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Giant Fanatic 14 D. 30/0902/10

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Last update 26/07/2011

This Briefing
Welcome to the Warhammer tournament at Giant Fanatic 14. In this part of the tournament pack youll find the restrictions for building your armies and the rules for Scenarios, how to play them and how to determine the winner of your games.

People attending Giant Fanatic year after year will know that we strive to challenge the players every year; new scenarios, new rules and restrictions, etc. Even veterans of Giant Fanatic should read the Tournament Pack carefully to avoid unpleasant surprises.

At this years Giant Fanatic fantasy tournament we have several restrictions affecting the game and the army construction. Giant Fanatic has almost always aimed for a lower power level than the one presented in the standard GW rulebook, and GF14 is no exception. Therefore there are some restrictions on how you can compose your army, and though we know they aren't entirely fair they are made to stop synergy effects and enforce variety. If you do have a really great idea that has been limited by these restrictions, remember to look under the section below called Breaking the System where such ideas can be allowed.

Breaking the System

When you read the rules below some of you are bound to think what morons wrote these restrictions and why did they restrict my perfectly fluffy night goblin army with six night goblin units? And of course you are right, restricting that makes no sense! Hence we have made this thing called Breaking the System! Basically it means that you can send in your army list to us while it only follows the very basic GW rules, and its assigned points values. In essence you can bring anything you want to! Of course there is a catch... We will have to approve your list first, and we will try to do that based on the overall power level of the army. Hence as long as you want to Break the System by bringing something weaker, chances are you will get accepted! Unfortunately we can not promise you that we can give infinite feedback. We will strive to give any rejected lists suggestions for minor fixes that can be made to allow the list, but we simply can not guarantee so in advance. A soon as you are registered for the tournament you can submit a list. That means at the earliest on the 1 st of August and the latest on the 16 th of September as we need them two weeks prior to the event. Your submission will not be processed unless you include your registration no. in the subject title of the mail. Send your submission to:

Victory points
Victory points scored as per the rulebook, with the exceptions that: units that are at 25% or less of their original models yield 50% VP's to the opponent (characters, monsters and handlers, war machines and single models are unaffected). units that are fleeing at the end of the battle yield 50% VP's to the opponent. In both cases, bonuses (for generals, banners, etc.) are not counted towards the 50%. Units that are both: fleeing and at/below strength still only yield 50% VPs.

Giant Fanatic 14 D. 30/0902/10

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Last update 26/07/2011

Giant Fanatic 14 Warhammer Fantasy Restrictions

No character may cost more than 450pts Max 2 identical character choices Max 1 scouting unit (characters excluded) Max 2 flying units (characters excluded) Warmachines and Monsters (mounts included) may not be duplicated (boltthrowers of all types may be duplicated once) Max 6 chariots per army Only fully painted armies allowed (see the painting guide in the Info Pack. All GW supported armies allowed, plus Dogs of War and Dwarfs of Chaos1 No named characters No dogs of war/regiments of renown, in non dogs of war armies All Battle Standard Bearers may buy equipment as if they were a normal hero of their type Banned items/gifts/etc: Power Scroll (Com) Crown of Command (Com) Fozzrik's Folding Fortress (Com) Neferra's Scrolls (TK) Siren Song (DoC) Pendant of Khaeleth (DE) Book of Hoeth (HE) Infernal Puppet (WoC) Becalming Cogitations (LM) Cupped Hands (LM) Bane head (LM) Higher state of consciousness (LM) Drakenhoff Banner (VC) Red Fury (VC) Doomrocket (Skv) Demons (2200pts) All rare choices are 0-1 No repetition of gifts/icons No gifts or icon on BSB Fiends are 1-5 Demon Prince can pick 100pts of gifts (still max 50pts in chaos god specific)

General Restrictions

Monster Mash! The following monsters get a 100pts reduction: Abyssal terror, all Giants, Lammasu, Great Taurus, all Daemon Princes, Shaggoth, Zombie Dragon, Wyvern, Jabberslythe, Cygor, Ghorgon, Vermin Lord, Manticore, Carnosaur, Forest dragon, Arachnarork, Griffon, Dragon Mage, Hippogryph, Necrosphinx No additional restrictions High Elves (2400pts) Skaven (2400pts) Wood Elves (2600pts) Bretonnia (2600pts) Dogs of War (2700pts) Empire (2400pts) Steam Tank is 0-1, and Toughness 6 Chaos Dwarf (2400pts) Death rocket and earth shaker are 0-1 each Warriors of Chaos (2400pts) Max 12 Chosen

Dark Elves (2200pts) Max 25 repeater crossbows Shades are 5-8 Max one of the following: BSB, Cauldron or Hydra Black Guards are 0-1 Cloak of Hag Graef and Dawnstone can't be taken on the same character

Vampire Counts (2200pts) All rare choices are 0-1 Wraiths are 3-4 Blood Knights are 4-6 Helm of Commandment is 'Wight King only' Dwarfs (2400pts) Max two of the following: Anvil, Miners, Rangers Beastmen (2600pts) 25 Bestigors allowed per unit (50 per army) Ogre Kingdoms (2700pts) Can have Rhinox riders (Monstrous Cavalry)2

Lizardmen (2200pts) Max 2 Salamanders in total Max one of the following: BSB or Slann Skink skirmish units are 0-3 (chameleon skinks excluded) Tomb Kings (2400pts) Max 12 chariots allowed Max 6 chariots per unit Orcs & goblins (2600pts) 25 Black Orcs allowed per unit (50 per army) Night Goblin Shaman's extra dice count as power dice for all purposes

The armies mentioned here are the only armies that are allowed at GF14. The Chaos Dwarf list allowed is the Indy GT Chaos Dwarf list, which can be found here: The 8th edition Chaos Dwarf Q&A can be found here: The rules for Rhinox Riders can be downloaded here:

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Last update 26/07/2011

Unit Sizes
In addition to the mentioned restrictions there are some restrictions on maximum unit sizes. When picking a unit you first need to look up how many you can have in the army in total, and secondly how many you can have in a single unit at once. You do this by looking in the index below:

Unit entry (check the examples below!) Unit Size Restrictions Infantry costing 3pts or less Infantry costing 4-5pts Infantry costing 6-9pts Infantry costing 10pts or more Cavalry Monstrous Inf/Cav/Beasts

Maximum models allowed in the army (at basic points) 100 80 60 40 18 12

Maximum models allowed in a unit (including upgrades) 50 40 30 20 9 6

The maximum models allowed in the army is always at the basic cost excluding equipment/upgrades. The maximum models allowed in a unit is at the cost of the model including all upgrades paid per model (excluding command models or other unit wide upgrades). Example 1: You can field 40 White Lions (15pts/model) in an army, but no more than 20 in a single unit. How many White Lions you bring does not affect how many other infantry models costing 10pts or more you can field. The restriction is solely aimed at each individual unit. Example 2: You can field 18 Knights of the Realm (Cavalry) in an army, but no more than 9 in a single unit. How many Knights of the Realm you bring does not affect how many other Cavalry models you can field. The restriction is solely aimed at each individual unit. So if you have 18 Knight of the Realm in your army you can still have 18 Knights Errant. Example 3: A unit of Marauders (4pts/model) would allow you to field 80 in the army regardless of any upgrades. If you buy light armour and shields for them (now 6pts/model), the maximum unit size would be 30 for that unit, though you would still be allowed 80 per army. Units of mixed models are restricted within each individual category of models, with the caveat that the combined amount of wounds can never exceed 40. Example 4: Skinks (5pts) and Kroxigors (Monstrous Inf) are restricted to respectively 40 and 6 models per unit, though the combined wounds can never exceed 40. The amount of Kroxigors brought in mixed units does not affect the amount of Kroxigors allowed outside mixed units. These unit size restrictions are in addition to the existing ones in the individual army books, and in any situation where there are different indicators, the most restrictive one is always used.

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Five is the Magic Number

These are the magic restrictions for GF14. We've noticed a certain arms race towards everyone fielding a Lvl4 and we wanted to try to break that cycle. More over there has also been a tendency towards throwing the maximum allowed dice at the most powerful and game changing spells, which makes those magic phases very all or nothing. We've tried to reign in these different elements, while also setting a generally more low key power level, through the rules presented below. A maximum of 12 power dice (pd) in total may be used in any magic phase, regardless of the source. Wizards never add their level when casting or dispelling (all other bonuses still apply). Under no circumstances can you use more than 5pd to cast a spell (not even Dark Elves). In addition Look out, sir can be used against all damage dealing #6 spells. (e.g. Infernal Gateway, Dreaded 13th, and the #6 spells of Death, Life and Metal) Okkams Mindrazor grants +2 strength, to a maximum of strength 6 - no other strength modifiers of any kind apply. You may only gain up to 1/2/3 extra power and dispel dice (dd) per turn in your entire army (Channelling is exempt from this rule). How many depends on your army (see below). Each dispel scroll (or other item that automatically dispels a spell) reduces the number of extra dd you can generate by 1. # of extra pd/dd 1 extra pd/dd 2 extra pd/dd 3 extra pd/dd Race Dark Elves, Vampires, Lizardmen The rest Orcs & Goblins, Dwarfs

Simple Line of Sight

The True Line of Sight rules (TLoS) as presented in the 8th edition rulebook gives us concern with regards to limiting peoples creativity when converting models for their army, or buying from alternative producers. These are elements of the hobby that we would hate to see diminished at Giant Fanatic. A more practical problem is, that the TLoS rules combined with the terrain, demand that we rethink how we use terrain now and in the future. Unfortunately it is not economically possible for us to update all the terrain we have already acquired which as above gives us some additional concerns using the TLoS rules when we have the wrong tools for doing it. Last year we tried Systematic Line of Sight a line of sight system that worked all right, but it was a bit complicated. This year we have tried to make things simpler and we present Simple Line of Sight (SloS). This year Simple Line of Sight will be used in all five games at GF14. All units and terrain pieces are divided into the following three categories. Blocking: Hills, Buildings and impassable terrain. These block Line of Sight, even to other blocking terrain (You can't see through it). Non-Blocking: Rivers, marches and swarms. Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it). Interfering: All other terrain and units. Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it). If you shoot through interfering units or terrain there is a -2 to hit penalty, only -1 for woods (never cumulative). If shooting at a large target, units in buildings or on hills there are no to hit modifiers for interfering or non-blocking terrain or units, unless it is an interfering wood. When such a unit is doing the shooting there are no to hit penalties for interfering or non-blocking units or terrain, other than interfering woods.

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At this years Giant Fanatic there will be 6 different scenarios pre-set on the tables across the hall. As such you do not know which scenario you will be playing each round. More over you are not guaranteed to play all scenarios either. We will try to strive for you not to play each scenario multiple times if possible, but unfortunately it will not be possible for all of you, so expect it to happen! The terrain will be pre-set by the referees to match the scenario, if anything looks out of place then feel free to call down a referee at the start of the game and they will help you rearrange it if needed. The games at GF14 use the following victory points (VP) table to convert VP into battle points (BP).

Victory Points Table

Victory Points 0- 149vps 150- 299vps 300- 449vps 450- 599vps 600- 749vps 750- 899vps 900- 1049vps 1050- 1199vps 1200- 1349vps 1350- 1499vps 1500+ Battle Points = 10- 10 BPs = 11- 9 BPs = 12- 8 BPs = 13- 7 BPs = 14- 6 BPs = 15- 5 Bps = 16- 4 Bps = 17- 3 Bps = 18- 2 Bps = 19- 1 Bps = 20- 0 Bps

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Scenario 1 Battleline
Game Length: 6 turns Background: Your army will confront the enemy in a classic pitched battle Scenario rules: This game works exactly like the Battleline scenario from page 144 in the WHFB Rulebook Scenario Objective: The objective of this scenario is to crush your opponent into a bloody pulp, scoring as many VP as possible.

Scenario 2 Meteor Strike

Game Length: 6 turns Background: The evil moon, Morrslieb, hangs low in the night sky, and great lumps of wyrdstone are raining from the skies. These deadly meteors have left the area pockmarked with craters, but the wyrdstone fragments are valuable beyond compare, and you better seize them before someone else does. Scenario rules: This game works exactly like the Battleline scenario from page 144 in the WHFB Rulebook with the following additional special rules: Special rule Landing points: Before deploying the armies you must deploy 3 markers each to represent the Landing points. Starting with the player who rolls highest on 1d6, you take turns deploying a single marker anywhere on the table outside of the deployment zones. A marker can never be placed closer than 10 to another marker. The markers are supplied by the organizers, though you do not get to keep them! Special rule Meteor strikes Each player turn begins with a meteor strike (12 per game). Before doing anything else when you begin your turn, roll a D6 to determine randomly which of the 6 Landing points is about to be struck. Then, roll a scatter dice and 2D6 to determine the exact landing spot of the meteor (in case you roll a HIT, use the small arrow on the scatter dice to determine the direction of the scatter). Once the final landing spot is determined, resolve the meteor strike exactly like a hit from a stone thrower, with a strength of 2 (strength 6 under the central hole but no multiple wounds) and with any hits counting as both magical and flaming. Finally, leave a wyrdstone (markers will also be supplied) at the landing spot. Any non-fleeing, non-character unit touching the marker at any time will automatically pick it up. Once picked up, the wyrdstone can only ever be lost if the unit is destroyed or flees off the table, which in both cases means that the wyrdstone is destroyed too. A unit can carry up to three wyrdstones. Scenario Objective: The objective of this scenario is to seize the wyrdstones. At the end of the game each piece of wyrdstone which is held by one of your units (even fleeing units), will provide you with 50 VP.

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Scenario 3 The Tower

Game Length: 6 turns Background: A great tower looms over the battlefield. Capture it and drive the enemy away to secure victory. Scenario rules: This game works exactly like the Battleline scenario from page 144 in the WHFB Rulebook with the following additional special rules: Special rules -The Tower: There is a large tower in the centre of the battlefield. The tower follows the normal rules for impassable terrain, which obviously means that it is not a building. Scenario Objective: The objective of this scenario is to seize the tower. At the end of the game, the player with the most non-fleeing, non-character units with one or more models at least partially within 6 of the tower will gain an additional 400 VP.

Scenario 4 The Portals

Game Length: 6 turns Background: Mysterious, sorcerous portals of great power dominate the edges of this field of battle. If you have the courage to send your troops trough the portal, you may find a quick path to victory. Scenario rules: This game works exactly like the Battleline scenario from page 144 in the WHFB Rulebook with the following additional special rules: Special rules -The Portals: There are two portals on the battlefield, deployed in two opposite corners. Both portals together count as one single building which happens to be two places at once (yes, really). No unit can begin the game deployed in the portals. Otherwise, you can garrison, leave, target and assault the portals just like a normal building. Just remember that if a unit is inside one portal it is also inside the other portal. It is effectively two places at once. Movement: The portals can be entered by contacting either portal. When leaving the portals, a garrisoning unit can leave from either portal. A garrisoning unit can be assaulted by assaulting either portal (though as per the normal building rules, only one enemy unit can assault it a turn). Magic and Shooting: The garrisoning unit can cast spells and shoot from either portal. It can be affected by spells and shot at in both portals. Combat: If the garrisoning unit is forced to leave as a result of being assaulted, it will leave from the portal which was assaulted. Scenario Objective: The objective of this scenario is to crush your opponent into a bloody pulp scoring as many VP as possible.

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Scenario 5 Acid Rain

Game Length: 6 turns Background: Perhaps it was unwise to lead your army to battle in the blasted wastes of the Dark Lands at a place so polluted by the sorcerous industry of the Chaos Dwarfs that even they have abandoned the area. Not only do the low-hanging rain clouds that move erratically across the yellow sky look menacing they also leave your troops soaked by something far worse than water. Scenario rules: This game works exactly like the Battleline scenario from page 144 in the WHFB Rulebook with the following additional special rules: Special Rules The clouds: The board has 3 special terrain features - the clouds - which begin the game roughly at the centre of the board. Each cloud is the same size and shape as the large 5 template, and they count as open terrain, which can be entered freely. The clouds do not affect movement or line of sight in any way. If a unit ends its move inside a cloud, it suffers the effects described below and the cloud is moved by the shortest possible route to a spot where it is 1" free of units and terrain. Any other units touched due to this are not affected by the cloud. At the beginning of each players magic phase, the clouds move randomly about as if they were magical vortex following the same rules, but only moving 1D6. Roll the scatter dice once and distance once and apply the result to all three clouds. If a cloud would end its move on top of another piece of terrain (including other clouds) it will continue moving in the same direction until it is 1 clear of any terrain features and units. If a cloud touches a table edge it leaves the board and does not come back. If a unit touches one or more clouds at any point during a turn, it immediately has its WS, BS and armour save reduced by 1 point until the end of that turn. Each unit can only be affected once per turn no matter how many times it touches a cloud in a single turn. As mentioned above, the cloud does not affect units if it is moving because another unit has ended its move inside it. Try as much as you want, you can't blow the clouds on top of your enemies! Scenario Objective: The objective of this scenario is to crush your opponent into a bloody pulp, scoring as many VP as possible.

Scenario 6 Secret Dispositions

Game Length: 6 turns Background: You have cunningly deployed your troops at the dead of night leaving your opponent no chance of knowing where your ruthless attack will strike unless of course he has been even more cunning than you... Scenario rules: This game works almost exactly like the Battleline scenario from page 144 in the WHFB Rulebook. However, there is a screen between you and your opponent during deployment. You must deploy your entire army without seeing the deployment of the opposing army and vice versa. No peeking! Scenario Objective: The objective of this scenario is to crush your opponent into a bloody pulp, scoring as many VP as possible.

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Last update 26/07/2011

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