Kindergarten How To Writing - Writers Workshop - Expository Writing

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Writers Workshop
How To Unit
Table of Contents
Lesson Plans page 4-19

Anchor Charts page 21-23

How to Activities page 24-46

How To Worksheets page 47-49

Rough Draft page 50-51

Book Options page 52-61

Student Work page 62-64

Lesson Plans
I have written out how to teach my mini
lessons for the next 3 weeks. At the
top of the lesson plan, there is a list of
addition materials you will need from
this product
Different ways to use:
• Print out and reference while
• Skim over and grasp the teaching
point and gist of the leason. (As a
teacher, this is what I would do if I
were purchasing my own product.
You may have a different way of
explaining someone and that is
great! J

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Kindergarten How To Unit 4
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
TP: Writers TP: Writers TP: Writers TP: Writers TP: Writers
can teach use the can put can generate can pick one
others how to words first, pictures in a list of ideas topic they
do simple next, then, correct task of things want to teach
tasks. last when order using they can others about.
verbally first, next, teach others.
explaining then, last.
how to do a

Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

TP: Writers TP: Writers TP: Writers TP: Writers TP: Writers
can create a can create a can create a can teach can tell the
rough draft rough draft front cover to more reader what
by drawing by writing the explain what information supplies they
pictures of steps. their book will by adding will need.
their steps. teach the labels to their .
reader. illustrations.

Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

TP: Writers TP: Writers TP: Writers TP: Writers TP: Writing
can use can stretch can use the can edit their Celebration
transitional out unknown word wall to pictures and
words for words. find words sentences.
each step. they know.

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Unit 4: Lesson 1 Exploring How To
Teaching Point: Writers can teach others how to do simple
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, How to
Make Applesauce Book, various mentor texts of How To books
Mini Lesson:
Read How to Make Applesauce book to class. Explain that they are going to
learn how to write How To (or expository) books. How To books teach others
things. Ask them what they think they could teach someone.
“Today, I am going to teach you about How To writing. These are things that
you can teach others. To teach someone something, you have to be an expert
in it. This means, you have done it LOTS of times and can explain it really well.
We all know how to color so we are EXPERTS in coloring. We could easily explain
that to anyone in our classroom. What are some other things you are an
expert at?

Generate a list of ideas on your anchor chart. Give them hints/ideas if it’s tricky
for them to come up with some ideas on their own.
“Wow! We have come up with a lot of things that we can teach others. I had no idea
we had so many experts in our classroom!”

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to look at other How To books and notice how they
explain each step with their pictures, labels and words.”
Have students look at books independently or with partnerships. You could
have them draw what they notice on sticky notes or simply look at the
books. You could get your own books that have to do with How To writing
or create a class set of the books attached in this document.

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Unit 4: Lesson 2 Verbally Explaining
Teaching Point: Writers can use their words to explain each
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, How to
Make Applesauce Book, picture cards of Applesauce How to,
pocket chart, pictures for partnerships
Mini Lesson:
Reread How to Make Applesauce. Emphasize on the transitional words when
reading to the class.
“Now that we have read How to Make Applesauce multiple times, I would say we
are experts in applesauce making. Today I am going to teach you how to use
the words first, then, next and last. I am going to retell the story by using those
transitional words.”

Display the four pictures of the steps of making applesauce in a pocket chart.
Have students retell the story using the transitional words together as a class.
”Here are the four pictures that explain the steps on how to make applesauce.
We need to first place them in order and then we will be able to talk about each
step using our transitional words.”

Active Engagement:
”Today, I am going to give you pictures of things you know how to already
do like build a snowman. You are going to put them in order with your
partner and then talk about each step by using the words: first, then, next
and last.”
Have students share with the class the pictures they placed in order and
using the transitional words.

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Unit 4: Lesson 3 Sequential Order
Teaching Point: Writers can put pictures in correct task order
using first, next, then, last.
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, How to
Carve a Pumpkin, Carving Pumpkin Worksheet for each student,
Carving pumpkin pictures, pocket chart
Mini Lesson:
Read How to Carve a Pumpkin. Emphasize on the transitional words on each
“Today, I am going to teach you how to place pictures in sequential order while
explaining each step using transitional words”

As a class, place the 4 pictures in the correct order in the pocket chart. Then,
read the 4 sentences and determine what picture they go next to
“As we are reading each sentence, lets look for the transitional words: first,
next, then and last. If we read the sentence that has the word “first” we know
that will be our first step.”

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to move your own pictures and write the steps of
how to carve a pumpkin using your transitional words.”
Have students share their steps on how to carve a pumpkin with the class
or partnerships.

*If students struggle with this, I would continue doing a couple

additional worksheets until they are comfortable with putting the
pictures in order and writing sentences.

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Unit 4: Lesson 4 Generating Ideas
Teaching Point: Writers can generate a list of ideas of things
they can teach others.
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, How to
Ideas for each student
Mini Lesson:
Review How to Anchor Chart. Add additional ideas if students come up with any
more ideas.
“Wow! We have thought of lots of things we can teach others to do! Today, I
am going to teach you how you can think of things that YOU can teach others
to do all by yourself.”

Display How to Idea worksheet on board.

“I want to think of things I can do REALLY well. Remember, if you want to teach
someone something you have to be an EXPERT. Lets say you are still working on
learning how to tie your shoes. Would you draw that as one of your ideas? NO!
Because you are still learning how to do it! Today, you are going to think of
things that you can do really well and all by yourself.”

Model thinking of things and drawing pictures/labeling each idea on the map.

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to draw/label four ideas of things you can do really
well. Remember, these are things you are an EXPERT in.”
Have students share their ideas with the class or partnerships.

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Unit 4: Lesson 5 Picking a Topic
Teaching Point: Writers can pick one topic they want to teach
others about.
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, How to
Ideas for each student
Mini Lesson:
Display idea map on board. Review the topics drawn yesterday.
“Yesterday, we thought of 4 ideas that we could teach others about. We drew
pictures and labeled them. Today, I want to teach you to pick ONE idea that you
think you can write the MOST about.”

Discuss how you will decide what topic you will choose to write about. Explain
why you wouldn’t choose certain ideas.
“Lets look at what I drew yesterday. I drew a picture about swimming, peanut
butter and jelly, how to color, and how to read. I want to pick the one that I
know SO much about. I used to swim when I was younger, but I haven’t done
that in a while so I don’t think I should write a book about that. I know! We
color ALL the time in kindergarten. I even taught YOU all to color in the beginning
of the year. I am going to pick that one because I am an EXPERT in coloring.”

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to look at your idea map and think ’What do I know
the MOST about?’ and choose ONE topic to write your book about”
Have students share their topic they have chosen with the class or

*Make sure you are conferring with each student so that they are
picking a topic they actually know about

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Rough Draft Pictures
Unit 4: Lesson 6
Teaching Point: Writers can create a rough draft by drawing
pictures of their steps
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, Idea map,
Rough draft
Mini Lesson:
Display idea map and blank rough draft on board. Remind students that they chose
their topic yesterday.
“Yesterday, we looked at all of our ideas and picked the one we were EXPERTS in.
Today, we are going to start drawing the pictures for our rough draft.”

Explicitly model how to think of the 4 steps in your rough draft. Give a lot of details
and explanations.
“My topic is how to color. I need to think of what the reader will need to color. I
know! They will need paper, crayons and a pencil. I am going to draw those materials
on my first box.”

Continue going through each step.

“After you have paper, pencil and crayons what do you do? Do you just start
scribbling all over the place? NO! You draw a picture with a pencil first! I am going to
draw a picture of a person drawing a picture with a piece of paper and pencil.
Tomorrow I will label this pencil so the reader knows that extra information”

“Once someone has used a pencil, what do they do next? Give it to the teacher? NO!
They need to take their crayons and color! But remember we go slowly and fill in all
the white spaces. I am going to draw a person coloring slowly with crayons.”

“After we color, do we throw our work away? NO! We show our teacher and friends.
I am going to draw a picture of a person showing their class their nice drawing!”
Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to think about what materials the reader will need
and draw each step in how to make your idea.”
Have students share their topic they have chosen with the class or

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Rough Draft Sentences
Unit 4: Lesson 7
Teaching Point: Writers can create a rough draft by writing
sentences of their steps
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, Idea map,
Rough draft
Mini Lesson:
Display rough draft with pictures drawn for each step.
“Yesterday, we drew pictures for each step on how to color. Today, I am
going to teach you how to add sentences next to each picture.”

Remind students of the transition words: first, then, next, last.

“When we write a How To book, we use the words: first, then, next and
last. Lets look at our first picture. I drew a picture of a piece of paper,
crayons, and a pencil. These are the materials they will need. I know! I
could write the sentence ‘ First get paper, crayons and a pencil’ This will tell
my reader exactly what they will need.”

Continue doing this for each sentence. Remind students to count the words on
their fingers, use finger spaces, stretch out unknown word and to use the
word wall when you have sight words we have already learned.

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to add sentences for each picture you drew
Have students share their sentences they have written with the class or

*This may take two days depending on how long your writing block is

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Front Cover
Unit 4: Lesson 8
Teaching Point: Writers can create a front cover to explain
what their book will teach the reader.
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, Rough draft,
How To student book
Mini Lesson:
Display How To student book.
“Today, we are going to get our very own How To book and start working
on them!”

Remind students why the front cover of a book is important.

“During reading time, we always look at the front cover before we start
reading the book. This is because when we read the title, it tells us what
the book is going to be all about. If I picked up a book with a picture of a
pumpkin on the front and the title was Pumpkins, do you think I would be
learning about sharks? NO! I would be learning all about PUMPKINS.”

“Today I am going to teach you how to pick a title for your front cover and
draw a picture to match your words.”

Model picking a title based on your topic and drawing a picture that is the same.
“My topic is how to color. So on the blank line, I am going to stretch out the word
coloring. Underneath, I have all this blank space. I really want to think of a
good picture to draw to show the reader what my book is all about. I know! I
can draw a person drawing a picture!"

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to write a title for your book and draw a picture to
match it on your front cover”
Have students share their front covers they have written with the class
or partnerships

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Unit 4: Lesson 9
Teaching Point: Writers can teach more information by adding
labels to their illustrations.
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, Rough draft,
How To student book
Mini Lesson:
Display How To student book.
“Yesterday, we thought about our topic and drew an eye catching front cover
for our book. Today I want to teach you that you can add labels to your
pictures to give the reader more information on how to complete the task.”

Reference rough draft and start working on the first page in the book.
“On my first step in my rough draft, I drew a picture of a piece of paper,
crayons and a pencil. I am going to draw a nicer, bigger picture of it in my first
page in my book. I want to think about what I can label to make sure my reader
knows exactly what I drew. What if the reader thinks my piece of paper is a
slice of cheese?! That would be very confusing! I know! We need to label it
‘paper’ so the reader knows for sure what I have drawn.”

Continue explaining how to label other items in your picture. For advance
students, they could write phrases to their drawings.

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to draw your picture on your first page of your
book. Remember to look at your first picture on your rough draft and to
add labels to your picture.
Have students share their first page they have drawn with the class or

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Supplies Needed
Unit 4: Lesson 10
Teaching Point: Writers can tell the reader what supplies they
will need.
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, Rough draft,
How To student book
Mini Lesson:
Display How To student book.
“Yesterday, we drew and labeled our picture for our first page. Today, I am
going to teach you about what materials the reader may need in order to
complete the task.”

Remind them that I drew paper, crayons and pencil as materials needed on my
rough draft.
“The first page in your book should tell the reader exactly what they will need.
Make sure you have told them ALL they will need."

Model writing a sentence to match your picture.

“I want to write the sentence ‘First get paper, pencil and crayons’ This way, my
reader knows exactly what to use!”

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to write a sentence to match your picture.
Remember, you are tell the reader what materials they will need to
complete your task.
Have students share their sentence they have written with the class or

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Transitional Words
Unit 4: Lesson 11
Teaching Point: Writers can use transitional words for each
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, Rough draft,
How To student book
Mini Lesson:
Display How To student book.
“Yesterday, we completed our first page in our book. We have drawn and
labeled our picture and we have written our sentence explaining exactly what
the reader will need. Today, I am going to teach you to use transitional words
when you explain each step”

Review the four words: first, then, next and last.

“We have been practicing using the words first, then, next and last when we
are explaining how to do something. On our second page, we are going to use
the word ’then’”

Model drawing a picture from your rough draft and writing a sentence starting
with the word “then”

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to use the transitional word ’’then” on your second
page of your book."
Have students share their sentence they have written with the class or

*If your students are struggling during writing time or you don’t have a
large writing block, I would recommend drawing/labeling one day and
writing the sentence the next day.

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Stretching Words Out
Unit 4: Lesson 12
Teaching Point: Writers can stretch out unknown words.
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, Rough draft,
How To student book
Mini Lesson:
Display How To student book.
“We have been working so hard on our How To books the past week! Today, we
are going to work on our THIRD page in our book. This will be the page we use
the word ‘Next’ to start our sentence. Today, I want to teach you how to stretch
our unknown words when we are writing”

Refer to rough draft.

“On my 3rd picture in my rough draft, I drew a picture of a girl coloring slowly
and missing no white lines. I want to write the sentence “Next, you color slowly.”
I know how to write the words “Next” and “you” because they are on our word
wall but I don’t know how to write the word color or slowly. Those words I am
going to stretch out and write the sounds I hear!”

Model stretch out the words pausing for each letter. Have the students shout
out the sound they hear while you write the letter on the board. I teach
students to write a line for each sound they hear, then go back and write the
letters on the line.

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to draw/write your third page in your book.
Remember, if you come across a word you do not know how to spell, you
say the word slowly and write down the letters you hear.”
Have students share their picture/sentence on the third page they have
written with the class or partnerships

*If your students are struggling during writing time or you don’t have a
large writing block, I would recommend drawing/labeling one day and
writing the sentence the next day.

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Supplies Needed
Unit 4: Lesson 13
Teaching Point: Writers can use the word wall to find words
they know.
Materials Needed: How To Writing Anchor Chart, Rough draft,
How To student book
Mini Lesson:
Display How To student book.
“Today, we are going to work on our LAST page in our How To books! I want to
teach you how to use the word wall when you are writing your stories.”

Reference either classroom word wall or personal word wall in their writing
“Our word wall is an updated list of words we have learned this year. We use
the word wall when we have already learned the word but we may forget how
to spell it correctly. To find a word on a word wall, you need to listen to the
beginning sound and go to that letter to look for it. If I wanted to find the
word “at” I would listen to the first sound and hear /a/ and go to the letter a to
find it.”

Model writing sentence on last page of book reference rough draft and word
wall when you come across words you have already learned.

Active Engagement:
”Today, you are going to draw and write the last page in your book.
Remember, if you come across a word you know we have learned already,
listen to the first sound you hear, find it on the word wall and copy it.”
Have students share the word they wrote by use the word wall in the
classroom or their personal one in their folder.

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Unit 4: Lesson 14 Editing/Revising

Teaching Point: Writers can edit their pictures/sentences.

Materials Needed: Writing book, writers checklist

Mini Lesson:
Display your book.
“Wow! We are SO close in publishing our very first book as
writers. This will be our last day of editing/revising our book.
Today I want to teach you that good writers reread their
sentences to make sure they have a capital letter, finger spaces,
punctuation and that their words are in a straight line.”

Model rereading your book.

“When I was reading my book I found spot where I forgot to
use a finger space. I am going to erase that word and put my
spaceman by the word. THEN I will write the other word.”

Model reread entire book and fixing mistakes by double checking

the writers checklist.

Active Engagement:
“Today you are going to edit/revise your sentences by using your
writers checklist.”

Have students share with their partners or table groups what you
sentences they edited/revised.

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Unit 4: Lesson 15 Celebration
Teaching Point: Writing Celebration

Materials Needed: Writing books

Mini Lesson:
Review what you have worked on the past 4 weeks.
“WOW! We have learned and worked so hard this past month. Now
you all have created a book to teach someone about something
you are an EXPERT at!”

Explain to that today is a celebration of all of their hard work.

“Today we are going to CELEBRATE your hard work by sharing
your stories with you friends.

I allow students to move around the room and read their stories
with their friends during this time.
Active Engagement:
“Today you are going to share your story with your friends!”

This will be done during the active engagement part J

© Amanda Shackelford 2021// ThatKinderMama

Anchor Charts
These are anchor charts you may use
while following along with the lesson
plans provided.
How to Use:
• Print at 80% and have them glue them
in their notebook (directed drawing
notebook/writers notebook)
• Print at 100% and use soley for
teaching purposes only
• Print PDF to create 4 papers.
Cut/glue/laminate to make your own
• Display on projector and trace only
large anchor chart paper (this is
what I do)
Anchor chart title

How To
Things I can
teach others
Anchor chart title
Pocket chart pictures (4 steps)
Name: _______________________

How to Make Applesauce

First, ___________________________

Next, ___________________________

Then, __________________________

Last, ___________________________
Name: _______________________

How to Build a Snowman

First, ___________________________

Next, ___________________________

Then, __________________________

Last, ___________________________
Name: _______________________

How to Carve a Pumpkin

First, ___________________________

Next, ___________________________

Then, __________________________

Last, ___________________________
How To
Name: _________________
How To Rough Draft

First, ____________________


Next, ____________________


Then, ___________________


Last, ____________________

How to

By: _____________




How to

By: _____________




How to

By: _____________
How to

By: _____________




Student Work Example
Student Work Example

“First start by the “Next jump into the pool.”

swimming pool.”
Student Work Example

“Then start paddling and “Last get out of the pool.”

Thank you!
Thank you so much for
purchasing and downloading
this product! If you have any
questions or concerns, please
email me at

Follow me on Instagram!


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