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Articles “The beautician dissolved my face.” Personal experience

December 18, 2020 | 19:00

“The beautician dissolved my face.” Personal experience

After mesotherapy, Nadezhda lost her face and is still trying to restore her natural beauty.

This is not a mild aesthetic problem, it is an irreversible facial disfigurement.

ATTENTION! The article contains materials that are not

recommended for impressionable people.

Hello! I am Nadezhda, I am 39 years old. I will tell my story to warn others about the
dangers of cosmetology.

The face was shrinking before our eyes!

I am Russian, Muscovite, I have lived in the European Union for the last 16 years. Before
what happened, she worked as a presenter in an English company for eight years. My
appearance was my livelihood. And although I looked good, at 38 years old, as imposed by
society, I decided: it’s time to take care of myself and fight age-related changes. I didn’t
want to change anything: pump in fillers or do contouring. I was planning a simple skincare
procedure. In April 2020, I went to a cosmetologist who was recommended to me at work.

At that time, I did not know that I had to conduct a whole investigation: request diplomas,
verify their authenticity, study the biochemistry of the drugs, contact distributors and
manufacturers, evaluate the technique of introducing this chemistry into the face. I had no
idea what was going on in the world of cosmetology.

It was in Riga. Cosmetologist Kristina, a Russian-speaking resident of Latvia, positioned

herself as a doctor. I came to her and she did mesotherapy to “just nourish the skin.” After
that, I started having an incomprehensible reaction: itching, bumps. I told her about this: “I
have some kind of facial deformation.” And I should go into the frame, I’m afraid of losing
my job!

I have a 14 year old child, I need to feed him, I have an apartment, a car,
everything is like everyone else

And cosmetologists have a rule: whoever messes up, fixes it. If you have any complaints or
complications, you need to go to the same cosmetologist who performed the procedure. I
was told about these unspoken rules.

And so Christina invites me to a free procedure: “Come, I’ll remove your allergies, your face
will return to its original state.” I come three days later and ask: “What will you do for me?”
She says: “This remedy will remove the drug that I injected into you.” I am an economist by
training, but I don’t know anything about biochemistry. As a patient, I had confidence in
the medical staff.

Christina teases me about something: “I’ll remove the allergies, I’ll remove the
swelling, everything will be fine!” I go to bed and go to work. And at work I can see
that my face is starting to shrink. I’m on camera for an hour and a half, and I have a
break for half an hour - only four or five breaks per shift. And every time I go to the
mirror and see that my face is getting smaller and smaller! I start to get nervous, I
call the cosmetologist: “What’s happening to me?!” He says: “Wait, wait,
everything will be fine, calm down!” But I see that my face is changing in a way
that it has never changed!

I am a woman who gave birth, I had swelling from pregnancy, I lost weight, gained weight,
my weight varied throughout my life from 47 to 78 kg. But my face never lost its anatomical
contours! And then my face suddenly becomes flat where it shouldn’t be flat. After my
shift, I went to the emergency room. I say: “I was given chemotherapy, something
incomprehensible.” But no one provided me with medical help.

“What did you do to me?”

I didn't sleep at night. The next day in the morning I came to the cosmetologist. I say:
“What is happening to me? What did you inject me with?” - “Oh, everything will be fine, let
me introduce you to something else.” I answer: “No! Explain to me what you did to me?”
Christina begins to get nervous, saying that everything will be fine now. He asks not to tell
anyone what happened. I say: “How can I not say what happened when my reaction
continues? I look in the mirror every half hour, and every half hour my face gets smaller and
smaller.” “It’s you who lose weight due to stress!” - she says. But I know: a person does not
lose weight so quickly locally!

Then I realized that she injected me with some solvents

I started calling plastic surgeons, and she insisted on going with me. She lays out the jars
that she injected me in front of the doctor, and he’s just shocked! He leaned back in his
chair: “Why did you do that?!”

Two-thirds of my face disappeared within a few days. I rushed about, ran to all the doctors
and begged me to stop this reaction! The cosmetologist hid and put me in a block. I tried
to figure out what was happening to me. Based on the photos she sent me, I found
distributors and manufacturers. There was a coronavirus, it was difficult, but I contacted
Europe, Russia. In the end, it took me a while; I couldn’t stop this reaction. I conducted
experiments on myself: I took antibiotics, removed toxins - no one helped me.

One plastic surgeon said bluntly: “Girl, she injected you with solvents, atrophy awaits you.
You are a lost cause, no one and nothing will help you.” Imagine, I lived for 38 and a half
years with a normal face and a few days ago I was still with it, and then they tell me: “You
will turn into a mummy in a month.” I called everyone. All plastic surgeons, cosmetologists,
dermatologists, immunologists - the whole of Latvia knows about my case.

None of the surgeons helped me. The toxicology clinic told me: write a will. The
head of the enzymology course (and, as it turned out, I was injected with
enzymes) said: “You know, every doctor has his own cemetery. Unfortunately, you
are this cosmetologist’s graveyard.”
To say that I was stressed is an understatement! There was nothing worse than this in my
life. I received very serious psychological trauma. This injury did not allow me to socially
adapt to society. I couldn’t go out, I scared everyone, without plastic surgery the world for
me to communicate with people was closed: I couldn’t even go to the store, I wore a mask

Life is divided into “before” and “after”

I had to do my own research. It turned out that the diplomas and certificates of this
unfortunate cosmetologist did not give her the right to carry out any manipulations with
the face or perform injection procedures. She was not on the register of cosmetologists
who can work with people. It is unclear where she even got these drugs: they were not sold
in Latvia and are not sold now.

I found distributors in different countries and wanted to find out whether clinical studies
had been conducted on injection procedures. There were no tests, I was told that these
drugs are not invasive. That is, they are not intended for injections at all! These are
preparations based on collagenase and hyaluronidase, which are used superficially to
dissolve fibrous cellulite and keloid scars. Can you imagine? And plus the dilution dosage
is written by the manufacturer: 1 to 5 with saline solution. And the cosmetologist, as she
admitted to me in correspondence, did 1 to 1. She made a concentrate five times higher
than what was recommended by the manufacturer! She mixed two solvents, enhancing
each other's effect, and stabbed me in the face. I can't ask her why she did it. Apparently
she was conducting an experiment.

Then I started looking for a doctor. I was told that I would need a tissue transplant - and
more than one. And thank God, there are very responsive doctors in Russia. A plastic
surgeon with many years of experience in transplants took on me. He understood what
kind of grief and misfortune happened to me. I came here as a repatriate and crossed the
border on foot.

I came to him right away. He looked and said: “In 22 years of practice, I have never
seen a cosmetologist do this! She dissolved all the deep fat bags for you.” These
fat packets just hold the face in place, give it outline and shape. And she
dissolved the foundation of my face! I was left with just empty skin - it hung 2 cm
below my chin. She burned my face until it atrophied!

There is such a disease - hemiatrophy, or Parry-Romberg syndrome, when half of the face
disappears. And she gave me artificial facial atrophy, burned my entire face, leaving empty
skin. And I had two transplant operations. Last week I had tissue transplanted from my legs
to my face. I am constantly under observation by a doctor. We are doing everything
possible so that I can return to social life.

The cosmetologist has deprived me of my livelihood because I cannot return to my job. I

have a very severe psychological trauma. The cosmetologist caused irreversible
consequences to me. I am constantly in fear that I will have a return.

I'm not the only one!

My child saw with his own eyes how his mother was mutilated. Since the beginning of July
he has been living without me, with his father in Latvia, I don’t see him and I don’t know
when I’ll see him! My family needs me, but this situation does not allow me to return. For
six months I couldn’t talk to people. And only two months ago I began to write about my
problem, because I thought: “Am I really the only one on earth?” People began to respond,
and thus I got a whole group. It turned out that there are many such people on whom half-
educated cosmetologists conduct experiments. Why didn’t anyone tell this story before
me? Because this is not a mild aesthetic problem, it is an irreversible facial disfigurement.
And these people do not write and will not appear in the media. Those who are in this
trouble contact me and understand which direction they should move in order to return to
social life. I wouldn’t wish the shock I experienced on anyone!

I expose my story and talk about it without photographs. Because I have a child, he is 14
years old, he goes to school, he has friends, and I don’t want to leave a stain for him for the
rest of his life for the sake of saving humanity. I don’t want my mutilated photographs to
circulate on the Internet, which will remain with me and my family until the end of my days.
We are people too, we also need to move on with our lives. I am already doing a good deed
by telling people about how it can be.

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If someone had told me about this before, this would not have happened to me. Before
common m
me, one girl from Russia shared a story about how filler was injected into her nose, a blood
clot formed from the gel and it instantly blinded her, right in the chair. The man remained wind blow y
disabled, and with her story she protected a huge number of people. No one has tried to Thyme - be
illuminate a complication like mine before. harm to the
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Myths and
Few people realize that in the field of cosmetology today more than 80% of
people are random. They hide very well and skillfully. They inject everything into
your face and then disappear, blocking you everywhere. This looks like genocide! The age of t
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How to help people who have suffered from cosmetologists? Who will help the victims Doctors exp
what to do w
who are in the process of burning right now? They are in grief. There are people who went
lingering co
out the window. How can a disfigured person live when you are chemically poisoned and illness
every day you see changes in yourself and are rotting alive, turning into a mummy? How
should they be? I didn’t know at all whether I would survive or not. We ask scientists,
doctors, and biochemists to respond. We are willing to participate in clinical trials as long
as we are cured so that people don’t end up dying because of it. We want to draw the News
attention of medicine to us.
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The online publication may use materials from the Internet resources Facebook and Instagram, pressure
owned by Meta Platforms Inc., which is prohibited in the Russian Federation
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