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Opening 开头

It was a sunny/ scorching / blissful 极乐 morning. The majestic sun 形容天气

shone brightly the azure 蔚蓝 blue sky . I went on the trip with my 这是一个阳光明媚/炽热/极乐的早晨。 雄伟的太阳将蔚蓝的天空
classmates. It was organized by History club. There were 38 照得格外耀眼。
students and 6 teachers joining the trip .

Ending 结尾
Although it was only a two-days-one night trip , we had an 虽然只是两天一夜的行程,但我们的行程还是很愉快的。 我从这
enjoyable trip. I had gained new knowledge from the trip . It was 次旅行中获得了新的知识。 这确实是我去过的最好的学校旅行。
indeed 的确 the best school trip I had went . We hope that the 我们希望校方能再次组织这次旅行。
school authority 校方 will organize this trip again .

Paragraph 2 内容 2
1. All of us assembled at the school hall . Before setting off 出发 , 1. 我们都集合在学校礼堂。出发前,老师给我们做了指示和提
the teachers gave us instructions and reminders . 醒。
2. Soon after, we departed to the destination by bus with 2. 不久之后,我们满怀期待地乘坐巴士前往目的地。
anticipation 期待 .
3. 我们无法掩饰我们的兴奋。
3. We could not hide our excitement .

Paragraph 3 内容 3
1. We checked into the Majestic Hotel. 1. 我们入住了 Majestic Hotel。
2. We unpacked things and prepared for the first activity ( Zoo ). 2.我们拆开东西准备第一个活动(动物园)。
3. There were myriad of animals caught our slights 引人注目 such 3.无数的动物引起了我们的注意,如老虎、狮子、熊猫等。
as tiger , lion , panda and so on.
4. 这对我们来说是不可思议且令人着迷的。
4. It was incredible and fascinating for us.
5. Our stomachs began rumbling and roaring like a monster after 点心。
an hour at the zoo . So , we went to the restaurant for

Paragraph 4 内容 3
1. We visited National Museum in the afternoon. It is one of the 1. 下午参观了国家博物馆。 它是马来西亚最大的博物馆之一。
greatest / largest / biggest museum in Malaysia .
2. We visited many highlights of the museum such as coffin 棺材
3. 我们学到了许多有趣的历史事实,开阔了我们的视野。
exhibition and display of arms 武器.
3. We learnt many fascinating history facts and widen our horizon .

Paragraph 4 内容 4
1. The next morning , we went to the KL Tower for 1. 第二天早上,我们去了 KL Tower 观光景点。
sight-seeing 观光.
2. 我们乘电梯去观景台。
2. We took the elevator which went to the
3. 观景台为我们提供了吉隆坡的 360 度全景。
observation deck 观景台.
4. 我们一直忙着拍照。
3. The deck provided us a 360-degree view of KL .
5. 然后,我们前往名为 Suria KLCC 的购物天堂。
4. We kept ourselves busy clicking away on our cameras 拍照 .
6. 我们把宝贵时间花在购物上,在那里度过了一段美好时光。
5. Then , we move on to a shopping paradise called Suria KLCC.
6. Some of us spent our precious time by shopping and we enjoyed 7. 这是一次令人振奋和大开眼界的经历。
a whale of time 美好时光 there.
7. It was an exhilarating 令人振奋 and eye-opening experience .

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