CMD - Model of Text

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File sender: Aldi Yanwari

Group Members Students number

Aldi Yanwari 2021002021
Muhammad Rayhan R. 2021002009
Dafa Reza Putra 2021002046

Model of Assessment

School stage : Junior High School

Subject : English

Class : VI / 1

Material: : Descriptive Text

Allocation time: 40 minutes

Basic Competence:

3.10 Understand the social function, text structure, and language feature of a simple descriptive
text and according to the context of its use.

4.12 Capturing meaning in spoken and written descriptive text, clearly and simply.

4.13 Compose oral and written descriptive texts by taking into account social functions, text
structures, and language feature, correctly and in context.


3.10.1 Explaining social functions in descriptive text according to the context of its use.

3.10.2 Explaining the structure of the text in descriptive text according to the context of its use.

3.10.3 Explaining language feature in descriptive text according to the context of its use.

4.12.1 Answer questions from descriptive text clearly and simply.

4.13.1 Compose oral and written descriptive texts by taking into account social functions, text
structures, and language feature, correctly and in context.

Model of text

The Beauty of Parangtritis Beach

One of the famous tours in the Yogyakarta is Parangtritis Beach. Parangtritis Beach is located
in the District of Kretek, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This beach is located about
27 km south of Yogyakarta.
The view of Parangtritis Beach is mesmerizing. A wide expanse of sand, open sea views, and
decorated with views of the limestone hills to the north. One of the other charms is the beauty
of the sunset in the evening which makes this beach view like a truly enchanting natural

The large number of tourists who always visit Parangtritis Beach makes this beach never
empty of visitors. On this beach we can see crowds of children playing in the sand. At
Parangtritis Beach you can do many things, one of which is playing ATVs which are often
found there. You can play the ATV by renting it, the price is around Rp. 50,000 - Rp.
100,000, depending on how long tourists use it. Not only that, at Parangtritis Beach you can
also enjoy the beach by riding a horse. The price is quite affordable, around IDR 20,000 -
IDR 50,000.

Parangtritis Beach is actually a beautiful beach, even being hunted by tourists. It would be a
shame if this beach was not included in your tourist list when you visiting Yogyakarta.

 Structure of text
1. Identification.
2. Description
3. Conclusion
 Language feature
1. Using Adjective
2. Using Simple Present
3. Using Action verbs
 Social Function
To show the readers about the positive things of Parangtritis Beach.

Activity 1
Based on the text above please identify which of part of the text is. Based on the
structure below.

Structure text Text


Activity 2

The Beauty of Parangtritis Beach

One of the famous tours in the Yogyakarta is Parangtritis Beach. Parangtritis Beach is located
in the District of Kretek, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This beach is located about
27 km south of Yogyakarta.

The view of Parangtritis Beach is mesmerizing. A wide expanse of sand, open sea views, and
decorated with views of the limestone hills to the north. One of the other charms is the beauty
of the sunset in the evening which makes this beach view like a truly enchanting natural

The large number of tourists who always visit Parangtritis Beach makes this beach never
empty of visitors. On this beach we can see crowds of children playing in the sand. At
Parangtritis Beach you can do many things, one of which is playing ATVs which are often
found there. You can play the ATV by renting it, the price is around Rp. 50,000 - Rp.
100,000, depending on how long tourists use it. Not only that, at Parangtritis Beach you can
also enjoy the beach by riding a horse. The price is quite affordable, around IDR 20,000 -
IDR 50,000.

Parangtritis Beach is actually a beautiful beach, even being hunted by tourists. It would be a
shame if this beach was not included in your tourist list when you visiting Yogyakarta.

1. Please write unfamiliar words and try to find the meaning on the dictionary.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

2. What kind of the text above?

a. Descriptive text
b. Recount text
c. Procedure text
d. Report text

3. Make your own descriptive text about “Your favorite holiday.”

Contribution group members

Aldi Yanwari
- Model of assessment
- The activity 1
- The activity 2
Muhammad Rayhan R.
- Basic competence
- Indicator
Dafa Reza Putra
- Model of the text “the beauty of Parangritis Beach”
- Structure of text
- Language feature
- Social function

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