AShirley Traditional Resume

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555 Sun Deil \ay 1empe, AZ 85281 | 555.555.5555

febiuaiy 2u!u }une 2u!u

Octobei 2uuS Apiil 2uuu

Apiil 2uu 8eptembei 2uuS

8eptembei 2uu1 Maicl 2uu

}OM Higl 8clool 1utoi
Yavapai-Apacle Nation camp Veide, AZ
O !iovide In-class and Atei 8clool tutoiing seivices oi }OM students at
camp Veide Higl 8clool and 8outl Veide Higl 8clool
O Assist in advising tle Native Ameiican club at camp Veide Higl 8clool
O Assist in cooidinating events and undiaiseis oi tle Native Ameiican
club at camp Veide Higl 8clool

!ublic kelations Assistant
Yavapai-Apacle Nation camp Veide, AZ
O Assist Managei in publisling tle cal`nalval/Ya ti`, montlly newspapei
oi tle Yavapai-Apacle Nation
O Assist in cooidinating events oi otlei depaitments
O oik diiectly witl tle 1iibal claiiman and Vice claiiman`s Oice
O asic oice duties, answei plones, send out montlly iemindeis, make

1iibal Management !iogiam 1iainee
cli castle casino camp Veide, AZ
O 1iain in eacl position in eveiy depaitment at tle casino and Hotel
O complete piojects (depaitmental and quaiteily) by assigned deadline
4 kevise and !iesent 1iibal Histoiy in tle new liie oiientation
O Assist dieient depaitments duiing special events, i.e. Maiketing,
cateiing, !ublic 8aety etc.

kecieation Assistant
Yavapai-Apacle Nation camp Veide, AZ
O Assist in iunning an Atei-8clool and 8ummei youtl piogiam
O !lan weekly and montlly events oi tle youtl piogiam
4 Aits and ciats
4 ances
4 field 1iips
O Assist in planning special events oi tle community
4 Ixodus ay
4 Iastei Igg Hunt
4 Indian eek
4 Halloween cainival and Haunted House
4 community 1lanksgiving Meal
O Assist in iunning tle Men`s asketball Ieague
4 kun tle scoieboaid
4 eep scoies in tle scoiebook



Aiizona 8tate Lniveisity 1empe, AZ
aclelois o Inteidisciplinaiy 8tudies May 2u!?
1eclnical communications and usiness
8clool o Ietteis and 8ciences
O Vice !iesident o Opeiations Native Ameiican usiness Oiganization |
.!. caiey
O commissionei 1le HIA1HIk8 o A8L
4 Hainessing Iveiy Advantage 1owaids Hei Iducational
kesponsibilities and 8uccess
O Membei Ameiican Indian 8cience and Ingineeiing 8ociety
O canon Ieadeislip 8clolai ciicle 8eiies | Ameiican Indian 8tudent
8uppoit 8eivices
O 1ime eepei Navajo Nation !iesidential ebate, 2u!!

Yavapai college claikdale, AZ
ceitiicate in Management May 2uuu
O 1le Management ceitiicate cuiiiculum consisted o a ew o tle
ollowing classes:
4 !iinciples in Maiketing
4 !iinciples o 8upeivision
4 !iinciples o Management
4 Itlics in usiness

camp Veide Higl 8clool camp Veide, AZ
iploma May 2uu?
O ceneial Iducation
O !iesident Native Ameiican club, !uuu-2uu?
O co-Iditoi cVH8 Yeaibook, 2uu2-2uu?
O Membei futuie usiness Ieadeis o Ameiica, 2uu!-2uu?

-Miciosot Oice -Ieadeislip
-oid -1eamwoik
-Ixcel -Managing conlict
-Outlook -cieative
-!ublislei -Ivent !lanning
-!oweipoint -asic cleiical 8kills
-igital !lotogiaply -Money Handling

-Adobe 8uite

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