The Annual Sports Day

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The Annual Sports Days in educational institutions are hailed as the red letter days of those institutions.
These days are meant for bringing forward the hidden talent, true valour and sportsmanship through
active participation in games. The Annual Sports Day is awaited by every student eagerly.
Every school celebrates its Sports Day every year. It generally falls in the month of November or
December. It is a day of great fun and enjoyment. The students appear to be in high spirits and excited.
They at once feel free from the classroom discipline and worries on this day.
I am a student of Modern School, New Delhi. Our Annual School Sports Day was celebrated on the 24th
November this year. Preparations had started about a week earlier. The playground was duly cleared off
bushes etc. and marked with lines for different games and sports. The boundary of the playground was
fenced with ropes. At one end of it was set up a dais where a loud speaker was also installed. Our
physical training instructor, Mr Jaswant Rai, acted as the marshall of the sports and some other senior
teachers were appointed to act as judges.
On the Sports Day, we reached school without our books. After the roll-call and the Morning Assembly,
we were allowed to sit on the grass around the rope fence. The gentry of the town had also been invited.
Chairs had been placed on either side of the dais for them. The chairman of the Municipal Committee
was the chief guest at the function. He reached the school ground exactly at 9-00 a.m. He was received
by athletes, the principal and some other respectable persons. As soon as he took the chair on the dais,
the events of the Sports Day were started.
First of all, the races were taken up. Different runners took part in races-100-metre, 400-metre and
1000-metre. Next came the jumps high as well as long-and hurdle races, which were really the most
amusing items. Almost in all the events new records were created. Then the events of pole-vault, javelin
throw, discuss throw and shot put took place. A very large number of spectators had gathered around
the ground. They felt very excited to see these events. The next two items were the sack-race and the
three-legged-race. They provided a great deal of fun. The last item was that of music race in which only
the teachers participated. It was the most amusing item. The on-lookers cheered our Vice-Principal who
was the most important person to have managed the whole show.
As soon as the sports were over, the guests and the athletes along with the members of the school staff
were served with tea and sweets. Peter was adjudged to be the best athlete of the year. After the feast,
the chairman gave away the prizes and the trophies. Thus came to an end this great day that was full of
immense fun, excitement and activity.

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