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Techniques in Coloproctology


What is fast track multimodal management of colorectal cancer

surgery in real life?
Bertrand Trilling1,2 · Pierre‑Yves Sage1 · Jean‑Luc Faucheron1,2

Received: 7 April 2018 / Accepted: 6 May 2018

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Dear Sir, randomization process”, but it is also mentioned further that

there was “infiltration of surgical wounds with Ropivacaine”
We read recently an article comparing short-term outcome in the FFT group, which by definition is not blind.
of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer with a multi- Third, we do not understand why 10% of patients who had
modal full fast track (FFT) or limited fast track (LFT) care a colectomy for cancer had a stoma, considering exclusion
program [1]. Based on a meta-analysis of the literature, criteria of emergency, obesity, denutrition, unfit patients,
the authors hypothesized decreased postoperative morbid- and high-grade tumors. More than 55% of the patients in the
ity after the FFT program. According to the results of this entire cohort had a stoma.
multicenter, single-blinded, randomized, superiority trial, Fourth, mean operation time was significantly longer in
the authors delivered the message that a multimodal FFT the FFT group. This means that the operations in this group
program might not have any benefit during laparoscopy for were more complex, or were performed in more complicated
colorectal cancer, as compared with a LFT program. Our cases, or by less expert surgeons or anesthetists, or that some
experience of FFT in colorectal surgery [2] leads us to make factors were not taken into account in the trial. The longer
some comments on this article. the operation lasts, the less chance for ambulatory or fast
First of all, the authors based their hypothesis around a track management, and the more frequent complications are.
decreased postoperative morbidity rate reported in a meta- This factor in itself could explain why at the end there was
analysis published in 2009. Four randomized clinical trials no difference between the two groups.
that had been published since, and before the beginning of Fifth, FFT includes 20 items that were clearly described
Miggiori and colleagues’ study, should have been taken into by Kehlet in 1997 [7]. We can see that the most important
account as incorporation of their findings may have lead to items in the FFT and LFT were applied in the study. Anti-
a different sample size for the study [3–6]. biotic prophylaxis and thromboprophylaxis were not cited,
Second, we believe it is not possible to conducte this as but we presume that the authors followed these guidelines.
a single blind study, a comment already made by Dieter In the study the differences between FFT and LFT only con-
Hahnloser at the end of the paper [1]. Surgeons, anesthe- cern a few minor items. Compared to FFT, LFT comprised
tists, nurses, dieticians, and physiotherapists are involved in absence of preoperative specific information, routine pre-
enhanced recovery programs and, therefore, the study could anesthetic medication, no preoperative carbohydrate loads,
not be blinded. As a simple example, if the patient is sitting free per-operative intravenous fluid infusion, standard per-
beside his bed and eating on the evening of the operation, we operative hemodynamic optimization, no intravenous infu-
are sure he has been randomized in the FFT group! Moreo- sion of lidocaine, no ropivacaine infiltration, free opiate
ver, it is stated that the “operating surgeon was blinded to the analgesia, and progressive mobilization and oral intake
starting on postoperative day 1 instead of day 0. A major
criticism of this study is the absence of anesthesists as co-
* Jean‑Luc Faucheron authors. A fast track program is clearly a multidisciplinary
management of the patients. Hence, we cannot be sure that
Colorectal Unit, Department of Surgery, Michallon anesthesists were not applying what is now considered as the
University Hospital, CS 10217, 38043 Grenoble cedex, gold standard during colorectal surgery, for instance opti-
France mal per-operative fluid infusion regime and hemodynamic
Grenoble Alpes University, UMR 5525, CNRS, monitoring [3]. The authors do not mention whether or not
TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble, France

Techniques in Coloproctology

patients received dexamethasone, gabapentin, or droperidol, II error, and also because LFTmultimodal management of
which also prevent postoperative nausea. In fact 14% of the colorectal cancer surgery is not so different from fFFT man-
patients from the FFT group did not receive a preoperative agement in real life.
carbohydrate load, 32% did not have optimized hemody-
namic monitoring, and 77% did not receive odansetron, Compliance with ethical standards
as in the LFT group! We are surprised that patients in the
LFT group were not given specific information about the Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
pathology, the procedure and the global management. since
in France, this is mandatory. Moreover, before starting the Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human
procedure, surgeons, anesthetists and nurses in the opera- participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
tive room must perform a surgical time out which includes
Informed consent For this type of study, formal consent is not required.
what is expected during and after the operation. Concern-
ing specific information, we cannot believe that surgeons
and anesthetists did not explain to the patient what is nowa-
days considered as evidence-based medicine. Therefore, References
it is untrue that “no counseling” was applied in the LFT
group. Concerning the difference between the two groups, 1. Maggiori L, Rullier E, Lefevre J et al (2017) Does a combina-
tion of laparoscopic approach and full fast track multimodal
we do not think that “last meal until midnight” and “last management decrease postoperative morbidity? A multicenter
meal 6 h before surgery” makes a big difference in real life. randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg 266:729 – 37
Of course in the FFT group, some patients probably were 2. Faucheron JL, Trilling B (2015) Laparoscopy in combination with
given hydroxyzine (we do not know how many), which is fast-track management is the best surgical perioperative strategy
in patients undergoing colorectal resection for cancer. Tech Colo-
what is systematically done in the LFT group. We imagine proctol 19:379 – 80
that postoperatively patients in the LFT group also received 3. Vlug MS, Wind J, Hollmann MW et al. (2011) Laparoscopy in
paracetamol and even nefopam, and not only opiates. We combination with fast track multimodal management is the best
wonder why patients in the FFT group received carbohy- perioperative strategy in patients undergoing colonic surgery: a
randomized clinical trial (LAFA-study). Ann Surg 254:868 – 75
drate loads postoperatively, as it is not routine in enhanced 4. Lee TG, Kang SB, Kim DW et al (2011) Comparison of early
recovery after surgery programs because patients have a nor- mobilization and diet rehabilitation program with conventional
mal diet. If a patient was randomized to the FFT group and care after laparoscopic colon surgery: a prospective randomized
developed nausea, he was probably prescribed some anti- controlled trial. Dis Colon Rectum 54:21 – 8
5. Feng F, Li XH, Shi H et al (2014) Fast-track surgery combined
nausea drug and did not have “early” feeding. In some cases, with laparoscopy could improve postoperative recovery of low-
in our experience, patients are not always operated on early risk rectal cancer patients: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
in the morning; and, therefore, return to the ward late, so that J Dig Dis 15:306 – 13
early feeding and mobilization are not possible. We cannot 6. Wang Q, Suo J, Jiang J et al (2012) Effectiveness of fast-track
rehabilitation vs conventional care in laparoscopic colorectal
imagine that in the FFT group, all 130 patients returned to resection for elderly patients: a randomized trial. Colorectal Dis
the ward early in the day. 14:1009–1013
In conclusion, we feel that there are significant methodo- 7. Kehlet H (1997) Multimodal approach to control postoperative
logical biases in the Maggiori study, contributing to a type pathophysiology and rehabilitation. Br J Anaesth 78:606–17


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