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Practice Educator comments on progression of learning needs identified in the Placement

Agreement (to be completed by the PE guidance 500 words)

1. To understand the role of a social worker in Multi-disciplinary meetings (MDT’s) in mental health

Akhil has attended a range of MDTs within the mental health setting, including on acute wards,
inpatient rehabilitation and a low secure unit. Akhil has received positive feedback in relation to the
way he has presented himself and engaged in these meetings and he particularly enjoyed having the
opportunity to observe a Mental Health Act assessment. Akhil has kept a reflective log and used
supervision to discuss the role of the social worker in a range of settings/contexts, as well as
reflecting on personal/professional boundaries and the effectiveness various approaches used by
different professionals.

2. To develop more confidence in assessing Mental Capacity of diverse individuals (with a diagnosed
mental health concern) using Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Akhil has completed capacity assessments in relation to care and support needs and accommodation
after having read widely in relation to the Mental Capacity Act and discussing how he might
approach this with a number of professionals. Akhil has written up a capacity assessment, which was
complex in nature due to the individual’s difficulties in engaging and her tendency to confabulate.
Akhil was able to recognize the functional element to being able to make capacitated decisions and
drew on his own observation, the information provided by other professionals and what was
recorded in case notes, as well as making numerous attempts to provide the individual with the
relevant information and test her ability to understand, retain and weigh this to make a decision.
Akhil responded well to feedback given and the mental capacity assessment is now written to a very
good standard and beyond what would usually be achieved by a student at this stage.

3. Gather an in depth understanding of Cultural humility/ competence and Intersectionality in Social


Akhil has utilized his reflective log and supervision to explore how cultural stereotypes and bias can
arise in practice, highlighting occasions when he has observed this and reflecting on his own
potential for bias based on his cultural background. Akhil is currently working on a presentation with
two staff members around the power of language, with Akhil focusing specifically on language from
a cultural perspective. Akhil has completed two written integrated narrative assessments and these
demonstrate Akhil’s awareness of intersectionality and the importance of culture and identity. He
has also recognized how stigma in relation to mental health difficulties can vary depending on
religious and cultural beliefs and how this might impact on ability to accept treatment, medication
and professional support.

4. Devote more time for Promoting Self-Care and Burnout (Emotional/ physical) Prevention.

Akhil is aware of the need to find a work/life balance and he has made changes to his external work
pattern whilst on placement to try to avoid burnout. He has, however, consistently worked
additional hours during the placement and must prioritize his own wellbeing as this may not be
sustainable long-term.
Areas for further development (do not complete if insufficient progress is recorded)

Akhil is making excellent progress but he could build on this during the second half of the placement

-Having the opportunity to undertake further capacity assessments as these vary significantly
depending on the needs of the individual and the decision being made

-Developing a range of questions and strategies to gather information during the assessment
process, such as ‘can you talk me through your day?’ and probing to understand how someone is
able to complete certain tasks

-During support planning include the goals the individual wishes to work towards and how this will
be achieved and consider the use of equipment, technology and creative solutions before reliance
on formal support in order to promote independence.

-Exploring and testing different approaches/techniques for working with individuals, such as
coaching approaches, motivational interviewing etc.

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