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Government of Japan provides Climate Change related assistance through Grant projects, Technical Cooperation and Capacity
Building Programs (Trainings/Scholarships). The details of the same are as following:

Area (Climate
Name of Grant/Loan/ Amount of
Date of Completion Adaptation or
Development Technical Project Name Financing
Signing Date Climate
Partner Cooperation in USD
Project for Installation of Weather Surveillance
Japan Grant 23.98 31.08.18 31.03.27 Mitigation
Radar in Multan City
Project for installation of weather surveillance
Japan Grant 19.00 25.01.21 31.12.27 Mitigation
radar at Sukkur
Technical Capacity Development of Disaster
Japan N.A. FY 2016-17 N.A. Mitigation
Cooperation Management in Pakistan
Technical Project for Improving the Capacity of WASAs
Japan N.A. FY 2022-23 N.A. Adaptation
Cooperation in Punjab Phase 2
Project for Improving of Meteorological
Japan Observation, Weather Forecasting and N.A. FY 2021-22 N.A. Mitigation
The Project for Capacity Development of
Japan Effective River Dikes Management Response N.A. FY2022-23 N.A. Mitigation
to 2022 Flood
Japan Technical Advisor on Flood Management N.A. FY 2022-23 N.A. Mitigation
Short Term Prospective Agriculture Technologies as
Japan N.A. N.A. N.A. Adaptation
Training Solution of Climate Change
Short Term
Japan Flood Disaster Risk Reduction N.A. N.A. N.A. Mitigation
Short Term
Japan Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction N.A. N.A. N.A. Mitigation
Short Term Promotion of Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Japan N.A. N.A. N.A. Mitigation
Training Reduction
Practical Methodology for Flood Control
Short Term
Japan Planning and River Basin Management In N.A. N.A. N.A. Mitigation
Asia Region
Short Term Strategy for Resilient Societies Against
Japan N.A. N.A. N.A. Adaptation
Training Natural Disasters
Japan Short Term Flood Disaster Risk Reduction N.A. N.A. N.A. Mitigation
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Leaders
Long Term
Japan Capacity Development for The Sendai N.A. N.A. N.A. Mitigation
Framework Implementation (FY 2023)

Pledges Made by Government of Japan

Government of Japan has pledged to provide $77million in the context of post flood reconstruction/rehabilitation. The areas in which these
projects will be implemented include Humanitarian assistance, Rehabilitation of social infrastructure, Education, Health, Disaster prevention,
Agriculture etc. to help Pakistan recover and restore from the flood damage. Except for the assistance through the UN, support will be provided
mostly through project-type grant and technical cooperation through JICA. Financial (non-project) aid include US$ 7 million of emergency food
assistance to Pakistan. The details are as under:

Sr. Project Amount Mode of financing Implementing Agency Area (Climate

No US$ (Million) Adaptation or Climate
1 Humanitarian and rehabilitation 34.2 Directly to UN Mitigation
UN Agencies
assistance through the UN Agencies
2 JICA’s Technical Cooperation Mitigation
including the capacity building to Federal Flood Commission
maintain riverbanks
3 Diversion of available resources of a 4.6 Mitigation
Yen Loan project (Grid Expansion in Loan NTDC
Punjab) into flood recovery
4 Reconstruction of school buildings in 5.8 School Education And Mitigation
Sindh Literacy
Department Government Of
5 Installation of river monitoring Under Process on Mitigation
equipment and reinforcement of Japanese side Grant Federal Flood Commission
riverbanks in Punjab and KP (To be provided
Provision of maternal and child health during JFY 2023- Health Department Khyber Mitigation
24) Grant
care equipment in KP Pakhtunkhwa

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