RPH PDPR 5 Julai New

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Tarikh dan Hari 5 Julai 2021 Isnin

Aplikasi Media PdPR Offline
Tunjang Komunikasi Bahasa Melayu
Aktiviti Membaca suku kata KVKV
Tema Pembelajaran Teras
Standard Pembelajaran BM 1.4.1 Mendengar dan menyebut ayat mudah secara bertatasusila
BM 1.4.4 Berinteraksi menggunakan ayat mudah mengikut situasi
BM 2.3.1 Membunyikan suku kata terbuka
BM 2.3.3 Membaca perkataan dengan suku kata terbuka KVKV
BM 3.2.3 Menyalin perkataan
Kesepaduan Tunjang PM 11.1.2 Mengamalkan sikap rajin dalam melaksanakan tugasan
FK 1.1.2 Menunjukkan koordinasi mata dan tangan dan kemahiran
motor halus melalui pelbagai aktiviti
Link Pembelajaran -
Bahan Video, bahan bacaan, buku latihan
Objektif Pada akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid boleh:
- Membunyikan suku kata terbuka KV
- Membaca 4/6 perkataan mudah (KVKV) dengan bimbingan
- Menyalin semula perkataan
Aktiviti - Murid menyanyikan lagu ABC dengan sebutan dan intonasi yang betul.
- Murid membaca suku kata dengan bimbingan ibubapa / penjaga.
- Murid membaca suku kata secara rawak.
- Ibubapa / Penjaga memperkenalkan beberapa perkataan mudah seperti
bola, cota, foto, hoki, koko, lori
- Murid membaca perkataan dengan bimbingan ibubapa secara berulang-
- Murid menyusun suku kata mengikut perkataan yang betul.
- Murid melukis dan menyalin semula perkataan dalam buku latihan
dengan bimbingan ibubapa / penjaga.
- Sebagai aktiviti pengukuhan, murid membuat tugasan di dalam buku
Bergembira dengan suku kata 2.
- Murid menyiapkan tugasan dengan bimbingan ibubapa / penjaga.
Kriteria Kejayaan Murid boleh membaca perkataan mudah dengan bimbingan ibubapa / penjaga.
TP 1 TP 2 TP 3
Refleksi / orang murid dapat mencapai objektif pengajaran dan pembelajaran
yang telah ditetapkan.

Murid yang tidak mencapai objektif pengajaran dan pembelajaran akan diberikan
bimbingan tambahan / pengayaan / pengukuhan oleh guru.

Date and Day 6th July 2021 Tuesday

Media Application Offline
Strand English Language
Activities Blending CVC words
Approach Learning Through Play
Learning Standard BI 2.2.4 Name letters of the alphabet
BI 2.2.6 Recognize and sound out initial, medial and ending sounds in
a word
BI 2.4.1 Recognize and name objects or people in pictures
BI 2.2.7 Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single syllable words
Integrated Learning BM 2.2.1 Mengenalpasti abjad
Learning Link -
Activity Material Activity book and exercise book
Objective At the end of learning, pupils can:
- Identify the letters of alphabet
- Blend and read the above vowels and consonant into VC words and CVC
- Recognize and name the objects
Activities 1. Parents / guardians show letters at random. Pupils pronounce the letter
2. Parents / guardians give one set of CVC words.
3. Blending letters into VC and CVC words
4. Pupils read the words with guidance.
5. Identify and sound out initial, medial and the ending sound of the words.
Practice saying the words.
6. Show the pictures and identify the objects.
7. Blending letters into VC and CVC words. For example:
jar hen dig dog run car big ten box
tin cup jam bed fin hot mat fan log
peg bug sit rat tap sit net bin jog
hop web tag six hug leg fox car zip

8. Match the pictures with the CVC words

9. Pupils do activities according to the teacher’s instructions.
10. Pupils do exercise on activities book (Smart Kid Bahasa Inggeris 1)
pages 25-32
11. Color the beginning sound for letter q, r and s in book activity I Can

Success Criteria Pupils can listen, understand and respond by completing their assignment.
Impact Performance Standards
TP 1 TP 2 TP 3
Reflection The number that achieved the stipulated skill is / .

Non achievers were given extra guidance / enrichments / consolidation by teacher.


Date and Day 7th July 2021 Wednesday

Media Application Offline
Strand Science and Technology – Early Mathematic
Activities Solve operation of addition within 18
Themes -
Approach Learning Through Play
Learning Standard MA 3.1.1 State the sum of two sets of objects
MA 3.1.2 State the sum by using objects based on the given situation
MA 3.1.3 State the sum by counting on from a specific number
Kesepaduan Tunjang BM 1.2.4 Mendengar dan memberi respons dengan bertatasusila
i. Arahan
ii. Soalan
PM 3.1.4 Melaksanakan tugas yang dipertanggungjawabkan di rumah
Learning Link -
Activity Material Video, Objects and book activity
Objective At the end of learning, pupils can:
- State the sum of two sets of objects
- State the sum by using objects based on the given situation
- State the sum by counting on from a specific number
Activities - Pupils count the numbers 1 to 20 using their hands.
- Identify the numbers randomly.
- Introduce the symbols addition (+) and equal (=)
- Question and answer based on the symbols.
- The pupils state the sum of two sets of objects.
- The pupils calculate the sum based on a given situation using an object.
- The pupils state the sum by counting on from a specific number.
- Teacher explains the activities that will be carried out today.
- Pupils do activities according to the teacher’s instructions.
- Pupils do exercise on activity book (Smart Kid Matematik Awal 2) page
- Parents or guardians send assignments mode by the child to the teacher
via Whatsapp.
- Teacher responds to assignments submitted by pupils.

Success Criteria Pupils can recognize and state the sum of addition with guidance.
PL 1 PL 2 PL 3
Reflection The number that achieved the stipulated skill is / .

Non achievers were given extra guidance / enrichments / consolidation by teacher.


Date and Day 8th July 2021 Thursday

Media Application Offline
Strand Science and Technology – Early Science
Activities Life cycle of animals
Themes -
Approach Learning Through Play
Learning Standard SA 3.3.7 Observe and talk about life cycle of animals.
Integrated Learning BM 1.4.1 Mendengar dan menyebut ayat mudah secara bertatasusila
BM 1.4.5 Berinteraksi menggunakan ayat mudah untuk memberikan
Learning Link -
Activity Material Material learning, Video and Activity book
Objective At the end of learning, pupils can:
- name of animals
- identify and state the life cycle of animals correctly
Activities - Pupils watch a video about the life cycle of butterfly, chicken and life
cycle of a frog
- Question and answer based on the video.
- Identify and state the life cycle of butterfly, chicken and frog.
- Teacher explains the activities that will be carried out today.
- Pupils do activities according to the teacher’s instructions.
- Pupils do exercise on activity book (Smart Kid Sains Awal 2) pages 9-11
with guidance.
Success Criteria Pupils can listen, understand and respond by completing their assignment.
TP 1 TP 2 TP 3
Reflection The number that achieved the stipulated skill is / .

Non achievers were given extra guidance / enrichments / consolidation by teacher.


Tarikh dan Hari 9 Julai 2021 Jumaat

Aplikasi Media PdPR Offline
Tunjang Komunikasi Bahasa Melayu
Aktiviti Membaca suku kata V+KV
Tema Pembelajaran Teras
Standard Pembelajaran BM 2.3.4 Membaca suku kata dengan suku kata terbuka V+KV
BM 2.4.4 Membaca dan memahami ayat mudah dengan sebutan yang
BM 3.2.5 Menyalin ayat mudah
Kesepaduan Tunjang PM 11.1.2 Mengamalkan sikap rajin dalam melaksanakan tugasan
Link Pembelajaran -
Bahan bahan bacaan, buku latihan, buku aktiviti
Objektif Pada akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid boleh:
- Membunyikan suku kata terbuka VKV dengan betul
- Membaca 6/10 perkataan VKV dengan bimbingan ibubapa / penjaga
- Membaca 3/4 ayat mudah dengan betul
- Menyalin semula perkataan
Aktiviti - Murid membaca suku kata secara rawak.
- Ibubapa / Penjaga membimbing murid membaca perkataan VKV.
- Murid membaca perkataan VKV berulang-ulang.
- Murid menyusun suku kata untuk membentuk perkataan V+KV
- Murid membuat tugasan di dalam buku Smart Kid Bahasa Melayu 1
muka surat 28-31.
- Murid menyalin semula ayat mudah dengan cara yang betul.
- Murid menyiapkan tugasan dengan bimbingan ibubapa / penjaga.
Kriteria Kejayaan Murid boleh membaca suku kata VKV dan ayat mudah dengan bimbingan
ibubapa / penjaga.
TP 1 TP 2 TP 3
Refleksi / orang murid dapat mencapai objektif pengajaran dan pembelajaran
yang telah ditetapkan.

Murid yang tidak mencapai objektif pengajaran dan pembelajaran akan diberikan
bimbingan tambahan / pengayaan / pengukuhan oleh guru.

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