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4 Data Integration and Merging

In the process of building a chatbot for automated customer assistance, data integration and merging
involved understanding the data, data cleaning, matching the data, and data merging based on
identified common fields(itconvergence, 2020)

Challenges and considerations in this process included inconsistent data formats and structures, varying
levels of granularity or different temporal resolutions, dealing with missing or incomplete data, and
ensuring data quality and reliability across different datasets.

3.3.5 Dimensionality Reduction

Dimensionality reduction techniques were employed to reduce the complexity of the dataset while
preserving all the information. Feature selection aimed to identify the most relevant subset of features
from the original dataset (Anonymous, 2024). Manifold learning techniques were used to visualize and
reduce the dimensionality of data while preserving the inherent structure or relationships between data
points(spiceworks, 2022).

3.3.6 Data Sampling

The sampling technique employed while building a chatbot for automated customer service was
stratified sampling, which involved dividing the population into subgroups of business employees and
customers to ensure a balanced dataset and prevent bias in the analysis or model training
process(Qualtrics, 2023)

3.3.7 Data Privacy and Anonymization

To ensure data privacy and protect personally identifiable information (PII), steps such as
anonymization, data encryption, and implementation of robust security measures were taken to protect
the data from unauthorized access, data breaches, or cyber-attacks(titanfile,2023)

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