Family Law - QA

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Code No.


LL.B (3YDC) I LL.B. (Honours) (3 YDC) 1 - Semester Examination, November 2022
Subject: Law
Paper: 1-Family Law-I
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

Note: Answer any five questions. (5 x 6 30 Marks)

1. Mitakshra School
2. Joint family
3. Karta
4. Registration of marriage
5. Judicial separation
6. Adoption 7 2

7. Absolute estate
8. Notional Partition
Note: Answer any two questions. (2x 15 30 Marks)

9. What is Hindu joint Family? Discuss the rights of Coparceners.

10. Discuss the essential requisites of a valid Hindu Marriage as per the Hindu
Marriage Act, 1955.
natural parents and adoptive
11.What are the rights ofthe adopted son against the
12. "The Hindu Succession Actissa Magnacarta of Hindu women's property right
(2x 10 20 Marks)
Note: Answer any two quéstions.

married Sreenu of 25 yearsaccording to Hindu

13.Kalpana at the age of 16 years girlwas solemnized lay the parents of both parties.
sites andcustoms. The marriage the family court for
After oneyear of the marriage Kalpana filed an application to
that she was a minor at the time of marriage
nullification of marriage on the ground
home in a drunker
14. Shekar is working in factory
a and returning late at night to the
nuisance to his wife Rani. Rani
wants to get divorce. Advice.
condition and creating
means of his own requested his
about 90 years, who has no
15. An old man, aged that he got no obligation
maintenance. The son refused his request
only son to pay
father. Decide
to maintain his
restitution of conjugal rights petition
against B his wife, a cine artist. B
16. A filed a She also filed a divorce
that it violates her right to life and personal liberty.
petition. Decide.

Code No. D-12465

LL.B. (3 YDC)/ LL.B. (3 YDC) (Honours) I Year I Semester Examination,
June 2022
Subject: Law
Paper: -
Family Law -
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

Note: Answer any five questions. (5x 6 30 Marks)

1. Karta
2. Custom
3. Polygamy
4. Coparcenary 7 2 3

5. Void marriage
6. Maintenance
7. Legal guardian
8. Cruelty
Note: Answer any two questions. (2x 15 30 Marks)

9. Define Marriage. State theimporta ce omarriage under Hindu Marriage
10.Discuss the grounds of Decree of Juurelal Separation under Hindu Marriage

11. What are the various greunds yailable for dissolution of Marriage under
Hindu Marriage Act955
12. List out the Class-hers o Hindu after the amendment in the year 2006.

PART Cc (2 x 10 20 Marks)
Note: Answerany o questions.

time of his wife Y. The second

13. IMde married Z again during the life
the relatives of X,Y and Z. What is the status
arriage was consented by all Act, 19557
ofuis marriage under Hindu
behind his daughter, son, father and mother in the
14.A, a Hindu dies leaving
year 2007. Distribute the joint family
property of the deceased among
Hindu minor is sold by the father for the benefit
15.The immovable property of a
of the court. Is the sale valid? Give
of the minor without the permission
behind his father, two sons and a son
16. X' a Hindu male dies intestate leaving What is
can succeed to 'X"s property?
of the pre-deceased daughter. Who
the share of each person?
Code No.D-12465
LL.B (3 YDC)/ LL.B (3 YDC) (Honours) I Year I Semester Examination,
April / May 2022
Subject: Law
Paper : Family Law - I (Hindu Law)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

Note: Answer any five questions. (5x 6 30 Marks)

1 Pious Obligation

Joint Family
Child Marriage
Judicial Separation
Natural Guardian
Permanent alimony
7 Doctrine of Factum valet
8 Unifom Civil Code

Note: Answer any two questions. (2 x 15 30 Marks)

9 Discuss the joint family and factors foqisin grating of joint family now a days.

10 Explain the evolution of the institute of marriage and family from ancient to modern

11 Discuss the various grounds for ivorce under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

12 Discuss in detail thetgompesition, powers and functions of Farmily courts.

Note: Answerany to questions. (2 x 10 20 Marks)

13 A, a Hindu aged 16 years old married B, a Hindu girl aged 15 years old under the
direetiono their parents. Is the marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 is
vali? Discuss.
14 Gopi and Radha married by exchanging garlands in a temple. Due to lack of
children Gopi married Rukmini as per Hindu customs and ceremonies. Radha
wants to file biagamy and maintenance petitions against Gopi. Which Petition is
maintainable? Discuss.

15 A has two sons B and C. C is given an adoption to D. Can B marry the daughter of
D? Examine the legal position.

16 A and B, the parents of S gave all their

property to S through a settlement deed,
when they became old, they were put up in an old
age home. B the mother wants
to live with son but he did not accept. Decide.
Code No. 1259/BL

LL.B. (3 YDC)/ LL.B. (Honours) (3 YDC) I Year-Semester

December 2021

Subject: LAW
ll: Family Law I (Hindu
Paper Max. Marks: 80
Time: 2 Hours

(4x 10 40 Marks)
NOTE: Answer any four questions.

Dayabhaga School
Restitution of Conjugal Rights
U -1723
4 Jurisdiction of family courts
5 Cruelty
6 Alimony
7 Doctrine of Relation Back
8 Testamentary Guardians

PART-B (1x20 20 Marks)

NOTE: Answer any one questions.

9 Discuss the importance of various marriage ceremonies under Hindu

Marriage Act.
what grounds the marriage can be
10 State the legal meaning.afdivorce and on
dissolved under the provisions of Hindu Marriage Act,
for the custody of children under the Hindu
11 What was the provisíons niade
Marriage Act, 1955?
progressive legislation Comment.
Family Courts Act, 984 is

12 a

NOTE: Answerany one questions. (1x20 2 0 Marks)
a cine artist, B
13 ATedarestitution of conjugal rights petition against B his wife,
She also filed a
objected that it violates her right to life and personal liberty.
diverce petition. Decide.

14 A and B, the parents of S gave all their property to S through a settlement

When they became old, they were put up in an old age home. B the mother
to live with son but he did not accept. Decide.

15 Xa Hindu female dies leaving behind her husband, son, daughter, mother
and father. Assign their shares.

16 X and Y are Hindu couple. They have two children, a son and daughter one of
their relatives requests them to give their daughter in adoption. Advise the
couple on all aspects citing law.
Code No. 708
LL.B (3 YDC) I-Year 1-Semester Examination, September 2021
Subject: Law
Paper: I-Family Law-l
Time: 2 Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Note: Answer any four questions.

U 1723
(4x 10 40 Marks)
1. Classification of Hindu law
2. Daya bhage School
3. Sapinda relationship
4. Divorce
5. Impotency
6. Testamentary Guardians
7. Nullity of Marriage
8. Limited Estate

Note: Answer any one questions. (1x 20 20 Marks)
9. Who is 'Karta? What are his powersapdFunctions
10. "Hindu mariage is sacrament andotaCivil contract" Explain
11. What are the essential reqisites ofa valid adoption under Hindu Adoption and
Maintenance Act. 1956?

12. Write the rules of successionto the property of a Hindu male who dies intestate.

Note: Answer any ohe questions. (1 x 20 20 Marks)

13. X, a Himdu bisband converted to Islam solely for the purpose of second marriage and
married Z without dissolving his first marriage with Y. Y filed a case against X for the
offence of bigamy and sought direction to make the second marriage null and void.

14. During the lifetime of F, the father, the grandmother appointed M, the mother of the
minor children as guardian by executing a will M. proposed to transfer the properties
bequeathed to the minor children. F objected and filed a suit for injunction preventing
M to make transfer of the properties of his children on the ground that he is the natural
guardian of his minor children. Decide.

15. 'A' Files a petition for restitution of conjugal rights against his wife. The petition is
dismissed since B had sufficient reason to stay away for 'A' had taken another wife.
The wife claims maintenance under section 25 of Hindu Marriage Act. Decide.

16. A Hindu dies intestate leaving behind his mother, father widow and a son. Distribute
the property.
Code No.5106
Y D C ) / LL.B. (3 YDC) (Honours) 1-Year 1-Semester Examination,
February I March 2020
Subject: Law
Paper-l: Family Law-l (Hindu Law)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks:80
PART A (5x6 = 30 Marks)
Answer äny Five of the follovwing
1. Sapinda Relationship
2. Alimony
3. Constructive Desertion
Joint Tenancy
6. Doctrine of Factum Valet
7. Stridhana
8. Mental Cruelty
PART B (2x15 3 0 Marks)
Answer any Two of the following
Write an essay on Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Schools. What are its
sub schools?
10. Discuss the grounds of Decree of judicial Separation under
Marriage Act.
11. Explain the rights of daughtersin the coparcenary property after
Succession (Amendment) Agt,2005.
maintenance from the husband
12. What are the rights of a Hindu wife to claim
under Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act?
PART-c(2x10= 20 Marks)
Answer any Two of the following.
married B Hindu female aged
13. A Hindu male aged 26years doctor by profession
from her parents so as to
about 24 years. As parents asked B to get some money
to the notice of A,
enable A to starta Nursing Home. When B brought this request
there was noresponse from him. Upset by his conduct, B filed a divorce petition
in a courtawill'she be successful? lf so, on what ground?
the agricultural land of 4
14. MraK, with his sons 'A' and 'B' has been cultivating
has a daughter 'C' who was married offin
acres which is ancestral property. 'K' After the
the year 1984 and did not get any share in the ancestral property.
enactment of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, C filed a partition
suit for a share in ancestral property. Will she succeed?
21 years working in
15. 'A' a Hindu male aged 23 years and 'B' a Hindu female aged
in the one house for
the same Software company fell in love and have been living
some differences, B left A and has been
a period of 6 years. After that because
Restitution of Conjugal
living separately. A filed a petition in a court for a decree of
Rights. Will he succeed?
male aged
16. G, a Hindu female aged about 16 years fell in love with 'A' a Hindu
about 21 years and married him. Her father took her away from husband. A filed
that he is the natural
a petition in a court for custody of his wife on the ground
guardian after the marriage. Will he succeed?

Code No.15667/BL
LL.B (3 YDC)/ LLB (Hon.) (3 YDC) I Year I Semester Examination,
August'September 2019
Subject: Law
Paper: II Family Law -I (Hindu Law
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
PART A (5 x 6 30 Marks)
(Short Answer Type)
Note: Answer any five of the following
1. Testamentary Guardian
2. Maintenance Pendent Lite
3. Notional Partition
4. Class I heirs
5. Custom as a source of Law
6. Karta
7. Doctrine of Relation Back
8. Ceremonies of Hindu Marriage

PART B (2 x 15 30 Marks)
Note: Answer any two of the following
9. What are the various sources of Hindu Law?
10. Discuss the rules of succession to the property of a female hindu dying intestate.
11. What are the requisites of a valid adoption?
12. What are the grounds of divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act?

PART C (2 x 10 20 Marks)
Note: Answer any two of the following
13. A Hindu aged about 64 years died in the year 2009 leaving behind his daughter and
two sons. He was cultivating his 4 acres of agricultural land which was ancestral
property. After the demise of Mr. A his daughter claimed a share in that ancestral
property. Will she succeed?
14. Karta of a joint family sold a part of the joint family property to perform the marriages
of daughters of the joint family. A male member of the family questioned the
alienation in the court. Will he succeed?
15. A and Ba Hindu husband wife mutually agreed to take divorce under S.13_B of the
Hindu Marriage Act within 3 months of from the date of their marriage. Will they be
successful in their attempt?
16. A, a male aged about 10 years has been adopted by B and C, a childless Hindu
couple. After a period of 4 years from the date of adoption the couple begat a male
child and started the ill treating the adopted child. Because of such ill treatment, the
adopted son abandoned the adopted family and joined his natural parents. Discuss
the right of A in the property of B and C.
LL.B. (3 YDC)/ LL.B
FACULTY OF LAWN Code No. 15102/ BL
(Hon.) (3 YDC) I - Year
I-Semester Examination,
July August 2019
Subject: LAW
Time: 3 Hours Paper Family Law I (Hindu Law)
Il: -

Max.Marks: 80
PART A (5x6 30 Marks)
1 Natural Guardian Answer any Five of the following.
2 Women's Estate
3 Ancestral Property
Agnates and Cognates
5 Mutual Consent Divorce
6 Desertion
7 Doctrine of Survivorship
8 Requisites of valid

PART B (2x15 30 Marks)

Answer any Two of the following.
9 What is coparcenary property? What are its legal incidents and how it differs from
separate property?
10 Discuss the right of a Hindu wife to claim maintenance under Hindu
Maintenance Act.
Adoptions and

11 What are the conditions of a Marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act? What are the
consequences of contravention of those conditions?
12 What are rules of succession of property of a male Hindu dying intestate?

PART C (2x10 20 Marks)

Answer any Two of the following.
13 A Hindu male aged 26 years married B a Hindu female aged about 24 years. Because
of wife's refusal to bear the child, even after a period of 6 years from the date of
marriage, A could not beget a child in spite of his longing for a child. Advice A for a
matrimonial remedy under the law.
14 Mr. K, and his two Sons consisted oT joint tamily
having some ancestral property.
Mr. K borrowed some money from the creditor to perform his sister's
After Mr. K's death creditor filed a suit against sons for
daughter marriage.
recovery of debt on the ground
of pious obligation. Will he succeed?
15 A and B a Hindu husband and wife have been living peacefully. After some time, A
married another woman and living with second wife in the same house. B left her
husband and filed a suit for maintenance under the Hindu Maintenance Act. Can A
maintenance to B on the ground that she is living
16 A, Hindu died leaving behind his wife, a son, two daughters and two sons of his
predeceased son. Discuss the shares allocable shares to the legal heirs out of his self
acquired property.
Code No. 9843/BL

LL.B. (3 YDC)/ LL.B. (3 YDC) (Hons.) I- Year I -

Semester Examination,
August/ September 2018
Subject LAW
Family Law-l
Time 3 hours Max. Marks : 80

PART A (5 x 6 = 30 Marks)

Answer any Five of the following:

Pious obligation
3 Notional Partition
4 Women's estate
6 Guardian
7 Conciliation
8 Nullity of Marriage

PART B (2x 15 30 Marks)

Answer any Two ofthe following

9 What are the important sources of Hindu Law?
10 What is property? Whatare the property rights of a Hindu Woman?
11 Write a note on the law relating to adoption.
12 What are the ceremonies of marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act. State
whether registration is compulsory under Hindu Marriage Act.
PART C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks)

Answer any Two of the following

13 A Hindu husband married again with the consent of his first wife's parents. Is this
marriage js valid marriage? Discuss.
14 Both wife and husband are employees, wife divorced and wants to claim the right
of custody of her minor children against husband. Advise her.
15 A murdered his father and grandfather with a view to inherit the property. But his
mother and sister are alive. Discuss the succession right of A.
16 A and B both wife and husband. After six month her husband met with an
accident and wife became widow. Advise widows rights of property.
B (3 OF LAW Code No. 9550 /
YDC)/LL.B. (Hons.) (3 BL

BRARY YDC)1-Year 1-Semester Examinati

May I June 2018
Subject: Law
. Tiie: 3 Hours Paper: Il Family Law-I
(Hindu Law)
Note: AnswerPART-A (5x6=30 Marks) Max.Marks: 80
any FIVE of the
1. Monogamy following questions
2. Joint- family
3. Maintenance.
4 Voidable marriage.
5. Karta.
6. Partition.
7. Judicial separation.
8. Rights of
PART-B (2x15-30 Marks)
Note: Answer any
TWO of the following
9. What the
grounds for divorce under Hindu
marriage Act, 1955. State
grounds for women if any.
10.What are the ceremonies to
be performed for the Hindu marriage? Is registration
compulsory? Explain.
11.What are the changes brought by registration in the law of adoption? Explain.
12.Write a note on Hindu women's property rights.
PART-C (2x10=20 Marks)
Note: Answer any TWO of the
13.A, the Karta of Hindu joint family sold some
property of the family for the purpose
of education of children. Whether the alienation of the
property is valid? Discuss.
14. A, a Hindu Boy married a Muslim
girl. After five years due to misunderstanding
they applied for divorce and wife wants to claim the custody of her minor children.
Butt husband refused to give her children. What remedies available to
15.A greedy son killed his old parents to inhert the property. But their grand daughter
is alive State what is the right of son under succession laws?
16. A Hindu boy married a Muslim girl aged about 13 year, according to Hindu
customs. Is the marriage valid or not? Explain.
a , y a
a 2 9

Code No. 602

L.L.B. (3
YDC) I -

1-Semeste: Examination, March 1
April 2014
Subject: LAW
Paper -ll:Family Law-I (Hindu Law)
Time 3 hours

Max. Marks 80
PART A (5 6 30 Marks)
Answer any Five of the
1 Custom
2 Karta
3 Pious obligation
4 Women's estate
Survivorship 9
Defacto guardian
he ur Wre hc. 3el ,
7 Effects of adoption
8 Judicial separation

PART B (2x 15=30 Marks)

Answer any Two of the
9 Explair the schopls and
10 Discuss the essential sub-schools
of Hindu law
conditions of a Hindu
11 Explain the rules of
adoption under Hirdu lawM marriage.
12 What are the
important changes made in the position of ihe
the Hindu Succession Act?. daughter under r'

c6) C
PART C (2 x 10 =
20 Marks)
Answer any Two of the
13 A Hindu male married a Christian female without
ceemonies.Is it a valid marriage
under the Hindu solemnizing the
reasons. ¥O Marriage Act, 1955? Give
14 A Hindu female dies
intestate leaving behind her husband,
parents. Distribute the
The Karta of Hindu Jointproperty. M, 15, 16,1a- daughter and her see
for medical Family sold certain immovable 1L\S
this sat. purpose of one
of the
mernbers of family. Discuss the familyof property of the
16 A Hindu wife,
who is subjected crue.ty by her
from,him without divorce. to marai f
validity Claj4

husband, wants to live ptms obu'gatan e

husband. Advise her. She also wants to claim maintenance apartRN
kLA AmA against her

JBRAPY Code No. 4502/ BL

3YDC) -Year1-Semester Examination, Aug /Sept 2013
Rda, liyde
Subject: LAW

Paper-II: Family Lawd (Hindu Law

Time:3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

PART-A (5x6=30 Marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following

1. Custom as a source of Law

2. Dayabhaga School
3 Partition
4. Voidable marriage
Restitution of conjugal rights
1. Custody of children
8. Survivorship
PART B (2x15 =30 Marks)
Answer any TWO of the following:
9. Discuss the powers and functions ofthe Karta of Hindu Joint Family.
10. Discuss the changing concept of divorce under the light of developments of
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
11. "The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 is a Magna Carta of Hindu Women". Discuss.
12 Discuss the changes brought about by the Hindu adoptions and Maintenance
Act, 1956 with regard to law of adoption.

PART-C(2x10=20 Marks)
Answer any TWO of the following:
13. A, a Hindu male is married to Bin 1957. In 1958. Abecomes a convert tp
Christianity. In 1959, Bsues Afor divorce. Decide. (Xe .9rovnananiL
A makes a gift of his ancestral property. A son is born to him two months
later. Can the gift be set aside and if so, to whatextent?- Lhbm ehi ldDEnen
15. A Hindu male aged 40 years adopts daughter aged 20 years, while he has a
daughters daughter living at the time of adoption. Is the adoption valid? NO 2lnsdoyA
A died in 1933 His daughter B becomes heir. She dies in 1969 without issue. The
16 property is daimed by A's sister and B's husband. Decide. umikdEfab aune

Code No.:1002
Note: Answer any two (2x10-20 Marks)
of the following:
13. Mr. X was
Karta of a joint family and died
Eldest son of the
jointly family relinquished his due ofto age related health problems.
son took over the right management and the
management of the joint family can he become Karta? youngest
14) 'A', father of a joint family
Subsequently he executes a borrowed Rs.10,000 from C for his own use.
mortgage of the joint family property to secure the
debt. The money was not used for immoral
binds the father's as well as son's interest in purposes. Whether the mortgage
the property
15. Sri Shambu, his sister and his
parents were always crazy to have a child in their
family but the wife of Shambu always dashed their hopes by resorting to termination
of pregnancy twice Sri Shambu wants to file a
petition for divorce on that ground
Advice. Oueky
16 'A' Hindu male married a second time when his wife was living, the second wite
had no knowledge of the first mariage. The second wife was deserted by 'A later.
Can she claim maintenance?
SRtam ¢Roumn Maintautaulhenta.

2 2,500

e Code No. 1002

LL.B. (3 YDC) I Year I Semester Examination, March/April
Paper l : Family Law I (Hindu Law)

[Max. Marks: 80

PART-A (5x6-30 Marks)

Note: Answer any five of the following

1. Mitakshara school
2. Pious obligation

3. Monogamy
4. Maintenance pendente lite

5. Object of adoption

6. Kinds of sons

7. Residuary heirs

8. Notional partition.

PART-B (2x15-30 Marks)

Note: Answer any two of the following:

9. What are the sources of Hindu law?

10. Explain the matrimonial rights and obligations of a Hindu husband and ife.

11. What are the grounds available for the dissolution of marriage under the Hindu
Marriage Act, 1955?

12. 'Afterthe enactment of Hindu Succession Act, 1956, the property of femaie Hiridu
to be her absolute property'. DiscusS.

(This paper contains 2pages)


Code No.1029
L.L.B. (3 YDC) I-Year 1-Semester Examination,
December 2009/ January 2010
Subject: LAW
Paper : II Family Law - I (Hindu Law)
Time 3 Hours ] [Max. Marks : 80

PART A (5x6-30)
Answer any five of the following:
1. Custom.

2. Karta.

3. Non-Ajavaharika debt.

4. Judicial Separation.
5. Effect of adoption.

6. Defacto-guardian.
7. Dwelling House.

8. Agnates and cognates.

PART- B (2x15-30)
Answer any two of the following:

9. Explain the ancient and modern sources of Hindu Law.

10. Explain the esserntial conditions of a valid Hindu marriage under the Hindu Marriage
Act, 1955.

11. Discuss the concept of adoption under the old Hinds Law and under the Hindu
Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956.
12. Explain the rules of succession to the property of a Hindu male who dies intestate.


Code No. :

Answer any two of the following
(2x10-20 Marks)
13 The Karta of Hindu joint family sold the
property of the family to pay capitation
fees for his sister's Son in a Medical
College.This is objected by other members
of the family- What is your advise ? She(a mdical, basHG, Needr
(14 X, Hindu by practice of fraud married 'Y'
according to Hindu law. Now
wants to terminate the marriage. What is
your advice ? yoon.
15. "X ,a Hindu, appointed a testmentary guardian for his minor
life time of his wife. What is the child during the
power of X in appointment of guardian ?eS
16. X a Hindu dies intéstate leaving behind father (F)
married daughter (D).At the time of mother (M) son (S) and a
the shares of his legal heirs ?
his death he is having
Rs.75,000. What are
Doc bu bwrtit.
Bqualshou fuallCay9



FACULTY OF LAW Code No. 9002|R2
(3YDC) 1-Year 1-
Semester Examination,
April / May 2011
Subject: LAW
Paper 1
Family Law - I
Time:3 Hours (Hindu Lew)
Max. Marks 80

PART-A (5x6=30 Marks)

Answer any FIVE of
the following
Scope of Hindu Law.
3. Coparcenary
Judicial separation
Maintenance pendentelite
Requisites of valid adoption
Notional partition
Classes of heirs

PART B (2x15-30
Answer any TWO of the following
9. Explain the sources of Hindu Law.

10 What are the essential conditions of Hindu Marriage?

11 What are the remedies available to
parties to
Marriage Act?
unhappy marriage under Hindu
12. Explain the fundamental changes brought about by Hindu Succession Act, 1956.
PART C (2x10=20 Marks)
Answer any TWO of the following:
13. A Hindu widow alienated to a
stranger a portion of her husband's property for a
purpose not binding on the reversioners and then
surrendered the remaining
property to the next rever_ioner. Is the surrender valid? An 20AA valid bu 6anet-
aloy owiwn, ald
14. AAdopted a son B. A had of a
pre-deceased son during the time when he
a son
adopted B. Is Aa adoption valid? ntvalid.

15 X was maried before she attained 16 years age. She

beforehe atfainéd 18 years age. She filed the petitionrepudiated the marriage
19 years of age. Will for divorce after attaining
Xsucceed in her petition?
neednodfo vne
16. Wife of Mr. X used to abuse him in
public and insult hirn
threatened to burn herself and bring her husband X into frequenty. She
trouble with the
police.Mr. X seeks divorce. Advise.
es hQLOnEmnelby.
Code No.: 1029/N/S
LL.B. (3Y.D.C.) I Year I Semester Examination, May/June 2010
Paper - II: Family Law - I (Hindu Law)

Time: 3 Hours]
[Max. Marks: 80
Answer any five of the following
(5x6-30 Marks)
1. Smruti
2. Polygamy

3. Coparcenary
4. Ceremonies of Hindu Marriage
5. Judicial separation

6. Guardian appointed by Court

7 Limited estate

8. Hindu succession (Amendment) Act 2005.

Answer any two of the following
(2x15-30 Marks)
9. What are the conditions of a Hindu
Marriage ? Explain.
10. Explain the concept of adoption. What are the legal effects of adoption in
and adopted families. adoptive
11. What are the grounds of divorce under Hindu Law?
12. Who are natural guardians of a Hindu minor child?
duties under Hindu Minority and
What are their powers and
Guardianship Act, 1956?

(This paper contains 2 pages)


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