Response To Ravi Is A Piece of Shit

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Name: Aayush Binil Roll No: 5

Grade: X
Date: 25-09-2023

Ravi Bandakkanavar

Dear Mr Ravi,

I am writing this letter to address my response towards your article

“Impact of the Internet on Our Daily Life”. First of all, you start your
article talking about how the internet can help us in our lives, but
have you thought about the disadvantages. The sentence you used
in the first paragraph “life without the internet is just a mess”
shows how much you use the internet. I strongly agree in some
ways the internet is can be helpful. But you are talking in a way that
you have let the internet take control of your life.
The internet can become an addiction over a certain period of time.
It’s a complete time-waster and causes distractions. You have also
pointed out how you can connect with your close ones from long
distances. Well, wouldn’t it be better to meet them physically every
once in a while. We may lose the ability to engage in meaningful
face-to-face conversations. With a world population of 8.1 billion
people, there 4.9 billion of us who are all addicted to social media.
Majority of the population are not able to see their friends and
loved one’s face-to face.
Due to people having important full-time jobs, there isn’t enough
time to always meet their close ones. This why they use social
media to voice or video call them. But time can be managed. You
can make time if you really want to see your family. You might not
see them very often but at least visit them once in a while to show
your presence.
Getting bullied and stalked in the internet is one of the main
disadvantages of using the internet. Clicking on random website
links can cause viruses to take over your device and result in getting
hacked. In your article I also read about the internet towards
education and yet again you have stated only the advantages. Have
you ever thought that excessive use of the internet can cause
children to avoid outdoor activities.
Playing outdoor sports such as football, basketball or indoor sports
such as table tennis or chess is an outstanding way to maintain
physical health and endurance as well as sharpening the mind.
There are many health concerns such as obesity and diabetes. Kids
become a couch potato and send their entire day munching on
snacks and sweets while watching YouTube videos.
You also talked about how apps like amazon can get your products
delivered in just a tap of a button. Although many people say that
this called being lazy, its actually very beneficial. Let's say that I
wanted to buy mop to clean my house and maybe a bunch of other
things along with that. Using the internet, I would get my products
a lot faster. With almost 5.4 billion people online shopping, it is
safe to say that online shopping is safer and more convenient.
Online shopping also gives you the advantage of getting better
I didn’t quite understand what you meant when you talked about
social media and how you can get your products in just a tap of a
button. Now although we know online shopping delivers our
products to us, it might not always be needed. For buying heavier
products that would be difficult to carry back home online shopping
can be useful. But for buying lesser and lighter products online
shopping in that case would just be a clear sign of laziness.
Now let’s talk about your point towards the internet and
entertainment. You clearly mentioned that for a low price you’re
getting to see movies and tv shows in streaming services such as
Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. Well, some of our favourite
movies might be available to watch in one of these steaming
services but sometimes it would say that it is not available to watch
in your country. That is an issue with Netflix.
While Amazon Prime Video has an even worser issue and is disliked
by the community a lot. In spite of having a subscription Prime
Video would still ask you to rent certain movies that cost more than
the subscription itself. Which to majority of the population is a
scam. Hence, Netflix is used more than Amazon Prime Video.
Well, I hope you understood where you went wrong in the article.
Although the article was a bit confusing regarding if you are against
the internet or supporting it. Try changing up your article a bit and
write what you think about the internet otherwise the title of
article has no meaning. I hope you read this letter and change your
article to your point of view.

Aayush Binil

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