Tiếng anh 2

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Học Phần: TIẾNG ANH 2


Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Phạm Thị Tuấn

Nhóm thực hiện: Nhóm 3

Lớp HP: 231_ENTH1511-49

Hà Nội, 2024



17 22D270030 Vũ Nguyễn Minh Thành viên 5.1+ Đặt câu hỏi


18 22D130091 Trần Gia Huệ Thành viên 3

19 22D130096 Nguyễn Quang Thành viên 2.5+ word


20 22D130101 Nguyễn Thị Thành viên 4.2+4.3

Thanh Huyền

21 22D270033 Phạm Lê Khánh Thành viên 2.1+2.2


22 22D130106 Lê Thị Thu Thành viên 4.1+III


23 22D130108 Nguyễn Thị Mai Thành viên 2.3+2.4


24 22D270037 Nguyễn Thị Kim Nhóm I+1+Powerpoint

Khánh trưởng

22D200176 Nguyễn Thanh Thành viên 5.2+ Đặt câu hỏi


Mục Lục

I. Introduction.................................................................................. 4
II. Body. ............................................................................................. 4
1. What are environmental issues? ................................................. 4
2. The main types of environmental issues. .................................... 4
2.1. Climate change. ....................................................................... 4
2.2. Loss of biodiversity. ................................................................ 4
2.3. Air pollution. ........................................................................... 5
2.4. Water pollution. ...................................................................... 6
2.5. Deforestation. .......................................................................... 6
3. Impacts.......................................................................................... 6
4. Causes of environmental issues. .................................................. 7
4.1. Industrial and manufacturing activities. ............................... 7
4.2. Urbanization development. .................................................... 7
4.3. Wasteful use of resources. ...................................................... 8
5. Solutions........................................................................................ 8
5.1. Government............................................................................. 8
5.2. Vietnamese people. ................................................................. 9
III. Conclusion. ................................................................................. 10

I. Introduction.
The issue of environmental protection is no longer a problem of only one country, but also
an urgent issue of the whole of humanity. Our environment faces several problems, and
many of these seem to be worsening with time, bringing us into a time of a true
environmental crisis. It is therefore becoming increasingly important to raise awareness of
the existence of these issues, as well as what can be done to reduce their negative impact.
II. Body.
1. What are environmental issues?
We can define environmental issues as the harmful effects of any human activity on the
environment. This includes both the biological and physical aspects of the environment.
Air pollution, water pollution, natural environment pollution, garbage pollution, etc. are
some of the major environmental issues that are causing immense concern.
To tackle these environmental issues, protecting the environment is very vital. This not
only helps in preventing the detrimental effects but also helps us to conserve the natural
resources and natural environment for future generations. Protection of the environment is
not only a social movement but is also backed by various laws that have been passed to
ensure that humans do not misuse the resources any longer.
2. The main types of environmental issues.
2.1. Climate change.
Climate change is a change in climate over a long period of time due to the impact of
natural conditions and human activities, manifested by global warming, sea level rise and
increased climate change. Extreme hydro-meteorological phenomena Simply put, the
human population increases over time, leading to the cutting down of forests to make room
for living, and the exploitation of mineral resources for human use. This activity increases
carbon dioxide emissions, causing the greenhouse effect, global warming effect, and
increased global temperature causing climate change.
Emitting a lot of greenhouse gases: Energy sources for human activities still come from
burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. This energy is used to produce thermal
electricity not only for households but also for industrial parks.
Deforestation: Forests play an important role as the lungs of the ecosystem in absorbing
carbon dioxide emissions and keeping carbon in the soil. The shrinking of forest area while
increasing emissions lead to the greenhouse effect.
Environmental pollution: Air pollution from vehicles using gasoline and oil, releasing large
amounts of exhaust gas into the environment every day. Emissions also come from the
manufacturing, construction and agricultural industries from the use of industrial
chemicals. Pollutants such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic
compounds, when combined with ozone, form greenhouse gases that contribute greatly to
climate change.
* Consequence
Global temperature increase: Global temperature increase makes environmental
temperatures become more harsh for humans, such as record high temperatures each year,
prolonged heat waves above 40 degrees Celsius
Rising sea levels: The next consequence of rising global temperatures is the melting of the
ice sheets in Antarctica and the Arctic, leading to flooding in coastal areas and lower plains.
Habitat changes: Extremely high temperatures cause damage in food production and
agriculture because plants and animals cannot adapt to too hot climate conditions. Causing
alarm about the risk of extinction of some animal and plant species.
Increase in diseases: Climate change increases infections, waterborne diseases, malaria,
and Japanese encephalitis. In addition, high temperatures also affect the immune system,
stress, cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological diseases.
Economic losses: Climate change affects productivity and output of agriculture and
fisheries. Floods hinder the transportation of goods and import and export.
2.2. Loss of biodiversity.
Loss of biodiversity, also known as biodiversity loss or biodiversity loss, occurs when plant
or animal species become extinct. This usually happens when the number of individuals in
a species decreases significantly. This can happen for many reasons, including habitat
destruction, pollution, overexploitation of resources and the introduction of invasive
Environmental pollution can have a negative impact on biodiversity, as it can pollute the
air, water and soil, thereby making it difficult for some species to survive.
Overexploitation of natural resources, such as logging, fishing and mining, can negatively
contribute to biodiversity loss by disrupting ecosystems and depleting resources. resources
on which species depend.
Climate change is also a major factor in biodiversity loss, as rising temperatures and other
changes in climate can affect the ability of species to survive and reproduce.
Disruption of ecosystem processes: Different species play different roles in maintaining
the balance of the ecosystem. For example, predators help control herbivores, while
herbivores help control plant growth. When species are lost, these roles may not be
fulfilled, leading to an imbalance in the ecosystem.
Loss of ecosystem services: Many species provide valuable ecosystem services such as
pollination, pest control and water filtration. The loss of these species could have negative
impacts on ecosystems and human health.
Reduced resilience: Ecosystems with high biodiversity are often more resilient to changes
and disturbances, such as disease outbreaks or climate change. Loss of biodiversity can
make ecosystems more vulnerable to these types of disturbances.
2.3. Air pollution.
Air pollution is one of the most popular environmental issues of the whole world. So what
is air pollution? It is the major negative change in the composition of air when the fine dust
concentration PM2.5 exceeds WHO guideline limits for pollutants. According to the WHO,
air pollution is responsible for nearly seven million deaths around the globe each year.
Some common causes of air pollution such as motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest
fires… release tons of CO2 and other pollutants into the air every day. It’s also the main
cause of the warming globe. Air pollution causes negative impacts on the human and the
environment. It directly affects the mental health of humans, causes many dangerous
diseases such as lung cancer and respiratory disease. Air pollution negatively affects the
environment as reducing water quality, reducing forest area, changing weather and
climate… Viet Nam is ranked in the top 10 most countries in Asia. The last days of 2023,
we could see the entire sky of Hanoi was covered in a hazy gray- white patch. It was the
day when Hanoi was on top 1 of the most polluted cities in the world.
2.4. Water pollution.
Water pollution is tending to rise and is an alarming issue all over the world. Water
pollution is sources of water in ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, canals, underground water
sources, sea, etc… contains high levels of toxic substances that are dangerous to the
environment, human and animal health. It’s the cause of death of more than 500,000 people
worldwide every year. There are many causes of water pollution, currently divided into
two parts: natural and artificial water pollution. But human activity is the most common
cause of poor quality water, it contains sewage comes from our sinks, showers and toilets;
industrial waste water comes from commercial, industrial; agricultural and medical waste
water, etc. The consequences of water pollution are very harmful to the environment and
human life. Using polluted water for a long time will cause the risk of skin diseases,
intestinal diseases, more dangerously, it leads to poisoning, cancer diseases and deformities
in infants. It also has huge effects on the environment such as destruction of biodiversity,
contamination of the food chain, lack of potable water.
2.5. Deforestation.
Deforestation is when people cut down lots of trees in a forest. It's a big problem for the
*Forests are important, but people are cutting down trees for many reasons:
25.8 million hectares of forest were lost in 2020, double the amount of forested land lost
in 2001.
By the time you finish reading this sentence, another three hectares of forest have been cut
Tropical deforestation contributes about 20% of annual global greenhouse gases (GHG)
About 1,400 types of trees are currently classified as critically endangered.
Only 18% of the world's forests are on land protected from deforestation.
3. Impacts.
Environmental pollution is manifested in many different aspects of life, but in general, it
brings negative effects, has profound consequences and is a threat to human life and health.
Climate change is an issue of global concern. Because it causes ice at the 2 poles to melt,
sea level rise, and extreme weather events such as prolonged heat, drought, storms, floods,
... Along with that, the phenomenon of level deforestation is exacerbating pollution levels.
Air pollution caused by emissions from vehicles, public transport, industrial activities,...
causing many respiratory and cardiovascular diseases to humans. According to a report by
the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health, in 2023 there will be an average of 18,000-
23,000 cases of respiratory diseases per month.
Water pollution is another dire consequence of environmental degradation. Contaminants
from agricultural runoff, industrial discharge, and improper waste disposal seep into rivers,
lakes, and oceans, endangering aquatic life and compromising the safety of drinking water
sources. Toxic chemicals and heavy metals accumulate in the food chain, posing risks to
both marine organisms and humans who consume contaminated seafood.
Additionally, soil pollution poses a threat to agricultural productivity and food security.
Pesticides, herbicides, and industrial chemicals contaminate soil, affecting the growth of
crops and reducing soil fertility. Soil pollution also has long-term consequences for
ecosystems, as it disrupts microbial communities and degrades habitats for plants and
Furthermore, environmental pollution contributes to biodiversity loss and ecosystem
degradation. Habitat destruction, chemical contamination, and climate change drive
species to extinction and disrupt delicate ecological balances. As species disappear,
ecosystems become less resilient to environmental stressors, increasing the risk of
ecological collapse and further exacerbating the impacts of pollution on human societies.
4. Causes of environmental issues.
4.1. Industrial and manufacturing activities.
Environmental problems related to technological activities and products can originate from
many different causes. Here are some prime integers like:
Pollution from the manufacturing process: Facility manufacturers often use energy from
non-renewable sources such as rock, petroleum, or combustion, causing emissions and
toxic emissions such as CO2, SO2, NOx and non-volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Manufacturing processes can also produce solids and contaminated wastewater.
Use of natural resources: The production and operation of technologies often require the
use of large amounts of natural resources such as water and natural materials. The
exploitation and use of these resources can cause significant changes to the natural
environment, including forest exploration, loss of biodiversity and resource depletion.
Ineffective waste and recycling management: Some technologies and manufacturing
processes generate large amounts of waste, ranging from solid waste to hazardous waste.
Their safe and effective treatment and disposal is not only an environmental challenge but
also a public health issue.
Resource depletion and energy loss: The production and use of technology can require
large amounts of resources and energy. When these resources are depleted and energy is
used inefficiently, this causes negative impacts on the environment, including increased
emissions and CO2 emissions.
Climate change: Technology and manufacturing processes can also play a role in climate
change through greenhouse gas emissions, such as CO2 from burning coal, oil and natural
4.2. Urbanization development.
Urbanization, the rapid growth and concentration of human populations in cities, casts a
long shadow over the environment. As cities expand, natural landscapes are replaced by

concrete jungles, leading to habitat loss and fragmentation for wildlife. This upsets the
ecological balance and threatens biodiversity.
The ever-growing urban population also generates immense amounts of waste, straining
waste management systems. Inefficient waste disposal leads to landfill overflow and
pollution, contaminating soil and water. In addition, increased consumption patterns
associated with urban lifestyles contribute to resource depletion and increased greenhouse
gas emissions, accelerating climate change.
Furthermore, the construction boom that accompanies urbanization often overlooks
sustainable practices, leading to increased air and water pollution. Construction dust,
vehicle emissions, and industrial activities significantly degrade air quality, threatening
public health. Urban landscapes also tend to have altered water flows, leading to increased
flooding and water scarcity in some areas.
The combination of these factors - habitat loss, resource depletion and pollution, climate
change- paints a worrying picture of the environmental impact of urbanization.
4.3. Wasteful use of resources.
Our planet's resources are not limitless, yet our current patterns of consumption paint a
disturbing picture of wastefulness that poses a significant threat to the environment. This
overconsumption spans multiple sectors, including energy, water, and materials, and leaves
a trail of environmental degradation in its wake.
One major concern is the depletion of natural resources. From the rapid extraction of fossil
fuels such as coal and oil to unsustainable logging practices that threaten precious forests,
our insatiable demand is pushing these resources to their limits. A stark example is our
dependence on fossil fuels for energy. Burning coal, oil, and gas releases harmful
greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change and its
consequences, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events. In addition, our
reliance on unsustainable agricultural practices often leads to soil erosion, water depletion,
and the use of harmful chemicals that pollute the environment and pose health risks.
Furthermore, the rampant production and consumption of goods coupled with a throwaway
culture exacerbates the problem. Short product life cycles, coupled with a lack of proper
recycling and waste management, result in overflowing landfills and polluted
environments. These overflowing landfills leach harmful chemicals into the soil and
contaminate water sources, posing significant health risks to humans and wildlife.
The consequences of our wasteful habits are far-reaching. They are disrupting fragile
ecosystems, threatening biodiversity, and endangering the health of our planet.
5. Solutions.
5.1. Government.
In the face of mounting environmental challenges, it's imperative to adopt proactive
measures to safeguard our planet for future generations. From climate change and loss of
biodiversity to pollution and overpopulation, the threats to our environment are
multifaceted and interconnected. However, with concerted efforts and innovative
solutions, we can address these issues and pave the way towards a more sustainable future.
Below are comprehensive strategies to tackle each environmental concern:

*Climate Change:
Implement carbon pricing mechanisms, invest in carbon capture and storage technologies,
and promote afforestation and reforestation efforts to combat climate change.
*Loss of Biodiversity:
Expand protected areas, establish wildlife corridors, promote sustainable land management
practices, and enforce regulations against illegal wildlife trade to preserve biodiversity.
*Air Pollution:
Strengthen emission standards, encourage the adoption of electric vehicles and public
transportation, enhance air quality monitoring, and raise public awareness to address air
*Ocean Health:
Enforce regulations to mitigate plastic pollution, establish marine protected areas, regulate
fishing practices, and invest in research to address ocean acidification and coral reef
*Water Pollution:
Upgrade wastewater treatment facilities, implement stricter regulations on runoff, promote
sustainable agriculture practices, and enhance water quality monitoring to combat water
Support family planning initiatives, ensure access to reproductive healthcare and
education, promote gender equality, and invest in addressing root causes of overpopulation
such as poverty.
*Energy Use:
Increase energy efficiency standards, expand renewable energy infrastructure, encourage
energy conservation, and provide incentives for sustainable energy practices to reduce
energy consumption and mitigate environmental impacts.
*Weather Events:
Invest in climate-resilient infrastructure, develop early warning systems, support research
and adaptation strategies, and enhance emergency response plans to build resilience to
weather events.

5.2. Vietnamese people.

According to one example: "Up to 66% of Vietnamese respondents have taken this action
to protect the environment. Choosing products that have the least impact on the
environment will help reduce waste and support production." sustainable production".
From there, it can be seen that Vietnamese people are gradually raising awareness of

environmental issues in their community. And they are contributing to solutions to
environmental problems in many different ways. Here are a few comments:
Encourage waste minimization and increase the reuse of recycled items and materials to
minimize impact on the environment.
Save energy by turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient
appliances and choosing renewable energy sources whenever possible.
Pay attention to water usage, promptly resolve leaks and consider installing water-saving
devices to reduce water consumption.
Organize and participate in tree planting activities to help fight deforestation and promote
Use single-use plastic, choose reusable alternatives and help reduce plastic waste.
Choose products and services from companies that follow sustainable practices and
prioritize environmental conservation.
Raise awareness of environmental issues, support policies and initiatives that promote
certainty, and participate in community cleanup efforts.
Educate yourself and others about the importance of protecting the environment and the
impact of individual actions on the planet
By taking collective action and making conscious choices in daily life, Vietnamese people
can contribute to addressing environmental issues and creating a more sustainable future
for generations to come.

III. Conclusion.
In short, environmental issues for technology and production activities are an optimal
formula for the sustainable development of society. Causes include pollution from
production processes, unsustainable use of natural resources, ineffective waste
management, resource depletion and energy loss, climate change and water pollution.
These problems not only affect the natural environment but also threaten human health and
global economic development.
To solve this problem, there needs to be an alliance between government, business and the
community to provide for the use of cleaner and more sustainable technology and
production processes. Solutions may include investing in green technology research and
development, establishing insurance environments, encouraging recycling and the use of
renewable energy sources, and increasing public education and awareness. about
environmental issues.
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