Worksheet English Articles

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Passage 1:

1. Anna and her friends decided to explore ___ dense forest behind their village.
2. They discovered ___ hidden waterfall surrounded by vibrant flowers and exotic birds.
3. Sound of water was soothing, and they spent day enjoying beauty of nature.

Passage 2:

1. Tom worked tirelessly on ___ project for school science fair.

2. He created ___ volcano that erupted using baking soda and vinegar.
3. On day of fair, his project was hit, and he won first prize.

Passage 3:

1. Sun was shining brightly as Sarah and her family arrived at ___ beach.
2. They set up ___ colorful umbrella and laid out their towels.
3. Sarah built ___ large sandcastle, and they all enjoyed ___ picnic by sea.

Passage 4:

1. Liam's parents surprised him with ___ new puppy on his birthday.
2. Little dog had ___ soft brown fur and big, curious eyes.
3. Liam named him Max, and they quickly became ___ best friends.

Passage 5:

1. Emily planned ___ surprise birthday party for her best friend, Jenny.
2. She invited all ___ friends and decorated house with balloons and streamers.
3. When Jenny arrived, she was overjoyed and thanked Emily for ___ wonderful surprise.

Passage 6:

1. While walking home from school, Alex heard ___ faint meowing sound.
2. He found ___ tiny kitten stuck in bush.
3. Gently, he freed ___ kitten and decided to take it home.

Passage 7:

1. Mia was excited about her role in ___ school play.

2. She practiced ___ lines every day and made sure she knew them by heart.
3. On night of performance, Mia delivered her lines perfectly, and audience applauded
Passage 8:

1. Every summer, Noah helped ___ grandmother in ___ vegetable garden.

2. This year, they harvested tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots.
3. Noah loved picking ___ ripe vegetables and felt proud of their hard work.

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