coparcener in the HUF.
(C) The child cannot claim any share in (C) The child can claim their share only if
the ancestral property, as their the other members of the HUF agree
parents' marriage was voidable. to it.
(D) The child can claim their share on a (D) The child cannot claim any share in
par with other children born from valid the ancestral property, as their
marriages. parents' marriage was void.

Q57 A Hindu couple has two children, one Q59 A Hindu couple has a child from a
born from a valid marriage and the other voidable marriage. The child's parents
born from a void marriage. The father execute a will, bequeathing all of their
dies intestate, leaving behind self- property to their other child from a valid
acquired property. Under the recent marriage. Under the recent judicial
judicial interpretation, how will the interpretation, is the child from the
property be divided among the children? voidable marriage entitled to challenge
(A) The child born from the void marriage the will?
will not be entitled to any share in the (A) The court will decide whether the child
self-acquired property. is entitled to challenge the will on a
(B) The child born from the void marriage case-by-case basis, considering the
will be entitled to a share in the self- specific circumstances involved.
acquired property, but not at par with (B) No, the child is not entitled to
challenge the will, as their parents

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were free to dispose of their property extends to all individuals related by blood,
as they wished. marriage, or adoption.
(C) The child may be entitled to challenge The structure of an HUF starts with a married
the will, but only if they can show that Hindu couple, which can become an HUF upon
the will was made under duress or receiving ancestral property. The birth of a
undue influence. child, regardless of gender, further solidifies this
(D) Yes, the child is entitled to challenge entity. Even a single male member can form an
the will, as they are a legitimate child HUF upon marriage.
under Section 16(3) of the Hindu The head of an HUF, known as the 'Karta', is
Marriage Act. typically the eldest male member. He possesses
significant authority over the family's
Q60 Under Chief Justice Chandrachud's
management, maintenance, and property
interpretation of Section 16(3) of the
decisions. The Karta can also appoint a
Hindu Marriage Act, children born from
manager, who may or may not be a family
void or voidable marriages are:-
member, to assist in managing the HUF's affairs.
(A) Not entitled to inherit their parents'
A landmark 2016 judgment by the Delhi High
Court recognized that women could also
(B) Entitled to inherit their parents'
become Kartas, expanding the rights of
property, but only if the other
females under the Hindu Succession Act of 1956.
members of the HUF agree to it.
This development underscores the HUF as a
(C) Entitled to inherit their parents'
unit represented and managed solely by the
property at a par with children born
Karta, with no possibility of external individuals
from valid marriages.
joining, except through adoption or agreement.
(D) Entitled to inherit their parents'
Membership in an HUF is diverse. It includes all
property at the discretion of the
male lineal descendants with a common
ancestor, their wives, unmarried daughters,
Directions (61-65) Read the following passage widows of deceased male members, married
and answer the given questions. daughters who return to their parental home,
Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is a unique individuals related by adoption, collaterals,
business entity recognized under the Income dependents, sons born from interfaith
Tax Act of 1961 in India. Though not explicitly marriages under the Special Marriage Act of
defined in the Act, it falls under the category of 1954, and even illegitimate children.
'person' as per Section 2(31) and is interpreted in In the context of wealth tax, the Supreme Court
accordance with Hindu personal laws. HUF is in the case of 'Narendranath vs Commissioner
not merely a large family structure but a legal of Wealth-tax' clarified that the term 'HUF' in
entity for tax purposes. the Wealth Tax Act is interpreted as per Hindu
In Hindu Law, an HUF comprises lineal Personal Law. Here, an HUF can consist of a
descendants of a common ancestor, including single male member, his wife, and their
their wives, unmarried daughters, and other daughters. The Wealth Tax Act does not
members like widowed daughters or mandate a minimum number of male members
daughters-in-law who return to their father's for an entity to be recognized as an HUF.
home. A daughter becomes a member of her In summary, the Hindu Undivided Family is a
husband's HUF upon marriage, ceasing to be a legal and tax entity defined by Hindu personal
member of her father's HUF. Membership law and recognized under the Income Tax Act

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of 1961. It includes a wide range of family They can only be members if formally
members related by blood, marriage, or adopted.
adoption and is managed by a Karta, who can (D) Their status is determined by the
now be either male or female following legal mother's marital status
advancements. This entity plays a significant
Q65 Which of the following members cannot
role in the financial and legal aspects of familial
be a part of Hindu Undivided Family
structures in Hindu law.
Q61 Who is eligible to become the 'Karta' of a (A) Married daughters living with their
Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) after the husbands
2016 Delhi High Court judgment? (B) Widows of deceased male members
(A) Only the senior-most male member of (C) Sons born from a marriage between
the family a Hindu male and a Christian woman
(B) Any male member of the family (D) Unmarried daughters
(C) Either the eldest male or female
Directions (66-70) Read the following passage
member of the family
and answer the given questions.
(D) Any member appointed by the family
The Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) in Hindu Law
is a unique legal entity comprising lineal
Q62 In the context of the Hindu Undivided descendants from a common ancestor,
Family (HUF), what signifies the creation including their spouses, daughters (married or
of a new HUF entity? unmarried), and other relatives like widows or
(A) Marriage of the family's eldest male daughters-in-law who return to their paternal
member home. Upon marriage, a daughter becomes
(B) The birth of a child in the family part of her husband's HUF, ceasing to be a
(C) Receipt of ancestral property by a member of her father's HUF. Membership
married Hindu couple extends to all related by blood, marriage, or
(D) Adoption of a child into the family adoption.
Coparceners in HUF: Traditionally, coparceners
Q63 Under which act is the Hindu Undivided
were only male members of a family. However,
Family (HUF) recognized as a separate
the 2005 amendment to the Hindu Succession
legal entity for taxation purposes?
Act eliminated gender discrimination, allowing
(A) Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
daughters to be coparceners too. Coparceners
(B) Hindu Succession Act, 1956
are limited to four generations from a common
(C) Income Tax Act, 1961
male ancestor, including father, son, grandson,
(D) Special Marriage Act, 1954
and great-grandson. Despite this amendment,
Q64 In the context of a Hindu Undivided a common male ancestor remains a necessity.
Family (HUF), what is the status of Importantly, coparceners have rights to
illegitimate children in relation to their ancestral property from birth, and while all
father's HUF? coparceners are members of an HUF, not all
(A) They are not recognized as members members are necessarily coparceners.
of the HUF. In Gowli Buddanna vs CIT, it was established
(B) They are recognized as members of that a joint Hindu family doesn't require more
their father's HUF. than one coparcener; even a husband and wife
(C) can constitute a valid HUF. Interestingly, an

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individual can be part of multiple HUFs, for Undivided Family (HUF)?

example, being a Karta in his HUF and a (A) Only male members of the family
coparcener in his father’s HUF. (B) Both male and female members of the
Schools of Hindu Law: There are two main family
schools - Dayabhaga in Bengal and Assam, (C) Only the eldest male member of the
and Mitakshara in the rest of India. The key family
difference lies in the creation and operation of (D) Only the Karta of the family
HUFs and inheritance laws. Under Mitakshara, a
Q67 What is the maximum number of
child gains a share in family property at the
generations that can be coparceners in
very inception (automatically), while in
an HUF?
Dayabhaga, the son acquires no such share by
(A) Two generations
birth and has no interest in family property as
(B) Three generations
long as the father is alive. The HUF in
(C) Four generations
Dayabhaga law is formed by the voluntary
(D) Unlimited generations
decision of legal heirs, unlike the automatic
formation in Mitakshara law. Q68 In which of the following scenarios can a
Inheritance and Property in HUF: A HUF can HUF be formed under Hindu Law?
acquire property through various means like (A) When a Hindu male inherits property.
gifts, wills, existing properties, joint labor, etc. A (B) When a Hindu male marries.
self-acquired property of a Hindu male is (C) Upon the birth of a child in a Hindu
inherited by his legal heirs as per succession family.
rules and is treated as individual property. The (D) Through the acquisition of self-
deceased coparcener's share in HUF transfers earned property.
by survivorship to the next coparcener, which is
separate property. Q69 What is the residential status of a Hindu
Residential Status of HUF: As per the Income Undivided Family (HUF) if the Karta
Tax Act, the HUF is a separate legal entity. The resides in India for 500 days over the past
residential status, crucial for tax purposes, 7 years?
depends on the Karta's presence and (A) Resident and ordinarily resident.
management activities in India. The categories (B) Resident but not ordinarily resident.
for taxpayers based on residential status are (C) Non-resident.
Non-resident, Resident and ordinary resident, (D) The residential status of HUF does not
and Resident but not ordinary resident. A HUF is depend on Karta's residence.
resident in India if its management and control
Q70 Under which circumstances does a Hindu
are wholly or partly in India. The Karta must
Undivided Family (HUF) acquire the status
have been resident in India for at least 2 years
of 'Non-Resident' under the Income Tax
out of the 10 years immediately preceding the
relevant year and must have spent at least 730
(A) If the Karta spends less than 182 days
days in India during the 7 years preceding that
in India in a year.
year. If these conditions are not met, the HUF is
(B) If the majority of the HUF members live
considered non-resident or resident but not
outside India.
ordinarily resident.
(C) If the control and management of the
Q66 Under the Hindu Succession Act of 2005, HUF are situated entirely outside
who can be a coparcener in a Hindu India.

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(D) If the HUF does not own any property for the benefit of mankind, at different times,
in India. places, and situations during the period from
609 to 632 A.D. The Quran is structured in Arabic
Directions (71-75) Read the following passage
and it consists of 114 chapters, which are known
and answer the given questions.
as suras. The suras contain 6666 verses which
Muslim law or Islamic law is known to originate
are called Ayats and a total number of 77, 934
from the divine and not like the man-made
words. Out of these verses, 200 dealt with legal
laws that are passed by lawmakers and are
principles such as marriage, maintenance,
governed by the principles of modern systems
transfer of property, inheritance, etc. The Quran
of law. Islam signifies submission to the will of
was disclosed over two periods which are:
God and means peace, purity, salvation, and
obedience. Muslims believe that there is only 1. Meccan
one god, Allah. 2. Medinan
The traditional Islamic law or Islam's legal The words of the Quran are divine, they cannot
system is well known as Sharia, it is an Arabic be amended, revised, or modified by any
word which in the literal sense is referred to as institution or human agency. The sacred book
the way. Sharia is originated from Allah and has been translated into several languages as
that is the reason that Muslims consider it as well.
holy. Muslims consider it a word of God that Sunnat is also known as Hadis or Sunna, it is the
regulates and evaluates human conduct. The traditions of the Prophet Mohammed. The term
Sharia is also derived from Prophet Sunnat means a procedure, the trodden path
Mohammed's principles and by some Muslim or a way of action. Quran consists of the words
legal scholars who interpreted his teachings. It of Allah but on the other hand, Sunnat indicates
is said that Islamic jurisprudence is also some precedents, acts, language, and the
something that goes back to the lifetime of practice of the Prophet. Whatever the actions
Mohammed. For Muslims, the Quran' is the only of the Prophet were or the Prophet said or did
disclosed book of Allah. was considered as a tradition. According to
In the case of Narantakath v. Prakkal (1922) ILR Islamic law, there are two types of revelations
45 Mad 986, it was stated that there are two i.e. manifest (Zahir) and internal (Batin).
basic beliefs of Muslims: the existence and The Traditions of Sunna comprises of:
oneness of God, and the belief in the truth of
1. Sunnat-ul-Fail
Prophet Mohammed's mission.
2. Sunnat -ul-Tuqrir
Sources of Muslim Law
3. Sunnat-ul-Qaul
The primary sources of Muslim law are the
Quran, the Sunnat (the way of the Prophet), the Q71 In a case where a Muslim individual claims
Ijma (consensus of Islamic scholars), and the self-defence based on the principles of
Qiyas (reasoning by analogy). Other secondary Islamic law, which primary source would
sources are judicial decisions, customs, and they likely refer to for guidance on moral
legislation. conduct and legal principles?
Primary Sources: (A) The Ijma (consensus of Islamic
Quran scholars)
The Quran is derived from the Arabic word (B) The Sunnat (the way of the Prophet)
Qurra which means to read. Every word of the (C) The Quran
Quran is the word of god, communicated to the (D) The Qiyas (reasoning by analogy)
Prophet Mohammed through the angel Gabriel

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Q72 Considering the legal framework (D) The Qiyas (reasoning by analogy)
described in the passage, if a Muslim
Directions (76-80) Read the following passage
scholar aims to derive legal rulings by
and answer the given questions.
drawing analogies from existing
The Muslim law has been derived from various
precedents, which secondary source of
primary sources. These are classified as:
Muslim law would they employ?
(A) Judicial decisions
It is the original or primary source of Muslim Law.
(B) Legislation
It is the name of the holy book of the Muslims
(C) Customs
containing the direct revelations from God
(D) The Sunnat (the way of the Prophet)
through the Prophet. The direct express or
Q73 In a hypothetical scenario where a manifest revelations consist of the
dispute arises regarding the communications made by the angel, Gabriel,
interpretation of a particular verse from under directions from God, to Mohammed,
the Quran concerning property either in the very words of God or by hints and
inheritance, which primary source of of such knowledge which the Prophet has
Muslim law would hold the highest acquired through the inspiration (Ilham) of God.
authority for resolving the issue? All the principles, ordinances, teachings, and
(A) The Sunnat (the way of the Prophet) practices of Islam are drawn from the Quran.
(B) The Qiyas (reasoning by analogy) The contents of the Quran were not written
(C) The Quran during the lifetime of the Prophet, but these
(D) The Ijma (consensus of Islamic were presented during the lifetime of the
scholars) Prophet, in the memories of the companions.
There is no systematic arrangement of the
Q74 If a Muslim community is faced with a new
verses in the Quran but they are scattered
social issue not explicitly addressed in the
throughout the text. It contains the
Quran or the Sunnat, which method of
fundamental principles which regulate the
legal reasoning described in the passage
human life. The major portion of the Quran
would likely be employed to arrive at a
deals with theological and moral reflections.
decision consistent with Islamic
Sunna (Traditions or Ahadis)
The term ‘Sunna’ literally means ‘the trodden
(A) Customary law
path.’ It denotes some practice and precedents
(B) Judicial decisions
of the Prophet, whatever the Prophet said or
(C) Legislation
did without reference to God, and is treated as
(D) The Qiyas (reasoning by analogy)
his traditions. It is the second source of Muslim
Q75 In a scenario where a Muslim jurisdiction is law. Traditions are injunctions of Allah in the
considering implementing new words of the prophet. Where the words of Allah
regulations on marriage practices, which could not supply authority for a given rule of
primary source of Muslim law would carry law, the Prophet’s words were treated as an
the most weight in guiding the decision- authority because it is believed that even his
making process? sayings derived inspiration from Allah.
(A) The Sunnat (the way of the Prophet) Sunna or traditions consists of:
(B) The Ijma (consensus of Islamic Sunnat-ul-Qual (word spoken)
scholars) Sunnat-ul-Fail (conduct)
(C) The Quran Sunnat-ul-Tahrir (silence)

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Ijma (Consensus) Yes, because the Quran is the primary

With the death of the prophet, the original law- and original source of Muslim Law,
making process ended, so the questions, which containing fundamental principles
could not be solved either by the principles of regulating human life.
the Quran or the Sunna, were decided by the (B) No, because the Quran does not
Jurists with the introduction of the institution of provide specific instructions for every
Ijma. Ijma means agreement of the Muslim aspect of human conduct, requiring
Jurists of a particular age on a particular supplementary guidance from other
question of law, in other words, it is the sources like Sunna and Ijma.
consensus of the Jurist’s opinion. (C) Yes, because the Quran contains
There are three kinds of Ijma: direct revelations from God through
Ijma of Companions:The concurrent opinion the Prophet, which are considered
of the companions of the Prophet was superior to any other sources of law.
considered most authoritative and could not (D) No, because the contents of the
be overruled or modified. Quran were presented during the
Ijma of the Jurists:This was the unanimous Prophet's lifetime through the
decision of the jurists (other than the memories of companions, which may
companion). lead to interpretation challenges.
Ijma of the people or masses:It is the opinion
Q77 Aisha is accused of violating a traditional
of the majority of Muslims which was
practice within her community. She
accepted as law. But this kind of Ijma has
argues that her actions were consistent
little value.
with the Sunna of the Prophet. Can Aisha
Qiyas (Analogical deductions)
rely on Sunna to justify her conduct?
The word Qiyas was derived from the term
(A) Yes, because Sunna encompasses the
‘Hiaqish’ which means ‘beat together.’ In Arabic
practices and precedents of the
Qiyas means ‘measurement, accord, and
Prophet, providing authoritative
equality.’ In other words, it means measuring or
guidance for Muslims.
comparing a thing to a certain standard, or to
(B) No, because Sunna is a secondary
‘establish an analogy.’ If the matters have not
source of Muslim Law, and its
been covered by Quran, Sunna, or Ijma, the law
applicability may vary depending on
may be deducted from what has been already
the interpretation of different scholars.
laid down by these three authorities by the
(C) Yes, because the Prophet's words and
process of analogy (Qiyas). The Qiyas is a
conduct, as recorded in Sunna, are
process of deduction, which helps in
considered inspired by Allah and hold
discovering law and not to establish a new law.
significant authority in matters of law.
Its main function is to extend the law of the
(D) No, because Sunna lacks the same
text, to cases that do not fall within the purview
level of authenticity as the Quran and
of the text.
may not be universally accepted as a
Q76 Fatima, a devout Muslim, is accused of legal basis.
violating a religious law. She claims that
Q78 Ali is faced with a legal dilemma where
her actions were per the teachings of the
neither the Quran nor the Sunna offers
Quran. Can Fatima rely solely on the
direct guidance. In such a situation, can
Quran as a defense in this legal matter?

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Ali resort to the principle of Ijma for Q80 Zara is accused of a crime that falls
resolution? outside the scope of explicit laws found
(A) Yes, because Ijma provides a in the Quran, Sunna, and Ijma. Can Zara
mechanism for resolving legal invoke the principle of Qiyas to justify her
questions that cannot be addressed actions?
by Quranic principles or Prophetic (A) Yes, because Qiyas allows for the
traditions. extension of existing legal principles
(B) No, because Ijma is limited to the to cover cases not directly addressed
agreement of Muslim jurists and may by primary sources of Muslim Law.
not hold sufficient authority in matters (B) No, because Qiyas is primarily based
where there is disagreement among on analogy and cannot be applied to
scholars. situations where there is no precedent
(C) Yes, because Ijma represents the or established standard.
consensus of jurists from a particular (C) Yes, because Qiyas serves as a
age, serving as a supplementary supplementary source of law,
source of law when primary sources enabling the derivation of rulings
are silent. through comparison with existing
(D) No, because Ijma is predominantly principles.
based on the opinions of a select (D) No, because Qiyas is a method of
group of scholars and may not deduction and cannot be used to
accurately reflect the broader views of establish new laws where primary
the Muslim community. sources are silent.

Q79 Hasan finds himself in a legal dispute Directions (81-85) Read the following passage
where existing laws do not provide clear and answer the given questions.
guidance. Can Hasan apply the principle The essentials of a valid Muslim Marriage (Sahih)
of Qiyas to derive a legal solution? are as follows:
(A) Yes, because Qiyas allows for the Proposal and Acceptance
extension of existing laws to cover In a Muslim Marriage, proposal is referred to as
cases not explicitly addressed by ‘ijab’ and acceptance of the same as ‘qubul’. A
primary sources like the Quran and proposal should be made by or on behalf of
Sunna. one party and the same should be accepted
(B) No, because Qiyas is primarily a by the other party.
method of deduction and cannot be Soundness of Mind
used to establish entirely new legal At the time of marriage, both the parties should
principles. be of sound mind. A person of unsound mind
(C) Yes, because Qiyas involves has no capacity to enter into a contract and in
measuring or comparing a situation to the eyes of law his consent will be considered
established standards, enabling the as no consent. Unsoundness is of two types: (a)
derivation of legal rulings through Idiocy: It refers to a completely abnormal state
analogy. of mind. Person belonging to this category are
(D) No, because Qiyas lacks the same incompetent to contract, and (b) Lunacy: It
level of authority as the Quran, Sunna, refers to a curable mental disease. A lunatic
or Ijma, and its application may vary person can enter into a contract in the time
among different legal scholars. interval in which he behaves like sane person.

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Dower The marriage is valid, but Amina's

It is referred to as ‘mahr’. It refers to the amount consent is not required due to her
of money or other property which a bridegroom mental illness.
has to give to the bride as a consideration of
Q82 Zara and Ahmed are about to enter into
marriage. Its object is to offer the bride a sense
a Muslim marriage. Zara's family requires
of financial security within and after the
Ahmed to provide a significant amount of
termination of marriage. In the case of Nasra
money as a gift to Zara as a condition for
Begum v. Rizwan Ali[iv], the Allahabad High
the marriage to proceed. What is this gift
Court held that the right to mahr comes into
called, and what is its purpose?
existence before cohabitation. The Court also
(A) It is called "Nikah" and signifies the
concluded that if wife is a minor, her guardians
marriage contract.
can refuse to send to her husband until
(B) It is called "Mahr" and symbolizes the
payment of the dower, and if she is in her
groom's commitment to financial
husband’s custody, then she can also be
security for the bride.
brought back.
(C) It is called "Wakil" and serves as a
Marriage during Iddat
legal guardian's acceptance of the
It is referred to as a period of waiting after the
death of her husband or after the termination
(D) It is called "Iddat" and ensures a
of marriage during which she cannot remarry.
waiting period before the marriage is
The purpose of the iddat is to check whether
the woman is pregnant or not to clear doubts
of the paternity of any child born. A divorced Q83 After the death of her husband, Aisha is in
woman has to observe for a period of three a waiting period called "Iddat." During
months whereas a widow observes it for four this time, she is discovered to be
lunar months and ten days after the death of pregnant. How will her waiting period be
her husband. If the woman is pregnant then if affected?
extends up to her delivery. Under Sunni law, (A) The waiting period will be extended
marriage during iddat is considered irregular until the child is born.
whereas, under Shia law, it is considered void. (B) The waiting period will be shortened
due to the pregnancy.
Q81 Amina and Farid have decided to get
(C) The waiting period will be temporarily
married. Amina's family proposes the
marriage, and Farid accepts. However,
(D) The waiting period will continue as
Amina has been diagnosed with a
originally stipulated.
curable mental illness. What is the legal
status of this proposed marriage? Q84 Yasir proposes to Amira, and she
(A) The marriage is valid since Amina's accepts. However, Amira is a minor, and
illness is curable. her parents are her legal guardians. They
(B) The marriage is invalid due to Amina's demand that the dower (mahr) be paid in
unsound mind. full before allowing the marriage to take
(C) The marriage is valid if Amina's mental place. How does Islamic law view this
illness doesn't affect her situation?
understanding at the time of the (A) The dower payment is not necessary
proposal and acceptance. for marriages involving minors.
(D) (B)

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The dower payment should be made relationships. Some examples of such

after the marriage ceremony. relationships are his mother or grandmother, his
(C) The marriage can't take place until daughter or granddaughter, his niece, etc.
the dower is paid, even if Amira's Affinity (Mushaarat) – a marriage within certain
parents demand it. close relationships is also prohibited. Example:
(D) The dower payment is only applicable wife’s mother, daughter, wife of his father, wife
when both parties are of legal age. of his son, etc.
Fosterage (Riza) – if a child has been breastfed
Q85 Ali and Fatima were married under Shia
by a woman other than his mother then that
law. After the marriage, it was discovered
woman becomes his foster mother. He cannot
that their marriage took place during
marry his foster mother or foster sister. This is
Fatima's waiting period (Iddat) following
absolutely prohibited in Shia law but irregular in
a divorce. How does Shia law view such a
Sunni law
Relative prohibition
(A) The marriage is considered valid, but
Some of the prohibitions in a Muslim marriage
Fatima must continue her Iddat.
are relative, which means that if a marriage is
(B) The marriage is null and void
done in contradiction or violation of such
according to Shia law.
prohibitions, then it will be rendered irregular
(C) The marriage is irregular and requires
and not void.
a fresh proposal and acceptance.
The different kinds of relative prohibitions are:
(D) The marriage is allowed, but the
Unlawful conjunction – it means that a man
waiting period must be extended.
cannot marry two women who are related to
Directions (86-90) Read the following passage each other by consanguinity, affinity, or
and answer the given questions. fosterage. Such marriage is prohibited by
A valid Muslim marriage must be free from any Muslims. This is done to avoid any kind of
kind of disability or restriction. There are 2 types confusion about kindred or dual relationships.
of restrictions on Muslim marriage: However, such marriages are irregular in the
1. Absolute prohibition Sunni but void in the Shia.
2. Relative prohibition Marrying a fifth wife – it is unlawful for a Muslim
Where an absolute prohibition renders the man to have more than four wives, and if he
marriage void, a relative prohibition makes it marries a fifth woman, then the marriage will be
irregular, which can become a valid marriage irregular and can be valid only if one of 4
on the removal of the irregularity. marriages is terminated.
Absolute prohibition Absence of proper witnesses – Witnesses are
If the parties to a Muslim marriage are bound one of the essentials for a valid marriage in
by blood relationships or prohibited degrees, Sunni, and if a marriage is contracted in their
then they cannot marry each other. Such absence, it renders the marriage irregular.
marriages are prohibited absolutely, and if However, the presence of witnesses is not
done, it renders a marriage void. Absolute necessary under Shia law.
prohibition arises from the following Difference of religion – a Sunni male can marry
relationships: a Muslim female of any sect or a kitabia but
Consanguinity (Quarabat) – all blood cannot marry an idolatress or fire-worshipper.
relationships fall under this category and a man Such marriages are irregular in Sunni law and
is not allowed to marry in his blood void under Shia law.

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Q86 A Sunni man wants to marry a woman (B) The marriage is irregular in Sunni law
who was breastfed by his mother in but valid in Shia law.
infancy. What is the Islamic legal ruling on (C) The marriage is irregular in Sunni law
this marriage? but void in Shia law.
(A) The marriage is permissible. (D) The marriage is void in both Sunni and
(B) The marriage is prohibited. Shia laws.
(C) The marriage is allowed with certain
Q90 Sarah's husband has passed away, and
she is considering marrying a man from a
(D) The marriage is valid only with the
different religion. How does Islamic law
permission of the local religious
address this situation?
(A) Both Shia and Sunni law allow Sarah
Q87 Zayd, a Sunni man, is already married to to marry a man from a different
four wives. He decides to marry a fifth religion without any restrictions.
woman without divorcing any of his (B) Shia law permits such a marriage, but
existing wives. What is the status of this Sunni law prohibits it.
marriage? (C) Sunni law allows such a marriage, but
(A) The marriage is valid in both Sunni and Shia law prohibits it.
Shia laws. (D) Both Shia and Sunni law prohibit
(B) The marriage is irregular in Sunni law Sarah from marrying a man from a
but void in Shia law. different religion.
(C) The marriage is irregular in both Sunni
Directions (91-95) Read the following passage
and Shia laws.
and answer the given questions.
(D) The marriage is void in both Sunni and
The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application
Shia laws.
Act of 1937 in India regulates talaq-related
Q88 Amina and Yasir are first cousins, and concerns and other private affairs for Muslims.
they want to marry each other. What is In this version of talaq-e-Ahsan, the husband
the Islamic legal standpoint on this only says the word "talaq" once during the
marriage? wife's "tuhr," a time when she is not
(A) Islamic law permits the marriage of menstruating, and the pair has not had sexual
first cousins. contact. After then, the wife must observe an
(B) Islamic law prohibits the marriage of iddat period (waiting time) for three menstrual
first cousins. cycles or three months, whichever is longer. If
(C) Islamic law allows the marriage of first the husband chooses not to reverse the divorce
cousins under specific conditions. within this time, it will become final after the
(D) Islamic law does not provide any iddat period. The husband must say "talaq"
guidance on the marriage of first three times at successively pure intervals while
cousins. they are not having sexual relations. This is
known as talaq-e-Hasan. After the third
Q89 A Muslim man marries a woman without
proclamation, there is a comparable waiting
the presence of any witnesses. What is
time to Talaq-e-Ahsan. If no revocation occurs
the legal consequence of this marriage
during this time, the divorce is declared to be
according to Islamic law?
final. Talaq-e-Bid'ah talaq relates to novelties
(A) The marriage is valid in both Sunni
or departures from customary divorce
and Shia laws.

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procedures. certain Islamic scholars believe it to decided to obtain a divorce through

be invalid, and certain schools of law do not Talaq-e-Hasan. Until the divorce is
accept it. It entails saying the word "talaq" officially declared, they would live
three times at once or in a different way from together and have copulation and go for
what is customary, there is no protection the counselling work to mend their
against such arbitrary divorce whereas there relationship.
some talaq that can be specifically performed (A) The divorce is a lawful divorce as the
by Muslim women Khul' (Khall): Khul' is a form of couple themselves is willing to go
divorce initiated by the wife, where she seeks to through iddat.
dissolve the marriage by returning her dowry or (B) The divorce is unlawful requirements
some other financial settlement to the under talaq-e-hasan are not met.
husband. The husband's consent is typically (C) The divorce is lawful as there is
required for this type of divorce. Khul' is consent from both husband and wife.
recognized in most Islamic legal traditions and (D) The divorce is unlawful as it goes
is a means for women to seek divorce when against justice, equity, and good
their marital situation is difficult or unhappy, conscience
Muslim couples may include in their marriage
Q93 Sana, a Muslim woman, received a
contracts that they have the option of divorce
divorce from her husband through talaq-
(talaq). This practice is referred to as "Talaq al-
e-Ahsan. However, before the completion
Tafweed" If specific requirements outlined in the
of the prescribed waiting period, she
marital contract are completed in this situation,
decides to explore the possibility of
the woman may file for divorce. Union of India v.
reconciliation with her husband. What is
Danial Latifi (2001): The Muslim Personal Law
the status of their divorce according to
(Shariat) Application Act, 1937's Section 2, which
Islamic law in this scenario?
recognizes the Shariat as the personal law of
(A) The divorce is already final, regardless
Muslims but also specifies that it will not apply
of the incomplete waiting period.
to matters of inheritance, marriage, etc. if they
(B) The divorce is not final, as the waiting
are in conflict with justice, equity, and good
period of three months or three
conscience, whether they were subject to
menstrual cycles must be observed
Muslim personal law, Muslim women were
entitled to maintenance under Section 125 of
(C) The divorce is null and void due to the
the Criminal Procedure Code
incomplete waiting period
Q91 A husband residing in UAE called her wife (D) The divorce can only be finalized if
who resides in a village of Bihar and over Sana obtains her husband's consent
the call pronounced talaq three times after the waiting period
over the period of three months, What
Q94 In a complex legal dispute, Adil, a Muslim
kind of divorce is it
man, decides to initiate a divorce
(A) Talaq-e-Bid’ah
through Khul' due to his wife's abusive
(B) Talaq-e-Hasan
behaviour. Can he do so?
(C) Talaq-e-Ahsan
(A) Yes he can do so because his wife
(D) Talaq al-Tafweed
abuses him
Q92 A recently married Muslim couple (B) No he cant do so because he needs
experiencing marital problems jointly to support his wife

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(C) No, he can't do this because only the talaq bill”. The bill was introduced in the Lok
wife can initiate a divorce through Sabha on June 21, 2019 which was passed by
Khul' the Lok Sabha by majority on July 25,2019 and
(D) Can't be determined was finally passed by Rajya Sabha on July
30,2019 .
Q95 In the scenario of "Talaq-e-Bid'ah," what
action regarding the declaration of
Sec 2(c) of the Act says that “talaq” means
divorce sets it apart from other forms of
talaq-e-biddat or any other similar form of
talaq having the effect of instantaneous and
(A) The husband says "talaq" three times
irrevocable divorce pronounced by a Muslim
during the wife's "tuhr."
husband. The word ‘talaq’ instead of Triple
(B) The husband says "talaq" three times
talaq means it forbids all kinds of Talaq whether
at successively pure intervals.
it’s approved form or not is insignificant. The
(C) The husband says "talaq" three times
Honourable Supreme Court has
at once or in a different way from the
acknowledgment the word “triple talaq” in this
customary method.
Judgment where Muslim husband have
(D) The husband says "talaq" once during
unilateral right on other forms of Talaq like –
the wife's "tuhr," followed by an iddat
Talaq-e-Ahsan, Talaq-e-Hasan etc and all the
forms of Talaq becomes irrevocable irrespective
Directions (96-100) Read the following of the limit on the third and last pronouncement
passage and answer the given questions. of talaq. The Act itself stops other manners of
There are 3 forms of talaq under Muslim law- divorce by the Muslim husbands on Muslim
Talaq-e-ahsan, Talaq-e- hasan and Talaq-e- wives by uttering triple talaq at a time or single
biddat. sentence.
Talaq –e-ahsan- In this form of Talaq the Under Muslim law, the marriage is a pure
husband pronounces divorce under one Contract which involves the offer, acceptance
instance keeping in mind that the wife is not in and Consideration and along with one
her menstruating cycle and then has to wait for witnesses from both side and another
the iddat period. If before completion of the independent male witness (the lawyer itself).
iddat period the husband has any sexual
intercourse with the wife, the divorce is revoked. Sec 7 of the said act makes the offence, non-
Talaq-e-hasan –It is the proper form of talaq. Bailable and compoundable. Sec 2 of Criminal
Three successive pronouncement of talaq are Procedure Code 1973 talks of Bailable offence
made in three successive tuhrs (when the which is also mentioned in Schedule I of the
woman is not menstruating). This form of talaq CrPC that an offence in order to be a Bailable
is revocable before the third pronouncement. offence would be an offence carrying a
Talaq-e-Biddat or Triple talaq is instant talaq punishment of less than 3 years or with fine only.
and is effective as soon as the word talaq is
Q96 A Muslim man pronounces divorce once,
pronouncement. In this form of talaq, three
keeping in mind that his wife is not
pronouncements can be made during a single
menstruating, and waits for the iddat
period to pass. If before the completion
The Government came up with the amendment
of the iddat period, he has sexual
in the Muslim woman (protection of rights on
intercourse with his wife, the divorce is
marriage) Act, 1986, also known as the “triple
revoked. What kind of talaq is this?

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(A) Talaq-e-Ahsan of talaq having the effect of

(B) Talaq-e-Hasan instantaneous and irrevocable divorce
(C) Talaq-e-Biddat pronounced by a Muslim husband.
(D) None of the above (A) Both the assertion and the reason
are correct, and the reason explains
Q97 A Muslim man makes three successive
the assertion.
pronouncements of divorce during three
(B) Both the assertion and the reason
successive tuhrs (periods when his wife is
are correct, but the reason does not
not menstruating). However, he can still
explain the assertion.
revoke the divorce before the third
(C) The assertion is correct, but the
pronouncement. What kind of talaq is
reason is incorrect.
(D) The assertion is incorrect, but the
(A) Talaq-e-Ahsan
reason is correct.
(B) Talaq-e-Hasan
(C) Talaq-e-Biddat Directions (101-105) Read the following
(D) None of the above passage and answer the given questions.
In the literal sense, the Arabic term ‘mahr’
Q98 A Muslim man instantly pronounces
means dower. It is a sum of money that
divorce by uttering the word "talaq" three
becomes payable by the husband to the wife
times during a single tuhr. This form of
on marriage. The mahr is executed either by
divorce is effective immediately. What
agreement between the parties or by
kind of talaq is this?
operation of law. Various jurists have tried to
(A) Talaq-e-Ahsan
define mahr.
(B) Talaq-e-Hasan
According to Wilson, mahr or dower was a form
(C) Talaq-e-Biddat
of consideration for the surrender of a person
(D) None of the above
by the wife.
Q99 During Eid 2021, a Muslim person says According to Mulla, a dower is either a sum of
"talaq" three times continuously to his money or property which the wife is entitled to
wife. Is the divorce valid? receive in the consideration of marriage from
(A) Yes, the divorce is valid under Muslim the husband.
personal law. According to Ameer Ali, a dower is a kind of
(B) No, the divorce is not valid as it consideration that belongs to the wife.
violates the rules of divorce. In the case of Abdul Kadir v. Salima,(1886),
(C) It depends on the specific laws and honourable Justice Mahmood held that dower
interpretations in the jurisdiction. under Muslim law is a sum of money or property
(D) None of the above which is promised by the husband to be paid or
delivered to the wife in consideration of
Q100 Assertion: The Muslim Women marriage and even if the dower is not expressly
(Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, mentioned at the time of marriage, the wife still
1986, also known as the "triple talaq bill," has the right of dower.
prohibits the practice of instant and The dower may be classified into:
irrevocable divorce by pronouncing Specified dower: In this kind of dower, the
triple talaq. amount of dower is stated in the marriage
Reason: The Act defines "talaq" as contract. The dower may be settled between
talaq-e-biddat or any other similar form the parties either before the marriage or at the

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time of marriage or after the marriage. If the Q102 In a complex legal case, a marriage
marriage takes place of a minor or lunatic boy takes place between a husband of
then the amount of dower can be fixed by the significant wealth and a wife who is
guardian. The husband can settle any amount well-known for her intelligence and
of dower. virtue. The marriage contract does not
The specified dower can be classified into: explicitly mention the dower amount.
Prompt dower: It is payable immediately after However, after a few years of marriage,
marriage on demand. the couple faces a divorce. The wife now
Deferred dower: It is paid after the dissolution claims her entitlement to dower. How
of marriage either by death or divorce. does Islamic law typically address this
Proper or customary dower: If a marriage is situation?
completed without the amount of dower fixed (A) The wife is not entitled to claim
in the marriage contract or marriage is dower since it was not specified in
completed on the condition that the wife the marriage contract.
should not claim any dower, then the wife is (B) The husband is required to pay a
entitled to proper dower. The amount of proper deferred dower as compensation for
dower is decided by taking into consideration the divorce.
the amount of dower settled upon other female (C) The wife's virtue and intelligence
members of the father’s family. The proper play a significant role in determining
dower is regulated with reference to the her dower entitlement.
following factors: (D) The wife is entitled to proper dower,
1. Personal qualifications of the wife. Like her which considers various factors
age, beauty, virtue, fortune, etc. including her personal qualifications.
2. Social position of her father’s family.
Q103 In a marriage contract, the specified
3. Dower given to her female paternal relations.
dower is set at a substantial amount,
4. Economic conditions of husband.
agreed upon by both parties. The
5. Circumstances of time.
husband is financially well-off at the
Q101 In cases of proper dower, what role does time of marriage. However, over the
the wife's personal qualifications play in years, due to unforeseen circumstances,
determining the amount? his financial condition deteriorates
(A) The wife's personal qualifications significantly. The wife now demands that
have no bearing on the amount of the dower be reduced. How does Islamic
proper dower. law typically address this situation?
(B) The wife's age and beauty directly (A) The wife must accept the original
determine the amount of proper dower amount as it was agreed upon
dower. in the contract.
(C) The wife's personal qualifications (B) The husband is obligated to fulfill the
serve as a reference point for original dower amount regardless of
assessing her economic contribution his financial situation.
to the marriage. (C) The dower can be adjusted based
(D) The wife's personal qualifications are on the husband's current financial
considered alongside other factors to condition as long as both parties
assess the appropriate amount of agree.
proper dower. (D)

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The wife's demand for a reduction in period of Iddat. The Hedaya defines
dower is legally invalid. maintenance as “All those things which are
necessary to support life, such as food, clothes
Q104 In a marriage where the husband is a
and lodging; may confine solely to food.” The
minor, the marriage contract specifies a
Fatwa-i-Alamgiri defines it as “Maintenance
deferred dower that is to be paid upon
comprehends food, raiment and lodging,
the dissolution of the marriage. The wife,
though in common parlance it is limited to the
however, wants immediate payment of
the dower due to unforeseen financial
So, in common practice, the maintenance only
difficulties. Which principle of Islamic law
covers the expense of providing food to the
is applicable in this situation?
wife. The Muslim Personal Law only mandates
(A) The wife's request for immediate
that the husband needs to maintain his wife,
payment of dower is invalid as it
and not a divorced wife. After divorce, he only
contradicts the marriage contract.
requires to maintain her for the Iddat period.
(B) Islamic law requires the husband to
Usually, the payment of dower is considered to
pay the deferred dower immediately
be enough maintenance for the wife.
upon the wife's request.
The law of maintenance in the Muslim Personal
(C) The wife can receive the dower
Law has evolved through various cases in the
immediately, but she would need to
following manner-
repay it upon the dissolution of the
In the case of Bai Tahira v. Ali Hussain[14], it was
held that since the dower amount comes under
(D) The guardian of the husband has the
the meaning of the term ‘sum payable’ as given
authority to determine when the
under Section 127(3)(b) of the CrPC, so a woman
deferred dower is to be paid.
who has already received it is not entitled to
Q105 What impact does the economic further maintenance under Section 125 of the
condition of the husband have on the CrPC.
determination of proper dower? In the next case of Fuzlunbi v. K. Khader Vali[15],
(A) The husband's economic condition is it was decided that only after judging the
irrelevant when calculating proper sufficiency of the amount of mehr, will the
dower. husband be released from making any further
(B) A wealthier husband is required to payments.
pay a higher proper dower amount. Then, in the light of the landmark case of
(C) The husband's economic condition Mohammed Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano
influences the wife's entitlement to Begum[16], it was finally cleared out that mehr
any dower at all. does not come under Section 127(3)(b), as it is
(D) The husband's economic condition an obligation on the husband and is paid as a
can be considered when determining mark of respect for the wife, and not the
the amount of proper dower, but it's amount payable to the wife on divorce.
not the sole factor. After that, the Muslim Women (Protection of
Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 was passed where
Directions (106-110) Read the following provided that reasonable and fair provision is to
passage and answer the given questions. be made and maintenance is to be paid within
Under the Muslim Personal Law, the law states the iddat period.
that the husband who has divorced his wife has
to provide maintenance for her during the

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The case of Danial Latifi v. Union of India[17] was Q109 In a scenario where a divorced Muslim
then filed challenging the validity of the above woman receives an amount of money as
Act, where it was held that it was part of her dower (mehr) and remarries,
constitutionally valid, and though the what would be her entitlement to
maintenance has to be paid within the iddat maintenance from her previous
period, it must be enough to maintain her for husband?
her whole life. (A) She is entitled to maintenance until
her remarriage.
Q106 In a scenario where a Muslim woman is
(B) She is entitled to maintenance
divorced and has received her dower
throughout her life.
(mehr) prior to the divorce, which legal
(C) She is not entitled to any further
provision would prevent her from
claiming further maintenance under the
(D) She is entitled to maintenance only
during the Iddat period.
(A) Section 125
(B) Section 127(3)(b) Q110 In a case where a divorced Muslim
(C) Section 127(3)(b) woman challenges her husband's claim
(D) Section 129(2) that the dower (mehr) payment is
sufficient maintenance, which aspect
Q107 In a situation where a divorced Muslim
would the court likely consider while
woman challenges the constitutionality
deciding on her maintenance claim?
of the Muslim Women (Protection of
(A) The husband's educational
Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986, what was
the outcome of the legal case?
(B) The duration of the marriage.
(A) The Act was declared
(C) The wife's ability to work.
(D) The husband's financial capacity
(B) The Act was upheld as
constitutionally valid. Directions (111-115) Read the following passage
(C) The Act was modified to include and answer the given questions.
more provisions. The Arabic term ‘mahr’ means dower. It is a sum
(D) The Act was deemed inapplicable to of money that becomes payable by the
divorced women. husband to the wife on marriage. The mahr is
executed either by agreement between the
Q108 Consider a case where a Muslim
parties or by operation of law. Various jurists
husband claims that his payment of
have tried to define mahr. In the case of Abdul
dower (mehr) is sufficient to cover his
Kadir v. Salima,(1886), honorable Justice
divorced wife's financial needs. Which
Mahmood held that a dower under Muslim law
landmark case established the principle
is a sum of money or property that is promised
that dower is not the same as the
by the husband to be paid or delivered to the
amount payable to the wife on divorce?
wife in consideration of marriage and even if
(A) Bai Tahira v. Ali Hussain
the dower is not expressly mentioned at the
(B) Fuzlunbi v. K. Khader Vali
time of marriage, the wife still has the right of
(C) Mohammed Ahmed Khan v. Shah
dower. The ambiguity that arises is whether the
Bano Begum
term ‘consideration’ is similar to that in a
(D) Danial Latifi v. Union of India
contract or is different from it. From various

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cases, and observations in real life, it has been then she is only entitled to a decree of
affirmed that the term ‘consideration’ is conditional payment on the dower
different from that used in the contract. Without
Q111 Fatima entered into a Muslim marriage
consideration, a contract is generally void but if
where the concept of mahr was not
the dower or the consideration is not
explicitly discussed. According to the
mentioned during the time of marriage, the
case of Abdul Kadir v. Salima, does
marriage does not become void. However, the
Fatima still have the right to claim a
law requires a dower to be paid to the wife
dower even if it was not expressly
upon marriage. Under Islamic law, regarding
mentioned during the marriage
mahr, consideration means an obligation
imposed upon the husband by the law as a
(A) Yes, because under Muslim law, the
mark of respect for the wife. The literal meaning
wife has an inherent right to claim
of the term ‘mahr’ is dower, however, the two
dower, irrespective of whether it was
terms have some distinct differences. In Muslim
expressly mentioned at the time of
law, the concept of mahr is to ensure women’s
financial security. However, dowry is a social
(B) No, as the absence of explicit mention
evil. Dowry is generally asked by the kin of the
of dower during the marriage renders
bridegroom from the bride’s family as a gift to
the claim void, according to the
the marriage. Under Indian law, dowry has been
precedent set in Abdul Kadir v. Salima.
defined in Section 2 of the Dowry Prohibition
(C) Yes, but only if the marriage was
Act, of 1961. It is thus to be noted that mahr and
consummated, as the right to claim
dowry are two different concepts. One ensures
dower is contingent on the
security and the other is a social evil.
occurrence of consummation.
Every woman under Muslim law has the right to
(D) No, because the concept of mahr is
claim a dower on the commission of marriage.
only applicable if it is explicitly agreed
Like any other law, if such a right is violated,
upon by both parties at the time of
then the woman has some remedies. Muslim
law confers upon a wife or a widow some rights
to compel to get the payment of a dower. If Q112 Aisha, a Muslim woman, discovers that
the marriage has not been consummated then her husband has refused to pay the
the wife has a right to refuse to cohabit with her agreed-upon dower after the marriage
husband as long as the prompt dower is not ceremony. What legal remedies does
paid. If the wife is minor or insane, then the Aisha have under Muslim law to compel
guardian has a right to refuse to send her to her the payment of her dower?
husband’s house until the payment of a prompt (A) Aisha can immediately file for divorce,
dower is given. During this period, the wife stays as the refusal to pay dower is grounds
in her guardian’s house, the husband is bound for dissolution of the marriage under
to maintain her. However, if consummation has Muslim law.
taken place after marriage, then the wife loses (B) Aisha has the right to refuse to
the absolute right to insist on the payment of cohabit with her husband until the
prompt dower. This is because the husband can prompt dower is paid, especially if the
file a suit for restitution of conjugal rights. If the marriage has not been
wife still refuses to cohabit with her husband, consummated.

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Aisha can file a criminal case against consummated, and her only recourse
her husband under the Dowry is to file for divorce.
Prohibition Act, 1961, for failing to pay (C) Rukhsar can file a criminal case
the dower. against her husband for violating her
(D) Aisha must relinquish her claim to right to prompt dower after
dower if the marriage has been consummation.
consummated, as the right to insist (D) Rukhsar must comply with her
on prompt dower is only applicable husband's demand for
before consummation. consummation, and any claim to
prompt dower is forfeited after
Q113 In the context of Muslim law, how does
the term 'consideration' differ from its
usage in a contract regarding dower? Q115 Under Indian law, how does the Dowry
(A) The term 'consideration' in Muslim law Prohibition Act, 1961, distinguish between
is similar to that in a contract, and the mahr and dowry?
absence of consideration renders the (A) The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961,
marriage void. considers both mahr and dowry as
(B) Consideration in Muslim law is social evils and seeks to eradicate
different from that in a contract, as both practices.
the marriage remains valid even if (B) The Act does not distinguish between
dower is not expressly mentioned at mahr and dowry, treating them as
the time of marriage. interchangeable terms.
(C) The concept of consideration in (C) Mahr is recognized as a legal right for
Muslim law is irrelevant to the validity Muslim women, while dowry is
of the marriage, as it is solely based condemned as a social evil under the
on the mutual consent of the parties Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961.
involved. (D) Both mahr and dowry are considered
(D) The term 'consideration' is legally binding financial obligations,
synonymous in both Muslim law and with the Act providing equal
contracts, and the absence of protection for both concepts.
consideration renders both null and
Directions (116-120) Read the following
passage and answer the given questions.
Q114 Rukhsar, a Muslim woman, finds herself in In the Islamic marriage contract, the husband
a situation where her husband insists on must give his wife a financial gift known as
consummating the marriage but refuses ‘mehr’. It is an essential element of the marriage
to pay the prompt dower. According to contract, as it symbolizes the husband’s
Muslim law, what rights does Rukhsar commitment to support his wife financially and
have in this scenario? provide for her needs throughout their
(A) Rukhsar can refuse to cohabit with marriage. The nature of mehr is such that it is a
her husband until the prompt dower is gift given by the husband to his wife that is not
paid, regardless of the consummation expected to be returned unless it has been
of the marriage. stipulated as a condition in the marriage
(B) Rukhsar loses the right to claim contract. The amount of Mehr is agreed upon
prompt dower once the marriage is by both parties at the time of the marriage

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contract, and it can be in the form of cash, decision at the time of the divorce. This type
property, or any other valuable asset that the of deferred dower is usually preferred by
couple agrees upon. In Islamic law, the husband women, as it provides them with greater
is obligated to pay the full amount of the mehr financial security in the event of divorce.
to his wife, regardless of his financial status. This
In addition to prompt and deferred dower, there
ensures that the wife is protected financially in
is also a type of dower known as mu’akhar.
case of divorce, death, or any other unforeseen
Mu’akhar refers to a deferred dower that is
circumstances. The mehr serves as a means of
agreed upon to be paid at a later time, such as
security for the wife, giving her a sense of
after the birth of a child or after a certain
independence and financial stability in the
period has passed in the marriage. This type of
dower is meant to encourage the husband to
Types of Mehr
fulfill his responsibilities towards his wife and
There are two main types of dower, also known
family. The type of dower agreed upon by the
as mehr in Islamic law:
husband and wife depends on their
1. Prompt dower refers to the portion of the circumstances and preferences.
dower that is paid immediately or at the
Q116 Aisha and Zaid enter into an Islamic
time of the marriage contract. It is usually a
marriage contract, and Zaid agrees to
smaller amount and is intended to be a gift
pay a specified amount of mehr at the
to the wife. This prompt dower can be in the
time of divorce. However, upon divorce,
form of cash, property, or any other valuable
Zaid refuses to fulfill this obligation. What
asset that the couple agrees upon.
legal recourse does Aisha have in this
2. Deferred dower, on the other hand, is the
portion of the dower that is not paid
(A) Aisha has no legal recourse since
immediately but is deferred until the
mehr is not legally binding.
dissolution of the marriage through divorce,
(B) Aisha can seek legal action to enforce
death, or any other means. The deferred
the payment of the specified deferred
dower is usually a larger amount and is
dower agreed upon in the marriage
meant to provide financial security to the
wife in case of any unforeseen
(C) Aisha must forfeit her right to mehr as
it was agreed upon at the time of
Types of Deferred Dower divorce.
Deferred dower can be divided into two sub- (D) Aisha can only seek legal recourse if
categories: the deferred dower was unspecified.
1. A specified deferred dower refers to a
Q117 Farhan and Amina decide to have an
specific amount agreed upon by the
unspecified deferred dower in their
husband and wife at the time of the
Islamic marriage contract. In the event of
marriage contract. The amount can be paid
divorce, Amina seeks legal advice. What
in full at the time of divorce or in installments
principle of Islamic law supports Amina's
over some time.
preference for an unspecified deferred
2. Unspecified deferred dower, on the other
hand, refers to a dower amount that is not
(A) The principle of prompt dower.
specified at the time of the marriage
(B) The principle of financial
contract. Instead, the court will make that

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(C) The principle of deferred dower. (B) Saira can seek legal action to enforce
(D) The principle of mu’akhar. the payment of the mu’akhar agreed
upon after the birth of the child.
Q118 Ali and Fatima, an Islamic couple, agree
(C) Saira must forfeit her right to
on a prompt dower in the form of a
mu’akhar since it is a deferred dower.
valuable asset. During the marriage, Ali
(D) Saira can only seek legal recourse if
faces financial difficulties and is unable
the mu’akhar was specified.
to fulfill the mehr obligation. What legal
consequences may Ali face for not Q120 Nasir and Mariam enter into an Islamic
fulfilling the prompt dower obligation? marriage with a deferred dower that is
(A) Ali is exempt from paying prompt to be paid in installments after divorce.
dower due to financial difficulties. Mariam initiates the divorce and
(B) Ali may be legally obligated to fulfill demands the full amount immediately.
the prompt dower obligation despite What legal advice would you provide to
financial difficulties. Nasir in this situation?
(C) Ali is not legally bound to fulfill the (A) Nasir is legally obligated to pay the
prompt dower obligation as it was deferred dower in installments as
agreed upon during the marriage. agreed upon in the marriage
(D) Ali must seek court approval to be contract.
exempt from the prompt dower (B) Nasir can refuse to pay the deferred
obligation. dower, citing Mariam's initiation of the
Q119 In an Islamic marriage, Rahim agrees to a
(C) Nasir must pay the full deferred
deferred dower to be paid after the birth
dower immediately, regardless of the
of their first child. After the child's birth,
divorce circumstances.
Rahim refuses to pay the agreed-upon
(D) Nasir has the option to negotiate a
amount. What legal action can the wife,
new arrangement for the payment of
Saira, take in this situation?
the deferred dower with Mariam.
(A) Saira has no legal recourse as the
mu’akhar is not enforceable.

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Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q32 (B)

Q2 (D) Q33 (C)

Q3 (C) Q34 (D)

Q4 (A) Q35 (D)

Q5 (D) Q36 (C)

Q6 (C) Q37 (B)

Q7 (A) Q38 (A)

Q8 (C) Q39 (A)

Q9 (C) Q40 (B)

Q10 (B) Q41 (D)

Q11 (B) Q42 (D)

Q12 (C) Q43 (C)

Q13 (B) Q44 (A)

Q14 (C) Q45 (A)

Q15 (B) Q46 (B)

Q16 (B) Q47 (C)

Q17 (B) Q48 (D)

Q18 (C) Q49 (C)

Q19 (B) Q50 (D)

Q20 (C) Q51 (D)

Q21 (A) Q52 (C)

Q22 (C) Q53 (B)

Q23 (D) Q54 (B)

Q24 (B) Q55 (C)

Q25 (B) Q56 (A)

Q26 (B) Q57 (C)

Q27 (A) Q58 (A)

Q28 (D) Q59 (D)

Q29 (B) Q60 (C)

Q30 (D) Q61 (C)

Q31 (A) Q62 (B)

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Q63 (C) Q92 (B)

Q64 (B) Q93 (B)

Q65 (A) Q94 (C)

Q66 (B) Q95 (C)

Q67 (C) Q96 (A)

Q68 (C) Q97 (B)

Q69 (B) Q98 (C)

Q70 (C) Q99 (B)

Q71 (C) Q100 (A)

Q72 (D) Q101 (D)

Q73 (C) Q102 (D)

Q74 (D) Q103 (C)

Q75 (C) Q104 (B)

Q76 (B) Q105 (D)

Q77 (A) Q106 (B)

Q78 (A) Q107 (B)

Q79 (A) Q108 (C)

Q80 (A) Q109 (C)

Q81 (C) Q110 (D)

Q82 (B) Q111 (A)

Q83 (A) Q112 (B)

Q84 (C) Q113 (B)

Q85 (B) Q114 (A)

Q86 (B) Q115 (C)

Q87 (B) Q116 (B)

Q88 (C) Q117 (D)

Q89 (B) Q118 (B)

Q90 (C) Q119 (B)

Q91 (B) Q120 (A)

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Hints & Solutions

Q1. Text Solution: In this fictional case, the legal concept of
Explanation: adoption is demonstrated. Adoption is a
The correct answer is A) Best interests of the process through which individuals or couples
child. establish a legal parent-child relationship with
In this fictional case, the court awarded joint a child who is not biologically related to them.
custody based on the best interests of the child. The court grants the adoptive parents full
The principle of the best interests of the child is parental rights and responsibilities, including
a fundamental concept in family law, prioritizing the right to make decisions for the child's well-
the welfare and well-being of the child when being and provide for their upbringing.
making custody decisions. The court carefully Adoption is a significant legal mechanism in
considers various factors such as the child's family law that allows individuals or couples to
age, health, relationship with each parent, become legal parents to a child and ensure
stability, and any potential risks or concerns. In their protection and care.
this case, the court determined that joint Option A) No-fault divorce is incorrect. No-fault
custody would serve the child's best interests by divorce refers to a type of divorce where neither
allowing both parents to have a meaningful role party needs to prove fault or wrongdoing to
in the child's life. obtain a divorce. It is not applicable to the
Option B) No-fault divorce is incorrect. No-fault context of adoption in this fictional case.
divorce refers to a type of divorce where neither Option B) Joint custody is incorrect. Joint
party needs to prove fault or wrongdoing to custody refers to a custody arrangement where
obtain a divorce. It is not directly related to the both parents share decision-making authority
custody decision in this fictional case. and physical custody of the child after a
Option C) Community property is incorrect. divorce or separation. It is not directly related to
Community property refers to the legal regime the legal concept of adoption in this fictional
where marital assets and debts are considered case.
jointly owned by both spouses. It does not Option C) Termination of parental rights is also
pertain to the custody decision in this fictional incorrect. Termination of parental rights refers to
case. the legal process by which a court ends a
Option D) Equitable distribution is also parent's legal rights and responsibilities towards
incorrect. Equitable distribution is a principle a child. It is not relevant to the adoption
used in some jurisdictions to divide marital process demonstrated in this fictional case.
assets and liabilities fairly between spouses in a Therefore, the correct answer is D) Adoption, as
divorce. It is not directly relevant to the custody it represents the legal concept depicted in the
decision in this fictional case. fictional case of Patel v. Smith.
Therefore, the correct answer is A) Best interests Hence, option (D) is correct.
of the child, as it exemplifies the principle
Q3. Text Solution:
underlying the court's decision in the fictional Explanation:
case of Johnson v. Williams. The correct answer is C) Shared parenting.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
In this fictional case, the court awarded joint
Q2. Text Solution: custody with alternating physical custody every
Explanation: week, which exemplifies the legal concept of
The correct answer is D) Adoption. shared parenting. Shared parenting refers to a

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custody arrangement where both parents have during the marriage are considered jointly
significant involvement in the upbringing and owned by both spouses.
care of their child. The arrangement allows the Option B) No-fault divorce is incorrect. No-fault
child to spend substantial time with each divorce refers to a type of divorce where neither
parent, fostering a sense of continuity and party needs to prove fault or wrongdoing to
involvement from both parents. obtain a divorce. It is not directly related to the
Option A) No-fault divorce is incorrect. No-fault division of marital property in this fictional case.
divorce refers to a type of divorce where neither Option C) Pre-marital agreement is incorrect. A
party needs to prove fault or wrongdoing to pre-marital agreement, also known as a
obtain a divorce. It is not directly related to the prenuptial agreement, is a legal contract
custody arrangement in this fictional case. entered into by a couple before marriage,
Option B) Sole custody is also incorrect. Sole which outlines the distribution of property and
custody refers to a custody arrangement where financial matters in the event of divorce. It is not
one parent has the exclusive right to make directly applicable to the division of marital
decisions for the child and has physical custody. property in this fictional case.
It is not applicable in this case as joint custody Option D) Best interests of the child is not
was awarded. relevant to this question. Best interests of the
Option D) Alimony is not relevant to this child pertains to custody matters and ensuring
question. Alimony refers to the financial support the well-being of the child. It is not directly
paid by one spouse to the other after divorce. It related to the division of marital property.
is not directly related to the custody Therefore, the correct answer is A) Community
arrangement in this fictional case. property, as it exemplifies the principle of
Therefore, the correct answer is C) Shared property division in the fictional case of Patel v.
parenting, as it exemplifies the custody Brown, assuming the jurisdiction follows the
arrangement in the fictional case of Johnson v. community property principle.
Smith. Hence, option (a) is correct.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
Q5. Text Solution:
Q4. Text Solution: Explanation:
Explanation: The correct answer is D) Child custody.
The correct answer is A) Community property. In this fictional case, the court granted sole
In this fictional case, the court ordered the custody of the child to Johnson, the non-
division of marital property based on the biological parent, based on the child's best
principle of equitable distribution. Equitable interests. Child custody refers to the legal
distribution is a legal principle used in some determination of who will have physical and
jurisdictions to divide marital assets and legal responsibility for a child. Courts consider
liabilities fairly between spouses upon divorce. various factors, including the child's best
However, it is important to note that this interests, when making custody decisions. In this
question might be considered a trick question case, the court determined that it was in the
because the correct answer could vary child's best interests for Johnson to have sole
depending on the jurisdiction being referred to. custody.
In some jurisdictions, such as community Option A) Adoption is incorrect. Adoption
property states, the division of marital property involves establishing a legal parent-child
is based on the principle of community relationship between individuals who are not
property, where assets and debts acquired biologically related. It is not directly related to

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the custody decision described in this fictional Option (a) is incorrect because it suggests that
case. the absence of marriage registration is not a
Option B) Guardianship is incorrect. determining factor in categorizing the
Guardianship refers to a legal relationship relationship. However, it does not consider the
where a person is authorized to care for and importance of the parties' intentions, which is a
make decisions on behalf of a child. It is not crucial aspect in deciding whether it's a live-in
directly applicable to the custody decision relationship or a marriage.
described in this fictional case. Option (b) is incorrect because it oversimplifies
Option C) Child support is also incorrect. Child the legal categorization of relationships. In
support involves financial contributions many legal systems, including India, the nature
provided by a noncustodial parent to support of a relationship is not solely determined by the
the upbringing and well-being of a child. It is completion of formalities or registration.
not directly relevant to the custody decision Instead, it often depends on the intentions of
described in this fictional case. the parties involved, their conduct, and their
Therefore, the correct answer is D) Child perception of the relationship.
custody, as it illustrates the legal concept In the scenario described, the couple
depicted in the fictional case of Johnson v. conducted a marriage ceremony in front of a
Smith. deity, which clearly indicates their intention to
Hence, option (d) is correct. formalize their relationship as a marriage. They
have taken significant steps to achieve this,
Q6. Text Solution:
Option (c) is the correct answer since the legal despite not registering their marriage.

categorization of the couple's arrangement Therefore, the focus on formalities alone, as

depends on their intentions and the nature of suggested in option b, may not accurately

their relationship. While marriage registration is reflect the legal status of the relationship.

not mandatory for a marriage to be legally Option (d) is incorrect because While public

recognized, the intent of the parties involved is perception can be a factor, it is not the primary

crucial in determining the nature of their determinant of the legal status of a

relationship. In this case, the couple initially relationship. The key factor is the intention of

entered into a live-in relationship to assess the the parties involved, as recognized in option c.

feasibility of their future married life. However, Hence, option (c) is correct.

they subsequently conducted a marriage Q7. Text Solution:

ceremony in front of a deity, and society Option (a) is the correct answer since a child
recognized them as a married couple. Their born to a couple in a live-in relationship is not
clear intention was to formalize their automatically considered illegitimate. The
relationship as a marriage, and they took legitimacy of a child's birth is primarily
significant steps toward achieving this goal. determined by the intent of the parents to
Therefore, despite the absence of formal marry and formalize their relationship.
registration, their arrangement should be Consummation is an important aspect of a
considered a marriage based on their marital relationship, but its absence does not
intentions and the ceremony they conducted. automatically make the child illegitimate. In the
Public recognition further supports the view scenario described, the couple had the
that they are a married couple, and their intention to marry, with consummation pending.
relationship should be legally recognized as This intent to formalize their relationship as a
such. marriage is a key factor in determining the

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legitimacy of the child. Therefore, the child is regardless of whether they were legally married
not considered illegitimate. or not.
Option (b) is incorrect because it inaccurately Option (b) is incorrect since though Section 125
suggests that a child born in a live-in often pertains to wives seeking maintenance, it
relationship is automatically considered is not limited to spouses only. Courts have
illegitimate, which is not the case when the interpreted the term "wife" broadly to include
intent to marry is present. women in relationships similar to marriage,
Option (c) is incorrect because it incorrectly whether or not they are legally married.
states that any child born out of wedlock is Option (d) is not accurate. The option is
automatically considered illegitimate, which is essentially correct, but it's less clear and
not the case in many legal systems, including specific compared to Option c, which directly
India. The legitimacy of a child's birth depends addresses Y's situation and provides the most
on various factors, including the intent of the accurate explanation. Therefore, Option c is the
parents to marry. best choice.
Option (d) is incorrect because it assumes that Hence, option (c) is correct.
consummation is pivotal in determining a child's
Q9. Text Solution:
legitimacy, which is not the case in many legal
Option (c) is the correct answer because it
systems, including India. Intent to marry is a
accurately recognizes that Y can claim alimony
crucial factor.
even though she is not X's legal wife. The option
Hence, option (a) is correct. acknowledges that alimony can be sought to
Q8. Text Solution: prevent destitution in cases of live-in
Option (c) is the correct answer because in relationships when certain conditions are met.
India, under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Option (a) is incorrect as it suggests that only
Procedure (Cr.P.C), a person can claim married individuals or those seeking divorce
maintenance for themselves or their can claim alimony. However, it is not accurate.
dependents. While this provision often relates Alimony is not limited to only those who were
to married individuals seeking maintenance, it is legally married or pursuing divorce.
not limited to just spouses. The term "wife" Option (b) is incorrect because while alimony is
mentioned in the section has been interpreted often associated with wives, it is not limited to
broadly by courts to include any woman living spouses only. In modern legal interpretations,
in a relationship that is akin to marriage, even if alimony can be claimed by individuals in
it's not a legally recognized marriage. In Y's relationships similar to marriage, whether or not
case, despite not being legally married to X, she they were legally married.
can still claim maintenance under Section 125 of Option (d) is incorrect since it suggests that
the Cr.P.C. This is because the primary aim of alimony is claimed to safeguard X's interests,
the provision is to prevent destitution and which is not the purpose of alimony. Alimony is a
ensure the well-being of individuals who are financial support mechanism typically provided
unable to support themselves. by one partner to another, usually the higher-
Option (a) is incorrect since it is not a valid earning partner to the lower-earning or
reason to deny Y's claim for maintenance. The financially dependent partner, with the primary
legal provision under Section 125 of the Code of aim of ensuring the financial well-being of the
Criminal Procedure (Cr.P.C) allows for recipient (in this case, Y). Therefore, option D is
maintenance to be claimed by a person who is not an accurate reflection of the purpose of
living in a relationship that is akin to marriage, alimony.

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Hence, optoin (c) is correct. of prohibited relationships, and marrying them

Q10. Text Solution: is generally not allowed under the Act. Custom

Option (b) is the correct answer since it gives cannot override the provisions of the Act in this
case. Thus, marriages involving step-siblings
the most accurate definition of a live-in
would be considered void under the Act.
relationship under the law. It defines a live-in
Incorrect Options:
relationship as a relationship between
A) The Act would not apply to marriages within
individuals who live together or have lived
this village.
together in a shared household and are related
through a marriage-like relationship. This Explanation: This option is incorrect because
the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, applies uniformly
definition encompasses the essence of a live-in
regardless of location or custom.
relationship, which is characterized by
C) Marriages involving step-siblings would be
cohabitation and a relationship similar to
valid, based on their custom.
marriage, without the formalities of legal
marriage. Explanation: This option is incorrect because
the Act takes precedence over customs that
Option (a) is incorrect because that definition is
conflict with its provisions. Prohibited
overly specific and limited. It focuses on the
relationships, such as marriages involving step-
same-sex aspect of relationships, which is not
siblings, would still be void even if they are
the defining characteristic of a live-in
allowed by a local custom.
relationship. Live-in relationships can involve
D) Marriages involving step-siblings would
individuals of any gender, not just those of the
require special government approval.
same sex.
Explanation: This option is incorrect because
Option (b) is incorrect because this definition is
the Act's provisions are clear regarding
also limited and overly specific. It implies that a
prohibited relationships. Special government
live-in relationship must involve a formal
approval is not a solution to override the
contractual agreement, which is not a universal
prohibition of such relationships.
requirement. Live-in relationships can exist
without a formal contract, and they are not Hence, option (b) is correct.

restricted to relationships between a man and Q12. Text Solution:

a woman. Answer: C) The marriage would be void.
Option (d) is incorrect because it combines the Explanation: The scenario described involves
limitations of options A and C. It suggests that Maya's lack of genuine consent, as she is being
a live-in relationship can only be between coerced and manipulated into the marriage
consenting adults of the same sex and must against her will. According to the Hindu
involve a contractual agreement between a Marriage Act, 1955, a marriage must be entered
man and a woman. This is not an accurate or into with the free consent of both parties. In this
comprehensive definition. case, as Maya's consent is not freely given, the
Hence, option (b) is correct. marriage would be void and without legal

Q11. Text Solution: effect.

Answer: B) Marriages involving step-siblings

would be void. Incorrect Options:

Explanation: The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955,

A) The marriage would be considered valid.
provides a framework for the legality of
marriages, including prohibited relationships. Explanation: This option is incorrect because a

Step-siblings are considered within the degrees marriage entered into under coercion and

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manipulation is not considered valid. Genuine marriage could be considered voidable at the
consent is a crucial element of a valid marriage. discretion of Neha under the Act, as Alok may
B) The marriage would be voidable at Maya's not have had the legal capacity to consent to
discretion. the marriage.
Hence, option c is correct.
Explanation: This option is incorrect because
Q15. Text Solution:
voidable marriages typically involve situations
The correct answer is:
where one party chooses to annul the marriage
b. The marriage would be voidable at the
due to specific grounds, such as fraud or discretion of Radhika.
impotence. In this case, Maya is being coerced, Reasoning:
which typically renders the marriage void rather
than voidable. 1. Void Marriage: Let's start by eliminating
options that are clearly incorrect. According

D) The marriage would be conditionally valid, to the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, a marriage

pending Maya's consent. can be void if it falls under specific

conditions mentioned in the Act. These
Explanation: This option is incorrect because conditions include things like bigamy,
the marriage cannot be considered prohibited degrees of relationships, and,
conditionally valid based on Maya's consent at importantly for this scenario, lack of free

a later point. Coercion and manipulation consent.

negate the voluntary nature of consent 2. Consent: Radhika agreed to the marriage

required for a valid marriage. under extreme duress, which implies that her
consent was not freely given. The Hindu

Hence, option (c) is correct. Marriage Act recognizes the importance of

free consent in a marriage. Section 12 of the
Q13. Text Solution:
Act states that a marriage can be voidable
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, declares
if either party was incapable of giving a
marriages within prohibited Sapinda
valid consent due to unsoundness of mind,
relationships as void. Option B is correct
or if the consent was obtained by force,
because Nisha's marriage with Rohit would be
fraud, or under influence.
invalid, and she would not have any inheritance
3. Voidable Marriage: In this case, Radhika
rights. Option A is incorrect because an invalid
agreed to the marriage under extreme
marriage does not grant inheritance rights.
pressure from her family, which constitutes
Option C is incorrect because the Act's
undue influence. Therefore, her consent was
provisions are clear about the invalidity. Option
not freely given, making the marriage
D is incorrect because inheritance rights are
voidable at her discretion. Radhika has the
based on legal provisions, not familial
legal option to void the marriage if she
wishes to do so.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
Now, let's discuss the reasoning for the
Q14. Text Solution:
incorrect options:
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, requires that both
a. The marriage would be considered valid due
parties have the capacity to give free and
to Radhika's agreement.
informed consent to the marriage. If Alok has an
This option is incorrect because even
intellectual disability that affects his
though Radhika agreed, her consent was
understanding and decision-making ability, the

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not freely given due to the extreme duress potentially be considered as a ground for
she faced. In such cases, the marriage is seeking annulment of the marriage provided
voidable, not automatically valid. that he was not informed about it before their
c. The marriage would be void due to Radhika's marriage according to the passage..
lack of free consent. A) Arjun can immediately file for divorce and
This option is incorrect because the Hindu seek compensation from Meenal.
Marriage Act, 1955, specifies that marriages This option is incorrect because the passage
lacking free consent are voidable, not void. doesn't mention any thing about
Void marriages are those that are inherently compensation.
illegal and cannot be validated under any C) Arjun has no legal grounds to take any
circumstances, whereas voidable marriages action because he should have asked her
can be annulled at the discretion of the about it before the marriage.
affected party. This option is incorrect because their nothing
d. The marriage would be valid, but Radhika such mentioned in the passage that tells us
could claim damages. that he should have asked about the
This option is incorrect because, in cases of pregnancy before their marriage and he
voidable marriages due to lack of free cannot have any legal remedy after their
consent, the marriage itself is not marriage.
considered valid from the beginning. Instead D)Arjun can claim custody of the child and
of claiming damages, Radhika has the request maintenance from Meenal.
option to seek annulment of the marriage. This option is incorrect because the passage
Claiming damages typically applies to other doesn't provide any information about custody
legal scenarios but not to voidable or maintenance rights in this specific context.
marriages under the Hindu Marriage Act. Hence, option (b) is correct.
Hence, option (b) is incorrect.
Q18. Text Solution:
Q16. Text Solution: C) John's marriage with Sarah is void.
Answer: b) Under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, it is
Reason: According to the Hindu Marriage Act, explicitly stated that one cannot get married to
the legal age for marriage is 21 years for males. someone else without first divorcing their
As both Jungkook and Rashi are 18 years old, spouse (divorce). If he does the act, the second
they would be punished for this act but the marriage will be considered void and he will be
marriage would be valid penalised in accordance with Sections 494 and
Option c is wrong because for girls the legal 495 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
age of marriage is 18 not 21. Option D is Explanation of why the other three options are
incorrect because in this case age is a legal wrong:
factor that would determine the validity of the a) John's actions are legal under certain
marriage and not whether they love each other conditions.
or not. This option is incorrect because the Hindu
Hence, option (b) is correct. Marriage Act, 1955, unequivocally prohibits
bigamy, and there are no conditions specified
Q17. Text Solution:
B) Arjun can seek annulment of the marriage. in the Act that would make John's actions legal.
b)John's actions are illegal, and he may face
Explanation: In the scenario described,
legal penalties under the Hindu Marriage Act of
Meenal's pregnancy by her ex-boyfriend before
the marriage is a situation that could 1955.

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penal actions can be taken against him under Q20. Text Solution:
indian penal code and not under the Hindu Answer: c) If one of the spouses is pregnant by
Marriage Act of 1955. someone other than the petitioner at the time
d) John's actions are permissible as long as he of the union.
obtains consent from both Maria and Sarah. Explanation: As per the information in the
This option is incorrect because even if both passage, a marriage can be annulled under the
Maria and Sarah were to consent to the second Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, if one of the spouses
marriage, it would still be illegal under the Hindu is found to be pregnant by someone other than
Marriage Act, 1955. The Act explicitly states that the petitioner at the time of the union. This is
having two living spouses is not allowed, and one of the specific grounds for annulment
consent does not override this legal provision. mentioned in the Act. The other options do not
Hence, option (c) is correct. align with the grounds for annulment provided
in the passage.
Q19. Text Solution:
A)If the couple decides they no longer want to
B) Kavita can seek annulment of the marriage
live together for a certain period.
on the grounds of partial or complete infertility.
A decision to separate for a certain period
Explanation: As stated in the passage, a
cannot be said to be a reason for the
marriage can be annulled due to impotence
annulment of marriage.
partial or incomplete, which is a medical
condition that can render one incapable of B) If one of the spouses has a temporary mental
illness developed after the marriage.
fulfilling their marital obligations. In this
Since the medical illness is temporary and that
scenario, where Arvind's medical condition
too developed after their marriage it is also not
prevents him from having children, Kavita could
mentioned as a ground foe the annulment of
potentially seek annulment of the marriage
the marriage.
based on the grounds of impotence.
D) If the couple has been living separately for
A) Kavita can remarriage immediately.
one year without reconciliation.
She cannot remarriage before divorcing or
annulling her marriage with Arvind according to nothing as such mentioned in the passage

the Hindu Marriage Act as stated in the regarding the time period after which if the

passage. couple has not reconciled then their marriage

can be annulled.

C) Kavita can claim maintenance from Arvind. Hence, option (c) is correct.

The passage does not mention a basis for Q21. Text Solution:
claiming maintenance in this context. The correct answer is A. Pragati can file for
Maintenance claims typically arise in divorce divorce on the ground of conversion as
proceedings and are not directly tied to the conversion is considered a valid ground for
reason for seeking divorce or annulment. divorce under Indian law. The Special Marriage
Act, 1954, which applies to inter-faith marriages,
D) Kavita can seek for the annulment only if he provides for divorce on the ground of
is completely impotent. conversion. Therefore, Pragati can file for
The passage mentions that she can seek an divorce if she can prove that Abhishek's
annulment if the marriage if impotence is conversion has caused her mental or physical
partial or total and the totality of impotence is cruelty, and that she cannot live with him
not important. anymore. Option B is incorrect because, as
Hence, option (b) is correct. mentioned, conversion is a valid ground for

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divorce under Indian law. Option C and D are eyewitness accounts, to establish adultery and
also incorrect as the scenario given does not file for divorce.
mention any instances of cruelty as a ground Hence, option (b) is correct.
for divorce.
Q25. Text Solution:
Hence, option (a) is correct. The correct answer is B The fact that Pragati
Q22. Text Solution: was missing for a prolonged period of time
The correct answer is C In this scenario, a single does not automatically grant Abhishek the right
incident of Pragati shouting at Abhishek due to to marry again without obtaining a divorce first.
dissatisfaction with the taste of food does not Abhishek's second marriage would be
constitute cruelty under the law. In order for a considered bigamous and illegal under Indian
spouse to file for divorce on the ground of laws, unless he can prove that he obtained a
cruelty, the conduct must be of such a nature valid divorce from Pragati before marrying
that it renders it impossible for the spouses to Shruti.
live together, and it must be of a continuing Hence, option (b) is correct.
nature. Therefore, option A and B are incorrect.
Q26. Text Solution:
Option D is also incorrect because constructive
criticism is different from cruel conduct that can b) No, because Rajan's actions do not meet the
lead to a divorce. threshold of cruelty.
Hence, option (c) is correct. Explanation:
Q23. Text Solution: In this scenario, while Rajan's behavior includes
The correct answer is D. Renunciation of worldly making negative remarks about Nisha's
affairs cannot prevent the other party from appearance and giving her silent treatment, it's
seeking a divorce. In fact, under the Hindu essential to consider several factors when
Marriage Act, it can be considered as a ground determining whether these actions constitute
for divorce if the renunciation is done without cruelty under the Hindu Marriage Act. Cruelty, in
the consent of the other spouse and without the legal context, involves behavior that causes
any reasonable cause. Therefore, Abhishek's such mental or physical suffering that it
action of renouncing all worldly affairs with the becomes impossible for the petitioner to
intention of trapping Pragati in the marriage continue living with the respondent. It is
alone is not legally valid and can even be a important to note that cruelty can be both
ground for divorce. Options A, B, and C are physical and mental.Here, while Rajan's actions
incorrect and do not reflect the legal reality in might be causing Nisha emotional distress, the
India. extent of this distress and whether it reaches
Hence, option (d) is correct. the legal threshold for cruelty is not explicitly
Q24. Text Solution:
The correct answer is B. Under the Hindu c) Yes, because the cumulative effect of Rajan's

Marriage Act, adultery is considered a valid behavior has caused Nisha mental distress.

ground for divorce. However, the burden of While cumulative effect can be considered in
assessing cruelty, the question does not provide
proof lies with the person filing for divorce. Mere
enough information to determine whether
suspicion of extramarital affairs is not enough to
Nisha's mental distress reaches the level
file for divorce. The person must provide
required for legal cruelty.
concrete proof, such as photographs, videos, or
d) No, unless Nisha can demonstrate physical
harm resulting from Rajan's actions.

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This option is incorrect because cruelty is not effects on family reputation. Adultery is
limited to physical harm. It can also include determined based on the nature of the
mental and emotional suffering, which are extramarital relationship itself.
important considerations in determining cruelty. Hence, option (a) is correct.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
Q28. Text Solution:
Q27. Text Solution: Answer: d) Cruelty
Answer: Explanation:
a) Yes, because any extramarital sexual In this scenario, Arun's behavior of making
relationship, regardless of the gender of the demeaning comments about Maya's career
partner, constitutes adultery under the Act. achievements and attempting to belittle her in
Explanation: front of friends can be considered mental
Adultery, as defined in the Hindu Marriage Act, cruelty. Cruelty, whether physical or mental, is a
involves a voluntary sexual relationship valid ground for divorce under the Hindu
between a married person and someone other Marriage Act.
than their spouse. The Act does not specify the a) Adultery
gender of the partner involved in the Adultery involves extramarital sexual
extramarital relationship. Therefore, if Sameera relationships. While there are issues in the
is having a sexual relationship with another marriage, adultery does not seem to be a
woman, it could potentially qualify as adultery factor in this scenario.
under the Act. c) Desertion
Explanation of other options: Desertion typically involves one spouse
b) No, because adultery is only applicable when abandoning the other without reasonable
one spouse engages in a sexual relationship cause. There is no indication of desertion in this
with a person of the opposite sex. scenario.
This option is incorrect. The Hindu Marriage Act d) Mutual Consent
does not restrict adultery to relationships with Mutual Consent divorce requires both parties to
persons of the opposite sex. Adultery can agree to the divorce without any dispute. This
involve sexual relationships with individuals of option does not seem relevant to the scenario,
any gender. as it appears that there is a dispute between
c) Yes, but only if Riya can provide evidence Arun and Maya regarding their marriage issues.
that the same-sex relationship caused Question 2:
irreparable harm to their marriage. Answer: d) Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage
This option is not accurate because the legal Explanation:
definition of adultery under the Act does not The scenario describes a situation where
require proof of harm to the marriage. Adultery Rohan's preoccupation with his artistic pursuits
is based on the presence of a sexual has caused emotional distance between him
relationship outside the marriage, regardless of and Aisha. This emotional distance and lack of
its impact. connection could be seen as a manifestation of
d) No, unless Sameera's same-sex relationship the irretrievable breakdown of their marriage. In
leads to a public scandal affecting the family's cases where a marriage has broken down
reputation. irretrievably and there is no chance of
This option is not valid because the criteria for reconciliation, this ground can be considered
adultery under the Hindu Marriage Act are not for divorce.
contingent upon potential public scandal or Explanation of other options:

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a) Adultery a) Adultery
Adultery involves extramarital sexual Adultery involves extramarital sexual
relationships, which is not a factor in this relationships, which is not a factor in this
scenario. scenario.
b) Cruelty c) Desertion
While there are issues and emotional distress, Desertion involves one spouse abandoning the
the scenario does not indicate cruel behavior other without reasonable cause, which is not
by either party. applicable here.
c) Desertion d) Cruelty
There is no indication of desertion in this There is no indication of cruel behavior in this
scenario. scenario.
Question 3: Hence, option (b) is correct.
Answer: b) Mutual Consent
Q30. Text Solution:
d) Desertion
Ravi and Priya both agree that their marriage is
irreparable due to their separate lives, lack of
In this scenario, Rohan left their shared home
communication, and emotional distance. In
after an argument and never returned, creating
such cases, a divorce by mutual consent would
a situation of abandonment. Desertion, as a
be a suitable option. Mutual Consent divorce
ground for divorce, refers to one spouse leaving
allows couples to divorce amicably when both
the other without reasonable cause and
parties agree to end the marriage without any
without the consent or intention to return.
Priya's attempts to reach out and Rohan's lack
Explanation of other options:
of responsiveness suggest that he has
a) Adultery
effectively abandoned the marriage, leaving
Adultery involves extramarital sexual
Priya to manage the household and raise their
relationships, which is not a factor in this
child on her own.
Explanation of other options:
c) Desertion
a) Adultery
Desertion involves one spouse abandoning the
Adultery involves extramarital sexual
other without reasonable cause, which is not
relationships, which is not relevant to the
applicable here.
Hence, option (d) is correct. b) Mutual Consent
Q29. Text Solution: Mutual Consent divorce requires both parties to
Answer: b) Mutual Consent agree to the divorce without any dispute. While
Explanation: there might be challenges and disagreements
Ravi and Priya both agree that their marriage is in Rohan and Priya's situation, the scenario
irreparable due to their separate lives, lack of doesn't indicate that both parties are in
communication, and emotional distance. In agreement about ending the marriage.
such cases, a divorce by mutual consent would c) Mental Cruelty
be a suitable option. Mutual Consent divorce While there could be emotional distress caused
allows couples to divorce amicably when both by Rohan's abandonment, the primary issue in
parties agree to end the marriage without any this scenario is desertion rather than mental
dispute. cruelty.
Explanation of other options: Hence, option (d) is correct.

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Q31. Text Solution: Hence the correct option is D.

Option (a) is the right answer because the Q35. Text Solution:
Court looks into various factors and the income
According to the question we have to mark
of the husband is one of the main factors while
false statement:
determining maintenance. Option (b) is
Option A says- It can't be generalized that wife
incorrect as the husband is not liable to
is the party who gets the maintenance always
maintain the wife for an amount which is
there are some legal provisions which allow a
exceeding his income. Option (c) is incorrect
man to get maintenance from his wife after
because the husband usually maintains the
divorce it is clearly written in 2nd paragraph
wife unless the wife earns more than the
and the second line so it cannot be false.
husband but the facts of the question are silent
Option B says- Section 25 of the Hindu
regarding that. Option (d) is incorrect because
Marriage Act allows the court to grant lifetime
various factors determine the amount of
maintenance to both Husband and wife whose
financial status is low, it is written in 2nd
Hence the correct option is A.
paragraph and the fourth line so this cannot be
Q32. Text Solution: false too.
Option (b) is the right answer where the Option C says-Streedhana is the property
husband has no source of income and the wife gained by a woman at the time of marriage, it
is earning, the wife has to maintain her is different from dowry, this line is wr in the last
husband. Option (a) is incorrect because both paragraph second line so this is also not false.
husband and wife can claim maintenance from As all three options are written in the passages
each other. Option (c) is wrong because it cannot be false.
maintenance is not only for the child. Therefore, Hence, the correct option is D.
option (d) is wrong.
Q36. Text Solution:
Hence the correct answer is B.
Explanation: The correct answer is C)
Q33. Text Solution: Maintenance seeks to address the economic
Option (c) is the right answer because disparities resulting from the end of the marital
Streedhan is solely the wife's property. Even relationship.
after the divorce, she has the sole right over The purpose of maintenance in Serenia is to
that property. Option (a) and (b) is incorrect address the economic disparities that may
because she is not liable to share Streedhan arise as a result of the end of the marital
with her husband. Option (d) is, therefore, relationship. It aims to provide financial support
incorrect. to the dependent spouse who may have made
Hence the correct option is C. sacrifices or contributions during the marriage

Q34. Text Solution: that affected their earning capacity or financial

Option (d) is the right answer as the husband stability. The goal is to ensure that the

has to maintain both his ex-wife and his child. dependent spouse can maintain a reasonable

He cannot choose between the two. Option (b) standard of living and meet their financial

is incorrect because even after divorce, the needs after the divorce. Therefore, the primary

husband has to maintain his wife. Option (c) is purpose of maintenance is to address the

incorrect because he cannot choose who he economic disparities resulting from the end of

wants to maintain or not. Therefore, option (a) is the marital relationship.

incorrect. Option A) Maintenance aims to punish the

supporting spouse for the end of the marital

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relationship is incorrect. Maintenance is not dependent spouse with the earning capacity of
intended as a form of punishment but rather as the supporting spouse presents a potential
a means of financial support for the dependent challenge in determining the amount and
spouse. duration of maintenance in Eldoria.
Option B) Maintenance ensures that the Option A) Ensuring the dependent spouse
dependent spouse maintains a higher standard maintains a significantly higher standard of
of living than during the marriage is also living after the divorce is incorrect. The goal is
incorrect. While maintenance aims to help the to provide adequate support to the dependent
dependent spouse maintain a reasonable spouse to maintain a reasonable standard of
standard of living, it does not guarantee a living, not necessarily a significantly higher
higher standard of living than during the standard than during the marriage.
marriage. The goal is to address the economic Option C) Providing long-term maintenance
disparities, not to improve the standard of living even when the dependent spouse has the
beyond what is reasonable and fair. ability to become self-supporting is incorrect.
Option D) Maintenance is a form of financial Maintenance is typically awarded based on the
compensation for emotional distress caused by financial needs of the dependent spouse and is
the divorce is incorrect. Maintenance is not not intended to be a long-term obligation
intended as compensation for emotional when the dependent spouse has the ability to
distress but rather as financial support to become self-supporting.
address the economic consequences of the Option D) Guaranteeing equal financial
end of the marital relationship. Emotional contributions from both spouses during the
distress is typically addressed through other marriage is not supported by the given
legal processes, such as counseling or therapy, information. The passage does not provide any
if necessary. information about equal financial contributions
Hence, option (c) is correct. during the marriage. Maintenance is based on
the financial circumstances and needs of the
Q37. Text Solution:
Explanation: The correct answer is B) Balancing parties involved, rather than a requirement for
equal financial contributions.
the financial needs of the dependent spouse
Hence, option (b) is correct.
with the earning capacity of the supporting
spouse. Q38. Text Solution:
Determining the amount and duration of Explanation: The correct answer is A) The
maintenance in Eldoria requires balancing the temporary maintenance provision aims to
financial needs of the dependent spouse with ensure financial stability for the dependent
the earning capacity of the supporting spouse. spouse throughout the divorce process.
The court aims to provide adequate support to The purpose of the temporary maintenance
the dependent spouse while also ensuring that provision in Equinoxia is to ensure the financial
the supporting spouse is not burdened beyond stability of the dependent spouse during the
their means. It must consider the financial divorce proceedings. Divorce can often result in
resources and earning potential of both parties significant financial disruptions for the
to strike a fair balance. This can be a dependent spouse, especially if they have
challenging task, as it requires evaluating relied on the supporting spouse for financial
various factors and assessing the financial support. By granting temporary maintenance,
circumstances of each spouse. Therefore, the court seeks to provide immediate financial
balancing the financial needs of the assistance to meet the dependent spouse's

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ongoing financial needs, including living have suffered as a result of the supporting
expenses, legal fees, and other necessary costs. spouse's financial misconduct. Financial
Therefore, the primary purpose of the misconduct can include actions such as hiding
temporary maintenance provision is to ensure assets, dissipating marital funds, or engaging in
financial stability for the dependent spouse fraudulent financial practices. The punitive
throughout the divorce process. maintenance provision serves as a means to
Option B) The temporary maintenance provision provide financial redress and compensate the
is intended to punish the supporting spouse for dependent spouse for the harm caused by the
the breakdown of the marriage is incorrect. The supporting spouse's misconduct. Therefore, the
temporary maintenance provision is not meant primary purpose of the punitive maintenance
to punish the supporting spouse but rather to provision is to compensate the dependent
address the financial needs of the dependent spouse for the financial losses incurred due to
spouse during the divorce proceedings. the supporting spouse's misconduct.
Option C) The temporary maintenance Option B) The punitive maintenance provision is
provision encourages the dependent spouse to intended to deter the supporting spouse from
seek reconciliation with the supporting spouse engaging in financial misconduct in future
is incorrect. While the temporary maintenance relationships is incorrect. While the punitive
provision may provide financial support to the maintenance provision may have a deterrent
dependent spouse, its primary purpose is not to effect, its primary purpose is not to influence
encourage reconciliation between the spouses. the behavior of the supporting spouse in future
The provision is focused on providing immediate relationships. The provision is focused on
financial stability rather than influencing the compensating the dependent spouse rather
decision to reconcile. than deterrence.
Option D) The temporary maintenance Option C) The punitive maintenance provision
provision helps expedite the divorce process by encourages the dependent spouse to seek
providing immediate financial assistance is also reconciliation with the supporting spouse is
incorrect. While temporary maintenance incorrect. The punitive maintenance provision is
provides immediate financial assistance, its not intended to encourage reconciliation
primary purpose is not to expedite the divorce between the spouses but rather to provide
process. The court may need to consider financial compensation for the harm caused by
various other factors and issues before finalizing the supporting spouse's financial misconduct.
the divorce, and the temporary maintenance Option D) The punitive maintenance provision
provision is a separate matter addressing the helps expedite the divorce process by providing
financial needs of the dependent spouse. additional financial incentives is also incorrect.
Hence, option (a) is correct. The punitive maintenance provision is not
designed to expedite the divorce process or
Q39. Text Solution:
Explanation: The correct answer is A) The provide additional financial incentives. Its

punitive maintenance provision aims to primary purpose is to address the financial

compensate the dependent spouse for the losses suffered by the dependent spouse.
Hence, option (A) is correct.
financial losses incurred due to the supporting
spouse's misconduct. Q40. Text Solution:
The purpose of the punitive maintenance Explanation: The correct answer is B) It may
provision in Prospertown is to compensate the disregard the financial resources and
dependent spouse for the financial losses they obligations of the supporting spouse.

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Relying solely on the earning capacity of the Correct Answer: (d) The declaration about
dependent spouse in determining maintenance Radhika’s health (1) cannot be inferred to be a
may overlook the financial resources and declaration about mental insanity. (2) was not
obligations of the supporting spouse. While the made by a court of competent jurisdiction.
earning capacity of the dependent spouse is Hence, Radhika had a say in the matter of
an important factor to consider, it should not be adoption, and therefore, Laksh cannot be
the sole determinant of maintenance. Focusing granted sole adoption rights.
only on the earning capacity of the dependent Reasoning for the Incorrect Answer:
spouse may disregard the financial resources, (a) Nowhere in the passage is there a mention
assets, and obligations of the supporting of the rationale for adoption; hence, option (a)
spouse, which can significantly impact the is invalid.
ability to provide financial support. (b) The court was not of competent jurisdiction
Maintenance calculations should take into as the declaration was held in the country of
account both parties' financial circumstances Cocina.
to ensure a fair and reasonable distribution of (c) The consent of the other spouse (wife) may
resources. Therefore, relying solely on the be vitiated subject to certain exceptions;
earning capacity of the dependent spouse can hence, option (c) is wrong.
be a potential drawback in determining Hence, option (d) is correct.
Q42. Text Solution:
Option A) It may not accurately reflect the Correct Answer: (d) Similar to the previous
financial needs of the dependent spouse is reasoning, the declaration about Radhika’s
incorrect. While relying solely on the earning health cannot be inferred to be a declaration
capacity of the dependent spouse may not about mental insanity; hence, (a) and (c) are
fully capture their financial needs, it does eliminated. Also, there are exceptions to the
consider one important aspect of their financial wife’s consent in cases of adoption, as
situation. Therefore, this answer choice does mentioned in the passage; hence, (b) is
not accurately reflect the potential drawback incorrect as well.
mentioned in the question. Reasoning for the Incorrect Answer:
Option C) It may lead to an unfair distribution of
(a). Even though a court of India has made a
marital assets and property is also incorrect.
declaration about Radhika’s mental health, a
The passage does not provide any information
declaration of ‘bipolar disorder’ cannot be
about the distribution of marital assets and
classified as a declaration of mental insanity,
property. Therefore, this answer choice goes
which is a mandate in the proviso of s. 7 of the
beyond the given information.
Option D) It may discourage the dependent (b). The consent of the other spouse (wife) may
spouse from seeking employment or advancing be vitiated subject to certain exceptions;
their career is not supported by the given hence, option (b) is wrong.
information. The passage does not indicate any
(c). As suggested by reasoning (a), Laksh will not
potential discouragement for the dependent
be granted adoption rights.
spouse to seek employment or advance their
Hence, option (d) is correct.
career. Therefore, this answer choice is not
Q43. Text Solution:
supported by the given information.
Correct Answer: (c) The consent of the mother,
Hence, option (B) is correct.
is necessary to put up the child for adoption.
Q41. Text Solution:

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Here, there was no knowledge or consent on Q46. Text Solution:

the part of B, the biological mother of Alice. The correct option is B - no, because Samaira
Reasoning for the Incorrect Answer: was not legally separated from her birth
(a). There is nothing in the passage to suggest parents.
that custody grants the father sole right to put The correct answer is option B because the
the biological child up for adoption. passage mentions that once a child is legally
(b). There is nothing in the paragraph separated from his biological parents for good
mentioning Y as the guardian of Alice. and becomes a legitimate child of his adoptive
(d). Parting ways cannot be inferred to impose a parents, he gets all the rights that are related to
restriction on putting the child up for adoption his adoptive parents. But since that is not the
in the given set of facts. case here, they cannot adopt her.
Hence, option (c) is correct. Option A is not the correct answer because it
comes later, without permission or anything;
Q44. Text Solution:
however, since she was not legally separated
Correct Answer: (A) B can claim such a right,
from her birth parents, this is not the correct
since the court appointed guardian of Alice has
answer option. Based on the same reasoning
died and she as her biological mother is next in
and the fact that approaching a court comes
the line of guardianship.
very later, option C is incorrect.
Reasoning for Incorrect Answers:
Option D is not the correct answer because
(b) Option b is incorrect, because after father
being Hindu and going through the court
the biological mother is the one who is next in
proceedings does not make Samaira eligible for
line of guardianship.
being adopted.
(c) Mother's do not by default have the right to
Hence, option (b) is correct.
custody over their child upon a divorce. Both
partners have an equal stake, and the court Q47. Text Solution:
finally decides who will get to keep the child. The correct option is C - no, because Kartik
(d) Since (a) can be inferred from the passage, already has a son living, so he is not eligible for
Option (d) is automatically vitiated. this adoption.
Hence, option (a) is correct. The correct answer is option C because the
passage mentions that one cannot adopt if
Q45. Text Solution:
they have a child living at that time; hence, this
Correct Answer: (a) The adoption is for the
makes Kartik ineligible for adopting a child.
welfare of Y since it can be inferred that Y had
better prospects while living with her aunt. Option A is not the correct answer because a
male alone can indeed adopt a child, as the
Reasoning for Incorrect Answers:
passage clearly mentions.
(b). Here, the object of the payment is what is
to be taken care of. The object of payment to X Option B is not the correct answer because

in the form of a food truck was not in the form there is nothing mentioned in the factual

of consideration (payment) for Y; rather, it was a scenario for the age limit or anything.

gift, given out of good faith by Jane and Foster. Option D is not the correct answer because,

Hence, (b) is incorrect. though his wife had custody of the son, that still
does not matter here because Kartik still had a
(c). Succession of rights in terms of family is not
son who was
mentioned in the passage; hence, (c) is invalid.
living at the time, he wanted to adopt a child.
(d). Eliminated, since (a) is correct.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
Q48. Text Solution:

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The correct option is D - no, because Kriti's The correct option is D-no, because he is only
consent was not free at all, and so it is not a twenty and the age requirement does not fit
valid adoption. here.
The correct answer is option D because for a The correct answer is option D because the
married man to adopt a child, he has to get the passage mentions that if a male wants to
consent of his wife, and the consent should be adopt a daughter, he should be at least 21
free as well. Here, that is not the case because years older than the adoptive daughter, and
Kriti was coerced into consenting to the same; since he himself is twenty, he is not eligible.
hence, it is not a valid adoption. Option A is not the correct answer because
Option A is not the correct answer because being responsible or not is the criterion here.
anyone can adopt a child; it does not qualify Option B is not the correct answer because,
as valid legal reasoning to say they could have again, this is merely a random tangent to say
their own child. that he can still have a child of his own rather
Option B is not the correct answer because the than adopting one.
consent that Lakshya had from Kriti to adopt a Option C is not the correct answer because his
child was not free, and that had to be free. being a Hindu is not the only isolated criterion
Option C is not the correct answer because here. His age requirement does not fit here.
they both had not mutually decided; Kriti’s Hence, option (d) is correct.
consent was not free; she was rather coerced
Q51. Text Solution:
As per Section 8(1) of the Hindu Minority and
Hence, option (d) is correct.
Guardianship Act, a guardian can in no case
Q49. Text Solution: bind the minor by a personal covenant.
The correct option is C-no, because he already Therefore, option D is false as it contradicts the
had a living child at the time of adoption, so he given law. The other options are true based on
cannot. the given passage.
The correct answer is option C because having Hence the correct option is D
any type of child, legitimate or illegitimate, both
Q52. Text Solution:
counts as having a child, and so, here, Karan
The given passage does not provide any
cannot adopt a child since he already had a
indication that the contributions made by the
child living with Karuna.
sons towards the maintenance and renovation
Option A is not the correct answer because
of the property affect their rights to their
even when the wife consents to adopting a
father's self-acquired property. It is stated that
child, it does not matter because he already
the property was self-acquired by their father,
has a child living at the time of adopting the
which means that it was not inherited by him
from his ancestors. In such cases, according to
Option B is not the correct answer because he
the Hindu Succession Act, all legal heirs of the
cannot adopt a child right now because he
deceased have an equal right to the self-
already has a child living at the time of
acquired property, regardless of their
adopting the child.
contributions towards it. Therefore, both Rohit
Option D is not the answer because the child, and Rahul have an equal right to their father's
even though not legitimate or illegitimate, does self-acquired property.
not matter.
Hence the correct option is C.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
Q53. Text Solution:
Q50. Text Solution:

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As per the passage given above, when a son Hindu minor has power to do all acts which are
relinquishes his right to the self-acquired necessary or reasonable and proper for the
property of the father, the principle of estoppel benefit of the minor or for the realization,
is applied, and the son or his representative protection, or benefit of the minor's estate; but
cannot later deny the truth of that thing in the the guardian can in no case bind the minor by
court of law. The passage also clarifies that the a personal covenant. In the given scenario, Ravi
rights would not devolve on the son's successors can only sell the property if it is for the benefit
whose father was estopped to inherit the of the minor.
property in view of the relinquishment. Option (a) is incorrect becuase simply being the
Option A is incorrect as per the Indian law, as a minor's guardian does not give Ravi the right to
son can relinquish his right to the property sell off his property.
during the lifetime of his father. Option (b) is incorrect because permission of
Option C is also incorrect as per the principle of court is not necessary to sell off a minor's
estoppel, as a son or his representative cannot property, so long the property being sold off is
later deny the truth of the relinquishment in the for the benefit of the minor.
court of law. Option (d) is incorrect because upon reaching
Option D is incorrect, as the relinquishment of a the age of majority Rohit himself can decide
son's right to the property has a legal effect as what he wants to do with the property.
per the Indian law. Hence the correct option is C.
Hence the correct option is B. Q56. Text Solution:
Q54. Text Solution: Answer- A
The release deed can be used to exclude the Chief Justice Chandrachud's interpretation of
successors of the person who executed it. The Section 16(3) of the Hindu Marriage Act
Supreme Court in the above passage ruled that recognizes children born from void or voidable
when a son relinquishes the right to the self- marriages as legitimate heirs for inheritance
acquired property of the father, then the purposes. This means that they are entitled to
principle of estoppel is applied, and the father claim their share in their parents' property,
is free to deal with the property without being whether self-acquired or ancestral, through a
haunted by any claims from him or his notional partition. This is a landmark
successors. In this case, the Release Deed was development, as it ensures that these children
used to exclude the successors of the son from are not deprived of their inheritance rights
the first marriage based on the intention of the simply because their parents' marriage was not
father to deny any right of the son in regard to valid.
the property. (B) This option is incorrect. The court has held
Option (a) is incorrect as a release deed has to that children born from void or voidable
be executed during the lifetime of the executor. marriages have a legal right to inherit their
Option (c) is incorrect as no such information is parents' property, irrespective of whether the
provided in the passage. other members of the HUF agree to it or not.
Option (d) is incorrect because it is not relevant (C) This option is also incorrect. As mentioned
to the question at hand. above, the court has held that children born
Hence the correct option is B. from void or voidable marriages are legitimate
heirs for inheritance purposes. This means that
Q55. Text Solution:
they are entitled to claim their share in their
As per Section 8(1) of the Hindu Minority and
Guardianship Act, the natural guardian of a

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parents' property, regardless of the validity of interpretation of Section 16(3) of the Hindu
their parents' marriage. Marriage Act. This means that they are entitled
(D) This option is also incorrect. The court has to claim their share in their parent's property,
held that children born from void or voidable whether self-acquired or ancestral, through a
marriages have the same inheritance rights as notional partition.
children born from valid marriages. This means (B) This option is incorrect. While children born
that they are entitled to claim an equal share in from valid marriages automatically become
their parents' property. coparceners in the HUF, children born from void
Hence, option (a) is correct. or voidable marriages do not have an
automatic right to become coparceners.
Q57. Text Solution:
However, they may be able to become
Answer- C
coparceners through a process known as
As mentioned above, children born from void or
"declaration of coparcenary."
voidable marriages have the same inheritance
rights as children born from valid marriages. This (C) This option is also incorrect. As mentioned

means that they are entitled to claim an equal above, children born from void or voidable

share in their parents' self-acquired property marriages have a legal right to inherit their

but only to the extant of the share to be parents' property, irrespective of whether the

provided to the children born out of the valid other members of the HUF agree to it or not.
(D) This option is incorrect because the recent
judicial interpretation by Chief Justice
(B) This is incorrect. Children born from void or
Chandrachud recognizes children born from
voidable marriages are entitled to claim an
void or voidable marriages as legitimate heirs
equal share in their parents' self-acquired
for inheritance purposes. This means that they
are entitled to claim their share in their parents'
(C) This option is also incorrect. While children
property, whether self-acquired or ancestral.
born from void or voidable marriages are
legitimate heirs for inheritance purposes, they Hence, option (a) is correct.

are not entitled to an equal share in their Q59. Text Solution:

parents' self-acquired property, as this is not Answer- D
considered to be part of the HUF coparcenary. This is the correct answer. As mentioned above,
(D) This option is incorrect. The court has held children born from voidable marriages are
that children born from void or voidable legitimate heirs for inheritance purposes. This
marriages have the same inheritance rights as means that they are entitled to challenge their
children born from valid marriages. This means parents' will if they believe that they have been
that the division of the self-acquired property unfairly disinherited.
should be done equally among all of the (A) This option is incorrect. The court has
children, irrespective of whether they were born already held that children born from voidable
from valid or voidable marriages. marriages are entitled to challenge their
Hence, option (c) is correct. parents' will. This means that the child does not
need to go to court to argue that they are
Q58. Text Solution:
entitled to challenge the will.
Answer- A
(B) No, the child is not entitled to challenge the
This is the correct answer. As mentioned above,
will, as their parents were free to dispose of
children born from void or voidable marriages
their property as they wished.
are legitimate heirs for inheritance purposes
under Chief Justice Chandrachud's

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This option is incorrect. While parents are free marriages. This means that the court does not
to dispose of their property as they wish, this have the discretion to decide whether or not
does not mean that they can completely they are entitled to inherit their parents'
disinherit their children. Children, including property.
those born from voidable marriages, have a Hence, option (c) is correct.
legal right to inherit a share of their parents'
Q61. Text Solution:
Option C is the correct answer. Before the 2016
(C) The child may be entitled to challenge the
judgment, traditionally, the Karta was the
will, but only if they can show that the will was
senior-most male member. However, the Delhi
made under duress or undue influence. High Court's decision in 2016 allowed for women
This option is also incorrect. Children born from to become Kartas, expanding this role to either
voidable marriages do not need to show that the eldest male or female member of the family.
their parents' will was made under duress or
Option A is incorrect. This was the traditional
undue influence in order to challenge it. They understanding but has been expanded to
are entitled to challenge the will simply include female members after the 2016
because they are legitimate heirs for judgment.
inheritance purposes. Option B is incorrect. This option is too broad
Hence, option (d) is correct. and does not consider the seniority or gender
Q60. Text Solution: inclusivity established by the 2016 judgment.
Answer- C Option D is incorrect. The role of Karta is
Under Chief Justice Chandrachud's traditionally not an appointed position but
interpretation of Section 16(3) of the Hindu rather based on seniority and, post-2016,
Marriage Act, children born from void or gender inclusivity.
voidable marriages are legitimate heirs for
Q62. Text Solution:
inheritance purposes. This means that they
Option B is the correct answer. The birth of a
have the same inheritance rights as children
child, irrespective of the child's gender, is a key
born from valid marriages.
event that solidifies the formation of a new HUF,
(A) is wrong because Chief Justice
as it extends the lineal descendants of the
Chandrachud's interpretation of Section 16(3) of
common ancestor.
the Hindu Marriage Act explicitly states that
Option A is the correct answer. While marriage
children born from void or voidable marriages
is important, it does not alone signify the
are entitled to inherit their parents' property.
creation of a new HUF.
(B) is wrong because Chief Justice
Option C is the correct answer. This can be a
Chandrachud's interpretation of Section 16(3) of
part of HUF formation but is not a definitive
the Hindu Marriage Act gives children born from
signifier on its own.
void or voidable marriages a legal right to
Option D is the correct answer. Adoption adds
inherit their parents' property, irrespective of
members to an existing HUF but does not in
whether the other members of the HUF agree to
itself signify the creation of a new HUF.
it or not.
Q63. Text Solution:
(D) is wrong because Chief Justice
Option C is the correct answer. The Income Tax
Chandrachud's interpretation of Section 16(3) of
Act of 1961 in India recognizes the HUF as a
the Hindu Marriage Act gives children born from
separate legal entity for taxation purposes.
void or voidable marriages the same
inheritance rights as children born from valid

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Option A is incorrect. This act deals with Option A is incorrect. This was the case before
marriage laws but does not define HUF for tax the 2005 amendment but is no longer accurate.
purposes. Option C is incorrect. This is incorrect as all
Option B is incorrect. This act deals with children, irrespective of their birth order, can be
inheritance but does not specifically recognize coparceners.
HUF for taxation. Option D is incorrect. The Karta is the manager
Option D is incorrect. This act allows interfaith of the HUF, but just being a Karta is not
marriages but does not define HUF for tax synonymous with being a coparcener.
purposes. Q67. Text Solution:
Q64. Text Solution: Option C is the correct answer. Coparceners in
Option B is the correct answer. Illegitimate an HUF are limited to four generations,
children are treated as members of their including the father, his son, grandson, and
father's HUF. This inclusion allows them to have great-grandson.
rights in the ancestral property and be part of Option A is the correct answer. This is too
the family entity. limited and does not align with the actual
Option A is incorrect, as illegitimate children do definition.
have rights and are recognized as part of their Option B is the correct answer. This falls short of
father’s HUF. the actual limit of four generations.
Option C is incorrect. Formal adoption is not a Option D is the correct answer. The number of
requirement for illegitimate children to be part generations is specifically capped at four, not
of their father's HUF. unlimited.
Option D is incorrect. The mother's marital Q68. Text Solution:
status does not affect the recognition of Option C is the correct answer. The birth of a
illegitimate children as members of their father's child, irrespective of the child's gender, usually
signifies the formation of a new HUF.
Q65. Text Solution: Option A is incorrect. Inheritance does not
Option A is the correct answer. Married automatically result in the formation of an HUF.
daughters become part of their husband's HUF Option B is incorrect. Marriage alone does not
and are not considered members of their constitute the formation of an HUF.
father's HUF. Option D is incorrect. Self-earned property
Option B is incorrect. They remain part of their does not result in the formation of an HUF.
husband's HUF.
Q69. Text Solution:
Option C is incorrect. They are considered part Option B is the correct answer. To be
of the HUF. considered a resident and ordinarily resident,
Option D is incorrect. They are members of their the Karta must reside in India for at least 730
father's HUF. days over the past 7 years. Falling short of this,
Q66. Text Solution: the HUF becomes a resident but not ordinarily
Option B is the correct answer. The 2005 resident.
amendment to the Hindu Succession Act Option A is incorrect. The requirement for this
removed gender-based discrimination, status is not met.
allowing both sons and daughters to be Option C is incorrect. The HUF is still considered
coparceners in an HUF. a resident due to the Karta's presence in India,
though not an ordinary resident.

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Option D is incorrect. This is incorrect as the Q73. Text Solution:

Karta's residential status plays a crucial role in Explanation: The Quran holds the highest
determining the HUF's status. authority for resolving legal disputes in Islamic
law. It is believed to be the literal word of God
Q70. Text Solution:
and provides direct guidance on various legal
Option C is the correct answer. For an HUF to
matters. Options (a) The Sunnat, (b) The Qiyas,
be considered non-resident, its management
and (d) The Ijma are also sources of Muslim law
and control must be entirely outside India,
but are considered secondary to the Quran.
regardless of Karta's physical presence in India.
Hence, the answer is C.
Option A is incorrect. This condition applies to
individual residency status, not HUFs. Q74. Text Solution:
Option B is incorrect. The residency status of a Explanation: When faced with new issues not
HUF is not determined by the residence of the explicitly addressed in the Quran or the Sunnat,
majority of its members. Islamic legal scholars may employ the method
Option D is incorrect. Ownership of property in of Qiyas to arrive at decisions consistent with
India does not determine the HUF’s residency Islamic principles. Qiyas involves reasoning by
status. analogy, where legal rulings are derived by
comparing new situations to existing
Q71. Text Solution:
precedents. Options (a) Customary law, (b)
Explanation: The Quran is considered the
Judicial decisions, and (c) Legislation are not
primary and most authoritative source of
primary sources of Muslim law but rather
Muslim law. It contains divine revelations and is
secondary sources or methods of legal
believed to be the word of God communicated
to Prophet Mohammed. The Quran provides
Hence, the answer is D.
guidance on moral conduct and legal
principles, making it the source to which Muslim Q75. Text Solution:
individuals would refer for matters related to Explanation: The Quran carries the most weight
self-defence or any other legal issue. Options in guiding decision-making processes in Muslim
(a) The Ijma, (b) The Sunnat, and (d) The Qiyas jurisdictions, including matters related to
are not primary sources of Muslim law; they are marriage practices. It is considered the primary
secondary sources or methods of legal and most authoritative source of Muslim law,
reasoning. providing direct guidance on various aspects of
Hence, the answer is C. life, including marriage. Options (a) The Sunnat,
(b) The Ijma, and (d) The Qiyas are also sources
Q72. Text Solution:
of Muslim law but are secondary to the Quran.
Explanation: The Sunnat, also known as Hadis
or Sunna, refers to the traditions of the Prophet Hence, the answer is C.

Mohammed. It includes his actions, sayings, Q76. Text Solution:

and approvals, serving as a precedent for legal Correct Answer: (b) No, because the Quran
rulings. When Muslim scholars aim to derive does not provide specific instructions for every
legal rulings by drawing analogies from existing aspect of human conduct, requiring
precedents set by the Prophet, they would refer supplementary guidance from other sources like
to the Sunnat. Options (a) Judicial decisions, (b) Sunna and Ijma.
Legislation, and (c) Customs are secondary Explanation: While the Quran is indeed the
sources of Muslim law. primary and original source of Muslim Law, it
Hence, the answer is D. does not cover every conceivable situation.

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Therefore, supplementary sources like Sunna is incorrect because while there may be
and Ijma are often necessary to interpret and disagreements among scholars, Ijma still holds
apply its principles. Option (a) is incorrect considerable authority in resolving legal
because it oversimplifies the role of the Quran questions. Option (c) is incorrect because the
and ignores the need for additional sources. consensus of jurists represents a broader
Option (c) is incorrect because while the Quran understanding of legal principles beyond
contains direct revelations from God, it still individual opinions. Option (d) is incorrect
requires interpretation, and its contents were because Ijma is not limited to a select group of
compiled after the Prophet's lifetime. Option (d) scholars and is based on the collective
is incorrect because the presentation of the agreement of the Muslim community.
Quranic verses through the memories of
Q79. Text Solution:
companions does not inherently undermine its
Correct Answer: (a) Yes, because Qiyas allows
authority as a legal source.
for the extension of existing laws to cover cases
Q77. Text Solution: not explicitly addressed by primary sources like
Correct Answer: (a) Yes, because Sunna the Quran and Sunna.
encompasses the practices and precedents of Explanation: Qiyas, or analogical deduction,
the Prophet, providing authoritative guidance enables the derivation of legal rulings by
for Muslims. applying existing principles to new situations.
Explanation: Sunna, which includes the actions Hasan can use Qiyas to derive a legal solution
and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, holds when primary sources do not provide explicit
significant authority in Islamic jurisprudence. guidance. Option (b) is incorrect because while
Therefore, Aisha can rely on Sunna to justify her Qiyas is a method of deduction, it can be used
conduct if it aligns with the established to establish legal principles where primary
traditions of the Prophet. Option (b) is incorrect sources are silent. Option (c) is incorrect
because Sunna is indeed a secondary source because Qiyas involves applying established
but holds substantial weight in Islamic law. standards, not merely establishing them. Option
Option (c) is incorrect because while the (d) is incorrect because Qiyas is a recognized
Prophet's words and conduct are considered method of deriving law and is not limited to
inspired by Allah, the acceptance of specific situations with explicit precedents.
traditions may vary among scholars. Option (d) Q80. Text Solution:
is incorrect because Sunna is universally
Correct Answer: (a) Yes, because Qiyas allows
recognized as an authoritative source, although
for the extension of existing legal principles to
interpretations may differ. cover cases not directly addressed by primary
Q78. Text Solution: sources of Muslim Law.
Correct Answer: (a) Yes, because Ijma provides Explanation: Zara can invoke the principle of
a mechanism for resolving legal questions that Qiyas to justify her actions if they can be
cannot be addressed by Quranic principles or analogously compared to existing legal
Prophetic traditions. principles. Qiyas serves as a supplementary
Explanation: Ijma, or consensus among Muslim source of law when primary sources are silent
jurists, serves as a supplementary source of law on specific matters. Option (b) is incorrect
when primary sources like the Quran and Sunna because Qiyas is precisely intended for
are silent or inconclusive. Therefore, Ali can turn situations where there is no explicit precedent.
to Ijma for resolution in situations where other Option (c) is incorrect because Qiyas does not
sources do not offer clear guidance. Option (b) merely compare existing principles but extends

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them to cover new cases. Option (d) is incorrect Hence, option (c) is correct.
because Qiyas can indeed be used to establish
Q82. Text Solution:
new legal rulings based on existing principles.
Topic - Muslim Law
Q81. Text Solution: Sub Topic - Prohibition on Marriage
Topic - Muslim Law Answer: B) It is called "Mahr" and symbolizes the
Sub Topic - Prohibition on Marriage groom's commitment to financial security for
Correct Answer: C) The marriage is valid if the bride.
Amina's mental illness doesn't affect her Explanation: The gift that the groom provides
understanding at the time of the proposal and to the bride as part of the marriage contract is
acceptance. called "Mahr." This amount symbolizes the
Explanation: groom's commitment to providing financial
In Islamic law, a person with a curable mental security to the bride within and after the
illness, referred to as "lunacy," is generally marriage. Options A, C, and D are incorrect
considered capable of entering into contracts because they don't accurately represent the
during periods of sanity. If Amina's mental illness concept of Mahr and its purpose.
doesn't affect her understanding and capacity Hence, option (b) is correct.
to consent at the time of the proposal and
Q83. Text Solution:
acceptance, her consent would be considered
Topic - Muslim Law
valid. The key factor here is her mental state at
Sub Topic - Prohibition on Marriage
the specific moment when the proposal and Answer: A) The waiting period will be extended
acceptance occur. If Amina is of sound mind until the child is born.
during this critical period, the marriage would
Explanation: When a woman is in the waiting
be valid, even though she has a curable mental
period (Iddat) and is discovered to be
pregnant, her waiting period is extended until
Incorrect Options:
she gives birth. This extension allows time to
A) The marriage is valid since Amina's illness is determine the paternity of the child and
curable: While the curable nature of Amina's ensures that there is clarity about the child's
mental illness is a relevant consideration, the parentage. Options B, C, and D are incorrect
primary factor is her mental state at the time of
because they do not reflect the correct Islamic
the proposal and acceptance. The mere fact
rule regarding the extension of Iddat due to
that her illness is curable does not guarantee
her capacity at that specific moment.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
B) The marriage is invalid due to Amina's
Q84. Text Solution:
unsound mind: This option is incorrect because,
Topic - Muslim Law
as mentioned, individuals with curable mental
Sub Topic - Prohibition on Marriage
illnesses (lunacy) can enter into contracts during
Answer: C) The marriage can't take place until
periods of sanity.
the dower is paid, even if Amira's parents
D) The marriage is valid, but Amina's consent is
demand it.
not required due to her mental illness: This
Explanation: In Islamic law, the payment of the
option is incorrect because consent is an
dower (mahr) is a fundamental requirement for
essential requirement for a valid marriage in
the validity of a marriage contract. It is
Islamic law. Even if Amina has a curable mental
considered a right of the wife, and her
illness, her consent during periods of sanity is
guardians cannot demand that the marriage
necessary for the marriage to be valid.

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proceed without it. The dower payment should This option is incorrect because, in Sunni Islam,
be agreed upon and provided as part of the the prohibition of marriage in cases of milk
marriage contract. Options A, B, and D are kinship is generally straightforward and not
incorrect because they do not accurately subject to certain conditions that would make it
reflect the requirement of dower payment for a permissible.
valid marriage. Solution for D) The marriage is valid only with
Hence, option (c) is correct. the permission of the local religious authority:
This option is incorrect because the prohibition
Q85. Text Solution:
of marriage due to milk kinship is a well-
Topic - Muslim Law
established rule in Sunni Islamic jurisprudence
Sub Topic - Prohibition on Marriage
and does not typically require the permission of
Answer: B) The marriage is null and void
a local religious authority to be overridden. It is
according to Shia law.
a matter of Islamic law.
Explanation: In Shia law, a marriage contracted
during the waiting period (Iddat) is considered Hence, option (b) is correct.

void. This is because the waiting period exists Q87. Text Solution:
to ensure that the woman is not pregnant from Topic - Muslim Law
the previous marriage, and contracting a new Sub Topic - How is Muslim Marriage a contract
marriage during this time would defeat the Correct Answer: B) The marriage is irregular in
purpose of determining paternity. Options A, C, Sunni and void in Shia laws.
and D are incorrect because they do not Explanation: The marriage is irregular in Sunni
accurately reflect the view of Shia law law and can be regularised by divorcing the
regarding marriages during Iddat. wife with whom the fifth marriage has been
Hence, option (b) is correct. entered into. Under Shia law it is void. Hence,
the correct option is B.
Q86. Text Solution:
Now, let's analyze the incorrect options:
Topic - Muslim Law
a. The marriage is valid in both Sunni and Shia
Sub Topic - How is Muslim Marriage a contract
Correct Answer: B) The marriage is prohibited. This option is incorrect because both Sunni
and Shia laws limit the number of
Explanation: In Sunni Islam, the concept of "milk
simultaneous marriages to four for a man.
kinship" or "suckling kinship" is recognized. If a
woman has been breastfed by a woman, she Marrying a fifth woman without divorcing any

becomes a "milk sister" to the children of the of the existing wives goes against this limit,

woman who breastfed her, and the marriage making the marriage irregular in both Sunni

between her and those children is considered and Shia laws.

prohibited. Therefore, in this scenario, where the c. The marriage is irregular in both Sunni and

woman was breastfed by the man's mother, it is Shia law. Sunni law but void in Shia law.

not permissible for the Sunni man to marry her. This option is incorrect because, there is no

Solution for A) The marriage is permissible: cocept of irregular marriage under Shia law.

This option is incorrect. As explained earlier, in d. The marriage is void in both Sunni and Shia

Sunni Islam, such a marriage is considered laws.

prohibited due to the concept of milk kinship. This option is incorrect because the marriage
is not necessarily void in either Sunni or Shia
Solution for C) The marriage is allowed with
laws. It is considered irregular in both, but it
certain conditions:
does not automatically render the marriage

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void. Divorce or separation would be B) The marriage is irregular in Sunni law but
required to rectify the irregularity. valid in Shia law.
Hence, option (b) is correct. Correct Explanation: As per the information in
the passage, an abscence of witnesses at the
Q88. Text Solution:
time of marriage renders a marriage as per
Topic - Muslim Law
Sub Topic - How is Muslim Marriage a contract Sunni law irregular, and as per Shia law voi.

Solution: A) The marriage is valid in both Sunni and Shia

Correct Answer: C) Islamic law allows the laws.

Incorrect Explanation: In Sunni law, the absence
marriage of first cousins under specific
of witnesses would render the marriage
irregular, not valid. In Shia law, witnesses are not
Explanation: In Islamic law, marriage between
strictly required at the time of marriage, hence
first cousins is generally permitted, but it is
marriage without witnesses as per Shia law is
subject to certain conditions and
considerations. These conditions may vary valid.

depending on the interpretation of Islamic law C) The marriage is irregular in Sunni law but void
in Shia law.
in different cultures and regions. It's important
Incorrect Explanation: The passage states that
to note that while it is allowed, there are
witnesses are essential for a valid marriage in
variations in how this practice is perceived and
Sunni law. Without witnesses, the marriage
regulated within the Islamic world.
would be considered irregular. In Shia law,
Solution for A) Islamic law permits the marriage
however prescence of witnesses in not required
of first cousins:
for a marriage to be considered valid.
This option is not entirely correct. While Islamic
D) The marriage is void in both Sunni and Shia
law does allow the marriage of first cousins, it is
subject to specific conditions, and it may not
Incorrect Explanation: The passage doesn't
be universally practised in the same way in all
state that the absence of witnesses leads to
Islamic communities.
voidness. Additionally, Shia law doesn't strictly
Solution for B) Islamic law prohibits the
require witnesses, so this option is inaccurate.
marriage of first cousins:
Hence, the correct option is B.
This option is incorrect. Islamic law does not
prohibit the marriage of first cousins. Instead, it Q90. Text Solution:
allows it under certain conditions. Topic - Muslim Law
Solution for D) Islamic law does not provide any Sub Topic - How is Muslim Marriage a contract
guidance on the marriage of first cousins: Solution:
This option is also incorrect. Islamic law does Correct Answer: C) Sunni law allows such a
provide guidance on the marriage of first marriage, but Shia law prohibits it.
cousins, as mentioned in the correct answer Explanation: In Sunni Islam, a Muslim woman is
(Option C), which permits such marriages under generally allowed to marry a man from "Ahl al-
specific conditions. Kitab," which includes Jews and Christians, but
Hence, option (c) is correct. there are often restrictions and conditions. In
contrast, Shia law may be more restrictive
Q89. Text Solution:
when it comes to interfaith marriages, and it
Topic - Muslim Law
may not allow a Shia Muslim woman to marry a
Sub Topic - How is Muslim Marriage a contract
non-Muslim man. Therefore, option C is the
correct answer as it reflects the differing

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approaches of Sunni and Shia law in this considered a "good" or "approved" form of
situation. divorce in Islam, where the husband can
Solution for A) Both Shia and Sunni law allow pronounce talaq on three different occasions,
Sarah to marry a man from a different religion with a waiting period (Iddah) between each
without any restrictions: pronouncement. If the wife does not reconcile
This option is incorrect because both Sunni during this waiting period, and the third
and Shia Islamic laws usually impose certain pronouncement is made, the divorce becomes
restrictions and conditions on interfaith irrevocable, and the couple cannot remarry
marriages, and they do not generally allow unless the wife marries another man and gets
such marriages without any restrictions. divorced from him (a concept known as halala).
Solution for B) Shia law permits such a Now, let's discuss the reasoning for the incorrect
marriage, but Sunni law prohibits it: options:
This option is incorrect because Sunni law a. Talaq-e-Bid’ah - This is not the correct
generally permits a Muslim woman to marry a answer because Talaq-e-Bid’ah refers to an
man from "Ahl al-Kitab" (Jews and Christians) innovation or irregular form of divorce that goes
with certain conditions, so it does not prohibit it against the prescribed methods of divorce in
outright. Islamic law. It usually involves pronouncing
Solution for D) Both Shia and Sunni laws talaq three times in one sitting, which is
prohibit Sarah from marrying a man from a considered sinful and not valid.
different religion: c. Talaq-e-Ahsan - This option is incorrect
This option is incorrect because, as mentioned because Talaq-e-Ahsan is a form of divorce
earlier, Sunni law does allow such marriages where a single pronouncement of talaq is made
with certain conditions, and Shia law may be during a period of purity (tuhr) when the wife is
more restrictive but does not apply to Sunni not menstruating and there is no sexual
Muslims. contact. It is considered the best and most
Hence, option (c) is correct. proper form of divorce in Islam.
d. Talaq al-Tafweed - This is also an incorrect
Q91. Text Solution:
option because Talaq al-Tafweed refers to the
Topic - Muslim Law
delegation of divorce powers to someone else,
Sub Topic - Divorce
such as a religious scholar or a judge, to
The correct answer is:
pronounce the divorce on behalf of the
b. Talaq-e-Hasan
husband. It is not one of the three main forms of
divorce but rather a delegation of authority.
In Islamic jurisprudence, there are three main
forms of divorce: Talaq-e-Bid’ah, Talaq-e- Hence, option (b) is correct.

Hasan, and Talaq-e-Ahsan. Talaq al-Tafweed Q92. Text Solution:

is not a recognized form of divorce but refers to Topic - Muslim Law
the delegation of divorce powers to someone Sub Topic - Divorce
else, like a religious scholar or a judge, to Correct Answer: b. The divorce is unlawful
pronounce the divorce on behalf of the requirements under talaq-e-hasan are not met.
husband. Particularly because they are still living together
In the scenario described, where the husband and engaging in sexual intercourse
pronounced talaq three times over the period (copulation).
of three months in separate instances, it falls Reasoning for Incorrect Options:
under Talaq-e-Hasan. Talaq-e-Hasan is

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a. The divorce is a lawful divorce as the couple Answer: b) The divorce is not final, as the
themselves are willing to go through iddat. waiting period of three months or three
This option is incorrect because the willingness menstrual cycles must be observed completely
of the couple to go through iddat (the waiting
period) is not the sole determinant of the Explanation: In Islamic law, talaq-e-Ahsan
legality of a Talaq-e-Hasan divorce. Talaq-e- involves the husband pronouncing "talaq" once
Hasan has specific requirements that must be during his wife's "tuhr," a time when she is not
met for it to be considered lawful, and simply menstruating and they have not had sexual
agreeing to go through iddat does not fulfil contact. Following this, the wife must observe
these requirements. an iddat period (waiting time) of three
c. The divorce is lawful as there is consent from menstrual cycles or three months, whichever is
both husband and wife. longer. If the husband chooses not to revoke
This option is incorrect because the mere the divorce during this iddat period, the divorce
consent of both the husband and wife is not becomes final.
sufficient to make a Talaq-e-Hasan divorce In this scenario, since Sana decided to explore
lawful. While consent is important in Islamic reconciliation before the completion of the
divorces, Talaq-e-Hasan has its own set of waiting period, the divorce is not yet final.
conditions and procedures that must be According to Islamic law, the purpose of the
followed, and consent alone does not ensure waiting period is to allow for a reconsideration
compliance with those conditions. of the divorce and to determine whether the
d. The divorce is unlawful as it goes against wife is pregnant. If reconciliation occurs during
justice, equity, and good conscience. this time, the divorce can be revoked, and the
This option is incorrect because it provides a marriage remains intact. Therefore, option (b) is
vague and general reason for the divorce being correct.
unlawful. In Islamic jurisprudence, the legality of Why the Other Options are Wrong:
a divorce is typically determined based on a) The divorce is already final, regardless of the
adherence to specific rules and conditions incomplete waiting period.
outlined in Islamic law (Sharia). While justice, • This option is incorrect. The waiting period is
equity, and good conscience are important a crucial part of the talaq process, and until the
principles, they may not be the sole basis for waiting period is complete, the divorce is not
declaring a divorce unlawful under Talaq-e- final.
Hasan. The specific requirements of Talaq-e- c) The divorce is null and void due to the
Hasan must be considered. incomplete waiting period.
In summary, option b is the correct answer • This option is incorrect. While reconciliation
because it correctly identifies that the divorce is during the waiting period may result in the
unlawful due to the failure to meet the specific divorce not being finalized, it doesn't render the
requirements of Talaq-e-Hasan. The other divorce null and void. The waiting period allows
options either focus on irrelevant factors or for reconsideration and possible reconciliation.
provide a broad and unspecified rationale for d) The divorce can only be finalized if Sana
the divorce's legality. obtains her husband's consent after the waiting
Hence, option (b) is correct. period.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
Q93. Text Solution:
Topic - Muslim Law Q94. Text Solution:
Sub Topic - Divorce Topic - Muslim Law

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Sub Topic - Divorce Explanation:

Correct answer: c. No, he can't do this because In the scenario of "Talaq-e-Bid'ah," the
only the wife can initiate a divorce through husband declares the divorce by saying the
Khul'. word "talaq" three times at once or in a manner
Reasoning: that deviates from the customary method. This
a. Incorrect. While abuse might be a valid departure from the traditional way of
reason for seeking a divorce, the Khul process is pronouncing divorce makes Talaq-e-Bid'ah
specific to Islamic jurisprudence and is initiated unique.
by the wife, not the husband. Adil, as a Why other options are wrong:
husband, cannot unilaterally initiate a divorce Option A: This describes the process of Talaq-
through Khul' based on his wife's abusive e-Ahsan, where the husband says "talaq" once
behaviour. He would need to follow a different during the wife's "tuhr." However, this option
legal procedure if he wishes to divorce her. doesn't pertain to Talaq-e-Bid'ah.
b. Incorrect. The notion of supporting one's wife Option B: This describes the process of Talaq-
does play a role in Islamic divorce law, but it is e-Hasan, where the husband says "talaq" three
not the reason why Adil cannot initiate a times at successively pure intervals. Again, this
divorce through Khul'. Khul' is a procedure option is not related to Talaq-e-Bid'ah.
initiated by the wife when she wants to dissolve Option D: This describes the process of Talaq-
the marriage, typically by returning the dowry e-Ahsan, where the husband says "talaq" once
or financial compensation to the husband. Adil, during the wife's "tuhr," followed by an iddat
as the husband, cannot initiate this process period. This option is not about Talaq-e-Bid'ah
himself. and describes a different form of divorce
c. Correct. In Islamic law, Khul' is a divorce procedure.
initiated by the wife when she seeks to dissolve Hence, option (c) is correct.
the marriage. It is a process where the wife
Q96. Text Solution:
offers something of value to her husband in Topic - Muslim Law
exchange for her release from the marriage
Sub Topic - Divorce
contract. The husband cannot unilaterally
Answer: a) Talaq-e-Ahsan
initiate this type of divorce. Therefore, Adil
Explanation: This is Talaq-e-Ahsan. In this form
cannot initiate a divorce through Khul' because
of divorce, the husband pronounces divorce
it is not within his legal rights to do so.
under a specific circumstance (when the wife is
d. Incorrect. Based on the principles of Islamic
not menstruating) and then waits for the iddat
law, it can be determined that Adil cannot
period to pass. If he has sexual intercourse with
initiate a divorce through Khul' because it is a
his wife during the iddat period, the divorce is
well-defined legal process within Islamic revoked. This form of talaq is characterized by
jurisprudence, and it is clear that it is the wife its emphasis on a single pronouncement
who initiates it. followed by the iddat waiting period.
Hence, option (c) is correct. Incorrect Options Explanation:
Q95. Text Solution: b) Talaq-e-Hasan: Talaq-e-Hasan involves
Topic - Muslim Law three successive pronouncements during three
Sub Topic - Divorce successive tuhrs (when the wife is not
Answer: C) The husband says "talaq" three menstruating), and divorce can be revoked
times at once or in a different way from the before the third pronouncement.
customary method. c) Talaq-e-Biddat: Talaq-e-Biddat is instant

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divorce where the word "talaq" is pronounced If sexual intercourse occurs during the iddat
three times during a single tuhr, resulting in period, the divorce is revoked.
immediate and irrevocable divorce. b) Talaq-e-Hasan: Talaq-e-Hasan involves
d) None of the above: This option is incorrect three successive pronouncements during three
because the situation described matches the successive tuhrs, with the possibility of revoking
characteristics of Talaq-e-Ahsan. the divorce before the third pronouncement.
Hence, option (a) is correct. d) None of the above: This option is incorrect
because the situation described matches the
Q97. Text Solution:
characteristics of Talaq-e-Biddat.
Topic - Muslim Law
Hence, option (c) is correct.
Sub Topic - Divorce
Answer: b) Talaq-e-Hasan Q99. Text Solution:
Explanation: This is Talaq-e-Hasan. In this form Topic - Muslim Law
of talaq, three successive pronouncements of Sub Topic - Divorce
divorce are made during three successive tuhrs Answer: b) No, the divorce is not valid as it
(when the wife is not menstruating). However, violates the rules of divorce.
divorce can still be revoked before the third Explanation: In 2019, the Muslim Women
pronouncement is made. (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act was
Incorrect Options Explanation: introduced in India, which made the practice of
a) Talaq-e-Ahsan: Talaq-e-Ahsan involves a instant triple talaq unlawful. Therefore, saying
single pronouncement of divorce under specific "talaq" three times continuously would not be
circumstances and waiting for the iddat period. considered a valid form of divorce, as it violates
It can be revoked by sexual intercourse during the rules established by this act. The Act aims
the iddat period. to protect the rights of Muslim women and
c) Talaq-e-Biddat: Talaq-e-Biddat is instant prevent the instant and irrevocable divorce that
divorce pronounced by saying "talaq" three was prevalent in the past.
times during a single tuhr, resulting in immediate Incorrect Options Explanation:
and irrevocable divorce. a) Yes, the divorce is valid under Muslim
d) None of the above: This option is incorrect personal law: This option is incorrect because
because the situation described matches the the passage mentions that the practice of
characteristics of Talaq-e-Hasan. instant triple talaq has been declared unlawful
Hence, option (b) is correct. in 2019, which means that such a divorce would
not be considered valid under the updated
Q98. Text Solution:
legal framework.
Topic - Muslim Law
c) It depends on the specific laws and
Sub Topic - Divorce
interpretations: While interpretations may vary,
Answer: c) Talaq-e-Biddat
Explanation: This is Talaq-e-Biddat. It is an the passage specifies that the practice of

instant form of divorce where the husband instant triple talaq has been made unlawful

pronounces the word "talaq" three times during through the 2019 Act.

a single tuhr, resulting in immediate and d) None of the above: This option is incorrect

irrevocable divorce. because the passage clearly states that the

practice of instant triple talaq has been
Incorrect Options Explanation:
prohibited by the 2019 Act.
a) Talaq-e-Ahsan: Talaq-e-Ahsan involves a
Hence, option (b) is correct.
single pronouncement of divorce under specific
circumstances and waiting for the iddat period. Q100. Text Solution:

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Topic - Muslim Law of proper dower.

Sub Topic - Divorce B) While age and beauty might be considered,
Answer: a) Both the assertion and the reason they are not the only factors and other
are correct, and the reason explains the considerations are also relevant.
assertion. C) The wife's personal qualifications go beyond
Explanation: Both the assertion and the reason assessing her economic contribution; they
are correct. The Muslim Women (Protection of encompass various aspects that reflect her
Rights on Marriage) Act, 1986, aims to prohibit value within the marriage.
the practice of instant and irrevocable divorce Hence, option (d) is correct.
through triple talaq. The Act's definition of
Q102. Text Solution:
"talaq" includes talaq-e-biddat or any similar Topic - Muslim Law
form of talaq that results in immediate and
Sub topic - Maintainence under Muslim Law
irrevocable divorce. The reason accurately
Answer: D) The wife is entitled to proper dower,
explains why the assertion is correct.
which considers various factors including her
Incorrect Options Explanation:
personal qualifications.
b) Both the assertion and the reason are
Explanation: In cases where the dower amount
correct, but the reason does not explain the
is not explicitly mentioned in the marriage
assertion: This option is incorrect because the
contract and the marriage is completed, the
reason effectively explains the assertion. wife is typically entitled to proper dower. Proper
c) The assertion is correct, but the reason is dower takes into account various factors,
incorrect: Both the assertion and the reason are
including the personal qualifications of the wife,
correct in this case.
her family's social position, economic
d) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is
conditions, and more. The personal
correct: This option is incorrect because both
qualifications of the wife, such as her
the assertion and the reason are correct in this
intelligence and virtue, are considered as part
of the assessment. Other factors, however, also
Hence, option (A) is correct. contribute to determining the proper dower
Q101. Text Solution: amount.
Topic - Muslim Law Explanations for other options:
Sub topic - Maintainence under Muslim Law A) This option is incorrect as Islamic law does
Answer: D) The wife's personal qualifications are recognize the wife's entitlement to proper
considered alongside other factors to assess dower even when it's not explicitly mentioned in
the appropriate amount of proper dower. the contract.
Explanation: The wife's personal qualifications, B) The payment of a deferred dower upon
such as her age, beauty, virtue, fortune, etc., are divorce is not the norm in this situation, as
taken into consideration as part of the factors proper dower is the applicable concept.
that contribute to determining the amount of C) The personal qualifications are indeed
proper dower. However, they are not the sole considered, but they are not the sole
determinants, and other contextual factors, as determinant of the dower amount.
mentioned in the passage, also play a role in Hence, option (d) is correct.
assessing the appropriate amount.
Q103. Text Solution:
Explanations for other options:
Topic - Muslim Law
A) This option is incorrect because the wife's
Sub topic - Maintainence under Muslim Law
personal qualifications do influence the amount

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Answer: C) The dower can be adjusted based Islamic law grants the wife the right to request
on the husband's current financial condition as it.
long as both parties agree. Hence, option (b) is correct.
Explanation: According to Islamic principles, the
Q105. Text Solution:
dower can be adjusted based on changed
Topic - Muslim Law
circumstances, as long as both parties mutually
Sub topic - Maintainence under Muslim Law
agree to the adjustment. If the husband's
Answer: D) The husband's economic condition
financial situation deteriorates significantly, can be considered when determining the
Islamic law allows for a fair negotiation amount of proper dower, but it's not the sole
between the husband and wife to modify the factor.
dower amount to a reasonable level. Explanation: The economic condition of the
Explanations for other options: husband is one of the factors that can be
A) This option is incorrect because Islamic law considered when determining the amount of
does allow for adjustments in the dower proper dower. However, it's not the only factor,
amount under changed circumstances. and the passage indicates that various other
B) While the husband has an obligation to fulfill considerations, such as the social position of
his commitments, financial hardship can be a her father’s family, dower given to her female
valid reason for reconsidering the dower paternal relations, and circumstances of time,
amount. are also relevant in assessing the appropriate
D) The wife's demand is not necessarily invalid, amount.
as adjustments can be made based on mutual Explanations for other options:
A) The husband's economic condition can
Hence, option (c) is correct.
influence the determination of proper dower; it's
Q104. Text Solution: not irrelevant.
Topic - Muslim Law B) While a wealthier husband might be
Sub topic - Maintainence under Muslim Law expected to pay more, this oversimplifies the
Answer: B) Islamic law requires the husband to complex considerations that go into
pay the deferred dower immediately upon the determining proper dower.
wife's request. C) The husband's economic condition might
Explanation: In the case of a marriage where affect the wife's entitlement to dower, but it's
the husband is a minor and the deferred dower not the sole factor determining it. Other
is specified, the wife can request the immediate aspects also contribute.
payment of the deferred dower. Islamic law Hence, option (d) is correct.
recognizes the wife's right to request the dower
Q106. Text Solution:
upon marriage, even if the marriage was
Topic - Muslim Law
contracted with a minor.
Sub topic - Maintainence under Muslim Law
Explanations for other options:
Answer: B) Section 127(3)(b)
A) This option is incorrect as the wife's request is
Explanation: In the scenario described, the
valid under Islamic law.
relevant provision that prevents a divorced
C) There is no requirement for the wife to repay Muslim woman from claiming further
the dower upon dissolution of the marriage, as maintenance when she has received her dower
it is her rightful due. (mehr) is Section 127(3)(b) of the Criminal
D) The guardian's authority does not extend to Procedure Code (CrPC). This provision states
delaying the payment of the deferred dower; that a woman who has received a sum of

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money or property as mehr from her husband is Topic - Muslim Law

not entitled to maintenance under Section 125 Sub topic - Maintainence under Muslim Law
of the CrPC. This provision is in line with the Answer: C) Mohammed Ahmed Khan v. Shah
interpretation that the payment of dower Bano Begum
satisfies the obligation of maintenance during Explanation: In the case of Mohammed Ahmed
marriage. Khan v. Shah Bano Begum, it was established
Why other options are incorrect: that dower (mehr) is not the same as the
A) Section 125: This section is about amount payable to the wife on divorce. The
maintenance of wives, children, and parents. It's judgment clarified that dower is an obligation
relevant for ongoing maintenance rather than on the husband and is paid as a mark of
the situation described. respect for the wife, and not the amount
C) Section 127(3)(a): This provision is not relevant payable to the wife on divorce.
to the question. Why other options are incorrect:
D) Section 129(2): This section is not relevant to A) Bai Tahira v. Ali Hussain: This case is about
the given scenario. whether a woman who has already received
Hence, option (b) is correct. dower can claim further maintenance. It's not
directly related to the interpretation of dower
Q107. Text Solution:
Topic - Muslim Law
B) Fuzlunbi v. K. Khader Vali: This case concerns
Sub topic - Maintainence under Muslim Law
Answer: B) The Act was upheld as the sufficiency of mehr, not the distinction

constitutionally valid. between dower and divorce payment.

Explanation: In the scenario where a divorced D) Danial Latifi v. Union of India: This case deals

Muslim woman challenges the constitutionality with the constitutionality of the Muslim Women

of the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, not the

Divorce) Act, 1986, the outcome was that the interpretation of dower.

Act was upheld as constitutionally valid. The Hence, option (c) is correct.

case of Danial Latifi v. Union of India affirmed Q109. Text Solution:

the constitutionality of the Act, stating that Topic - Muslim Law
maintenance must be provided within the Iddat Sub topic - Maintainence under Muslim Law
period and be sufficient to maintain the woman Answer: C) She is not entitled to any further
for her entire life. maintenance.
Why other options are incorrect: Explanation: In the scenario described, if a
A) The Act was declared unconstitutional: This divorced Muslim woman receives an amount of
option is incorrect based on the actual money as part of her dower (mehr) and
outcome of the case. remarries, she is not entitled to any further
C) The Act was modified to include more maintenance from her previous husband. The
provisions: There's no indication in the passage payment of dower is considered a settlement of
that the Act was modified. the financial obligations during the marriage.
D) The Act was deemed inapplicable to Why other options are incorrect:
divorced women: This is not supported by the A) She is entitled to maintenance until her
passage; the Act was applicable to the remarriage: This is incorrect; maintenance does
maintenance rights of divorced Muslim women. not continue after remarriage.
Hence, option (b) is correct. B) She is entitled to maintenance throughout
her life: This is incorrect, as the passage does
Q108. Text Solution:

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not indicate this. (b) No, as the absence of explicit mention of

D) She is entitled to maintenance only during dower during the marriage renders the claim
the Iddat period: The scenario involves a void: This is incorrect because, according to the
remarriage, so the Iddat period is not passage, the absence of explicit mention does
applicable. not void the right to claim dower.
Hence, option (c) is correct. (c) Yes, but only if the marriage was
consummated, as the right to claim dower is
Q110. Text Solution:
contingent on the occurrence of
Topic - Muslim Law
consummation: This is incorrect because the
Sub topic - Maintainence under Muslim Law
passage does not indicate that the right to
Answer: D) The husband's financial capacity.
claim dower is contingent on consummation.
Explanation: In a case where a divorced Muslim
(d) No, because the concept of mahr is only
woman challenges her husband's claim that the
applicable if it is explicitly agreed upon by both
dower (mehr) payment is sufficient
parties at the time of marriage: This is incorrect
maintenance, the court would likely consider
as the passage states that even if not expressly
the husband's financial capacity while deciding
mentioned, the wife still has the right to claim
on her maintenance claim. The financial
capacity of the husband is crucial to determine
Hence, the answer is A.
whether the amount of dower is indeed
sufficient to cover the woman's needs. Q112. Text Solution:
Why other options are incorrect: Topic - Muslim Law
A) The husband's educational background: The Sub topic - Mehr
husband's education is not directly relevant to Explanation: The passage mentions that if the
his financial capacity. marriage has not been consummated, the wife
B) The duration of the marriage: The duration of has the right to refuse to cohabit with her
the marriage might influence certain husband until the prompt dower is paid.
considerations, but it's not the primary factor in Other Options:
this context. (a) Aisha can immediately file for divorce: This is
C) The wife's ability to work: The wife's ability to incorrect because the passage does not
work might impact her financial situation but is suggest that the refusal to pay dower is
not the primary factor in determining the grounds for immediate divorce.
husband's maintenance obligation. (c) Aisha can file a criminal case against her
Hence, option (d) is correct. husband under the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961:
This is incorrect as the passage does not
Q111. Text Solution:
mention the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, in the
Topic - Muslim Law
context of dower.
Sub topic - Mehr
(d) Aisha must relinquish her claim to dower if
Explanation: According to the passage, the
the marriage has been consummated: This is
case of Abdul Kadir v. Salima establishes that
incorrect as the passage does not state that
dower under Muslim law is a sum of money or
the right to insist on prompt dower is forfeited
property promised by the husband to be paid
after consummation.
or delivered to the wife in consideration of
marriage. Even if the dower is not expressly Hence, the answer is B.

mentioned at the time of marriage, the wife still Q113. Text Solution:
has the right to claim dower. Topic - Muslim Law
Other Options: Sub topic - Mehr

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Explanation: The passage clarifies that the term that the wife must comply with consummation
'consideration' in Muslim law is different from its to maintain her claim to prompt dower.
usage in a contract. The absence of Hence, the answer is A.
consideration (dower) does not render the Q115. Text Solution:
marriage void.
Topic - Muslim Law
Other Options:
Sub topic - Mehr
(a) The term 'consideration' in Muslim law is
Explanation: The passage distinguishes
similar to that in a contract: This is incorrect as
between mahr and dowry, stating that mahr
the passage explicitly states that the term
ensures women's financial security under Islamic
'consideration' is different in the context of
law, while dowry is considered a social evil
dower. under the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961.
(c) The concept of consideration in Muslim law is
Other Options:
irrelevant to the validity of the marriage: This is
(a) The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, considers
incorrect as the passage discusses the
both mahr and dowry as social evils: This is
importance of consideration (dower) in Muslim
incorrect, as the passage differentiates
between mahr and dowry.
(d) The term 'consideration' is synonymous in
(b) The Act does not distinguish between mahr
both Muslim law and contracts: This is incorrect,
and dowry, treating them as interchangeable
as the passage emphasizes the distinction
terms: This is incorrect, as the passage clearly
between the two.
distinguishes between mahr and dowry.
Hence, the answer is B.
(d) Both mahr and dowry are considered legally
Q114. Text Solution: binding financial obligations: This is incorrect,
Topic - Muslim Law as the passage emphasizes that mahr ensures
Sub topic - Mehr financial security for women, while dowry is
Explanation: The passage states that if the condemned as a social evil.
marriage has not been consummated, the wife Hence, the answer is C.
has the right to refuse to cohabit with her
Q116. Text Solution:
husband until the prompt dower is paid.
Topic - Muslim Law
Other Options:
Sub topic - Mehr
(b) Rukhsar loses the right to claim prompt
Explanation: In Islamic law, a specified deferred
dower once the marriage is consummated: This
dower is a legally binding obligation, and the
is incorrect, as the passage does not indicate
wife (Aisha) has the right to seek legal action to
that the right to claim dower is forfeited after
enforce the payment.
Incorrect Option (a): Aisha has no legal recourse
(c) Rukhsar can file a criminal case against her since mehr is not legally binding.
husband for violating her right to prompt dower Explanation: Mehr is legally binding in Islamic
after consummation: This is incorrect, as the law, and the wife has the right to seek legal
passage does not suggest legal action under action to enforce the payment. This option is
criminal law in this context. incorrect as it misrepresents the legal status of
(d) Rukhsar must comply with her husband's mehr.
demand for consummation, and any claim to Incorrect Option (c): Aisha must forfeit her right
prompt dower is forfeited after consummation: to mehr as it was agreed upon at the time of
This is incorrect, as the passage does not state divorce.
Explanation: The wife does not forfeit her right

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to mehr in the event of divorce. Mehr remains a Incorrect Option (a): Ali is exempt from paying
legally binding obligation, and the wife can prompt dower due to financial difficulties.
seek legal action to enforce it. Explanation: Financial difficulties do not
Incorrect Option (d): Aisha can only seek legal automatically exempt the husband from
recourse if the deferred dower was unspecified. fulfilling the prompt dower obligation. This
Explanation: The legal recourse is available option misrepresents the legal implications of
regardless of whether the deferred dower was financial difficulties.
specified or unspecified. Both types of deferred Incorrect Option (c): Ali is not legally bound to
dower are legally binding, and the wife can fulfill the prompt dower obligation as it was
seek enforcement. agreed upon during the marriage. Explanation:
Hence, the answer is B. The prompt dower obligation remains legally

Q117. Text Solution: binding, even if financial difficulties arise. This

option inaccurately suggests that the legal
Topic - Muslim Law
obligation is nullified.
Sub topic - Mehr
Incorrect Option (d): Ali must seek court
Explanation: The principle of mu’akhar refers to
approval to be exempt from the prompt dower
a deferred dower agreed upon to be paid at a
obligation. Explanation: Court approval is not
later time, providing encouragement to the
necessarily required for fulfilling the prompt
husband to fulfill obligations towards his wife
dower. This option introduces a requirement
and children.
that is not present in the context of prompt
Incorrect Option (a): The principle of prompt
dower. Explanation: The passage does not
Hence, the answer is B.
discuss the principle of prompt dower; it focuses
on the preference for an unspecified deferred Q119. Text Solution:
dower. This option misrepresents the principle Topic - Muslim Law
being referred to. Sub topic - Mehr
Incorrect Option (b): The principle of financial Explanation: A mu’akhar agreed upon after the
independence. Explanation: While financial birth of a child is a legally binding obligation,
independence is mentioned in the passage, it is and Saira can seek legal action to enforce
not the primary consideration for preferring an payment.
unspecified deferred dower. The correct Incorrect Option (a): Saira has no legal
principle is mu’akhar. recourse as the mu’akhar is not enforceable.
Incorrect Option (c): The principle of deferred Explanation: Mu’akhar agreed upon after the
dower. Explanation: This option is too broad birth of a child is legally enforceable, and the
and does not specifically address the wife can seek legal action to enforce payment.
preference for an unspecified deferred dower, This option misrepresents the legal status of
which is the focus of the question. mu’akhar.
Hence, the answer is D. Incorrect Option (c): Saira must forfeit her right
to mu’akhar since it is a deferred dower.
Q118. Text Solution:
Explanation: The wife does not forfeit her right
Topic - Muslim Law
to mu’akhar, and it remains a legally binding
Sub topic - Mehr
obligation. This option inaccurately suggests
Explanation: Financial difficulties do not
automatically exempt the husband (Ali) from
Incorrect Option (d): Saira can only seek legal
fulfilling the prompt dower obligation.
recourse if the mu’akhar was specified.

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Explanation: Legal recourse is available for circumstances. This option misrepresents the
both specified and unspecified mu’akhar. This legal obligations of Nasir.
option misrepresents the legal conditions for Incorrect Option (c): Nasir must pay the full
seeking recourse. deferred dower immediately, regardless of the
Hence, the answer is B. divorce circumstances. Explanation: Nasir is
bound by the terms of the deferred dower as
Q120. Text Solution:
agreed upon in the marriage contract. This
Topic - Muslim Law
option introduces a requirement not specified in
Sub topic - Mehr
the passage.
Explanation: Nasir is legally obligated to fulfill
Incorrect Option (d): Nasir has the option to
the terms of the deferred dower as agreed
negotiate a new arrangement for the payment
upon in the marriage contract, even if the wife
of the deferred dower with Mariam.
initiates the divorce.
Explanation: The terms of the deferred dower
Incorrect Option (b): Nasir can refuse to pay
are legally binding, and Nasir cannot
the deferred dower, citing Mariam's initiation of
unilaterally change them. This option
the divorce. Explanation: Nasir is legally
misrepresents the legal options available to
obligated to fulfill the terms of the deferred
dower as agreed upon in the marriage
Hence, the answer is A.
contract, regardless of the divorce

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