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By Leyla Suleymanli

Product and its objectives

Fresh Bliss is more than just a juice and smoothie bar - it's a destination for health and wellness
enthusiasts. Our passion for using fresh, locally sourced ingredients is evident in every sip of our
delicious and nutritious beverages. Our menu is carefully crafted to cater to a variety of dietary needs
and preferences, including vegan, gluten-free, and paleo options. Whether you're looking for a quick and
convenient breakfast on-the-go or a post-workout pick-me-up, we've got you covered. At Fresh Bliss, we
believe that healthy food should never compromise on taste. That's why our skilled baristas and
mixologists have perfected the art of blending delicious flavors and textures to create a truly unique
experience. We understand that life can get busy, and that's why we've designed our store to be a quick
and convenient stop on your daily routine and also create the smoothie based on your specific
preference. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always on hand to help you choose the perfect
beverage to suit your needs, and we offer a range of sizes to accommodate your appetite. In short, Fresh
Bliss is more than just a juice and smoothie bar - it's a lifestyle.
Target Audience
At Fresh Bliss, we understand that health is a top priority for many people. That's why we've designed
our menu and store to appeal to health enthusiasts, fitness seekers, and anyone committed to a healthy
lifestyle. Our beverages are perfect for busy professionals in need of a quick and nutritious boost, fitness
enthusiasts seeking post-workout recovery, and health-conscious families looking for delicious
alternatives to sugary drinks. With our focus on fresh, natural ingredients and wellness, Fresh Bliss is the
perfect destination for anyone looking to prioritize their health.

Brand Identity
At Fresh Bliss, we believe that healthy eating should be a joyful and invigorating experience. Our brand
identity reflects this philosophy, with a vibrant and refreshing aesthetic that celebrates the rejuvenating
power of nature. From our dynamic logo to our lively in-store experience, every aspect of our brand is
designed to inspire and energize. The Fresh Bliss logo features a dynamic blend of colors, with a
predominant use of shades of green, symbolizing the vitality of our ingredients. The tagline, "Blend to
Thrive, highlights our brand's philosophy of creating drinks that contribute to the thriving health of our
customers. We've created an inviting space for customers to relax and rejuvenate, with comfortable
seating and upbeat, refreshing music. Our staff uniforms are designed with comfort and freshness in
mind, using breathable fabrics in a harmonious blend of green and white. This not only reflects our
brand identity but also ensures that our staff can work comfortably and efficiently. This not only gives
customers more control over their beverage choices but also helps us to showcase the quality of our
ingredients and commitment to freshness. In short, Fresh Bliss is more than just a juice and smoothie bar
- it's a lifestyle. Our brand identity combines visual appeal with a commitment to quality ingredients,
establishing us as a trusted and beloved destination for health-conscious individuals seeking a delightful
and nutritious beverage experience.

Color Palettes
1)Purple Straw: (Violet 16-3320 TCX) Reason: Purple signifies luxury, creativity, and
abundance. Grapes evoke feelings of indulgence and health. Connection to Audience:
Appeals to those seeking a delightful and rich experience.

Copy of the color: grapes

2)Red (Poppy Red 17-1664 TCX): Reason: Red symbolizes passion, love, and vitality.
Strawberries are universally loved for their sweetness. Connection to Audience: Attracts
anyone with a sweet tooth or a desire for natural goodness.

Copy of the color: strawberry, berries

3)Green (jasmine green 15-0545 TCX): Reason: Green represents freshness, growth, and balance. Limes
are zesty and invigorating.

Connection to Audience: Appeals to health-conscious individuals and those

seeking a refreshing boost.

Copy of the color: lime, fresh green apples

4)Orange (gold fusion 15-1062 TCX):

Reason: Yellow signifies energy, positivity, and playfulness. Bananas

are a staple fruit, comforting and

easy to enjoy.

Connection to Audience: Welcomes everyone—kids, adults, and fitness enthusiasts.

Copy of the color pineapple, orange, peach

6)Beverage Illustration in total: Reason: The vibrant colors evoke a sense of variety, fun,
and refreshment.

Connection to Audience: Appeals to those seeking a flavorful and thirst-quenching experience.

7)Text (“FRESH BLISS”) (“Fresh”- Puffin’s bill 16-1363 TCX; “Bliss” – aruba blue 13-5313 TCX):

Reason: They are attention-grabbing, passionate, and stimulating. It shouts “freshness” and “bliss.”

Connection to Audience: Creates excitement and anticipation—like biting into a juicy fruit.

In summary, the color palette of FRESH BLISS combines freshness, joy, and indulgence. It speaks to a
wide audience—whether they crave health, happiness, or simply a delightful treat.

Copy of the “Puffin’s Bill” color: pumpkin spice

Copy of the color “Aruba Blue”: Exotic Vibes and feeling of refreshment when the customer gets his/her

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