Charles Darwin

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Who is the

evolutionary scientist
Charles Darwin Ernst Mayr Alfred Russel Charlsworth 1
contributed to
which is an example Word
Rorschac ink
of self report TAT MMPI association 2
blot test
measures on test
Which of the Rorschach's ink Draw a person
rating scale apperception 1
following is not a blot test test
projective test?

The client will

The test is
The test will improve
Which of the measuring what it All of the
produce performance 2
following is true of claims to be above.
consistent results. second
test-retest reliability? measuring.

The degree to
The notion that
which the
scores on a test The level of which The test will
items in the
correlate highly with a construct is produce
Construct validity is a test 2
scores from tests related to other consistent
notion that refers to: consistently
that measure the similar measures. results
relate to each
same attribute.

Which of the Full mental
Functional mental Frequency model magnetic
following is the reasoning 4
radioactive imaging. rational imaging. resonance
expansion of imaging.
acronym fMRI?

Using information to
Using the Analysing
draw up a
psychiatric Using previous clients
diagnostic model case studies behaviour on a 1
Case formulation is: explanation of the
of for diagnosis. case by case
client's problems and
psychopathology. basis.
to develop a plan for
Self monitoring is a Clients
Clients measuring Clients measuring Clients
form of clinical observing and
their own galvanic their own heart recording their 3
observation involving recording their
skin responses rate. dreams
which of the own behaviour.
Black and white Black and white colour
Which of the Colour
pictures of people in pictures of people photographs of
following is involved photographs of
vague or ambiguous in compromising a catastrophic 1
in a Thematic a scenic view
situations situations. even

Methods used to The influence Unconscious
psychoanalytic The potential for
cope with sexual and of childhood motives and 2
theory of personality personal growth
aggressive urges experiences conflicts
focuses on all the
following, except
According to Freud's
theory, either
excessive Defense
Overcompensation Regression Fixation 3
gratification or mechanisms
excessive frustration
of needs may result
The correct order of Oral, anal, Oral, anal,
Anal, oral, phallic, Anal, oral, phallic,
Freud's phallic, latency, genital, latency, 3
latency, genital genital, latency
psychosexual stages genital phallic
of development is
The theorist who
advanced the
concept that the
unconscious has two sigmund frued carl jung Alfred adler Erik Erikson 2
layers, the personal
unconscious and the
unconscious, was
Jung called the genetic
repression unconscious archetypes 4
universal ideas that endownment
we are born with
Which complex is Development superiority inferiority
validity complex 3
associated with the complex complex complex
work of Alfred Adler?
------ is the natural
condition of human environment
social interest personal interest self interest 1
species and the interest
adhesive that binds
society together
According to Adler,
refers to the
mistaken movement
of the discouraged
person in thought, humor stonewalling displacement Safeguarding 4
feeling, and action in
response to
perceived threats to
his or her self-
who suggested birth
order affects the Skinner Freud Alfred Adler Carl Jung 3
personality of a
oedipus castration
develops as an ego superego 3
complex complex
attempt to obtain
At what time of life
does Erikson stage school age old age adoloscence adult 1
Industry vs. Inferiority
The core pathology
seen in 1st stage of compulsion inhibition withdrawal rejectivity 3
development is
Which categories of Central,
Cardinal, Surface, Cardinal, Central, Surface,
traits are given by Surface, 2
Common Traits Secondary Traits Secondary
Allport in his trait Source Traits
Allport's personality
unconscious early childhood uniqueness of
theory is marked personality types. 4
motivation. experiences. the individual.
chiefly by its
emphasis on
there is a continuum
of personality traits.
In other words, each
person contains all of
these 16 traits to a Cattell Eysenck allport Murray 1
certain degree, but
they might be high in
some traits and low
in others.Identify the
reach our understand
achieve ego
The goal of self- find self-fulfillment maximum cultural values 1
actualization is to: cognitive potential and practices

Which of the
following individuals
believe that we learn Skinner mashlow Bandura allport 3
behavior from
observing others in
our social worlds?
our confidence
our ability to seek our desire to
our relationships and in our own
Self-efficacy relates out activities our seek self- 3
social interactions abilities to
to: own enjoyment improvement
solve problems

All of the following

volunteering to
are extrinsic
work in a
incentives designed high salary incentives bonus 3
to increase
charity event
productivity in the
workforce EXCEPT:
Which of these is the
NOT one of Rotter's expectancy locus of control psychological 2
four variables of situation
The extent to which a
person prefers one need potential the law of effect need value 3
set of reinforcements
to another is called
What psychological
Behavioural cognitive humanistic sociocultural 3
approach did Rogers
One major Concept of fully concept of self concept of concept of
assumption of Carl functioning individual growth optimism responsibility 1
Roger's Theory is
Human beings seek
out a sense of
belonging as well extrinsic
motivation drive need 3
satisfying feelings of motivation
hunger and thirst.
These are examples
When the likelihood
of carrying out
behavior is increased
by simply watching vicarious vicarious
social learning theory modelling 3
the behavior and its reinforcement punishment
consequences being
reinforced by
someone else, this is
known as:
New behaviour is
acquired by enactive Skinner Mashlow Adler Jerome Bruner 4
learning was
proposed by
peoples shared belief
in their collective collective
self efficacy collective Efficacy self concept 2
power to produce unconscious
desired results is
In -----schedule, the
organism is variable interval fixed interval fixed ratio variable ratio 2
reinforced for the first
response following a
designated period of
To change unhealthy
behaviour, therapist
classical operant
use behaviour motivation reciprocity 4
conditioning conditioning
technique based on
principles of
personal construct
Alfred adler George Kelly kurt lewin Gestalt 2
theory was proposed
who has called
sigmund freud carl jung Eric Erickson Kurt lewin 3
adolescence as a
period of crisis?
One trait that
dominates a
personality so much Global Trait Cardinal Trait Specific trait Central Trait 2
that it influences
nearly everything a
person does is a
Who is called the
Freud Martin Seligman William James Albert Bandura 2
father of positive
when a person who
has experienced
repeated challenges
comes to believe
Learned self-fulfilling
they have no control Optimism Resilience 3
helplessness prophecy
over their situation.
They then give up
trying to make
changes and accept
their fate.
the process of
expressing strong
feeling, for example Aggression catharsis Enactment closure 2
through plays or
other artistic
activities, as a way of
getting rid of anger,
reducing suffering,
questionnaires, and
observations are biological behavioral Self-reported 2
examples of -------
measurements of
Field theory sees
behavior as deriving
from the totality of
forces that impinge
on a person or group Albert Bandura Kurt Lewin Kelly 2
and make up the “life
space” in which the
behavior takes
place.Who proposed
proposes that human
behavior is motivated
by the expected
rewards or
punishment it can
gain. This
expectation comes
Expectancy-value Evolutionary Biological Cross-cultural
from past 1
theory theory theory theory
experiences and
whether or not you
thought the
consequences of
your actions were
under your
control.identify the
------- divided the
structure of the mind Martin Seligman Freud William James allport 2
into three
components: the id,
ego, and superego
the perspective on
personality which
focuses on the role of
internal thoughts, sociocutltural cognitive trait behavioral 2
beliefs, and cognitive
processes in shaping
an individual's
Views personality as
a result of learned
behavior patterns
based on a person's Humanistic Behavioral Psychoanalytic
Cognitive Theory 3
environment. Rejects Psychology Theory Theory
internal thoughts and
focuses on

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