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Normative ethics is like a guidebook for making good decisions. It helps us figure out what actions are
right or wrong, good or bad. It's like having a set of rules or principles to follow when we're trying to
decide how to behave in different situations. So, normative ethics is all about finding out what we
should do and why we should do it.

3 types of normative ethics

1. Deontological - fulfillment of duty, moral obligations, focusing on the moral responsibility of a
person like strictly following the rules
2. Consequential - outcome/consequence of an action
3. Virtue ethics - is all about character

Virtue ethics is a philosophy that takes a character-centered approach to morality. It is the quest to
understand and live a life of moral character, and assumes that we acquire virtue through practice.

The first two are based on a certain act while in virtue ethics it leans on the character of the person

NOT “what should I do” BUT “what kind of person I wanna be or what kind of person should I be”
‘what kind of life should I live?’ ‘What is a good life’ ‘how can I be consistent for my moral actions’

Virtue according to Aristotle, he describes it using the term ‘arese’ meaning virtue as excellence

Virtue as excellence of the thing is the quality that enables the thing to perform its function well.


Aristotle believed that everything in reality is working towards a TELOS (END or PURPOSE)


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