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Pointers for Shadowing Experiences/Direct Observations and Supervision

 What did you observe?

 What did you hear?

 What kinds of knowledge did the colleague have? What knowledge was needed in this

 What skills were necessary/ did you observe in this situation?

 If you were in the service user’s shoes, what would you have felt?

 What did you think this shadowing visit said about the role of social work (or this agency?)

 Name three things you have taken away from this shadowing visit? Do they link with any
domains in the PCF or values that should underpin social work practice? How do they
contribute to your understanding of the role of this agency/ what life is like for service

 Consider what you want to take away and act upon from the 1 to 1 supervision

 If tasks are set how are you planning to complete them plus how can you link them to PCF

 Set your agenda for next supervision

Supervision with Gail Peters 8/2/24
General support
Akhil has the appropriate IT and a desk to work from and he has been introduced to
the team he is working alongside. Has numbers for team members and can contact
PE and PS for support
Placement and workload
There are no current concerns about the placement.
Completed visits/ shadowing:
 CCP Cheltenham 2 services: Accommodation based support with a crash
pad, ILS (Independent Living Support).
 Supported Accommodation Service at Rikenel
Garas to be arranged- Emailed. Awaiting reply.
CJLS advised to contact Terry Sprason in Montpellier unit- Visit scheduled for
Forensic LSU advised to contact Lucy Brooks at Montpellier unit- Contacted. Visit
scheduled for last week of March. Waiting for the exact date and time.
Advised to complete self-directed learning on MCA and MHA to discuss next
MCA- Independent Mental Capacity Act Advocate (IMCA).
MCAs are a safeguard for people who lack capacity to make some important
decisions. The IMCA role is to support and represent the person in the decision-
making process. Essentially, they make sure that the Mental Capacity Act 2005 is
being followed. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Independent Mental Capacity
Advocates) (General) Regulations 2006 set out the IMCA’s role and functions. These
are grouped below into four areas.
4 functions:
 Gather Information
 Evaluate information
 Making representations
 Challenging decisions
Who should get an IMCA?
An independent mental capacity advocate (IMCA) must be instructed for people in
the following circumstances
 The person is aged 16 or over
 A decision needs to be made about either a long-term change in
accommodation or serious medical treatment
 The person lacks capacity to make that decision, and
 There is no one independent of services, such as a family member or friend,
who is “appropriate to consult”
An IMCA may also be provided to people for other decisions concerning
 Care Reviews
 Adult Protection
In adult protection cases an IMCA may be instructed even where family members or
others are available to be consulted.
MHA- S.62 Emergency treatment without consent.
MHA- S.117 Aftercare services.
Duty of relevant LA/ clinical commissioning group in co-operation with relevant
voluntary agencies to provide aftercare servies to persons who have been
detained under certain provisions of MHA. (Eg: 50% of split between health
and social care).

Cases (space left to consider PCF and provide more evidence of learning for next
JW Recognising power dynamic and how severe mental illness impacts upon
physical health and mental capacity.
Taken the initiative to discuss the case with occupational therapy team, initially with
the support of the hospital social worker, and later independently. Was able to collect
inputs and professional involved in the case such as the consultant, charge nurse,
senior HCA etc. All notes entered in the Rio. Suggestions obtained were to plan a
few ranges of activities like pat dog, cooking and baking etc. The team also
mentioned that they will get back to me soon with a proper plan which might also
help them to conduct a proper kitchen assessment, as the OT assessment of JW
was not yet done. (PCF- 7,8,9). All such observations and reflections entered in the
weekly reflection log (PCF-6).
CP ongoing assessment and completing INA
Interacted twice with CP. Awaiting to complete the final stage of assessment on
27/02/2024 as a part of first direct observation.
MK dual diagnosis and impact upon family and placement options.
As per the MDT, the consultant and the team shared that his condition is becoming
worse since a few days. During interactions, he was seen rolling tobacco. However,
the room smelled of cannabis.
RE supporting hospital team to look at options for a chronically unwell man with
persistent delusions: He was seen engaging in more activities.
MH advised to find out why this person is still in hospital and liaise with housing:
Interacted with the housing team and gathered details.
J- Observations during the interactions- to reflect

Training and Learning opportunities

Elysium Master class online learning- Complete
Care act refresher 19/2/24- Complete

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