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1. Laws made by military governments are called _______________ (a)

constitution (b) legislation (c) decrees (d) intellectual
2. Whose constitution introduced the federal system of government in Nigeria (a)
cliffords (b) Macpherson (c) richards (d) lyttletons
3. Democracy day in Nigeria is on ___________________ (a) may 29 (b) 27th may
(c) may 18 (d) may 20th
4. Human efforts which can be mental or physical fashioned towards earning a
living is called ________________ (a) attitude (b) power )c) work (d)
5. An organized and consistent manner of thinking, feeling and reactions to
people in an environment is __________ (a) work (b) attitude (c) product
(d) relationship
6. Service delivery where public servants perform their duties without
inducement is called _______ (a) employment (b) labour (c) servicom (d)
humanitarian service
7. Nigeria became a republic in the year ________________ (a) 1960 (b) 1962 (c)
1951 (d) 1963
8. Bills are passed into law by the members of the legislature is called
___________ (a) constitution (b) bye laws (c) legislation (d) judicial
9. U.N.O stands for ________________
10. UDHR means ___________________
1. List four role of citizens in constitutional development
a. Give 3 reasons why the constitution is supreme
2. What is the meaning of right attitude to work
b. List 4 attributes of right attitude to work
3. What are the cardinal principles of servicom
b. List 3 importance of servicom
c Write any 4 servicom work ethics known to you
1. The total circumstance surrounding an organism or group of organism is called
_______________ (a)land (b) sea (c) environment (d) habitat
2. The wearing away of top soil is called _________________ (a) flooding (b)
erosion (c) volcano (d) earthquake
3. The size distribution of soil particle is soil ______________ (a) texture (b)
structure (c) slope (d) vegetative cover
4. When water overflows onto land that is usually dry, we say there is _________
(a) flooding (b) erosion (c) barriers (d) rainstorm
5. Natural or artificial removal of surface and sub surface water from an drainage
(d) afforestation
6. A process of setting ablaze trees, grasses, shrubs and other domesticated
plants found in the bush is called ___________ (a) deforestation (b)
desertification (c) afforestation (d) bush burning
7. Clearing of forest or stands of trees where the land is converted to a non forest
use is called _______________ (a) deforestation (b) desertification (c)
bush burning (d) crop rotation
8. A progressive loss of soil fertility through the destruction of the structure and
composition of soil making it impossible for agricultural production or
existence of vegetation is called _____________ (a) deforestation (b)
desertification (c) afforestation (d) drought
9. The misuse of drugs without the prescription of a physician is called
____________ (a) drug prescription (b) drug abuse (c) medication (d)
10. The art or practice of using herbal remedies to prevent or cure disease is
called ______________ (a) ludicrous claim (b) herbal medicine (c) herbal
tea (d) toxicity
1. Define the term OZONE

b. List two importance of ozone layer

c. List two importance of ozone layer

d. List 3 impacts of the effect of ozone layer on humans

2. Give 3 examples of desert of desert found all around the world

b. List any 3 major causes of desertification known to you

c. List four major ways of controlling dersertification

3. List 3 practices that influence bush burning

b. Write 2 effect of bush burning

c. Write 3 regulatory actions government should take to guard against bush

1. Principles and ideas we hold and cherish as have positive effects is called
2. Types of values are___________________ and __________________
3. An intrinsic and positive value that has the quality of being straight forward ,
truthful and sincere in human activites is termed ______________ (a)
honesty (b) probity (c) commitment (d) diligence
4. The concept of moral righteousness based on ethics, nationality, religion and
equity is called ______________ (a) integrity (b) justice (c) selflessness (d)
5. Any two types of justice include __________________ and ______________
6. A social situation in which one thinks more about the needs and welfare of
other people than about oneself is called ________________ (a)selflessness
(b) selfishness (c) justice (d) value
7. Willingness to work hard and give ones energy and time to an activity in the
community (a) recognition (b) commitment (c) peace (d) unity
The following are acronyms for :
8. H.I.V
9. A.I.D.S
1. Write 4 symptoms of HIV / AIDS
b. List 3 effects of HIV/AIDS
c. Write 3 physiological agents of HIV/AIDS spread
2. Define the term NATIONALISM
b. List any four major local civic problems in the society
c. List 4 major world civic problems
1. Any legal member of a state with full constitutional right in the country where
he / she resides is a __________________
2. The status of membership of a particular state or country is ______________
3. People refraning or refusal to participate in the politics of their country
amounts to ________________
4. A type of democracy where individuals are fully allowed to contest and own
means of production is called _____________
5. Period elections in Nigeria are for every ________ years
6. Involvement in political activities by citizens of a country is called
7. The universal declaration of human right was articulated by the united nation
in the year ________________
8. The type of education that inculcates moral values, skills and attitudes in an
individual is called _________________
9. One economic duties of citizens is _______________________________
10.The judiciary is said to be last of hope _________________
1. Define popular participation
b. Give four reasons for political apathy
2. Give two political and two civic duties of a citizen
3. List four cultural rights of a citizen

1. Active involvement in socio political and economic activities of a country is
termed _______________
2. Types of popular participation are __________ , ________________ and
3. The practice of democratic culture based on the rule of law and the
constitution is called __________________ democracy.
4. Supreme power enjoyed by an autonomous or independent state is reffered to
as ___________
5. Approved and democratic process of selecting leaders and occupiers of
political offices is called _____________________
6. A system of government where the executive is a king is ________________
7. A system of government where the will of the majority of the people in a
political setting predominate is called ___________________
8. The body that oversees electoral process in Nigeria is ________________
9. The village square or market square serves as a sacred function in
________________ mode of popular participation.
10.The key arm of government that laws is the __________________
1. Write four process of democracy
2. Write four advantage of traditional mode of popular participation
3. Write any four key concept in constitutional democracy

1. Organisms most comfortable in dry environment free from wetness are
______________ (a) terrestrial (b) aquatic (c) plants (d) animals
2. Region with high day time temperature and very low humidity as a result of
limited rainfall are called _________________ (a) forests (b) water (c)
desert (d) lentic
3. Physical features observed in organism which enables them survive in their
habitat is reffered to as ______________(a) habitat (b) adaptations (c)
characteristics (d) availability
4. Animals that can survive in both land and water are called (a) vertebrates (b)
amphibians (c) invertebrates (d) fishes]
5. One of those animals posses streamlined body shape for easy movement in
water (a) hippopotamus (b) fishes (c) alligator (d) crocodile
6. Harmful relationship relationships are called __________________ (a) parasite
(b) host (c) predator (d) antagonism
7. In relationships, the harmed organism is the __________________ (a) predator
(b) host (c) parasite (d) pest
8. Relationship where organism live together and help one another without harm
is __________________ (a) beneficial (b) harmful (c) antagonism (d)
9. The last state of growth in human beings is _________________ (a) infancy (b)
childhood (c) adulthood (d) adolescence
10.Iron oxide is also known as ______________ (a) rust (b) bye product (c)
reactant (d) tin
1. Define Primates
b. What 3 special features makes man unique
2. Define Beneficial relationship
b. Give any 3 types of symbiosis
3. List 5 development stages in man
b. Write 4 factors that affect development stage and growth.

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