OPM - Office of Personnel Management - Work-Life

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gov / Policy / Work-Life


Work-Life Programs
health & wellness
employee assistance programs
family & dependent care

Telework.gov is the official website of the Federal Government's telework program. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management
(OPM) and the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) have established this interagency website to provide easy access to
information on everything from guidance to agencies on implementing telework to training for employees...View More

Data Call
nursing employees

About Work-Life
Work-life is the business practice of creating a flexible, supportive environment to engage employees & maximize organizational
performance. Work-life programs are critical management tools for the Federal community as we strive to maintain an excellent,
engaged workforce. Key work-life programs offered to Federal employees include worksite health and wellness, Employee Assistance
Programs, workplace flexibilities, telework, and dependent care. When implemented according to today’s best practices, work-life
programs can demonstrate significant benefits for agencies, employees, and our communities.

Our Vision
A world where people are their best at work, home, and in their communities

Our Mission
To empower Federal agencies to deliver state-of-the-art work-life programs

Our Role
OPM is responsible for fostering and guiding Governmentwide improvements of work-life programs by:

Assisting senior leadership and work-life coordinators in strategically setting goals, creating action plans, and conducting
Consulting on policy development and successful implementation;
Facilitating cost-saving opportunities for partnership, collaboration, and learning;
Establishing Governmentwide policies, guidance, & research tools; and
Collecting, analyzing, and sharing Governmentwide data.

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Related Information

Employee Assistance Program(PDF file)

Dependant Care(PDF file)
Conversation Starters(PDF file)
Mental Health(PDF file)
Grieving Support(PDF file)

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