Midterm Assignment No 2-Verutiao Reymiel R

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Verutiao, Reymiel R. Midterm Assignment No.2 Prof.

Loida Zaide

1.Identify and explain what the customer’s needs are.

Customer's needs require active listening, empathetic understanding, and effective
communication. By attentively listening to the customer's words, tone, and body language, one
can discern their underlying concerns and preferences. Asking probing questions and
empathizing with their situation helps to clarify their needs and build rapport. It's crucial to
identify the pain points or challenges the customer is facing, prioritizing those needs that are
most pressing. Offering tailored solutions and educating the customer about available options
demonstrates a commitment to addressing their needs effectively. Following up after providing
a solution ensures satisfaction and allows for any additional concerns to be addressed promptly,
fostering long-term customer loyalty.
2. Explain what the customer wants.
The customer wants involves grasping their desires, goals, and expectations regarding a product
or service. It entails recognizing their specific preferences, requirements, and motivations. By
actively listening to the customer, asking clarifying questions, and empathizing with their
perspective, one can uncover their underlying wants and needs. These may include functional
attributes, such as features and capabilities, as well as emotional aspects, such as convenience,
reliability, or status. Ultimately, the customer wants a solution that fulfills their needs, aligns
with their values, and provides a positive experience. Identifying and addressing these wants
effectively is key to satisfying the customer and fostering long-term relationships.
3. Explain what the customers’ demands are.
Customers' demands encompass their explicit requests, requirements, and expectations
regarding a product or service. These demands are often specific and may include features,
functionalities, quality standards, delivery timelines, and pricing considerations. Understanding
customers' demands requires attentive listening, proactive communication, and thorough
comprehension of their preferences and priorities. It's essential to differentiate between wants
and demands; while wants reflect desires, demands represent needs backed by purchasing
power and the intention to acquire a solution. Meeting customers' demands entails delivering
on promised specifications, ensuring product/service reliability, and providing satisfactory
support and after-sales services. Failure to meet customers' demands can lead to dissatisfaction,
loss of trust, and ultimately, negative impacts on business reputation and profitability.
Therefore, businesses must continuously monitor and adapt to customers' evolving demands to
remain competitive and sustain success.

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