Roman Modelling Work

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Roman Modelling work

Initial ideas
1. Roman weaponry: I could use images from old roman weapons and tools and then use the line
or the spline tool to make them into 3D Objects then just tidy up the meshes and make them
my own work.

2. I could use roman architecture to inspire some of my own roman building models, such as a
small house, some kind of black smith or whatnot, I personally really like the adobe look to
all of the houses, especially the orange roof, they look the coolest.

Here’s some pictures of what I mean when I say adobe houses, also some kind of ruined
building would be very cool like a coliseum.

3. Some kind of old roman statue of an animal or some kind of warrior, they are probably one of
the most recognised roman builds, known for their great detail and long-lasting erections.

Scaling my ideas!
Here I have used a hand for a reference for when it came
to doing a quick sketch of the sword, I made it so the
hand was in proportion to the handle of the sword so that
someone would be able to grip it, it’s a very nimble
sword, but it is in fact what the romans used to use back
in the day, evident by ancient artifacts discovered by

Here is a quick sketch of one of the adobe houses I was

wanting to model, I very much so like the colours used in
the actual builds, looking like though they were built
with cheap quickly made materials yet also somehow
looking super cool and unique, probably my most
favourite thing I am going to model, I have used proper
dimensions, for reference I researched online a few
different house sizes and I thought that this size would be

Modelling Log #1 This is just the start, I made the door,

and just a pair of windows, the door
currently has a placeholder materiel
placed onto it although this is just

I added some block meshes around the

door, these are going to be large
sandstone blocks once I have textured
them, this is to give the door more
oomph and structure, I’m not entirely
sure where I got this idea from, but I
liked it enough to keep it in.
I then added the second floor, for now
just making the second-floor door the
same as the bottom as just a placeholder,
I’m not a fan of how it looks but I will
change it in the future when I deem fit.

Next, I added some soon to be wooden

beams to create the illusion of it adding
support aka structure to the building, I
also used because I saw a lot of adobe
looking houses having beams and they
looked cool.
I also added banisters for a soon to be
made balcony which I have also seen
before on adobe roman houses.

Added a temporary roof, some extra

beams to make the house look less
boring and changed the second-floor

As well as all the other stuff I added

some fences to the second story so no
one would fall off the balcony.

Finally, I added a roof tile mesh which

fits the theme of roman aka adobe
houses, I lost the screenshots of me
making the tiles because it was a while
ago and I misplaced them. They have a
pinkish red colour with a slight grainy

This concludes my first model, the

house, if you want to see where and how
I textured this house skip to the end
where I will go through the process step
by step.
Modelling Log #2

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