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Kelompok 7
Anggota Kelompok

Understanding Passive
Passive Voice is a construction in English in
which the object of a sentence becomes the
subject, while the subject itself becomes part
of the additional clause."
Unlike active voice, passive sentences
emphasize the result of the action.

Active: The bird ate the seeds.

Passive: The seeds were eaten by the
When Passive Voice is
Okay to Use
1. When you don't know or don't want to say or have forgotten who did the
action. Ex :
Active—Someone robbed The Shell Supermarket early yesterday morning.
Passive—The Shell Supermarket was robbed early yesterday morning.

2. To show interest in the person or object being subjected to the action

and not the person or object performing the action. Ex :
The house was built in 1654.
3. When the subject of the active verb would be 'people‘ as in:
He is suspected of receiving stolen goods. (People suspect him of . . )
They are supposed to be living in New York. (People suppose that they
are living . .)
When Passive Voice is
Okay to Use
4. To emphasize the receiver of the action instead of the doer
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5. When the subject of the active sentence would be the indefinite pronoun
Active : One sees this sort of advertisement everywhere.
Passive : This sort of advertisement is seen everywhere.
Structure of Passive
Modals Passive Voice
S + Modals + be + V3 + by + O
Active: Rudi can make a beautiful birthday cake
Passive: A beautiful birthday cake can be made by Rudi
Will/ would
A: I will buy a new house Shall/ should
P: a new house will be bought by me Can/ could
May/ might
A: she can coom delicious food Must/ had to
P: delicious food can be cooked by her Need
Ought to
A: Must we win the compettiton?
P: Mmust the competetion be won by us?
Used to
A: we may not insult everyone Had better
P: everyone may not be insulted by us
A: You should meet Mr. Imron

P: ????

A: They need study english seriosly

P: ????
Make sentences
more formal and Make the
objective sentence sound
less direct and
1,Official were hesistant to allow residents to return to their homes because they were unsure
how much damage .... by the high winds.
a. was caused
b. were caused
c. caused was
d. has caused

2. most american zoos .... as part of the public parks administration.

a. founded and operated
b. has been founded and operated
c. were founded and operated
d. was founded and operated

3. an egg .... of several layers of albumin (egg white), several layer of yolk, and several layers of
a. has made up
b. make up
c. is made up
d. makes up
4. the tendency to develop cancer, even in high risk individuals, can be decreased .... the
amount of fruit and vegetables in the diet.
a. by increasing
b. at increase
c. for increasing
d. to increase

5. the perkin’s dyes .... to stain previously invisible microbes and bacteria.
a. is used too
b. was used too
c. were also used
d. was also used

6. our new office a well known architect now.

a. design
b. designed
c. be designed
d. is being designed.
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Question ?
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