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ie $20 DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 ca RUE Paper I Solution angle Answers 1B 618 1D) 16. C 2A 26. A 31 A 2 A LOA 12. B In A 2.B 27. 32. € 3. B 8 B 13, C 18. B 23. C 28. D 33.4 is) A 9 C 14. C 19. D 24. B 29. A ks) a 10. C 15. B 20. B 25. B 30. A ht ray ks) | Solution erence rks) eT poop | ® Pr=mk | PS) = (m) x (334 000) ks) @ Pt=mcsT P(t) = (m+ m) x (4200) x (100 - 0) ks) Combine the two expressions =, PG) __ (334000) POO) my(4200¥100) 1 = 12.6 minutes (1) As Jacky has stayed in the shopping mall with lower temperature than that of outdoor, his glasses should be at « lower temperature. ¥ ——Q)_ Mist formation is the process of water condensation, from water vapour to liquid droplet. * 3) _During condensation, latent heat of vaporization should be released by the water Vapour. 3 B Let the mass of each block be m and tension of the string be T. ForP : T-mgsin@= ma ForQ: mg-T= ma mg ~mgsind=2ma g(l=sin 8) = 2a (9.81) (1 ~sin 8) = 23.25) a= 20° “il rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. Zi GROUP. @ DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 Paper I Solution ‘There are two forces acting on the man : the weight 1” downwards and the normal reaction upwards. As the direction of a is downwards, W> Ror R< W. As normal reaction gives the feeling of weight, R < IV indicates that the man feels lighter, mg-R= ma = m(0.1g) R= 09 mg ‘The normal reaction is 90% of the weight, but the weight remains unchanged. The force acting on the man by the floor is the normal reaction R, They are not aetion-reaction since both K and FF act on the same body, and they are not the same type of force. ‘The force acting on the man by floor and the force acting on the floor by man are action-reaction, The car stars to decelerate at ¢= 10 s but itis still travelling towards the lef. Ate IS 5, the car reaches the extreme left and is momentarily at rest. Icthen changes direction and travels othe right Displacement towards the let ~ area under the graph from $ sto 15s = 4x 15x10 = 75m Displacement towards the right = area under the graph from 15 sto 25s = 4 x 10x20= 100m ‘The car is at a point 25 m to the right ofthe road sign at 1= 25 s, To balance the weight mg, which isin vertically downward direction, the resultant of F and F; must be in vertically upward direction, Ail the resultant frees of F and Fz in option A, C and D are vertically upwards ial lA | AA [Ti tit) ‘The resultant force of F and F; in option B is not vertically upwards, thus they cannot balance the weight IV, which is vertically downwards, 4, a OH) x 63) 5 ¢ » @ == 10) ee) 6 B eA Friction : f = 0.75 mg Loss of kinetic energy = work done against friction mu? = fs = (0.75 mg) xs (0.75 x 9.81) x (12) w= 133mst ‘AIIGighS reserved by Beacon College Lad, except that all public exam questions, If any, are Licensed by Copyright owner HREAA. 12, aie ffm G°°. .. DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 BEACON® ae Paper I Solution B ‘The tension should be resolved into two components. Vertically : Tcos 6 = mg Horizontally : T'sin @ = ma YQ) Combine te two equations: an = 2. a = ging z * 2) Tension: T= 8. my cosé J v ) ‘Since the net force is towards the right, the direction of a is towards the right. ‘Travelling leftward with deceleration is equivalent to travelling rightwards with acceleration, c Take moment about X. Let the distance XP be x mgx = Tsin 30° x1 ‘mgx = (0.8 mg) xsin 30° 1 == 04m c AAs the body moves up, its potential energy increases and kinetic energy decreases. Moreover, PE and KE have a linear relation with displacement. Thus, the answer is C. Note that velocity or momentum with displacement is not linear by v 2as. D By Conservation of momentum my us = (mm; + ms) v (0.020) x (150) = (0.020 +2.5)v v= By Conservation of mechanical energy buy? = en dx (igy 72m 9.81) h sh = 0.072m B The monkey must be hit under its initial postion. By x= ue (150.c05 0) = (100 ew 84s = Ss Displacement of the monkey x (9.81) x (15 4 jes SOU... DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 BEACON’ 7 BE Paper I Solution ite equilibrium postion of d ae i ahead pe EEE Particle band j are at the compression and particle fis atthe rarefaction. Draw the displacement against position graph to indicate the particles at compression and rarefaction. displacement rightward leftward * (1) Pantcle is moving towards the left YQ) _ Particles a and care moving inthe same direetion as b, towards the right. YG) _ Between b and f there are 3 particles. Particle dis tthe middle and must have the maximum displacement (extreme point) at this instant Find the mid position between b and f which isthe equilibrium position of Particle d has a displacement of 5 em, which isthe amplitude. 18. “oc Wavelength of water wave: 2 = 42 = em ' By v= fa (10) = f@) fo 125 He ; pyr=1= 1 =o8s fF 125 As Qis moving upwards at this instant, it reaches the trough position after $ cycle. 19. 37 = 3x08 = 065 B 8 it, 20. From the figure, critical angle: ¢ = 90°— 42° = 48° Refinctive index of the plastic» » = 1 = 1 = 1.346 sinc sin48” By m= SA (1346) = S08. sin a, = 64.2° sind, sind2 0 = 90° — 64.2° = 25.8° BESGES ered by Beacon College Lid. except that al public exam questions, Ifany, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. | All Gp 8Excon- DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 ME Paper I Solution 6 oc ¥ A. Since particle R and particle P are in ant-phas, they must move in opposite direction a the same time. ¥ —_B,_ Particle Qis an antinode with greater energy, thus its speed is always greater than that of other partic * —C.__Particle Sis a node, iis always at rest. YD. When one particle reaches the equilibrium position, all the other particles must also reach ther respective equilibrium positions, since they are ether in phase or antiphase. mA * A. The formation of image is due to total intemal reflection, not refraction. YB. ___The appearance of shallower in swimming poo! isthe apparent depth, due to refraction. | ¥ ——C._ Different cotours travel with different speed and have different refiactve index in glas, thus they are spit ater refraction by the glass YD. Spectacles make use of lenses, light pases through lenses wih refraction to give the correction of short sight. 8B As the sources separation is 1.52, the maximum path difference is 1.5 2 ‘Thus, the first maximum with path difference 1 4 would exist. There is no second maximum with path difference 24. Between S; and S, there are only 3 points thet would have constructive interference : the central maximum with A = 0 2 and two first maxima with A= 1 2 at the two sides of the central line, wD ¥ (1) __ Since the ight ray bends towards the principal axis, itis a convex lens (converging len). ¥ —@Q)_—_ Aste reacted light ray extended meet the principal axis atthe left side, the image is virtual YG) Virtual image produced hy eanvex lens must be magnified oR ‘The position of image is further away than the abject. ‘As v>u,m> 1, thus the image is magnified. 2 OB Distance between Peter and the fist wall = +x 340 x02 = 34m Distance between Peter andthe second wall = 4% 340 x (0.2+0.3) = 85m Separation between the two walls = 34+85 = 119m OR Separation between the wo walls = 4% 340x(02+02+03) = 119m Eq | Aisighis reserved by Beacon College Led. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. @*= S£xcon: DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 Paper I Solution mA @) Ry dsin = nd isin 40° = (2) x (643 x 10°) 2x 10%m poi 1 __ = 500 000 lines per m = 500 lines per mm ad 2x10 * 2) sind = 2sin a sin 40° = 2 sin 6 = 18.7° * 3) sin = 3sin = 3 sin 187° = 746° oR sin 90° = nsin &, = msin 18.77 n= 312 3rd order exists 2 B Electric field between the parallel plates : E 3600 — 72000 Vm! d 0.05 Bleetrie force acting on the charged ball: F = gE = (2% 10) (72000) = 144 104-N 905 = 10-~'N Weight of the charged ball : 1” = mg = (0.05 « 10°) x @.81) Resolve the tension T of the string into vertical and horizontal components. © TsnO= F @ Tese- W mo-F-14 o-6 4905 n Bc ‘The minimum power is achieved when both 5} and S: are open, R= R+IR=3R ‘The maximum power is achieved by closing both two switches. (The 2R resistor is shorted.) Re = 0.7K Pal a = 2400 W R z a OB In order to work within the rated power, the maximum voltage of the power supply is 6 V, Light bulb 4 is then working in rated condition while light bulb B is lower than normal Current flow through light bulb 4: = i= 2= 15a 6 28, Resistance of light bulb B = ‘Current flow through light bulb B = & Total current drawn = 1.5 ‘Ailtights reserved by Beacon College Lid. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA, | Allri 26. DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 Paper I Solution = E (towards the left) Electric field at Y due to~20: £ = 22 _ = 1x_@ = 1 (towards the right) dee @y 2 Geer 2 Resultant eleetic field at ¥ = £1 E = 05E 2 Direction of the resultant field is towards the left as £ is greater than Es, A ¥ —@)_—_ When the applied voltage is 1 V, the current is. By R= * — Q)_Sinoe the straight tine does not pass through the origin, the voltage is not proportional to current ‘Thus, the device does not obey Ohm's Law at any voltage or current * —G)_ Since the device does not obey Ohm’s Law, the slope does not represent the resistance, The resistance at any voltage or current should be calculated by the equation : R = V'/1 c 3A — yaa > |sa l—_» 100m Toem F agchely Magnetic force per length 2n-r Magnets perlngnbewen 3 Aana A = PHO GHD) = 245 199N a" ghivad 2a(0.1 Magnetic force per length between 4 Aand5.A = (4%107)-4)-(S) 2n-(0.1) 4% 10 Nar" (rightwards) Resultant magnetic force per length on 4A = 24x 105 + 4x 10 = 64x 10SNm ightwards) F Use Left hand rule, the magnetic force on the current into paper is downwards <=aa | Allvights reserved by Beacon College Lid. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyriaht owner HKBAA. {2 crow DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 @7> BEACON : 82 Paper I Solution 9. A YQ) _Atthe right side of the current, the magnetic field is into the paper. I By Right hand rule, the induced eureat is along RS. A [At the lft sid ofthe eurent, the magnetic field is out of paper j By Right hand rule, the induced current is along PQ. Prete! ‘The overall induced current isin anticlockwise direction thx ->y v Q) By Right hand rule, the induced e.m-f. is from R to S, x Thus, Sis ata higher potential than R o| x Q' R « Both the magnetic force on RS and PO are leftwards by Left hand rule, i thus the resultant magnetic force is in leftward direction oR By Lenz's Law, there is magnetie frce to oppose the motion, thus the resultant magnetic force is leftward 0. A oa Kesistance of the wire: R= Y= LS - 0.0250 7 24 = 2:2 where volume V ofthe wie is equaltoA-¢ 7 (0.625) = (6.75«10°)- 11m (48x10) | | BOA | % —G) Since the count rate at ?is greater than that at Q, there must be radiation from the source reaching ther. By Left hand rule, the radiation reaching P carries positive charg, thus it must be «radiation * — @)__Theradiation detected at Q may be due to background radiation, ths y radiation cannot be confirmed. | = @)_Theradiaton detected at Q may be partly due to radiation, thus the background radiation may be less than 100 e-p.m. 2c Let the background count rate be b. (720 -) x (240-5) b= 80cpm. After one more hour C= @40-80)x $x 4 + 80 = 120¢pm. 3A Probability of decay in one second = decay constant k= 10% By 4 0% = 460 500s = 128 hours aia ‘Ailrriahts reserved by Beacon College Lid, except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. BEACON’ DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 Paper I Solution Section B 1. Use the electronic balance to measure the mass of the polystyrene cup. Put some crushed ice into the polystyrene cup and measure the mass again to obtain the mass of ice my, m Put the thermometer into the beaker of hot water to measure its initial temperature T, 1m Pour all the hot water into the polystyrene cup. Well stir the mixture with the stirrer until all the ice melts ‘Then measure the final temperature 72 with the thermometer, uw ‘The specific latent heat of ice is found by the following equation mle + meTs = my e(T~T) a Assumptions : © There is no heat exchange with the surroundings. ii} ® The temperature of ice is assumed to be at 0°C. OR The ice is melting i 2 @ PV =nRT (102 x 10°) x 350 x 10-*) = EB)x 3x0 + 273) t 8 = 236°C 1 ) PV = bNme?= 4 Me? (102 x 10°) « (350 x 10" 4 «(0.42 x 10°) c? fu = $05mst a oR ype (102 « 109) = Ex QA2XI0) «go 0 350x107 c= 50Smst iu) oR M - a Yo 9x10) = 505 ms* a (©) When the temperature of sir increases, air molecules move faster and hit the walls of container more violently 0 To give same pressure, the air molecules hit the walls less frequently u by increasing the volume. eae | AUFghts reserved by Beacon College Led. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. i chou DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 > BEACON’ . 8 Paper I Solution 3. (a) a= slope ca T-mg=ma mW = 24x10) it (b) 5 = area = }«(10)x() = 15m ti W = Fs = (32)«(15) = 4801 a | or W = KE+PE = 424) x(10) + @4)(19) 4803 a pa 1 = 480 - ow a 1 [Note that P= Fv = (32) (10) = 320 W is wrong since it is the instantaneous power at ¢=3 s] ' oO @ it} << The total area in upward motion is equal to the total area in downward motion, thus it reaches the ground at 6 s.> Gi) Maximum height = area from 0sto4s = 4x (4) (10) = 20m uw OR visut+2as 2 = (OP +2C10s + 5 = 5m Maximum height = 15 +5 = 20m i} (ii) Net force = mg = 24N wu 4. (@)maus + mm ity = ma va + mm ve 1} (0.6) x (4.5) = (0.6) x v4 + (04) x G.6) vy = 2.1 ms tu ‘All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. Allr @ BEACON’ DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 BE Paper I Solution 1 4. ©) dma? = hmv? + meh tw 4£@.67 = Ly? + 81) x (04) uw v= 226ms* in} WW (©) (i) Ball B follows a projectile path due to gravity 0 U1 GD By WP =u? + 2ay 0 (©) = 2.26 sins0"? + 2¢-9.81)y a) y= 0.153 m m Maximum height = 0.4 + 0.153 = 0.553 m w a Gi) BY y = wes dae? (04) = 2.26 sins0y1 + 4-981) 2. 1= 0512s rol Horizontal distance x = (2.26 ¢0s 50°) x 0.512 = 0.744 m accept 0.73 to 0.76 m> 1m GM = gR? = (981) (64x 10 = 4.018 x 10" mM GMm _ my? 8.82% 10°m — in} 0 (6) Period of orbital motion: T= 2%7 _ 24%(8.82x10") ~ g219 5 in] Y (6750) Number of revolutions = 7*24%3600 _ 7 > 8210 m oR Let the number of revolutions be N. QerxN=vxe 0 2 mx (8.82 x 108) x N = (6750) «(7 x 24 % 3600) a -44 ul) a a 3.17 ms? 1 oR a= g= 081)x( S410) = si7ms2 0 fa] (8.82x10°) Sam, | Allvights reserved by Beacon College Led. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyriaht owner HKEAA. 5. (8) Any ONE ofthe following reason : ud. 1 All dhe weight ofthe astronaut is used to provide the centripetal force for cirlar mation 4 Allthe gravitational fore acting onthe astronaut i used to provide the centripetal fore for circular motion Both astronaut and spacecraft are moving with the same acceleration due to gravity towards the Earth. 6. (a) ( (The image is real since it ean form on a screen. a Gi) 0 (iii) a (iv) The screen should be moved towards the lens to capture the sharp image. mW ‘ ‘The size of image Would decrease m ( © eee | | = } | . () t tl ‘AilHighis reserved by Beacon College Lid. except that all public exam questions, if any, are lcensed by copyright owner HKEAR. | ay eo BEACON: DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 a Paper I Solution a 6. (®) (ii) Any ONE of the following it + Used for correction ofshor sight Used as a peep-hole lens 1 @) Byy=sa | G30) = (825)A A= 04m 0) Since the two sources are in anti-phase, constructive interference occurs at C: 0 © (b). Path difference at C = 28-22 = 0.6m = 154 m loudness | Oy B c fit) ‘ ty) “correct shape, not touching the bottom > fo) oy 7 (@)_Thepitch remains unchanged w tw (©) Placea candle with fame infront of loudspeaker, w ‘When sound is given out, the flame oscillates to and fro. ou) 2 WE 1 oJ d 0.045 a = 8x10°Vm"' (or NC) a () BOv=QE t) BG.75 x 109) = (8x 10°) B= 213x037 iO} © @ Bov= me w 2.13 x 109) (1.6 x 10-9) = O-LX1071}G.75%105) 01m (lem) a) ‘Allrrighis reserved by Beacon College Lid. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. GROUP. Gye DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 GB BEACON” : 4 aE Paper I Solution & © Gi it} ; 9. (a) The resultant magnetic field at P is in downward direction a B= B+ B By + Bs ni = Ah + bh Ie 2A (4nx10°)/3 2) 2x (004 0.06 217x109 T i 00) (42x107)xG3)x 2xx(0.10) (2.5) = 3x 10°N in} The direetion of magnetic force on I: is towards the right, 0 (©) (The current flowing in the two wires should be changed to a. w Gi) When the search coil experiences a change of magnetic flux through it, Ww ddue to electromagnetic induction, an induced e.m.f. proportional to the magnetic field is induced in the coil. [1] The induced e.m.f. is then displayed on the CRO, (iii) The search coil should be rotated in different direction atthe point until the induced emf. is the maximum. {1} | 10. (a) Vac = 24x 400 = 20v m } 80 | (h) Van = 120 = 06% 20x2 = 96V nm (C) Ves ty) Vo = V2 x19.2 = 272V i) ‘All rights reserved by Beacon College Lad. except that all public exam questions, if any, are icensed by copyright owner HKEAA. | Ala DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 Paper I Solution 10. @ P= VI= 06) x 6) = 576W ul oR P = (120) x (0.6) ~ (0.6) (20 + 20) = 57.6 W a) (©) Pou = (0.67 x (20+20) = 14.4 W 1m ” 27S 100% = 80% u S764 14a a (® Anac. voltage is used because it can be stepped up or down by transformers. 1m High voltage can reduce the current passing through the cables, thus reduce the power loss in the cables uy m1 | 11, (@ Mass defect = 226.0254 — 222.0176 ~ 4.0026 = 0.0052 u uu) Energy released = 0,0052 x 931 = 4.84 MeV ul & eo 2 tn? __ = 1 38x19" i) yg 1600%3.15.107 a (©) By P= EA (5% 108) = (4.84 « 108% 1.6 10) 4 uw) 6.46 « 10" Bq u 0 @ By A= kN ay (6.46 105) = (1.38 10")N 1 N= 4.68 x 10 a) Mass of radium-226 m o M = 176kg ib ul m uy a ul KEAA. | ‘Allviphts reserved by Beacon College Lid. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. “= cour DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 4 BEACON” § ae Paper II Solution Section A : Astronomy and Space Science 16 ll ¥ ——_A._ By Kepler’ frst law, the Sun is at one of the focus of the elliptical orbit, not at the centre. YB. _By Kepler's second law, each planet sweeps equal areas in equal times. Thus, the closer the planet to the Sun, the greater is the speed of the planet. Therefore, each planet moves around the Sun with varying speed. % —C._Kepler’s Laws do not concern with the mechanical energy of the planets, Y —_D._ By Kepler's third lav the square of the period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of its average distance from the Sun, thus, period increases ifthe average distance increases. 2B * (1) Copernican wrongly assumed that the orbits are perfect crc. * — @)___InCopemican’s model, retrograde motion is explained by Earth overtakes Mars when they come near. No need to use epicyele forthe explanation ¥ Since Venus at a closer orbit it always appear close to the Sun 130A Y (1) Since Venus shows @ complete eyele of phases, it should move around the Sun instead of the Earth Y — Q)_ The sunspots on the Sun's surface and the uneven surface of the Moon show that celestial bodies are not perfect sphere. Ls * ))_Nobservaton by Galileo shows thatthe orbits are not cial aA Seminmajor axis of Titania = 436 000 £ = 218 000 km By Kepler's third law, Pea T, = 0.338 days = 0.338 x 24h ~ Shours sD) At the height two times the radius of the Earth, the radius is 32. © —_Byconservation of mechanical energy @ GMin_ my ja GRY BR VaR fa2 ‘Riltights reserved by Beacon College Ltd. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. | Al i] @ Bet one DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 L Paper II Solution a Kinetic energy : K = ¥ —(1)__Potential energy : 7 YQ Totalenergy: p= 2r ¥ — @)_Toreach infinity total energy = 0. Extra energy = 0 = (-E.) = Be nA cat 8 sx10 x1 pe d= 1545 x 10" m = 1.545 x 10! x 6 * 50.0 pe 00x10" re Parallax pete a 300 1s B By Stefan's Law: L = 4x Ro T4 Le RT L- L L,_= (110%) x (95% (4x10) Ip = 3.9410 KEAA. | ‘Ail vights reserved by Beacon College Lid. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HREAA. Bm cRoUP. 7 inati of oe BEACON® DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 a ae Paper II Solution QU. (@) The radial velocity is 5 « 10° ms“! as shown by the graph See aa (5x10°) __ Ad. Ad = 1.09nm uy ay Gx10") 656.28 24 As the star is moving towards the observer, blue shift occurs and the apparent wavelength is shorter. 4A = 656.28 ~ 1.09 = 655.19 nm ul (©) (@ From the graph, period T = 28 x 105s By 2nr=vT 2 nr = (S105) (28 10) a r= 2.228 x 10% m = 2228 x 10x 1 __ pe = 7.21 x 10 pe it} 3.0910" (iy) By Gm _ mv" tn 108 2228x107) _ p56 ge SO = 8.3510 he 1] (6.67x10") 2 23 © By == a nm ) _ 20721x10") (2.45° x. — oi) CB Tope d d= 337% 108pe uy @ @ By CMm lm vet vr 24 The radial velocity of star B should be greater than that of 4 a Gi) There may be the existence of dark matter in the outer region of the galaxy 0 25 ‘ilights reserved by Beacon College Lid. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. | All Ze Cio." 5). DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 eo aE Paper II Solution Section B : Atomic World 1 a 2a c * (1) Proton and neurons have not been discovered at that ime nT * —@) Electron in orbits of specific energy i proposed by Bo, not by Rutherford. YG) Sincemos ofthe mass is concenvated inthe extremely tiny nucleus, the cleus has extremely high density. m po a a Initia kinetic energy ofeleetron = Final kinetic energy of electron + energy ofthe photon 28x16 x10 = 440.11 x10) ¥2 + (663 10%) x(6 x 104) iD} 33 x10'ms! a 23 D For the transition between the ground state (n= 1) and the second excited state (n= 3) z, he, he 8 cay = HE -8 9 CB) a A 9° a Forthe transition between the Gist exited state n= 2) and he third excited state (n= 4) Ee he _ 3 0 oa is Combine the above two expresione nae ama a4 oc um KE= OV 2 QV =Amyt = MP = (omy = pt amar 2m 2mm The de Broglie wavelength of the electron is given by i P 2mOV = (1) mt = AL. de Broglie wavelength decreases with the mass m v 2) QT = AL +. de Broglie wavelength decreases with the charge O ¥ GFT SAL. de Broglie wavelength decreases wit the pd. Y (1) Surfaces of Los leaves are covered with waxy materials to give the Lots effect. YQ) _ Surfaces of Lous leaves have tiny bumps to give the Lotus effect. © B)_Lotus effects highly watertepulsve. ‘All Fights feserved by Beacon College Ltd. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. {Ye scour DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 eg 2 Paper II Solution € 26D Qa * a ‘Charged particles can be confirmed by deflection in electric field or magnetic field. This experiment cannot show tha the particles carry charges YQ) _ Diffgaction is can only be demonstrated by wave, thus it confirms that electrons have wave properties. Y —@)_ Degree of diffraction depends on the wavelength, similar degree of diffraction shows that they have similar wavelength. ZB) In the first excited state, the principal quantum number Angular momentum of the electron B= yx 6x10 2k Es 21 x 10 kg. Liner momentum ofthe cleevon my x (2.12 x 107) = 2.11 x 107% my = 9.953 x 10% kgms? De Broglie wavelengh athe cleevon pa Hx 66X10) 6 675 10:0m ww” (O553x10) on Coulomb force provides the centripetal foree of the circular motion of the electron p= 9.946 «105 GIO) gy age (9.946x10") 549 x 10? m ‘All ights reserved by Beacon College Lid. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyrightownerHKEAA. | “Allr 05 a BEACON: DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 we Paper II Solution P.06 m C.W.Sham Q2. (@) Work function of the metal is the minimum energy required to remove an electron from the surface of the metal. [1] (b) From the graph, when Ky 1 = 1.64 x 108 m * = fy = bh & = 6.63 x 10) xB x 10) x (1.64% 109, 1 zi © @ t= 1 = 2x10%m 2 500x10° From the graph, the corresponding value of Kau ~ 0.44 eV The stopping potential ofthe photoelectrons = 0.44 V a Gi) Energy of each photon B= BE = 663x101) — 5978 10-75 a a (500x pyp=Ne 1 -N = @sx10) = % xG.978 x10) t N = 628x108 st mw t (Gi) Number of photoelectrons emited per second ne a , 2% = 628% 10% 1 = 785% 10% 0 t 80, uy Photoelectric curent f= Be = (185 x 10%) «(1.6 10") = 1.26% 105A uy 7 (iv) The maximum kinetic energy ofthe emitted photoclectrons remains unchanged wu According to the wave theory, the Kaas should be greater fr light of greater power. However, it does not happen. a EAA. ‘All tights reserved by Beacon College Ltd. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. .DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 ! Paper II Solution Section C : Energy and Use of Energy BIA luminance on a surface: E = —° cosa ar ¥ (1) tuminance & depends onthe distance r, Greater gives smaller illuminance F 2) huminance £ depends on the orientation 8 3 % 3) __Tlluminance E does not depend on the area ofthe surface Larger surface area would receive more luminous flux but same illuminance 32 OB Illuminance ata distance r from the lamp with luminous flux © is given by ss as - 2 © = 1241 omen 4ar 4x (25) Power rating ofthe lamp = 1244 = rw 3 a3 (1) Aircndtone en move heat rom eon of lawer temperate (rom) to neg higher torta oane to-wit ethic. v ‘When the refigerant evaporates, it absorbs latent heat of vaporization from the room, a Sa earn MB Total surface area of the container = 6x24 + 6x26x2 + 24x26x2 = 58.08m? By orry = Q/t 2 = ortv x4 = 160 58.08 = 9203 W uAar (9293) = (25.8) x (58.08) x AT. ar= D Mechanical energy given to the braking system loss of kinetic energy ~ work done against air resistance = 11200) x (gox 10% 2 3600 = (5000) x (20) = 196 3005 Chemical energy = 196 300 x 35% = 68700 ‘ilrights reserved by Beacon College Lid, except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. aaa DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 Paper II Solution By Pow hen (45 x 10°) = (80 1000) (9.81) (240) x n= 24% 37 OB Solar inteusity reaching de top of the atmosphere = —P_ = _G*10") 1415 wm 4ar FaSxi0"F Solar intensity reaching the Earth’s surface = 1415 x (1 - 60%) = 366 Wm? 38 OB * (1) The direction of the intrinsic electric field should point from the n-type semiconductor to the Prlype semiconductor, as the n-type has excess positive charge and p-type has excess negative charge. * 2) _Imabsorbing light photon energy, bounded electron escape to form a pair of free electron and free hole. ¥ —@)_ The free electrons and free holes created by the light photon energy contributes to the flow of current. EAR, | ‘Allvighte reserved by Beacon College Lad. except that all public exam questions, if ay, are Hecnsed by copyright owner HREAA. Vila : a 4 SEacon: DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 a ae Paper II Solution a Q3. (@) Mass defect = 1.00728 x92 + 1.00867 x (235-92) ~ 235.04396 = 1.86561 u fit se Binding energy per nucleon of 3; U = 1.86561 x 931 x is = 7.39 MeV / nucleon 1 “a Bi ® ® Binding energy per nucleon 235 Kr Ba 0 ° Nucleon number The binding eneray per nucleon ofthe product (Ba and Kr) are greater than that of U-235, that is, they are more stable, thus energy is released in the fission reaction. m (© (Uncontrolled chain reaction occurs and the reactor would be overheated and burnt. 0 (Gi) The chain reaction cannot maintain andthe reactor would finally shut down, a 42 (€)_ Moderator is used to slow down the fast fision neutrons 0s o increase the probability of neutron capture by U-235 nucleus 0 Control rod is used to absorb the excess neutrons so as to contol the rte of reaction oT (©) Number of V-235 consumed per second DASIO™ (6.02 x 10) = 3.843 x 10" 23 Energy released per fission ul E = 0.2136 x 931 x 10° x 1.6 x 10" = 3,182 x 10°" on E = 0.2136 x 1.661 x 107 x (3 x 108 = 3.193 x 10°" J Nuclear power 43 p= Ng = (3.843 10") x @.182% 10) = 1.223 x10 W 7 Electrical power generated P= 1.223 x 10x 35% ~ 4.28 x 10°W m | ZiTTighs ezved by Beacon College Lad, except that al public exam questions, any, ar Hicensed by Copyright owas REAR. | Ally @ Econ DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 a Paper II Solution a Section D : Medical Phy: 1 m 4d c For the eye-lens to have maximum power, the eye-len i the thickest and it is used to view elosest object. py p= 1,1 Gi +o objet (0.02) . a w= 405m The closest point that the eye can see is 0.5 m (50 em). Ee He is suffering from long-sight. _ To correct this defect, he should wear convex lens. To view a close object at 25 em, the image shouldbe seemed to beat 50 em my p-1,-_1 41-420 uv (0.25) (0.5) o 1 42 B ‘The angular separation ofthe two objects © o-4 L W a= S107 = 95x 104d (20) ‘This angle i equal to the resolving power ofthe eye if he can just resolve them. By Rayleigh criterion al 25 x 10-4) = 1.22 x 650x107 a d= 32x10 m = 3.2mm } 43 B | « (1) Ifthe intensity of the sound note is increased to 20 times, the change of sound level is AL = 10 log @201/) = 13 2B = 50+13 = 63dB m | ‘The sound level would become 63 &B. | * — @)__Theintensity level depends onthe sound intensity, but independent ofthe fequeney, thus the intensity level should remain unchanged at 50 dB. ¥ —@)_Asshowm by the eure, ithe frequency ofthe sound note increases, the same level of 50 dB would be lower than the original curve of equal loudness, thus the loudness would decrease. | AA. ‘All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd. except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA. $m OUP i inati 4 Sexo: PSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 é aE Paper II Solution € 44 4. | Acoustic impedance oftissueX: Z: = = 942 x 1420 = 1.338 MRayl Acoustic impedance of tissue ¥: Zs = pox = 1075 x 1560 ~ 1.677 MRayl Intensity reflection coefficient between Yand ¥: q = (2 ~ Ay = 0.67 G+zZ, 677 + Intensity of ultrasound reflected from the interface : f, = a fy ~ 0.0126 x $0 = 0,63 mW cmr* 450A % (1) Bemode unrasound imaging gives the real ime image to show the internal movement * The display ofthe images should make use ofthe reflection of ultrasound a different interfaces % 3) Toiinerease the image resolution, ultrasound of higher frequency should be used. 46° OB 47D YG) CT sean isto obtain multiple measurement of X-ray attenuation coefficient taken from the section. ¥ 2) _Byroating the X-ray ube around the human body, ‘multiple projections canbe obtained to reconstruct the images ofthe human body Y —@)_ By scanning across the cross-section of the human body, transaxial anatomy can be shown, 488 | % (1) Thereis most no tematon of gana in the man boy | @)_If'atumouris presen, there should be « hot spo, showing the high intake of gamma emitting tracer. ¥ —)_Cold spot indicates the low intake ofthe gamma emitting tracer, thus the organ cannot absorb the gamma source ata normal at. ‘lights reserved by Beacon College Lid. except that all public exam questions, any, are ceased by comvaht owner HIKEAA. ain yo BEAC on: DSE Physics Mock Examination 2015 a Paper II Solution 24. @ © © @ Refractive index of air is equal to 1 By sin Gx = mi sin sing = 7. Since 4 + 4, = 90° AAs sinté, + cos? sin? Aux + m2 it?s =m? =m? sin?@ya. = (1.58) = (1.34) Bows = 56.8° Since the incident angle of the light ray is larger than Gps, the light ray cannot be transmitted to the other end, ‘The non-coherent bundle is used to transmit light into the organ for illumination. The coherent bundle is used to transmit images from the organ to the body outside for observation, (i) The endoscope is inserted into the large intestine of the patient through his anus. The doctor can then view through the endoscope to examine the polyp position, ‘A tiny forceps can be placed through the endoscope to cut the polyp. Gi) Any TWO of the following * Invasive surgery of cutting the human body can be avoided, ‘The procedure is non-ionizing and does not cause harmful effect to the human body, * % The endoscope can provide a clear view inside the organ. * The p jents can rapidly recover with little discomfort after the operation, o 0) WW 1) o) ‘All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd. except that all pablic exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.

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