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The Management

Lanterns Group

Subject: - Apology Letter

Respected Sir,

Please accept my apology letter for my behaviour and work performance. I accept the fact that on
various occasions, i came to work drunk. My supervisor found me drunk and sent me back to my
room and gave me verbal and written warnings.

Please consider my request and give me one more chance to correct my behaviour. I hereby promise
to never be late to work, follows my supervisor instructions and will never drink during my working
hours , take alcohol from restaurant without permission and absent from work without notice.

i will not repeat any of this mistakes . i take full responsibility for the same please give me one last
chance. If i fail to correct my behaviour, i will resign from the company and leave country on my own
will and company can take any appropriate action against me. All cost of repatriation will be paid by


Manish Tamag

CPR 901268283

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