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Answer all Questions in the spaces provided.


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1st Floor, Moptions Centre, off Eastern Bypass, Utawala, Nairobi

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1. Look at the pictures and use the word bank to fill the blank(5marks)

2. Where do you get light at night? (1mk)



3. What happens when the sun goes down?



4. Name 2 sources of light. (2mks)

a) .....................................................................................

b) .....................................................................................
5. Give two examples for each source of light. (4mks)

1. 1.
2. 2.

6. Why do we need light? (3mks)

a) .....................................................................................

b) .....................................................................................

c) ......................................................................................

7. Circle only the correct answer. (3mks)


 Shadows never change size True False

 Shadows are only made by the sun True False

 Shadows are formed when an object True False

blocks light

6. What is electricity? (1mk)


7.Name 4 things that uses electricity. (appliances)(2mks)

a) .....................................................................................

b) .....................................................................................

c) ......................................................................................

d) .....................................................................................
8. Batteries store electricity, name 4 things that use batteries (2mks)

a) .....................................................................................

b) .....................................................................................



8. Below are examples of batteries. Fill in the labels to show where they are used. (2mks)

( Car Torch Toy Car Watch)

9. Name 3 things that use mains electricity(appliance) through the socket. (3mks)

a) .....................................................................................

b) .....................................................................................

c) ......................................................................................

10. Why is the mains electricity dangerous and we are told not to put anything into it even if
we think it is switched off? (2mks)


11. Why do we need wires for electricity? (1mk)



12. Below is a diagram of a simple circuit. Write your answer below the diagram (4mks)

1. .........................................................................
2. .........................................................................
3. .........................................................................
4. .........................................................................

13. Name 5 materials (5marks)

1. .........................................................................
2. .........................................................................
3. .........................................................................
4. .........................................................................
5. .........................................................................

14. How many hours are there in a day? (1mk)


15.Write four types of soils that is around our environment. (4mks)

1. .........................................................................
2. .........................................................................
3. .........................................................................
4. ........................................................................
16. Why do people wear sunglasses on a very sunny day(1mk)



18. Name two animals that live in a hot and dry countries (2mks)

1. ..........................................................
2. ..........................................................

19. Name two plants found in hot and dry countries (2marks)

1. ..........................................................
2. .........................................................

20. Name three environments found in hot and dry countries. (3marks)

1. ..........................................................
2. .........................................................
3. .........................................................
21. Name the four seasons that we have. (4marks)


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