Felipe vs. Cruzabra Adm. Complaint

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A.C. NO. 5688

Felipe E. Abella (complainant) Iiled a complaint Ior violation oI Canon 1 oI the Code oI ProIessional
Responsibility and Section 7(b)(2) oI Republic Act No. 6713
(RA 6713) or the Code oI Conduct and Ethical
Standards Ior Public OIIicials and Employees against Atty. Asteria E. Cruzabra (respondent). In his aIIidavit-
dated 8 May 2002, complainant charged respondent with engaging in private practice while employed
in the government service.

Complainant alleged that respondent was admitted to the Philippine Bar on 30 May 1986 and was appointed as
Deputy Register oI Deeds oI General Santos City on 11 August 1987.
Complainant asserted that as Deputy
Register oI Deeds, respondent Iiled a petition Ior commission as a notary public and was commissioned on 29
February 1988 without obtaining prior authority Irom the Secretary oI the Department oI Justice (DOJ).

Complainant believed that even iI respondent had obtained authority Irom the DOJ, respondent would still be
guilty oI violating Section 7(b)(2) oI RA 6713 because her practice as a notary public conIlicts with her oIIicial

In her Comment, respondent admitted that she was a notary public Irom 29 February 1988 to 31 December
Respondent stated that she was authorized by her superior, the Register oI Deeds, to act as a notary public.
Respondent pointed out that the Register oI Deeds, Atty. Pelagio T. Tolosa, also subscribed petitions and documents
that were required to be registered
Respondent, as a new lawyer relying on the competence oI her superior, admitted that an honest mistake may have
been committed but such mistake was committed without willIulness, malice or corruption.

Respondent argued that she was not engaged in illegal practice as a notary public because she was duly
commissioned by the court.
Respondent denied that she violated Section 7(b)(2) oI RA 6713 because she was
authorized by her superior to act as a notary public. Respondent reasoned that her being a notary public
complemented her Iunctions as Deputy Register oI Deeds because respondent could immediately have documents
notarized instead oI the registrants going out oI the oIIice to look Ior a notary public. Respondent added that she did
not charge Iees Ior the documents required by the oIIice to be presented under oath.

In a Resolution dated 12 March 2005, the IBP Board oI Governors, in adopting and approving the Report,
dismissed the case Ior lack oI merit.

Complainant claims that in dismissing the complaint Ior 'lack oI merit despite respondent`s admission that
she acted as a notary public Ior two years, the IBP Board oI Governors committed a serious error amounting to lack
oI jurisdiction or authority.

Section 7(b)(2) oI RA 6713 provides:

Section 7. Prohibited Acts and Transactions. - In addition to acts and omissions oI public oIIicials
and employees now prescribed in the Constitution and existing laws, the Iollowing shall constitute
prohibited acts and transactions oI any public oIIicial and employee and are hereby declared to be
x x x
(b) Outside employment and other activities related thereto. - Public oIIicials and
employees during their incumbency shall not:
x x x
(2) Engage in the private practice oI their proIession unless authorized by the
Constitution or law, provided, that such practice will not conIlict or tend to
conIlict with their oIIicial Iunctions; or
x x x

Memorandum Circular No. 17
oI the Executive Department allows government employees to engage
directly in the private practice oI their proIession provided there is a written permission Irom the Department head.
It provides:

The authority to grant permission to any oIIicial or employee shall be granted by the head oI
the ministry or agency in accordance with Section 12, Rule XVIII oI the Revised Civil Service
Rules, which provides:
'Sec. 12. No oIIicer or employee shall engage directly in any private
business, vocation, or proIession or be connected with any commercial, credit,
agricultural, or industrial undertaking without , written permission from the
he,/ of Dep,rtment; Provided, That this prohibition will be absolute in the
case oI those oIIicers and employees whose duties and responsibilities require
that their entire time be at the disposal oI the Government: Provided, Iurther,
That iI an employee is granted permission to engage in outside activities, the
time so devoted outside oI oIIice hours should be Iixed by the chieI oI the
agency to the end that it will not impair in any way the eIIiciency oI the other
oIIicer or employee: And provided, Iinally, That no permission is necessary in
the case oI investments, made by an oIIicer or employee, which do not involve
any real or apparent conIlict between his private interests and public duties, or in
any way inIluence him in the discharge oI his duties, and he shall not take part
in the management oI the enterprise or become an oIIicer or member oI the
board oI directors,
Subject to any additional conditions which the head oI the oIIice deems necessary in each
particular case in the interest oI the service, as expressed in the various issuances oI the Civil
Service Commission. (BoldIacing supplied)

It is clear that when respondent Iiled her petition Ior commission as a notary public, she did not obtain a
written permission Irom the Secretary oI the DOJ. Respondent`s superior, the Register oI Deeds, cannot issue any
authorization because he is not the head oI the Department. And even assuming that the Register oI Deeds
authorized her, respondent Iailed to present any prooI oI that written permission. Respondent cannot Ieign ignorance
or good Iaith because respondent Iiled her petition Ior commission as a notary public aIter Memorandum Circular
No. 17 was issued in 1986.

In :2ol, Jr. v. Ferrer Sr.,
we suspended a lawyer employed in the Commission on Human Rights (CHR)
Ior Iailing to obtain a written authority and approval with a duly approved leave oI absence Irom the CHR. We

Crystal clear Irom the Ioregoing is the Iact that private practice oI law by CHR lawyers is not
a matter oI right. Although the Commission allows CHR lawyers to engage in private practice, a
written request and approval thereoI, with a duly approved leave oI absence Ior that matter are
indispensable. In the case at bar, the record is bereIt oI any such written request or duly approved
leave oI absence. No written authority nor approval oI the practice and approved leave oI absence
by the CHR was ever presented by respondent. Thus, he cannot engage in private practice.
As to respondent`s act oI notarizing documents, records show that he applied Ior
commission as notary public on 14 November 2000, beIore the Regional Trial Court (RTC) oI San
Fernando, Pampanga, Branch 42. This was granted by RTC Executive Judge Pedro M. Sunga, Jr.,
on 01 December 2000. However, the CHR authorized respondent to act as notary public only on
29 October 2001. Considering the acts oI notarization are within the ambit oI the term 'practice oI
law, Ior which a prior written request and approval by the CHR to engage into it are required, the
crucial period to be considered is the approval oI the CHR on 29 October 2001 and not the
approval oI the RTC on 04 December 2000.

In M:ring, Jr. v. Gatcho,
we suspended a lawyer Ior having Iiled petitions Ior commission as a notary
public while employed as a court attorney. We held:

Atty. Gatcho should have known that as a government lawyer, he was prohibited Irom
engaging in notarial practice, or in any Iorm oI private legal practice Ior that matter. Atty. Gatcho
cannot now Ieign ignorance or good Iaith, as he did not seek to exculpate himselI by providing an
explanation Ior his error. Atty. Gatcho`s Iiling oI the petition Ior commission, while not an actual
engagement in the practice oI law, appears as a Iurtive attempt to evade the prohibition.

Under the UniIorm Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service, engaging in the private practice oI
proIession, when unauthorized, is classiIied as a light oIIense punishable by reprimand.

EREFORE, we Iind Atty. Asteria E. Cruzabra guilty oI engaging in notarial practice without the written
authority Irom the Secretary oI the Department oI Justice, and accordingly we REPRIMAND her. She is warned

that a repetition oI the same or similar act in the Iuture shall merit a more severe sanction. SO ORDERED.

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