EF-GWM-SAP-SD-Definition and Assignment Customer Groups Ans Account Grupos - BP - 330 (6360)

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Especificação Funcional

Great Wall Motors Brazil

Chamado EF-SD-Definition and Assignment Sales organization
Nome do Solicitante
Estabelecimento do Solicitante Data da Solicitação
Suprimentos 27/12/2022
Módulo Autor
SD Carlos Moraes
Descrição da Melhoria:
Customizing S4 - Definition and Assignment customer groups and account groups

Resumo da Melhoria
Customizing S4 - Definition and Assignment customer groups and account groups

Detalhes da especificação Funcional

Customer group and range number definition

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Cross-Application Components  SAP Business Partner  Business
Partner  Basic Settings  Define Number Ranges

Transaction BUCF
Numbering range logic.

Legenda N° range de clientes Correnpondência

B - Brasil C - CENTRO
D - Dealer
E - Empresa de taxi
F - Frotista
G - Governo
J - Juridica
M - Multi-Marcas
N - Natural Person
T - Taxista
X - Exportação

The range code corresponds to the letter B Brazil and a letter corresponding to the name of the group, the range
numbering starts with 2 (letter B) + the number of the letter's position in the alphabet (Ex: BD , B=2 and D= 4 = BD =

Grupo FI/SD Range FI/SD

ZCDN Concessionária parceira BD 24 24000000000 24999999999

ZCEN Cliente CENTRO BC 23 23000000000 23999999999
ZCEX Cliente Exportação BX 223 22300000000 22399999999
ZCFR Cliente Frotista BF 26 26000000000 26999999999
ZCPF Customer Natural BN 214 21400000000 21499999999
ZCPJ Cliente Pessoa Jurídica BJ 210 21000000000 21099999999
ZCTX Taxista BT 220 22000000000 22099999999
ZDNM Dealer Multi-Marcas BM 213 21300000000 21399999999
ZDTX Empresa de Taxi BE 25 25000000000 25999999999
ZGOV Governo BG 27 27000000000 27999999999
ZPCD Cliente PCD BP 216 21600000000 21699999999
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Cross-Application Components  SAP Business Partner  Business
Partner  Basic Settings  Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges – Dump - rodei o programa
BDT_CORR_003. Corrigiu o problema

Request 330 - S4DK905417 GWM-BR-SD- BP Configuration

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Financial Accounting  Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable 
Customer Accounts  Master Data  Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data  Define Account Groups
with Screen Layout (Customers)

No 330 somente configurei o pessoa física e jurídica no detalhe das telas

Só configurei certinho as telas no pessoa fisica

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Cross-Application Components  Master Data Synchronization 

Customer/Vendor Integration  Business Partner Settings  Settings for Customer Integration  Define BP Role for
Direction Customer to BP
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Cross-Application Components  Master Data Synchronization 
Customer/Vendor Integration  Business Partner Settings  Settings for Customer Integration  Field
Assignment for Customer Integration  Assign Keys  Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Customer

Equivalencia flegada (same numbers)

Agrupamento flegado (flexible grouping)
Sales and Distribution  Master Data  Business Partners Customers Marketing  Define Industry Sector For
Customers ( falta incluir no documento principal)

Sales and Distribution  Master Data  Business Partners Customers Marketing  Define Industry Sector
Codes ( falta incluir no documento principal)
SAP Business Partner  Business Partner  Organizations Maintain Industry Systems and Industries ( falta incluir
no documento principal)

Fazer isso para todos os setores ai de cima

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Cross-Application Components  Master Data Synchronization 
Customer/Vendor Integration  Business Partner Settings  Settings for Customer Integration  Field Assignment
for Customer Integration  Assign Attributes  Assign Industries

Entrar em 1 a 1 no setor industrial no Define Outgoing Industry Mapping para arramar.

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Sales and Distribution  Master Data  Business Partners  Customers
 Customer Hierarchy  Set Partner Determination For Hierarchy Categories  Set Up Partner Determination for
Customer Master
Feito paqra todos os grupos

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Financial Accounting  Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable 
Master Data  Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data  Define Account Groups with Screen Layout

Só diz para pf e pj

Cross-Application Components  Logistics - General  Business Partner  Customers  Control Define

Transaction-Dependent Screen Layout
Contabilidade financeira  Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores  Contas de clientes Dados mestre
Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de clientes  Atribuir intervalos de numeração a grupos de contas

Resultado Final

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