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Employee Payroll Management System

Table of Contents
1. Introduction

2. System Requirements

3. System Architecture

4. Features

5. Technical Specifications

6. Database Design

7. User Interface

8. API Endpoints

9. Installation and Setup

10. Future Enhancements

11.Execution Screenshots

12. Conclusion

The Employee Payroll Management System is a web application designed to manage
employee payroll efficiently. The system is developed using PHP for backend services and
React for the frontend interface. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the
system, detailing its functionality, architecture, and implementation.

System Requirements

### Hardware Requirements

- Server with a minimum of 4GB RAM and 20GB storage
- Modern web browser for client-side usage

### Software Requirements

- Web Server (Apache/Nginx)
- PHP 7.4 or higher
- MySQL/MariaDB
- Node.js and npm
- React

System Architecture

### Overview
The system follows a client-server architecture. The client-side is developed using React,
while the server-side is handled by PHP. The database is managed using MySQL.

### Components
1. **Frontend:** React
2. **Backend:** PHP (RESTful API)
3. **Database:** MySQL

### Data Flow

1. The user interacts with the React frontend.
2. Requests are sent to the PHP backend
3. The PHP backend interacts with the MySQL database to fetch/store data.
4. The PHP backend sends the response back to the React frontend.
5. The frontend updates the UI based on the response.


**Employee Management**
- Add, edit, delete employee details
- View employee profiles

Technical Specifications

### Frontend (React)

- React Hooks for state management
- Axios for making HTTP requests
- React Router for navigation
- Material-UI for UI components

### Backend (PHP)

- JWT for authentication
- PDO for database interaction

### Database (MySQL)

- Employee table
- Payroll table
- Attendance table
- User table

Database Design

### Tables
1. **employees**
- id (Primary Key)
- name
- designation
- department
- salary

User Interface

### Pages
**Employee Management**
- Add/Edit/Delete employee details

API Endpoints

### Employees
- `GET /api/employees` - List all employees
- `POST /api/employees` - Add new employee
- `PUT /api/employees/{id}` - Update employee details
- `DELETE /api/employees/{id}` - Delete employee

Installation and Setup

### Prerequisites
- PHP, MySQL, Node.js, npm installed
- Web server (Apache/Nginx)

### Steps
1. Clone the repository
2. Set up the database and import the SQL schema
3. Configure the backend:
- Update database credentials in the configuration file
4. Install frontend dependencies and build the React app:
cd frontend
npm install
5. Deploy the backend and frontend on the web server

Future Enhancements

- Implement email notifications for payroll generation

- Add more detailed reporting and analytics
Execution screenshots
The Employee Payroll Management System is a robust application designed to streamline
payroll processes. Using PHP and React ensures a dynamic, responsive, and efficient system
that can be easily extended and maintained.

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