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Orleen Chapata-BPBD- PLANTED

CCBorrowdale- CCBP37
1. Principle 1: The kingdom of God is based on transparency and trust.
The Kingdom of God involves trusting in God and partnering with Him, while also fostering trust
in others on earth through transparency. Proverbs 11:13 NIV highlights the importance of
discretion and honesty in our interactions. 2 Corinthians 1:18 NIV Paul teaching the church of
Corinth about the true God. The principle of transparency in marriage can lead to mistrust and
decision-making based on lies, as it is a personal experience that I can relate to.

2. Principle 2: The Kingdom of God exhibits a value for life.

Man was created by God therefore, he is valuable. Genesis 1:27 NIV it shows that all man both
female and male are valuable because God created them in his own likeness. Jesus came to
give us life in John 10:10 NIV. I have learned to value life everyday and not take for granted
what God created.

3. Principle 3: The Kingdom of God is established on the attitude of faith towards wealth.
The principle in the kingdom of God emphasizes the importance of focusing on future wealth
creation and prosperity. Financial decisions should be spiritual, Mathew 25:14-30 NIV. King
Solomon got all his wealth from God, and he was recorded as one of the richest and wisest king
in the world in 2 Chronicles9:13-29 NIV. I started my own business and relied on God to sustain
it since I believe he is the source of wealth.

4. Principle 4: The Kingdom of God leaves inheritance for future generation.

In Proverbs 13:22 NIV “A good person leaves an inheritance to their children’s children”, caring
for the generations to come. Psalms 17:14 and Deuteronomy 8:18 through the power of the
Holy Spirit, you can build wealth and break generational cycles that have kept your families in
bondage for years. My spouse and I purchased land and built houses, becoming property
owners and leaving our house for future generations to inherit.

5. Principle 5: The Kingdom of God teaches the value of a proper relationship to authority.
Managing relationships is the key to a successful existence. Ruth and Naomi demonstrated the
value of relationship. In 1 Samuel 25 Abigal calm and wisdom handled David's anger, despite
his resentment, not only prevented bloodshed but also earned her respect from David and his
men. I was able to resolve a workplace dispute involving false accusations peacefully with my
boss by maintaining calmness and politely expressing my concerns.
6. Principle 6: the Kingdom of God is exhibits intentionally making room for people of all
nations, tribes, and languages.
Worship and sharing the gospel together are essential components of true reconciliation.
Abraham in Genesis 22:18 NIV was told by God all nations on earth will be blessed through
him. In John 3:16 Jesus became a savior for anyone, tribe, race or colour. In my experience, the
Black and Indian employees at my place of work coexist and hold the belief that God exists and
created all living things.

7. Principle 7: the Kingdom of God gives man dominion over the earth
God is the overall ruler of His creation but granted humanity authority to rule everything on
earth. Adam was in charge of the Garden in Genesis 1:26 NIV. Paul in Hebrews 2:8 NIV all
things are subjected under our feet. I am exercising dominion in every area of my life at work ,
at home and market place everything aimed to destroy me is subjected under my feet

8. Principle 8: Teaching people that their Christian Walk will deepen only after identification,
involvement and investment.
Men and woman should rise up to serve in the areas in which God has gifted then. Luke the
Gospel writer was described as a physician though he was one of the disciples of Jesus. King
Solomon asked for wisdom from God so that he will be a fair judge. In Philippians1 Paul wrote a
letter to Phillipi thanking them in their commitment in serving the church. I am determined to
serve the Lord in my area of influence.

9. Principle 9: To instill in the important fact that the church belongs to Jesus to church
members and allow him to build it in a way he chooses
Jesus Christ serves as the foundation. In Ephesians 2:20-21 Jesus Christ himself being the
chief corner stone, He is the foundation that makes our faith even stronger and will make the
Church stronger. In 1 Peter 2:4 Jesus was chosen by God to be the foundation any who trusts in
him will never be forsaken. I have learnt to allow Jesus to direct and order our lives and as a
church to follow him by faith.

10. Principle 10: Cell groups are a lifestyle

Meeting together in small groups in our homes is important as it allows believers to fellowship
together in a more intimate way. In Acts 17:11 “Now the Berean Jews were of more noble
character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and
examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true” NIV. In Acts 9:31 house
church members were spiritually empowered through the holy spirit.

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