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Англо – український тематичний словник-довідник

для студентів економічних факультетів
усіх форм навчання усіх спеціальностей



Англо – український тематичний словник-довідник

для студентів економічних факультетів
усіх форм навчання усіх спеціальностей

Затверджено на засіданні
кафедри іноземних мов
Протокол № 8 від 22 травня 2019 р.


Англо – український тематичний словник-довідник для студентів економічних
факультетів усіх форм навчання усіх спеціальностей
/ Укл. О. Г. Галашова – Одеса: ОНЕУ, ротапринт, 2019 р. – 116 с./

Укладач: О. Г. Галашова, ст. викладач

Рецензенти: О. В. Керекеша, к.пед.н., доцент

(зовнішній рецензент)
О. О. Карпова, к.пед.н., доцент
Англо – український тематичний словник-довідник для студентів
економічних факультетів усіх форм навчання усіх спеціальностей складено згідно
робочих програм навчальних курсів « Іноземна мова», « Іноземна мова за
професійним спрямуванням», « Іноземна мова професійного спілкування».
Словник вміщує лексичний матеріал за темами «Що таке економіка?», «Кар’єра»,
«Компанії», «Продажі», «Видатні ідеї», «Робоче та ділове оточення», «Розваги»,
«Новий бізнес», «Маркетинг», «Планування», «Управління персоналом»,
«Товари». Весь запропонований навчальний матеріал розподілено за двома
розділами та розташовано у 5 додатках.
У першому розділі надано тлумачення 500 активних слів та
словосполучень, а також 100 найбільш частотних ідіом за визначеними темами.
Специфіку використання слів та словосполучень проілюстровано відповідними
Другий розділ пропонує довідки- рекомендації щодо підготовки до інтерв'ю
з роботодавцем у процесі працевлаштування-з складання резюме,
супроводжувального листа, заповнення анкети, з виявлення особливостей
запитань та відповідей на запитання під час співбесіди. Приклади успішних
інтерв'ю надаються у формі діалогу.
У додатках запропоновано зразки резюме, супроводжувального листа,
анкети, рекомендацій з попереднього місця роботи, а також діалоги за тематикою
першого розділу.
Завданням словника є систематизація, повторення та закріплення
лексичного мінімуму з розділів навчальної програми, формування вмінь та
навичок складання ділових листів та участі у співбесіді.
Практична спрямованість ситуацій, запропонованих у діалогах, надає
можливості їх подальшого використання у рольових іграх та дискусіях з метою
формування комунікативних компетенцій студентів.
Даний лексико-граматичний та інформативний матеріал можна
рекомендувати до опрацювання як у процесі аудиторної, так і самостійної роботи.
Part I

What is economics?
1. аffect [əˈfɛkt] - впливати на

Their progress affected us greatly.

2. aim [eɪm] - мета, syn. goal, target, objective, purpose

We started this business with the aim of making a profit.

3. attempt [ əˈtɛm(p)t] - cпроба

My friend failed her driving test on the second attempt, too.

4. benefit [ˈbɛnɪfɪt] - перевага

The company offers its employees a pension plan, free health insurance, and other

5. cash [kæʃ] - готівка

Police caught his cousin with $10,000 in cash.

6. choice [tʃɔɪs] - вибір

You can either accept the job or not. It's your choice.

7. choose [tʃuːz] - вибрати

He was chosen because he's qualified for the job

8. compete [kəmˈpiːt]- конкурувати

These companies compete to gain customers
9. competition [kɒmpɪˈtɪʃ(ə)n] - конкуренція

Competition among manufacturers heats up.

10. competitor [kəmˈpɛtɪtə|, syn.rival |ˈrʌɪv(ə)l] - конкурент

He wants to prevent the business falling into the hands of a competitor.

11. competitive [kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv] -конкурентий

In the long term, a competitive market can provide benefits to customers.

12. competitiveness [kəmˈpɛtɪtɪvnəs]- конкурентоспроможність

Europe's competitiveness in international markets is obvious.

13.consist of [kənˈsɪst] - складатись з

Our plan consists of several parts.

14. to consume [kənˈsjuːm] - споживати

This car consumes a lot of gas.

15. consumer [kənˈsjuːmə] - споживач

Many consumers are still not comfortable making purchases on the Internet.

16. consumption [kənˈsʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n]- споживання

The jet's high fuel consumption makes it expensive to operate.

17. cost [kɒst] - вартість

The cost is too high considering the quality of the items.

18. costs [kɒsts] - витрати

This reduces running costs.

19. decide [dɪˈsʌɪd] - вирішити

The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff.

20. decision [dɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n] - рішення

We made a poor decision when we hired her.

21. define [dɪˈfʌɪn] - визначати

They disagreed on how to define “acceptable loss”.

22. demand [dɪˈmɑːnd] - попит

We do not have enough merchandise to meet the demand.

23. determine [dɪˈtəːmɪn] - визначити

Our group could not determine why the application was not working.

24. develop [dɪˈvɛləp] - розвивати

Internet sales is a rapidly developing field.

25. development [dɪˈvɛləpm(ə)nt]- розвиток

We all will attend the seminar on the latest developments in information technology.

26. divide [dɪˈvʌɪd] - розподіляти

The chairman will force us to divide the branch into three sections.
27. distribution [dɪstrɪˈbjuːʃ(ə)n]- розподіл

The plan for the marketing and distribution of the new software is almost ready.

28. earnings [ˈəːnɪŋz] - заробіток

The calculation is based on your average earnings during this period.

29. economics [iːkəˈnɒmɪks] - економіка

Their son studied economics at the state university.

30. effort [ˈɛfət] - зусилля

The restructuring was part of an effort to boost company profits.

31. employ [ɪmˈplɔɪ] - використовувати, наймати

The company should employ someone to manage production.

32. employee [ɛmplɔɪˈiː] - співробітник

Their employees worked a ten-hour day.

33. employer [ɪmˈplɔɪə] - роботодавець

This factory is the largest single employer in the area.

34. employment [ɪmˈplɔɪm(ə)nt] - зайнятість

After graduation, my sister found employment with a local finance company.

35. entrepreneur [ˌɒntrəprəˈnəː] - підприємець

About 50 percent of entrepreneurs start their businesses in industries in which they have
some experience.
36. entrepreneurship [ˌäntrəprəˈnərship]- підприємництво
These partnerships enable and enhance agricultural entrepreneurship and strengthen
rural development.

37. examine [ɪɡˈzamɪn]- досліджувати, вивчати

Scientists are examining the impact of global warming on local climates.

38. exchange [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ]- обмін

There was an angry exchange of letters between the two firms.

39. expences [ɪkˈspensɪz]- витрати

The company pays all our expenses during this trip.

40. expenditure [ɪkˈspɛndɪtʃə] - витрати

The budget will certainly include increased expenditure on education.

41. goal [ɡəʊl]- мета

The company has a goal of employing as many women as men within five years.

42. goods [ɡʊdz]& synonyms (products, merchandise, items, commodities, etc.) -

They sell leather goods such as wallets, purses, and briefcases.

43. households [ˈhaʊshəʊldz] - домогосподарства

Ten percent of households in the '60s had a television.

44. income [ˈɪnkʌm] - дохід

Our friends have a nice home and an adequate income.

45. input [ˈɪnpʊt] - вхід

There is little input from other members of the team at the moment.

46. investigation [ɪnˌvɛstɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n] - розслідування, дослідження

An investigation has been launched into the potential impact of the oil spill.

47. to limit [ˈlɪmɪt] - обмежити

The company has to limit its spending to avoid further losses.

48. limited [ˈlɪmɪtɪd]- обмежений

These special offers are only available for a limited period.

49. market [ˈmɑːkɪt]- ринок

Future development cannot simply be left to the market.

50. to match [matʃ] - відповідати ,співвідноситись з чимось

Your qualifications perfectly match our job requirements.

51. money [ˈmʌni] - гроші

It would have cost us a lot of money to cancel the event.

52. objective [əbˈdʒɛktɪv] - мета

The principal objective of your department is to identify market opportunities.

53. output [ˈaʊtpʊt] - вихід

Industrial output increased by four percent last year.

54. pusue a policy [pəˈsjuː ə ˈpɒlɪsi] - проводити політику

You cannot stubbornly pursue a policy that never worked.

55. price [prʌɪs] - ціна

The price of gas went up again this month.

56. production [prəˈdʌkʃ(ə)n] - виробництво

Agricultural production has increased dramatically this year.

57. profit [ˈprɒfɪt] - прибуток

Any profit made on the sale is taxable.

58.protect [prəˈtɛkt]- захищати

The insurance protects you against flooding.

59. purpose [ˈpəːpəs]- мета

For budgeting purposes, you really have to start estimating costs now.

60. regulations [ˌreɡjʊˈleɪʃənz]- правила

Our organization is looking at the replacement of government regulation by self-

regulation and market mechanisms.

61. salary [ˈsaləri] - заробітна плата

Teachers’ salaries would rise an average of 10% under the proposal.

62. to satisfy [ˈsatɪsfʌɪ] - задовольнити

Social services cannot always satisfy the needs of so many different groups.
63. scarce [skɛːs] - дефіцитний

As raw materials became scarce, synthetics were developed.

64. scarcity [ˈskɛːsɪti] - дефіцит

Scarcity of fuel hit our transportation department.

65. science [ˈsʌɪəns] - наука

There’s a shortage of people competent in math, science, and technology.

66. society [səˈsʌɪɪti] - суспільство

The question is whether we have sufficient resources to sustain an industrial society.

67. spending [ˈspendɪŋ] - витрати

Our main goal was to control government spending on social programs.

68. supply [səˈplʌɪ] - поставка

The trucks carried medicine and other supplies across the border.

69. tax [tæks] - податок

There are several different types of tax, for example income tax that is paid on your

70. trade [treɪd]- торгівля

Global trade in manufactured goods has increased dramatically.

71. to transact [tranˈzakt] - здійснювати угоди

We transact a lot of our business over the Internet.

72. transaction [tranˈzakʃ(ə)n] - угода

In an ordinary commercial transaction a delivery date is essential.

73. unemployment [ʌnɪmˈplɔɪm(ə)nt] - безробіття

We are going through the time of high unemployment.

74. unlimited [ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd] - необмежений

Everyone believes that the problem has an unlimited nuber of solutions.

75. to utilize [ˈjuːtɪlʌɪz] - використовувати

What criteria do you utilize in selecting employees?

76. wages [ˈweɪdʒɪz] - заробітня плата

Wage in manufacturing and mining dropped again last month.

77. welfare [ˈwɛlfɛː] - добробут

Do you care at all about the welfare of your families?

78. to admit [ədˈmɪt] - визнати, прийняти

The secretary admits that she had a hard time understanding the assignment.

70. to apply for a job [əˈplʌɪ fɔː ə dʒɒb] - влаштовуватися на роботу

When and how can I apply for this job?

71. to attend meetings [əˈtɛnd ˈmiːtɪŋz ]- бути присутнім на засіданнях

Attending meetings is one of your duties and it shouldn't be neglected.

72. to be ambitious [amˈbɪʃəs]- бути амбітним

Her parents were intensely ambitious for her and her younger sister.

73. to be employed by [ɪmˈplɔɪd] - найнятий

A third of the population is employed in the coal mining industry.

74. to be engaged in [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd] - займатися

He has engaged in a dispute with his former business partner.

75. to be responsible for( in charge of) [rɪˈspɒnsɪb(ə)l]- відповідальний за

His driver was responsible for the accident.

76. to be concerned with production [kənˈsəːnd wɪð prəˈdʌkʃ(ə)n ] - займатися

виробництвом, бути зацікавленим, зосередженим на виробництві
The share holders are very concerned with production, and changes will follow.

77. to climb a career ladder [klʌɪm ə kəˈrɪə ˈladə ]- піднятися кар'єрними сходами

I could never imagine he would climb a career ladder so quickly.

78. to collect [kəˈlɛkt] - збирати

Please keep calling, we really need to collect the debt.

79. to confirm e-mail address [ kənˈfɜːm ˈiːmeɪl əˈdres] - підтвердити адресу

електронної пошти
Please confirm your email address, we do not fax application forms.
80. to convey a professional image [kənˈveɪ ə prəfɛʃənəl ɪmədʒ] - передати
професійний імідж
Please follow the dress code to convey a proffesional image.

81. current job [ˈkʌrənt dʒɑb ]- поточна робота

Why do you like your current job so much?

82. to decide on a career plan [dɪˈsaɪd ɔn ə kəˈrɪr plæn] - прийняти рішення про
план кар'єри
When deciding on a career plan you should consider different companies.

83. to determine the costs and benefits [dɪˈtɜrmɪn ði kɔsts ənd ˈbenəfɪts] -
визначати витрат і вигод
Cost-benefit analysis assesses the profitability of a financial endeavor by determining
the present value of each cost and benefit.

84. to do one's best [du wʌnz best ] - робити все можливе

Tickets are hard to get, but I'll do my best to find you one.

85. to do part-time work [du pɑrt taɪm wɜrk] - працювати не повний день

Doing part-time work is deal for parents, students, and retirees.

86. to earn commission [ɜrn /kəˈmɪʃ.ən] - заробити комісію

The idea of earning commissions for promoting other people's products can be both
exciting and confusing.

87. to get a bonus [ɡet ə bəʊ.nəs] - отримати бонус

This year I did not receive a bonus, even though the business produced more profits
than either of the last two years.

88. to get a promotion [ɡet ə prəˈməʊ.ʃən] - отримати підвищення по службі

If you want to get a promotion, you'll need to be a patient team player.

89. to go to company's social functions [ɡəʊ tʊ ‘kʌm.pə.niz ˈsəʊ.ʃəl ˈfʌŋk.ʃənz] -

відвідувати ініційовані компанією неофіційні зустрічі співробітників
When you attend your company's functions you are a human face representing your
employer in public.

90. to have access to sources of information [hæv ˈæ tʊ sɔːs əv ˌɪn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən]

- матидоступдоджерелінформаці
We will support you with all we have, and it goes without saying that you will have
unrestricted access to any sources of information.

91. to have a career plan [həvə kəˈrɪər plæn] - мати план кар'єри

At this age you can hardly expect him to have a career plan.

92. to have a good academic background [həv ə ɡʊdˌæk.əˈdem.ɪk ˈbæk.ɡraʊnd] -

мати добру академічну підготовку
You cannot become a supervisor without having a good academic background.

93. to have a relevant work experience [həv ə ˈrel.ə.vənt wɜːk ɪkˈspɪə.ri.əns] -

мати відповідний досвід роботи
There are few specialists who have a relevant work experience, but we are in no hurry.

94. job applicants (hunters) [dʒɒb ˈæp.lɪ.kənt]- шукачі роботи

The boss invited two job applicants for two o'clock.

95. job-selection process [dʒɒb sɪˈlek.ʃən ˈprəʊ.ses] - процес відбору кандидатів на

Job selection process in Google is recognized as unique.

96. to join a company [dʒɔɪn ə ˈkʌm.pə.ni] - розпочати роботу у компанії

Ask you your team lead, he joined the company ten years ago.

97. to land the perfect job [lænd ðiː ˈpɜː.fekt dʒɒb] - отримати ідеальну роботу

The parents have no doubt this diploma will help to land the perfect job.

98. to maintain clarity [meɪnˈteɪn ˈklær.ə.ti] - зберігати ясність

It's important that we maintain clarity when requesting additional resources.

99. to make a career move [meɪk ə kəˈrɪər muːv] - зробити кар'єрний крок

It's high time to make a career move, you are obviously overqualified for your current

100. to make choices [meɪk tʃɔɪs]- зробити вибір

When you’re trying to cut the budget deficit, you’ve got to make tough choices.

101. to make a fortune [meɪk ə ˈfɔː.tʃuːn]- заробити багатство

Our director made a fortune working in the computer industry.

102. to make the key decision [meɪk ðiː kiː dɪˈsɪʒ.ən] - зробити ключове рішення

You should go directly to those who can make the key decision.
103. to make a living [meɪk ə ˈlɪv.ɪŋ]- заробляти на життя

The salary here is more than enough to make a living.

104. to make progress [ meɪk ˈprəʊ.ɡres]- добитися успіху

The branch made obvious progress under new management.

105. to offer career opportunities [ˈɒf.ər kəˈrɪər ˌɒp.əˈtʃuː.nə.tiz] - запропонувати

можливості для кар'єрного зростання
This bank offers endless career opportunities for university graduates.

106. to overcomplicate things [ˈəʊ.vəˈkɒm.plɪ.keɪt θɪŋz] - занадто щось

Your assistant has a tendency to overcomplicate things.
107. to prefer to do something [prɪˈfɜːr tʊ duː ˈsʌm.θɪŋ] - воліти щось робити

I would prefer to discuss this question at our next meeting.

108. previous job [ˈpriː.vi.əs dʒɒb] - попередня робота

How can you describe your previous job in one sentence?

109. to process and analyse data [ˈprəʊ.ses ənd æn.əl.aɪz ˈdeɪ.tə] - оброблювати та
аналізувати дані
To process and analyse data one goes through the process of extracting, compiling, and
modeling raw data for purposes of obtaining constructive information.

110. recruitment [rɪˈkruːt.mənt]- набір

A survey in January highlighted the recruitment of people with leadership skills as one
of HR directors' biggest worries.

111. to research candidates [rɪˈsɜːtʃ ˈkæn.dɪ.dəts] - досліджувати кандидатів

Our boss will research the candidates personally.

112. to satisfy needs [ˈsæt.ɪs.faɪ nidz]- задовольнити потреби

This improvement will help us to to satisfy the needs of the customers.

113. to see the key point [siː ðə kiː pɔɪnt] - побачити головне питання

The most important quality for the manager is the ability to see the key point.

114. staff turnover [stɑːf ˈtɜːnˌəʊ.vər ]- плинність кадрів

There are many additional reasons for outsourcing recruitment, including reduced staff

115. to study for extra qualifications [ˈstʌd.i fər ˈek.strə kwɒl.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃənz] -

навчатись для надбання додаткової кваліфікації
In this industry one should take any opportunity to study for extra qualifications.

116. to supervise a project[suː.pə.vaɪz ə ˈprɒdʒ.ekt] - контролювати проект

This license allows the license holder to supervise any project and manage the activities
occurring in a branch.

117. to take a career break [teɪk ə kəˈrɪər breɪk] - взяти перерву в кар'єрі

My friend took a career break for a year and travelled around the world.

118. to take early retirement [teɪk ˈɜː.li rɪˈtaɪə.mənt] - достроково вийти на пенсію
Individuals may choose to take early retirement but will get fewer benefits.

119. to take an opportunity [teɪk ən ˌɒp.əˈtʃuː.nə.ti] - використати можливість

If you do not take this opportunity today it may not be there next month.

120. to take on more work [teɪk ɒn mɔːrwɜːk] - взяти на себе більше роботи

We all have to take on more work in order to meet the target for this quarter.

121. to take time off [teɪk taɪm ɒf]- взяти перерву у роботі

I think I’ll take some time off next week

122. to use spreadsheets [juːz ˈspred.ʃiːts] - використовувати таблиці

Our team uses spreadsheet to help analyse the sales data.

123. to work anti-social hours [wɜːk æn.tiˈsəʊ.ʃə ˈaʊəz] - працюватиучас,

The families are not happy as we work anti-social hours.

124. to work flexitime [wɜːk ˈɪm] - працювати за гнучковим графіком

The workers in this company work fleztime and can choose the hours each day that they
work, as long as the hours add up to the same number of hours every week or month.

125. to work for the company [wɜːk fər ðə ˈkʌm.pə.ni]- працювати в компанії

He worked for the most reputable companies.

126. to work overtime [wɜːk ˈəʊ.və.taɪm] - працювати понаднормово

Since they were salaried employees, they did not get paid when they worked overtime.
127. assets [ˈæs.ets ]- активи
The plant is a valuable asset to the company.

128. to be below target[bɪˈləʊ ˈtɑː.ɡɪt]- недовиконати план

The number of units the business produced was below target.

129. to buy out a competitor [baɪ aʊt ə ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪtə] - викупити конкурента

Are you willing to sacrifice margins to buy out local competitors?

130. capacity [kəˈpæs.ə.ti] - потужність

The new engine has an enormous capacity.

131. cashflow [ˈkæʃ ˌfləʊ] - грошовий потік

This is an industry that tends to generate a lot of free cashflow and strong balance
132. commitment to the local community [kəˈmɪt.mənt tʊ ðə ˈləʊ.kəl əˈmjuː.nə.t̬i] -
відданість місцевій спільноті
These TNCs had certain characteristics in common such as a corporate commitment to
the development of the local community and the host country.

133. to conclude an agreement [kənˈkluːd ən əˈɡriː.mənt] - здійснити угоду

Currently, Mauritius has concluded agreement with the French Government and also
with representatives of Canadian employers.

134. convenience |kənˈviːnɪəns| - зручність

Delivery times are arranged at your convenience

135. customer database [ˈkʌs.tə.mər ˈdeɪ.tə.beɪs] - база даних клієнтів

You need to know how information was stored in order to update the customer database.

136. to develop a range of products [dɪˈvel.əp ə reɪndʒ əv ˈprɒd.ʌkts] - розробити

асортимент продукції
We are developing a range of products that could appeal to different market segments.

137. to donate to charity |də(ʊ)ˈneɪt tə ˈtʃarɪti| - жертвувати на благодійність

He annually donates millions to several charities.

138. equipment [ɪˈkwɪp.mənt] - обладнання

I was certain that production activity would increase substantially once the new
equipment arrived.

139. to export to [ɪkˈspɔːt] - експортувати до

You need a paid plan to export survey results to China.

140. to have an interview [ˈɪn.tə.vjuː] - мати співбесіду, брати інтерв’ю

So, the hot news has been confirmed - I'm going to have an interview with Andy

141. head office [hed ˈɒf.ɪs] - головний офіс

The group's head office is relocating to Manchester.

142. to import from [ɪmˈpɔːt] - імпортувати з

Japan imports various raw materials from abroad

143. to improve [ɪmˈpruːv] - поліпшувати

The company is hoping to improve on last year’s sales figures.

144. to improve company image [ˈkʌm.pə.ni ˈɪm.ɪdʒ] - поліпшити імідж компанії

Large firms use various corporate advertising techniques to improve their company
image in order to improve their desirability as a supplier, employer, or customer.

145. to increase production capacity [ɪnˈkriːs prəˈdʌk.ʃən kəˈpæs.ə.ti] - збільшити

виробничі потужності
Our company is able to increase production capacity by using current resources.

146. to increase sales [ɪnˈkriːs seɪlz] - збільшувати обсяг продажів

Management increases sales to cover the additional cost of the commission payments.

147. indulgence [ɪnˈdʌldʒ(ə)ns] - терпимість, послаблення, потворство бажанням

The car is one of my few indulgences.

148. to issue shares [ˈɪʃ.uː ʃeər ] - випускати акції

A company can issue shares of its stock at price above its par value to receive excess

149. labour force [ ˈleɪ.bər fɔːs ] - робоча сила

Having a good labor force is critical for putting out the highest quality product.

150. liabilities [ ˌlaɪ.əˈbɪl.ə.tiz ] - зобов'язання

The liabilities were too much for us to pursue that business plan.

151. market share [ˈmɑː.kɪt ʃeər ] - частка ринку

Our company was able to improve its market share by investing heavily in our

152. middle management [ˈmɪd.əl ˈmæn.ɪdʒ.mənt ] - керівництво середньої ланки

Most women in positions of power and decision-making are represented at specific

levels in top and middle management positions.

153. to negotiate a contract [ nəˈɡəʊ.ʃi.eɪt ə ˈkɒn.trækt ] - обговорювати контракт

Attempts were made to negotiate an amendment to the contract.

154. net profit [ net ˈprɒf.ɪt ] - чистий прибуток

The net profit can be calculated only when knowing the working expenses

155. outlet [ ˈaʊt.let ] - пункт продажу

Only a few EU countries use probability techniques for outlet selection.

156. to own [ əʊn ] - володіти

His family owns this farm.

157. owner [ˈəʊ.nər ] - володар

He is the lawful owner of the company.

158. parent company [ ˈpeə.rənt ˈkʌm.pə.ni ] - материнська компанія

Despite it being a subsidiary company, the parent company gave it a great degree of
autonomy in its policies and business practices.

159. to produce reliable results [ prəˈdʒuːs rɪˈlaɪ.ə.bəl rɪˈzʌlts ] - надавати надійні

We need a serious auditor to produce reliable results.

160. production capacity [ prəˈdʌk.ʃən kəˈpæs.ə.ti ] - виробнича потужність

You cannot make a decision without any knowledge of their production capacity.

161. reason [ ˈriː.zən ] - причина

She explained her reasons for deciding to change jobs.

163. reasonable prices [ ˈriː.zən.ə.bəl praɪsɪs ] - розумні ціни

The agency offers excellent accommodations and reasonable prices.

164. to reduce competition [ rɪˈdʒuːs ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən ] - знизити конкуренцію

Unfortunately, we cannot reduce stiff competition from companies selling via the

165. to reduce stress [ rɪˈdʒuːs stres ] - зменшити стрес

Based on experience, this will facilitate the adjustment of United Nations staff
and reduce stress levels.

166. resilience to stress [ rɪˈzɪl.jəns tʊ stres ] - стресостійкість

Many young children routinely cope with moderate levels of stress and often display
extraordinary resilience.

167. sales [ seɪlz ] - продажі

The car sales got off to a hot start in January.

168. sales results [ seɪlz rɪˈzʌlts ] - результати продажів

You may find their sales results in the condensed version of the firm's financial

169. sales revenue [ seɪlz ˈrev.ən.juː ] - виручка від продажів

The sales revenues of the big box retailers during the Christmas holiday period this year
far surpassed the sales revenues for the same time period last year.

170. share price [ share praɪs ] - ціна акції

The share price index is based on the current market price of a certain group of shares
on a stock exchange

171. subsidiary [ səbˈsɪd.i.ə.ri ] - філія

The manager of a subsidiary had to follow the parent company's orders.

172. supervisory management [ˌsuː.pəˈvaɪ.zər.i ˈmæn.ɪdʒ.mənt] - керівництво

першої (нижчої) ланки
Supervisory management includes supervisors, foremen who are responsible for putting
into action the plans developed by middle management

173. sustainability [ səˌsteinəˈbɪləti ]- усталеність,усталений розвиток

Ecological sustainability and poverty reduction gained importance.

174. target [ ˈtɑː.ɡɪt ] - мета

Our target amount for the fund-raiser is $2,500.

175. top management [ tɒp ˈmæn.ɪdʒ.mənt ] - вище керівництво

Finland organises regular meetings with the top management of the Tax Administration
and other administrative data providing bodies

176. transition [ transition ] - перехід

We want to have a smooth transition when the new owners take control of the company.

177. turnover [ ˈtɜːnˌəʊ.vər ] - обіг

Management is looking for ways to speed up inventory turnover.

178. to upgrade equipment [ ʌpˈɡreɪd ɪˈkwɪp.mənt ] - оновити обладнання

The company will have to upgrade the equipment to attract more business partners.

179. to upgrade fleet of trucks [ ʌpˈɡreɪd fliːt əv trʌks ] - оновити автопарк

They’re spending more than $4 million next year to upgrade their fleet of trucks.

180. workaholic [ ˌwɜː.kəˈhɒl.ɪk ] - трудоголік

Working overtime he has become a workaholic and now is ready to take a break

181. workforce [ ˈwɜːk.fɔːs ] - робоча сила

The workforce in this country was rapidly growing due to the jobs created by foreign

182. workload [ ˈwɜːk.ləʊd ] - робоче навантаження

There is no justification in terms, for example, of workload, functional need and

organizational structure.
183. to work under pressure [ wɜːk ˈʌn.dər ˈpreʃ.ər] - працювати під тиском

Look, I don't really function efficiently under pressure

184. working environment [ ˈwɜː.kɪŋ ɪnˈvaɪ.rən.mənt ] - робоче оточуюче

If you want to make your work experience better you should try to have a good working
environment around you.

185. manufacturer [ˌmanjʊˈfaktʃ(ə)rə] - виробник

It's cheaper to buy direct from the manufacturer.

186. distributor [dɪˈstrɪbjʊtə] - агент з продажу

His company is a large distributor of software products

187. wholesaler [ˈhəʊlˌseɪlər] - оптовик

We are wholesalers of cotton fabrics.

188. retailer [ˈriːteɪlər] - продавець, який торгує у роздріб

The retailer resells the goods at a higher price.

189. to offer a discount [ˈdɪskaʊnt] - запропонувати знижку

I'll offer a discount for loyal customers.

190. to obtain [əbˈteɪn] - отримати

How did you obtain the visa?

191. to buy in bulk [bʌlk] - купувати у великій кількості

It is cheaper to buy it in bulk.

192. customer [ˈkʌstəmə] - клієнт, споживач

She is one of our best customers.

193. delivery [dɪˈlɪv(ə)ri] - доставка

Most Indian restaurants offer free delivery.

194. to get a refund [ˈriːfʌnd] - отримати повернення грошей

The customer demanded a refund and got it in ten minutes.

195. to return [rɪˈtəːn] - повертати

I have to return a book to the library.

196. to dispatch [dɪˈspætʃ] - надсилати

The firm will dispatch the goods to London.

197. to purchase [ˈpəːtʃɪs] - купувати

He purchased a new suit for a hundred dollars.

198. purchase [ˈpəːtʃɪs] - купівля

The car was an expensive purchase.

199. to order [ˈɔ:də] goods - замовити товари

It's so easy to order goods in our company.

200. to sell [sel] - продавати
How can I sell the idea to my boss?

201. to exchange [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ] - обмінювати

She exchanged her coat for one a size smaller.

202. to keep in the warehouse [ˈwɛːhaʊs] - тримати на складі

They leased the building as a warehouse and kept goods there till the beginning of

203. storage facilities [ˈstɔːrɪdʒ fəˈsɪlɪtɪz] - можливості(обладнання) для зберігання

As regards agricultural products, irrigation systems and provision of storage

facilities near airports and ports are essential.

204. stock [stɒk] - запас

The shop is well stocked with camping supplies.

205. bargain [ˈbɑːɡɪn] - вигідна покупка,угода

It's an attractive little home, and I think it's a bargain.

206. after –sales service [ˈsəːvɪs] - обслуговування після продажу

The experienced technical experts of the company repair and carry out after-sales
service of the equipment in short time.

207. interest- free credit [ˈkrɛdɪt] – безвідсотковий кредит

A programme sponsored by the First Lady granted interest-free credit to rural women so
that they could engage in trade.
208. loyalty-card [ˈlɔɪəlti kɑːd ] -дисконтна карта постійного клієнта

Can I use my airline/hotel loyalty card to get a discount at my hotel of choice?

209. cooling-off period [ˈpɪərɪəd] - період для обмірковування ситуації

Our delegation believes that there should be a cooling off period of one to two years for
the solicitation and distribution of the views of Member States.

210. money-back guarantee [ɡar(ə)nˈtiː] - гарантія повернення грошей

Otherwise, some products offer a money back guarantee so you can try the product at
home and bring it back if you are not satisfied.
211. to be available [əˈveɪləb(ə)l] - бути доступним

This means food must be available and affordable at the local level.

212. payment [ˈpeɪm(ə)nt] - оплата

You can make a payment in any bank.

213. at an extra cost [ ˈek.strə kɒst ] - за додатковою оплатою

Breakfast service is available in your room at an extra cost.

214. to require [rɪˈkwʌɪə] - мати потребу, вимагати

The poorest countries require access for their goods to export markets.

215. to promise [ˈprɒmɪs] - обіцяти

I promise that Austria's support will be there.

216. a sales pitch [pɪtʃ] - комерційна пропозиція, рекламний слоган, презентація.

Everybody was so impressed by your sales pitch, they bought their own.

217. to suit [suːt] -задовольняти

This suits my needs.

218. benefit [ˈbɛnɪfɪt] - вигода,користь

This article analyzes both the benefits and the drawbacks of reducing military spending.

219. product advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] - переваги продукту

In various severe situations, the LVD induction lamp has a product advantage with its
low light degradation.
220. to take advantage of an opportunity ]ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] - скористатися можливістю

Special programmes need to be designed to enable them to take advantage of this


221. to raise somebody’s status [ ˈsteɪ.təs | - підняти статус

The question of how to raise the status of women had become an urgent matter that
required careful consideration by the United Nations and the international community.

222. to enter a market [ ˈmɑː.kɪt ] - вийти на ринок

In a relatively open market, therefore, developing countries should be able to enter the
market and grow.

223. to extend a product range [ɪkˈstend ə ˈprɒd.ʌkt reɪndʒ] - розширити

асортимент продукції
We annually extend our product range and expand into wider markets.

224. to meet a need [ miːt ə niːd ] - задовольнити потребу

I'm telling you, this device meets a real need.

225. to make a breakthrough [ˈbreɪkθruː] - зробити прорив

We hope that this session of the General Assembly will provide an opportunity to make
a breakthrough in that direction.

226. to fill in a gap in the market [ ɡæp ɪn ðə ˈmɑː.kɪt ] - заповнити пропуск на

Such workers filled gaps in the labour markets of their States of employment.

227. to reduce waste [rɪˈdʒuːs weɪst ] - зменшити відходи

In the Netherlands, Global Action Plan has adopted an "Eco-team programme",

organizing households to voluntarily reduce waste and save energy and water.

228. to protect the environment [ɪnˈvʌɪrənm(ə)nt] - захищати оточуюче

In that connection, they expressed their willingness to work together to protect the

229. to make a discovery [dɪˈskʌv(ə)ri] - зробити винахід

Whenever we solve a problem, or make a discovery, we compare what we know with

what we don't know.

230. to satisfy demand [ˈsætɪsfaɪ dɪˈmɑːnd] - задовольнити попит

The present Government has recently adopted measures and programmes that
demonstrate its concern to satisfy the demand for housing.

231. to win an award for innovation [əˈwɔːd] – виграти нагороду за інновацію

It's not every day you win an award for innovation.

Great ideas
232. to discover by accident [dɪˈskʌvə baɪ 'æksidənt] - зробити винахід випадково

It would be interesting indeed to discover some new device by accident.

233. to admire [ədˈmʌɪə] - насолоджуватись

We admire the beauty of the scenery.

234. to encourage [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] -заохочувати

Companies should encourage new ideas of the staff.

235. to provide individuals with [prəˈvʌɪd] -забезпечувати індивідуумів

E-Bay provides individuals and businesses with a channel to a market that didn`t
exist before.

236. to transfer the model [trænsˈfɜː(r)] - передавати, переводити модель

This idea is not new-it has just transferred the model of traditional auctions and the
thinking into a new environment.

237. to transport data [trænsˈpɔ:rt] - переносити, передавати дані

The amount of data we can transport now is enormous, so a USB stick for computers
satisfies a basic customer need.

238. invention [ɪnˈvɛnʃ(ə)n] - винахід

This invention has really revolutionised photography.

239. to come up with an idea [aɪˈdɪə] - виступити з ідеєю

That is the best idea that I can come up with right now. If I think of something else, I'll
let you know.

240. to make up one`s mind [maɪnd] - прийняти рішення

It's difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds jobs to which I might
be better suited.

241. to be a commercial proposition [kəˈməːʃ(ə)l prɒpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] - комерційна

The winner will have to come up with lots of ideas on how it can make money. I want
it to be a commercial proposition.

242. to judge the projects [dʒʌdʒ ðə prəˈdʒekts] - оцінювати проекти

Would you help to judge the projects ?

243. to be a commercial success [səkˈsɛs] – бути прибутковим, комерційно

Outline the key features of the project, please, and explain why it should be a
commercial success.

244. to attract tourists [əˈtrækt ˈtʊərɪsts ] - привернути увагу туристів

The exhibition will attract tourists who are really interested in animal life.

245. to help local communities [kəˈmjuːnɪtɪz] - допомагати місцевим спільнотам

Tourism generates income which helps local communities.

246. to impress [ɪmˈprɛs] - справляти враження

You always manage to impress us with your ideas.

247. to stimulate imagination [ˈstɪmjʊleɪt ɪˌmadʒɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] - збуджувати уяву

They can find a solution if you stimulate their imagination.

248. the strong points of the idea [aɪˈdɪə] -переваги ідеї

What are the strong points of your great idea?

249. to obtain corporate sponsorship [əbˈteɪn ˈkɔːp(ə)rət ˈspɒnsəʃɪp] - отримати

фінансування з боку корпорації
What corporate sponsorship will you try to obtain?

Working and business environment

250. to have an interview [ˈɪntəvjuː] - мати співбесіду

I have a job interview at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

251. to make a speech [ˈmeɪk ə spiːtʃ] - виступити з промовою

It was stressful for her to make speeches in front of large audiences.

252. to meet a deadline [miːt ə ˈdɛdlʌɪn] - виконати роботу своєчасно, встигнути

виконати роботу до визначеного терміну
We had to hurry to meet the deadline.
253. to get stuck in a traffic jam [stʌk ɪn əˈtrafɪk dʒæm] - зав’язнути у
транспортній « пробці»
Sorry we're late. We got stuck in a traffic jam.
254. to negotiate a contract [nɪˈɡəʊʃɪeɪt ə ˈkɒntrækt] - обговорювати контракт

His job is to negotiate contracts with foreign buyers.

255. to ask for a pay rise [peɪ ˈ raɪz] - просити про підвищення заробітної плати

I'm afraid your request for a pay raise was turned down again.

256. deal with a customer [diːl wɪð ə ˈkʌstəmə] - мати справу з клієнтом

In order to excel as a waitress, you must continue to deal with " tough customers "
and work on your customer service skills .

257. to take part in [teik pa:t in] - брати участь у

You have to go to other countries to take part in different negotiations, to sign contacts,
to participate in different exhibitions, in order to push the goods produced by your firm
or company.
Also, tourists can take part in some authentic festivals when visiting these cities.

258. to improve quality of life [ɪmˈpruːv ˈkwɒlɪti ɒv laɪf] - поліпшити якість

It is wrong to assume that technological advance has greatly improved quality of life.

259. to change the lifestyle [tʃeɪn(d)ʒ ðə ˈlʌɪfstʌɪl] - змінити стиль життя

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are evident and you'd need a lifestyle change.

260. to reduce levels of stress [rɪˈdjuːs] - знизити рівень напруги

High levels of stress were reduced in some country offices.

261. to keep up with [ kiːp ʌp ] – триматися на рівні з, встигати за

They pioneered the product, but now they have to keep up with the competition as
regards innovation and price

262. the speed of expansion [spiːd ɒv ɪkˈspænʃn] - швидкість зростання,

It appeared difficult for some businesses to keep up with the speed of economic
expansion .

263. shrinking economy [ˈʃrɪŋkɪŋ ɪˈkɒnəmi] - економіка, що звужується

The shrinking economy has constricted job opportunities.

264. working conditions [ kənˈdɪʃnz ] - умови праці

I had to get mentally into harmony with the people and working conditions I found
about me.

265. to interrupt [ɪntəˈrʌpt] - перебивати, переривати, заважати

Don't interrupt me: I'm counting.

266. to gossip [ˈɡɒsɪp] - пліткувати

For her part, she was busy and could not spare time to gossip.

267. to have a complaint [kəmˈpleɪnt] - висувати скаргу

He had a complaint and demanded to talk to the helmsman of this vast construction
project, not some underling.

268. to wait in a long queue [kjuː] - очікувати у довгій черзі

We stood in the queue for hours waiting to get tickets to the championship game.

269. to give up the job [ɡɪv ʌp ðə dʒɒb] - відмовитися від роботи

The idea you can give up the job to paint is laughable.

270. to affect somebody (something ) ( in the business environment) [əˈfɛkt

ˈsʌmbədi] - впливати на кого-небудь, (що-небудь) ( у діловому оточенні)

The competition has launched some new and interesting products which affect our
product range.

271. to favour someone [ˈfeɪvə ˈsʌmwʌn] - виявляти особливу прихильність до

Our manager always favours enthusiastic employees.

272. to attend a conference ( a meeting) [əˈtɛnd ə kɒnf(ə)r(ə)ns] - відвідувати, бути

присутнім на конференції (зустрічі, зборах)

Everyone is invited to attend this meeting as it is something which affects all the
273. to be incredible [ɪnˈkrɛdɪb(ə)l] - бути неймовірним

It was incredible that nobody paid attention to the new invention.

274. to work on the contract [ˈkɒntrækt] - працювати над контрактом

He has been working day and night on the contract.

275. to complete a deal [kəmˈpliːt ə diːl] - скласти угоду
The contract is almost ready to sign. We are eager to complete the deal now.

276. to sort out [sɔːt ˈaʊt] - владнати

It's up to the director to sort out difficulties like this one.

277. a supervisor [ˈsuːpəvʌɪzə] - керівник

A supervisor will evaluate each employee's performance.

278. to appreciate [əˈpriːʃɪeɪt] - цінувати

Thanks ever so much for your help, I really appreciate it.

279. to praise [preɪz] - хвалити, вихваляти

They praised his speech for its clarity and humour.

280. to have a convenient location [kənˈviːnɪənt lə(ʊ)ˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] - зручне
The hotel has a convenient location overlooking the valley.

281. cosy atmosphere [ˈkəʊzi ˈætməsfɪə] - затишна атмосфера

The hotel is famous for its friendly, welcoming and cosy atmosphere.

282. exciting entertainment [|ɪkˈsʌɪtɪŋ ɛntəˈteɪnm(ə)nt] - захоплюючі, цікаві

These clubs provide nightly entertainment which is really exciting.

283. local (regional) food [ˈləʊk(ə)l (ˈriːdʒənl) fuːd ] - місцеві страви, харчування

We had dinner at a restaurant and local food was delicious.

284. a reasonable price [ˈriːz(ə)nəb(ə)l prʌɪs ] - розумна, доступна ціна

They offer quality at a reasonable price.

285. to taste like [teɪst ˈlaɪk ] - бути на смак подібним до

The wine tastes like vinegar.

286. it comes with [kʌmz wɪð ] – подаватися у комплексі (комплекті) з

This dish usually comes with sour cream.

287. dessert [dɪˈzəːt] - десерт

Let's order dessert when the waitress comes back.

288. aperitif [əˈpɛrɪtiːf] - безалкогольний або слабкий алкогольний напій до

вживання страв
They served us champagne as an aperitif.

289. a starter ( appetizer ) [ˈstɑːtə ([ˈæpɪtʌɪzə])] - перша страва ( закуска)

Shall we have a vegetable soup or salad as a starter?

290. a main course [meɪn kɔːs] - основна страва, гаряче

This dish can be served as a main course or appetizer.

291. to leave (give) а tip [liːv (ɡɪv) ə ˈtɪp ] – залишити «чайові»

We must leave a tip for the waiter.
Tips are not accepted. - Чайових не беремо.
It's not appropriate to give tips in Japan.

292. to look after the guests [ɡɛsts] - приділяти увагу гостям

It is arranged that she will look after the guests.

293. to look around the city [lʊk əˈraʊnd ] -оглядати місто

So I'm looking around Meadowlands and I'm thinking, it's like every day's a holiday

294. to look forward to [ˈfɔːwəd] - очікувати з нетерпінням

I look forward to seeing you.

295. to take the guests out to the restaurant [ˈrɛst(ə)rɒnt] – відвезти гостей у
Fred decides to take his family and guests out to an expensive restaurant.

296. to turn up at the meeting [ˈtəːnʌp ] - прибути, з’явитися на зустрічі

He turned up at the meeting an hour later.

297. to turn down an offer [ˈtɜːn daʊn ] - відмовитися від пропозиції

I can't turn down the offer of a free trip to Milan!

298. to take up the invitation [ɪnvɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] - прийняти запрошення

I'm sure they will take up your invitation.

299. leisure facilities [ˈlɛʒə fəˈsɪlɪtɪz ] - можливості для відпочинку

The hotel has a range of leisure facilities unequalled [ʌnˈiːkw(ə)ld] in the city.

New business
300. to start a business [stɑːt ə ˈbɪznəs] - розпочати справу, бізнес

I started this business with the aim of making a profit.

301. low taxes [ləʊ ˈtæksɪz ] - низькі податки

The government is considering tax cuts, low taxes will be beneficial for our business
302. transport links [ˈtrænspɔːt lɪŋks ] - транспортні зв’язки

Similarly, private enterprises should choose, on rational economic grounds, to locate in

locations with access to markets, with good transport links and a plentiful supply of
suitably skilled, affordable labour.

303. skilled staff [skɪld stɑːf ] - кваліфікований персонал

The company is fortunate to have such highly skilled staff.

304. training courses [ˈtreɪnɪŋ ˈkɔːsɪz] - стажування

New employees are sent on training courses.

305. interest rate [ˈɪnt(ə)rɪst reɪt ] - відсоткові ставки

The interest rate has been fixed at 6.5%.

306. unemployment rate [ʌnɪmˈplɔɪm(ə)nt reɪt ] - рівень безробіття

The unemployment rate has been spiraling upward.

307. rent [rent] - аренда

Rent accounts for 50% of expenditure.

308. currency [ˈkʌr(ə)nsi] - валюта

The bank can supply you with foreign currency.

309. a healthy economy [ˈhɛlθi ɪˈkɒnəmi ] - здорова економіка

The healthy economy is impacting on small businesses.

310. a government grant [ˈɡʌv(ə)nˌm(ə)nt ɡrɑːnt ] - урядові дотація

The institute has a government grant to cover the cost of development programme.

311. political situation [pəˈlɪtɪk(ə)l sɪtjʊˈeɪʃ(ə)n] - політична ситуація

What is remarkable is the fluidity of the political situation.

312. access to credit [ˈaksɛstə ˈkrɛdɪt ] - можливість отримання кредиту

The success of this new business depends on the access to credit .

313. exchange rate [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ reɪt] - курс обміну валюти

Exchange rates are currently operating to the advantage of exporters.

314. inflation rate [ɪnˈfleɪʃ(ə)n reɪt ] - рівень інфляції

Inflation rates have reached a plateau |plæˈtoʊ|.

315. labour force [ˈleɪbə fɔːs ] - робоча сила

The key to a successful modern economy is a well-educated and motivated labour


316. tax incentives [tæks ɪnˈsentɪvz] - податкові пільги

The government offers special tax incentives for entrepreneurs.

317. government bureaucracy [ˈɡʌv(ə)nˌm(ə)nt ˌbjʊ(ə)ˈrɒkrəsi ] - урядова

Many things in that country are complex because of government bureaucracy, protocol
and procedure.

318. gross domestic product [ɡrəʊs dəˈmɛstɪk ˈprɒdʌkt] - валовий внутрішній

The gross domestic product has reached an all-time high.

319. foreign investment [ˈfɒrɪn ɪnˈvɛs(t)m(ə)nt] - іноземні інвестиції

Foreign investment in Taiwan rose by 79% last year.

320. balance of trade (trade balance) [ˈbæləns əv treɪd ] - торговий баланс

China would prefer to improve the trade balance through removal of trade barriers
rather than exchange-rate adjustment.

321. red tape [ˈredˈteɪp] - бюрократія

Red tape is usually referring to processes and paperwork that are formally necessary but
really only take up valuable time.

322. borrower [ˈbɒrəʊə] - позичальник

If the borrower defaults, the bank can take the house.

323. lender [ˈlɛndə] - заємодавець; кредитор

Several lenders are offering very attractive rates of interest at the moment.

324. against the dollar [əˈɡɛnst] - по відношенню до долара

The pound was firm against the dollar.

325. to quit the job [kwɪt] - звільнитися з роботи

He denied the report that he would be quitting his job.

326. spare cash [spɛː] - зайва готівка

Do you have any spare cash?

327. to have savings [ˈseɪvɪŋz] - мати заощадження

She has her savings in stocks.

328. shipments [ˈʃɪpmənts] - відвантаження

They sent bulk shipments of food to the country.

329. to handle customs formalities [ˈhand(ə)l ˈkʌstəmz fɔːˈmælətiz] - проходити

процедуру митного контролю
In this case, the determining factor is customs formalities.

330. to do market research [ˈmɑːkɪt rɪˈsəːtʃ] - дослідження ринку

He did some market research via computer.

331. market segment [ˈmɑːkɪt ˈsɛɡm(ə)nt] - сегмент ринку

The company plans on capturing a larger segment of the market.

332. consumer behaviour [kənˈsjuːmə bɪˈheɪvjə] - поведінка споживача

I'm surprised by consumer behaviour toward the new product.

333. consumer profile [kənˈsjuːmə ˈprəʊfʌɪl ] - характеристика, опис споживача

And more often than not, that consumer fit a profile -- experienced, educated, upward
carriage , etc.

334. consumer goods [kənˈsjuːmə ɡʊdz] - споживацькі товари

There's no market for these consumer goods.

335. product launch [ˈprɒdʌkt |lɔːn(t)ʃ] - запусктовару

The product launch was postponed to a later date.

336. product lifecycle [ˈprɒdʌkt laɪf ˈsʌɪk(ə)l] - цикл товару, коли він користується
Such technologies enable us to record and trace the lifecycle of products – even money
itself – thereby determining precisely how they were used, how they were financed, and
what impact they had on the environment.

337. product promotion [ˈprɒdʌkt prəˈməʊʃn ] - просування товару

When the opportunity for promotion of our product comes, we must be ready.

338. sales forecasts [seɪlz ˈfɔːkɑːsts] - прогози продажів

The company's annual sales forecasts are optimistic.

339. sales figures [seɪlz ˈfɪɡəz] - даніпропродажі, показники продажів

The company had yearly sales figures of half a million units.

340. sales target [seɪlz ˈtɑːɡɪt ] - план продажів

We're still a long way from achieving our sales targets.

341. advertising campaign [ˈædvərtaɪzɪŋ kamˈpeɪn] - рекламна кампанія

The advertising campaign was a textbook example of how to sell a product.

342. advertising budget [ˈædvərtaɪzɪŋ ˈbʌdʒɪt] - рекламний бюджет смета

ассигнований на рекламу; смета расходов на рекламу; смета на рекламу
It is not desirable to overbalance the advertising budget.

343. advertising agency [ˈædvərtaɪzɪŋ ˈeɪdʒ(ə)nsi] - рекламна агенція

She got her first job through an advertising agency.

344. to follow the laws [ˈfɒləʊ ðə lɔːz ] - підкорятися закону

These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion.

345. to be a challenge [ˈtʃalɪn(d)ʒ] - бути складною задачею

Learning a new language is always a challenge.

346. to regain market share [rɪˈɡeɪn] - повернути собі, відновити частку ринку,

Thankfully, the company managed to regain its market share.

347. a target customer [ˈtɑːɡɪt ˈkʌstəmə] - цільовий клієнт

Her best target customer of wine, olive oil and tobacco was Germany.

348. to predict [prɪˈdɪkt] - прогнозувати;

We cannot predict the outcome with absolute certainty.

349. to announce plans [əˈnaʊns] - оголошувати плани

They announced plans to move the company out of the state.

350. market position [pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] - ринкова кон'юнктура, стан компанії на ринку

European businesses are eager to jump in, but it will be no easy trick to challenge
the market position of China.
351. upmarket [ ˌʌpˈmɑː.kɪt ] елітний

The downtown is dominated by modern skyscrapers and upmarket shopping malls.

352. product mix [ ˈprɒdʌkt ] - асортимент продукції

This new product mix will be a major revenue generator.

353. disposable income [dɪˈspəʊzəb(ə)l ˈɪnkʌm ] – чистий прибуток, той, що

залишається після виплати податків та основних витрат
One of the most commonly used measures of living standards is disposable income.
I already invited you, but you said you don't have disposable income.

354. to rebrand the products [ ˌriːˈbrænd ] - оновити бренд

It would mean that American companies would have to go back, repackage, relabel
and rebrand their products.

355. a saturated market [ˈsætʃəreɪtɪd] - насичений, інтенсивний ринок

At higher levels of income, markets become saturated and growth slows.

356. to recall the product [rɪˈkɔːl] - відзивати товар з ринку

The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty.

357. to approach [əˈprəʊtʃ] - підходити, наближатися

We were approaching our destination.

Few of the workers have approached the director about their working conditions.
We need to try an entirely different approach.

358. to participate [pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt] - братииучасть, матиспільневолодіння

Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively in these discussions.

359. point-of sale advertisements [ˈpɔɪntəvˈseɪl ədˈvəːtɪzm(ə)nts] - реклама в
місцях здійснення покупок
The tobacco industry is fighting against new proposals that will see its point-of-
sale advertising greatly restricted.

360. to estimate costs [ˈestɪmət] - оцінити витратти

The builder estimates the cost of repairing the roof at $600.

361. to collect information [kəˈlɛkt] - збирати інформацію

The company collects information about consumer trends.

362. to consider options [kənˈsɪdə] - розглядати варіанти

Before you reinvest, consider your options carefully.

363. to implement ( a plan, a schedule, a budget, a report) [ˈɪmplɪment əˈʃɛdjuːl]

- вводити в дію; виконувати, реалізовувати, здійснювати, втілювати;

He implemented a new economic plan.

364. to arrange (a meeting, a schedule, a deadline) [əˈreɪn(d)ʒ] - організувати

зустріч, скласти графік, встановити кінцевий термін
Could we arrange a meeting for late tomorrow morning?

365. to keep up to (a budget, a deadline, a schedule, a plan) [kiːp ʌp] -

дотримуватися бюджету, кінцевого терміну, графіку, плану
Our first task is to keep up to the budget.
366. to meet (a deadline, requirements) [miːt rɪˈkwaɪəmənts] - вкластися в строк,
задовольнити вимоги
The local authority considered that the school did not meet requirements.

367. to prepare (a budget, a plan, a report, a schedule) [prɪˈpɛːə rɪˈpɔːt]

- підготувати бюджет
Can you just give me a couple more moments to prepare the schedule ?

368. to write (rewrite) a plan, a report, a schedule [rʌɪt ə rɪˈpɔːt] - написати

(переписати план, звіт, графік)
Check the facts up before you write your report.

369. to have a commitment [kəˈmɪtm(ə)nt] - мати зобов’язання

I had a lot of financial commitments.

370. to have a three-year contract [θriː ˈjiə ˈkɒntrækt ] - мати контракт на три роки
He tried to have a three-year contract because conditions had changed.

371. to make an assumption [əˈsʌmpʃən] - робити припущення

1.A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World.
2.You can make some assumptions about what you need to do as a business in order to
deliver the requirements of the contract.

372. to fail [feɪl] - потерпіти невдачу

All their plans suddenly failed.

373. to be manageable [ˈmanɪdʒəb(ə)l] - той, яким легко керувати, який легко

1.Divide the task into manageable sections.
2.Some experts prefer a three-month plan, because it feels very manageable.

374. to anticipate [anˈtɪsɪpeɪt] - передбачити

The schedule isn't final, but we don't anticipate many changes.

375. a fixed plan [fɪkst] - фіксований, встановлений план

Any plan that is too fixed becomes very unwieldy [ʌnˈwiːldi] ( громіздкий )

376. to accommodate changes [əˈkɒmədeɪt] - пристосовуватись, витримувати

1. The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes.

2. Any plan that is too set in stone (закоснілий) can’t accommodate economic changes,
market changes, technology changes.

Managing people
377. to give orders [ɡɪv ˈɔː.dər ] - віддавати накази

The superior must be in a position where he or she possesses the authority to give

378. to make suggestions [səˈdʒestʃənz] - ви andступати з пропозиціями

It's your job to make suggestions based on facts.

379. to plan ahead [əˈhɛd] - планувати заздалегідь

We can think as a community and plan ahead.

380. to focus on tasks [ˈfəʊkəs ɒn tɑːsks] - зосередитись на задачах

I'd probably prefer you focus on the task at hand.

381. to focus on people [ˈfəʊkəs ɒn ˈpiːp(ə)l] - зосередитись на людях

It was indeed important to focus on people rather than countries.

382. to judge people’s abilities [dʒʌdʒ ˈpiːpəlz əˈbɪlətiz] – оцінювати спроможності

Therefore, I never pass up on an opportunity to judge people’s abilities.

383. to be good with numbers [ɡʊd wɪð nʌm.bər z] - вміти добре рахувати

Have to be good with numbers and good with people.

384. to delegate to a deputy [Iˈdel.ɪ.ɡeɪt I Iˈdep.jə.tiI] - передавати

(повноваження) заступнику
If the manager himself could not attend, he would delegate the responsibility to
his deputy.

385. to communicate with colleagues [ kəˈmjuː.nɪ.keɪt|ˈkɒliːɡz] - спілкуватися з

The network also provides an excellent opportunity to communicate with colleagues
from other departments.

386. to respond to employees’ concerns [rɪ’spɒnd] [kən’sɜ:rnz] - реагувати на

потреби співробітників
One of the most time consuming aspects of managing employees is the responsibility of
correctly responding to employee’s concerns.

387. to report to [rɪˈpɔːt] - докладати комусь

I want you to report to me every Friday.

388. to report on [rɪˈpɔːt] - докладати про щось

You will report on what you have done at the end of the day.

389. to argue about [ ˈɑːɡ.juː ] - сперечатися про

They were arguing about which bank to use.

390. to argue with [ ˈɑːɡ.juː ] - сперечатися з

Stop arguing with attorneys and do as you're told!

391. agree with [əˈɡriː] - погодитися з

I agree with you now because I know all the facts.

392. agree on [əˈɡriː] - погодитися про щось

We will never agree on this issue.

393. to have responsibility for[həv rɪˌspɒn.sɪˈbɪl.ə.ti fər ] - відповідати за

The manager has taken over responsibility for this project.

394. to have expectations [həv ek.spekˈteɪ.ʃənz] - очікування

I have high expectations for this project.

395. an enduring feature [ɪnˈdjʊərɪŋ ˈfiːtʃə] - стійка риса, особливість

After all, persuasive speech is his enduring feature.

396. to place emphasis on [ˈɛmfəsɪs] – приділяти основну увагу; пiдкреслювати

The course places emphasis on practical work.

397. quality control [ˈkwɒlɪti kənˈtrəʊl] - контроль якості

Motorola wrote the book on quality control.

398. staff welfare [ˈwɛlfɛː] – соціальне забезпечення персоналу

One of the manager’s main concerns is the staff welfare.

399. to display an attitude [dɪˈspleɪ ən ˈatɪtjuːd] - виявити ставлення

He displayed a positive attitude to the changes.

400. genuine [ˈdʒɛnjʊɪn] - справжній, непідроблений

A genuine desire to help others

She has always shown genuine concern for the poor.
She showed a genuine interest in our work.

401. environmentalissues [ɪnvʌɪrənˈmɛnt(ə)l ˈɪʃuːz ] - проблеми екології

UNEP is the lead agency responsible for identifying and reporting on environmental
issues in Somalia.

402. social issues [ˈsəʊʃ(ə)l] – соціальні питання

Her delegation fully supported United Nations efforts to focus more closely on social

403. to give practical aid to [ɡɪv ˈpræktɪkl eɪd ] - надавати практичну допомогу
They continued giving free practical aid to all those in need.

404. to provide support [prəˈvʌɪd səˈpɔːt] - надавати підтримку

In such a context, the international community is challenged to provide support that is
skilful, sensitive and sustained.

405. to combine [kəmˈbʌɪn] - об’єднувати

Let us combine our two firms against our competitors.

406. to engender [ɪnˈdʒɛndə] - викликати, породжувати

You engender a feeling of comfort and stability to those within your charge.

407. mutual consideration |ˈmjuːtʃʊəl kənsɪdəˈreɪʃ(ə)n| взаємоповага

We also hope that all other countries will maintain their patience and confidence and, in
a spirit of mutual consideration, will continue to give full attention to the still
unresolved concerns of certain countries.

408. respect [rɪˈspɛkt] - повага

I feel every respect for him.

Respect is a very important part of any relationship.

409. trust [trʌst] - довіра

Our relationship is built on trust.

410. to seek out responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsɪˈbɪlɪti] – шукати відповідальність

Our mission is to seek out responsibility so we can learn how to focus more closely
on social issues.

411. to get significant satisfaction [sɪɡˈnɪfɪk(ə)nt ˌsætɪsˈfækʃn ] - отримати велике

He gets significant satisfaction from volunteering.

412. to propose changes [prəˈpəʊz ˈtʃeɪndʒɪz ] - запропонувати зміни

Analyse, approve or propose changes to the programme of action and budget.

413. to reveal [rɪˈviːl] - виявляти

They revealed the plans for the new building.

His conduct reveals great intelligence

414. to complete purchase [kəmˈpliːt ˈpəːtʃɪs] - завершити покупку, угоду

I think we can complete your purchase now.

415. on one’s part [ ɒn wʌnz pɑːt] - з боку когось

I think it was an overreaction on Mike's part. I'll talk to him again.

416. to close deals [kloʊz diːlz]- складати угоди

I have to go to London and close the deal.

417. to submit [səbˈmɪt] - подавати, підкорятися, підкоряти, стверджувати,

Submit your application no later than January 31st.
Our policy is to submit all contracts to the legal department.

418. to lack something [læk] - не вистачати чогось

His book lacks any coherent structure.

419. outstanding [aʊtˈstændɪŋ] - видатний, відомий, несплачений ( проборги)

The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year.

He had enough money to pay off his outstanding debts.

420. outspoken [aʊtˈspəʊk(ə)n] - відвертий, щирий

It is possible to be outspoken without being rude

421. to make redundant [rɪˈdʌnd(ə)nt] - зробити зайвим

Seventy factory workers were made redundant in the resulting cuts

422. to allocate [ˈæləkeɪt] - розподіляти, асигнувати, призназначати

We need to determine the best way to allocate our resources.

You should allocate tasks among members of the group.

423. recovery [rɪˈkʌv(ə)ri] - відновлення, одужання, оздоровлення

The economy is beginning to show signs of recovery.

424. to involve in decision-making [ɪnˈvɒlv] [dɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n] - залучати до прийняття

With their tremendous potential, young people must be involved in decision-making to
ensure the success of sustainable development goals.

425. to find a solution [faɪnd ə səˈluːʃ(ə)n] - знайти рішення

Maybe with that new understanding we will help find a solution.

426. to engage [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ] - наймати, приймати на роботу, брати участь, займатися,

They engaged in a discussion.
They were strictly forbidden to engage in any business.
This seat is engaged.
427. to value [ˈvaljuː] - цінувати, оцінювати
Mr. Yeo valued Jan for her hard work.

428. cooperation [kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] - співробітництво, взаємодія

There is a spirit of cooperation at / in our university

429. patience [ˈpeɪʃ(ə)ns] - терпение, терпеливость, пасьянс, настойчивость

You are trying my patience!

She taxes my patience. Вона випробує моє терпіння

430. patient [ˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt] - терплячий

Louise was very patient with the customers.

431. impatient [ɪmˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt] - нетерпелячий

He is impatient to get his new project started.

They were growing impatient with the lack of results.

432. calmness [ˈkɑːmnəs] - спокій, тиша

Her calmness in the face of repeated provocations impressed her friends.

calm [kɑːm] - спокійний, тихий, невозмутимый

The rescuers urged that we remain calm. Рятівники попросили нас зберігати спокій.

433. nervous [ˈnəːvəs] - нервовий, збентежений

She is nervous about her job interview

434. weakness [ˈwiːknəs] - слабкість, нерішучість, необгрунтованість

The plan has strengths and weaknesses.
weak [wiːk] - слабкий, нерішучий, неусталений
She speaks quite fluently but she's weak on grammar.

435. strong [strɒŋ] - сильний

He's as strong as an ox.

I am not very strong in spelling.

436. flexibility [ˌflɛksɪˈbɪlɪti] - гнучкість, поступливість

He enjoyed the flexibility of his working arrangement.

Flexibility is intrinsic to creative management.- Гнучкість є невід’ємною часткою
креативного менеджменту
This flexibility was foreign to the genius of the Spaniard.
Ця поступливість була чужинною духу іспанця
flexiblе [ˈflɛksɪb(ə)l] - гнучкий, поступливий

My schedule is very flexible.

437. inflexible [ɪnˈflɛksɪb(ə)l] - негнучкий

The new system is too inflexible.

This approach is too inflexible and too costly.
Цей підхід є дуже негнучким і коштовним.

438. emotion [ɪˈməʊʃ(ə)n] - емоція, почуття, збудження

She was good at hiding her emotions.

Adj. emotional [ɪˈməʊʃ(ə)n(ə)l] - емоційний, схвильований

He made an emotional investment in the work.

439. unemotional [ʌnɪˈməʊʃ(ə)n(ə)l] - беземоційний, стриманий

Her reply was crisp and unemotional.
Її відповідь була короткою, ясною та стриманою.

440. consistency [kənˈsɪst(ə)nsi] - послідовність, логічність

Your actions lack consistency.

consistent [kənˈsɪst(ə)nt] - послідовний, узгоджений

The decision was consistent with the company's policy.

Рішення було узгоджене з політикою компанії.

441. inconsistent [ɪnkənˈsɪst(ə)nt] - непослідовний, неузгоджений

His results are inconsistent with our data.

442. sympathy [ˈsɪmpəθi] - співчуття, симпатія, взаєморозумяння

The railway workers have come out in sympathy with the miners.
Adj. sympathetic [sɪmpəˈθɛtɪk]- сповнений співчуття, добродійний , близький по
It's a good idea to discuss the problem with a sympathetic teacher
Sympathetic surroundings (atmosphere) — сприятлива атмосфера

443. unsympathetic [ˌʌnsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk] - несимпатичний, не співчуваючий, черствий

They put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct.

Його поведінка не викликала у них співчуття.

444. creativity [ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvɪti] - креативність, творчі здібності

We prize his creativity.

Adj. creative [kriːˈeɪtɪv] - творчий

She has a very original and creative mind.

445. not very creative [nɒt ˈveri kriːˈeɪtɪv] - не творчий
No, but that's not very creative.

446. formality [fɔːˈmalɪti] - формальність, педантичність

The formality of his voice made the others pay him close attention.

Adj. formal [ˈfɔːm(ə)l] - формальний, офіційний

He is always formal with his colleagues.

447. informal [ɪnˈfɔːm(ə)l] - неофіційний

She's giving a small informal party this evening.

448. enthusiasm [ɪnˈθjuːzɪaz(ə)m] - ентузіазм, захоплення

I was full of enthusiasm for the idea.

Adj.enthusiastic [ɪnˌθuːziˈæstɪk] - захоплений,сповнений енергії

He was less than enthusiastic about the idea.

449. unenthusiastic [ˌʌnɪnθjuːzɪˈastɪk] - холодний, стриманий

an unenthusiastic performance by the orchestra
гра оркестра, вякій не було вогника

450. agenda [əˈdʒɛndə] - порядок денний

What's the next item on the agenda?

451.sensitive [ˈsɛnsɪtɪv] - чутливий, делікатний

Loyals are less price sensitive in the choice decision.

Лояльні споживачі менш чутливі до ціни під час прийняття рішення про покупку .

452. to stepin [ˈstɛpɪn] - втручатися, входити

The military may step in if the crisis continues.

453. appropriate [əˈprəʊpriət] - відповідний

I can assure you that appropriate action will be taken.

ant. inappropriate [ɪnəˈprəʊprɪət] - недоречний, невідповідний

It is inappropriate for you to wear shorts at a formal reception.

454. acceptable [əkˈsɛptəb(ə)l] - допустимий, бажаний, приємний

The water was acceptable for drinking.

ant. unacceptable [ʌnəkˈsɛptəb(ə)l] - недопустимий, небажаний

An acceptable social behavior in one country may be unacceptable in another country.

455. to have concerns about [kənˈsəːnz]– хвилюватися про

I would also say that other countries of our region also have concerns about unreliable
energy supplies.

456. toprevent [prɪˈvɛnt] - перешкоджувати, запобігати, заважати

Nothing shall prevent us from reaching our aim!

457. to take action [teɪk ˈækʃn] - здійснити заходи
The Consortium called on all partners to take action in five key areas.

458. to put forward a proposal [ˈpʊt ˈfɔːwəd ə prəˈpəʊz(ə)l ] - висунути прпозицію

The delegation of Belarus put forward a proposal to create a regional Quality and
Standardization Centre.
459. to achieve a resolution [əˈtʃiːv ə rɛzəˈluːʃ(ə)n] - досягти врегулювання
Seeking to achieve resolutions and solutions through dialogue is the way forward.

460. bulling behavior [ˈbʊlɪɪŋ bɪˈheɪvjə] - знущання, залякування

Our definition of bullying, harassment & discrimination is unwanted behavior from an-
other individual which interferes with
461. obvious [ˈɒbvɪəs] - очевидний, помітний

The obvious question is — does his invention work?

462. workplace disputes [ˈwəːkpleɪs dɪˈspjuːts] - трудові спори

The labour legislation sets out the procedure for settling workplace disputes.

463. to take credit for other people’s work or idea [teɪk ˈkrɛdɪt] – видавати роботу
або ідею інших людей за свою власну ідею, роботу
That was her trying to take credit for my idea.

464. to invite team members to social events [ɪnˈvʌɪt] [ˈsəʊʃ(ə)l ɪˈvents] –

запрошувати персонал на корпоративні зустрічі
Regional managers intend on inviting team members to social events.

465. to permit [pəˈmɪt] - дозволяти

Permit me to call on you next Tuesday afternoon.

466. to ignore [ɪɡˈnɔː] - ігнорувати, відхиляти

I chose to ignore his advice.

467. one-to one conversations [ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃənz]- розмови один-на один

Following the presentations, a series of one-to-one conversations were held between
interested technology seekers and technology providers.
468. attractive [əˈtraktɪv] - привабливий

Attractive packaging can help to sell a product.

469. comfortable [ˈkʌmf(ə)təb(ə)l] - зручний; комфортний; затишний

Sit down and make yourself comfortable.

470. economical [ ˌiː.kəˈnɒm.ɪ.kəl ] - економний

The fastest, most economical way to produce new houseplants is to divide them from
existing ones.

471. efficient [ɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nt] - ефективний, дієвий, раціональний,

He is directly responsible for the efficient running of the office.

472. expensive [ɪkˈspɛnsɪv] - коштовний, дорогий

It's more expensive to live in the city than in the country.

473. fashionable [ˈfæʃnəbl] - модний, сучасний

Strong colours are very fashionable at the moment.

474. healthy [ˈhɛlθ] - здоровий, корисний, безпечний

These salads are delicious besides being healthy.

475. popular [ˈpɒpjʊlə] - популярний, народний, широко відомий

Popular brands at popular prices!

476. practical [ˈpraktɪk(ə)l] - практичный, зручний

The course places emphasis on practical work.

477. pure [pjʊə] - чистий; без сумішів

The company bottles only the purest water.

478. reliable [rɪˈlʌɪəb(ə)l] - надійний

We can't write a report without reliable data.

479. safe [seɪf] - безпечний

We watched from a safe distance.

480. robust [rə(ʊ)ˈbʌst] - міцний; усталений, надійний в експлуатації

External doors should be of robust construction.

481. sturdy [ˈstəːdi] - міцний, сильний, здоровий

Road bikes are fast on the road, but not sturdy enough for off-road riding.

482. stylish [ˈstʌɪlɪʃ] - стильний, елегантний, шикарний

Their shops are among the most stylish on the Continent.

483. energy-saving [ˈenəʤɪ-ˈseɪvɪŋ] - енергозберігаючий

Energy-saving light bulbs have become very popular.

484. intend [ɪnˈtɛnd] - мати намір

We intend looking at the situation again.

485. high quality [haɪ ˈkwɒlɪti ]- вискоякісний
Ukraine thanked Tunisia for the high quality report and for the commitments it has

486. user-friendly [juːzəˈfrɛndli]- зручний у використанні

A machine or system that is user-friendly is easy to use or understand.

487. versatile [ˈvəːsətʌɪl] - універсальний, багатоцільовий

A pocket knife is a versatile tool.

490. well-designed [wel-dɪˈzaɪnd] - добре продуманий

Therefore, we are convinced that a well designed and active social policy is necessary to
overcome the challenges.

491. to be made of [ˈmeɪd ɒv ] – бути зробленим з

Everything we see is made of atoms.

492. compared with [ kəmˈpeəd] - порівняно з

That is a significant reduction compared with past years.

493. benefits for the user [ˈbenɪfɪts] - вигоди для споживача

By convention, safety is treated differently from the other components benefits
for users.
494. to weigh [weɪ] - зважувати

She weighs herself every morning.

495. selling points [ˈselɪŋ pɔɪnts ] - переваги товару

Your parents living across the street is the big selling point here.
496. in terms of [ tɜːmz] - з точки зору
We need better aid in terms of quantity and quality.

497. to maintain sales [meɪnˈteɪn seɪlz]- підтримувати продажі

So I'd need someone with an impeccable reputation to maintain sales
498. to resist [rɪˈzɪst] - протистояти

It's hard to resist an invitation like that.

499. confidence in the product [ˈkɒnfɪd(ə)ns]- впевненість у товарі

For the manufacturer, the patient's resulting loss of confidence in the product can be the
most harmful effect of such failures.

500. to stay ahead of the rivals [steɪ əˈhɛd ɒv ðəˈraɪvəlz]- випереджувати

A strong brand is one more way to stay ahead of the rivals.

100 idioms

about to (do something)— бути готовим зробити що-небудь; щось от-от

I was about to answer his question when the door bell rang.

according to (someone or something) — згідно кому-небудь або чому-небудь;

According to the forecast, there will be no rain next week.
The company did everything according to the conditions of the contract.

account for (something)— надавати пояснення або відповідь, свідчити

High prices account for the fact that very few people can buy a house.

after all— кінець кінцем

«You don’t have to ask him. After all, he never asks you.»

all of a sudden — раптово, без попередження

All of a sudden, it started to rain.

as a matter of fact— насправді, взагалі

«As a matter of fact, we have seen this film many times.»

as far as— наскільки

As far as I know the museum opens in June.

as for— що стосується
«As for me, I think that I will have another cup of tea

As if— якби
The coffee tastes as if it was made without sugar.

as long as— оскільки

«As long as you know grammar well I won’t fail your exam.»

as soon as — як тільки
I phoned my friend as soon as I arrived in town.

as to—що стосується, відносно,

«As to your enquiry, I will be able to answer it in two days.»

as well— також
I want to take photography this year as well.
as well as (someone or something) — атакож
«Please take your textbook as well as your copybook.»

back and forth— знов і знов, назад і вперед

The discussion went back and forth before we were able to make a decision.

better off — у кращому стані,ніж раніше

I will be better off when I sell my old house and buy a new one.

break down (something)— розподіляти щось на частини;

If you want to succeed try to break the problem down into manageable pieces and
analyze them.

break up—розподілитися;
During our classes the teacher usually breaks us up into small groups.

by the way— між іншим, доречі

«By the way, could you please borrow me your laptop computer?»

carry out (something) — здійснювати щось;виконувати

Before discussing the results of our experiment, they decided to carry out some tests.

comeon! - будь ласка;швидше, скоріше

«Come on, what’s on your mind?»

comeup— несподівано трапитись

I will not be able to visit you tonight if something else comes up.

come up with (something) — знайти відповідь, висунути ідею;

I tried to come up with a good excuse

deal with (something) — мати справу з чимось

I will deal with the problem later.

end up (doing smth or going somewhere) — робити щось, що непланувалося;

We ended up visiting our friend after shopping last night

figure out (someone or something) — з’ясовувати, вирішувати;

She finally figured out how to use MacBook.

fill in (something)— заповнювати

«Please try to fill in this form without corrections»

find out (something)— дізнатися про щось

The parents got furious when they found out that their son was expelled.

first of all — насамперед, по-перше

First of all I read the topic and then I planted the essay

for good— назавжди

We returned to our home city for good.

for sure— обов’язково

«We will visit that exhibition for sure next week»

get back to (something)— повертатися до чогось

I am always happy to get back to my work after my holiday.

get into (something)— попадати, бути втягнутим

I never get into an argument with my boss.
get into (somewhere) — попадати кудись, опинитися десь
I dream about getting into a good university.

get out of (somewhere)— покидати

«Now, let’s get out of here.»

get rid of (something) — викидати, позбавитися

I want to get rid of my old computer.

get through (something) — закінчити щось

I have to get through my reading before tomorrow.

go ahead — почати щось робити

«Go ahead, we’re all listening.»

go on — продовжуватись
The film will probably go on for another hour.

go over (something)— досліджувати, перевіряти

I plan to go over your task later.

go through (something)— обговорювати, розглядати;

We went through the questions before reading the article

go with (something)— віддавати перевагу;

I decided to go with cake rather than ice-cream.

Hang out (somewhere/with some one) - проводити вільний час з друзями без будь-
якої мети
I haven’t been hanging out much lately.

have (something) to do with (something) - бути на якусь тему, мати відношення до

«The film has something to do with war but I am not sure.»

Hold on - хвилинку; почекайте; не кладіть слухалку;

«Please, hold on for a moment! I have to check the lock.»

in a way — певною мірою; так би мовити;

In a way I want to go somewhere else but in a way I don`t.

In case— на той випадок, що, якщо;

I will take some water with me in case I am thirsty.

in common— мати спільного;

I have nothing in common with you.
in detail — детально, вдеталях
«Can we discuss it in detail?»

in effect — за своєю сутністю;

Her big smile was in effect a way of approving his words.

in fact— фактично, між іншим

I have already been there before. In fact I have been there two times.

in favor of (someone or something)— впідтримку, назахист, «за»

Нow many people are in favor of the death penalty?

in general — взагалі;
In general, most of the people in our office are happy with the new boss
in order to — для того, щоб
In order to find a job it is necessary to have a well prepared resume.

in other words — інакше кажучи;

«In other words, if you do not pay your rent by the next week you will have to leave.»

in place — на місці
Everything was in place when we returned home

in some ways— в некоторой степени; в некотором смысле

English is a difficult language in some ways.

in terms of (something)--- у рамках

In terms of our contract we were not allowed to retail.

in time— своєчасно
He was home in time to meet his cousin

keep (someone or something) in mind— мати на увазі;

You should keep in mind that healthy diet offer the maximum benefits.

Kind of— подібно до, якоюсь мірою, дещо

We were kind of tired when finished our last lesson.

look for (something)— шукати;

«I am looking for my wallet».

Look up (something)— шукати у словнику; книгах

I always look up the new words in the dictionary
make a difference—мати значення, змінити щось на краще;
It does not make a difference whether we stay at home or not.

Make sense — мати сенс, бути зрозумілим

It makes sense to have a rest.

make sure — переконатися;

«Make sure you’re packed by tonight, because we want to leave early in the morning».

More or less— приблизно, примірно, більш- менш, певною мірою

He seemed more or less familiar with the subject.

No matter — не має значення, не важливо

No matter how hard you try, it’s just never good enough.

not at all — анітрохи, ніяк;

«Don’t worry! He is not at all offended with your words».
of course — звичайно;
«Of course, I will be glad to meet you on Friday.»

on the other hand— з іншого боку

She is very talented but on the other hand she is very inert.

on time— своєчасно, в точно вказаний строк

He appeared exactly on time.

once again — знову, ще раз

She tried once again to catch him at his home.

open to (something) - бути готовим почути;

I am open to dialogue
Pick up (something) — отримати, швидко навчитися; забрати; збирати
Travelling is a great opportunity to pick up new words.

point out (someone or something) — вказувати, звертати увагу

The guide took us through the city, pointing interesting sights out.

Put out (something) — випускати, виробляти ( продукт, звіт, фільм)

The police have put out a description of the thieves.

regardless of (something)— незважаючи на;

«I am going there regardless of what they say».

right away — зараз, негайно

« I’m going to call him right away.»

rule out (someone or something)— виключати можливість

The government has ruled out any further support for the industry.

Run into (something — trouble/problems) — стикнутися з(чимось),раптово

зустрітися, «налетіти»на
I ran into my old photos when I was cleaning my table

set up (something)— відкривати, встановлювати, організовувати що-небудь

The investment company provided the money to set up a new business overseas.

show up — приїзджати, з’являтися

Travis had shown up on time.

So far — до цього момента, досі

I haven’t done much so far.
so to speak— так би мовити
She looked death in the face, so to speak.

sort of (something)— наче, певною мірою;

“Did you finish doing your homework?” “Sort of, but not really.”

Stick with (something) — продовжувати щось робити, не залишати

Let’s stick with the present arrangements until further notice.

take advantage of (smb or smth)— використовувати у своїх інтересах;

Let’s take advantage of the opportunity and visit the museum

take care of (smb or smth) — оберігати, піклуватися

She looked as though she could take very good care of herself now.

Take out (something) — витягати, дістати

The teacher told us to take out your pencils.

take over (something) — поглинати, контролювати;

The large company tried to take over some of the small ones.

take place— відбуватися;

The wedding will take place next week.

to the extent that— до певної межі;

Sales have fallen badly this year, to the extent that some of the shops will have to be
turn in (something)- повертати; віддавати
I came to turn in my essay.
turn out — виявлятися;
He turned out an excellent actor

up to — до
There were probably up to a hundred people at the wedding.

up to (smb) to decide/do (smth) — бути відповідальним за вибір або рішення

It is up to you to decide what to do next.

used to— мати звичку, звикнути до чогось

I am not used to get up so early.

with respect to (something) — що стосується, стосовно

Nobody knows what the company will do with respect to its workers.
work out (for the best) — добре закінчитися
We all hoped that everything would work out for our friend and she wouldn’t be
Part II

Applying for a job

Applying for a job the candidates should be aware of:
1) writing a resume (CV)- (Appendix 1)
2) writing a covering letter-(Appendix 2)
3) filling in an application form –(Appendix 3)
4) the necessity to have Letters of Recommendation or Letters of Reference -
(Appendix 4)
5) psychological aspects of getting ready for a job interview-(seeGetting ready for the
job interview tips)

Getting ready for the job interview (Tips)

The first question asked during the interview is usually aimed at establishing contacts,
breaking the ice. So don`t be surprised when you hear a question:

Перше запитання , яке задають на співбесіді зазвичай спрямоване на встановлення

контакту або, як кажуть англійською мовою, для того,щоб «розтопити льод». Тому
не дивуйтеся, якщо почуєте таке запитання:

How are you today? Did you have any trouble finding us?
— Як справи? У Вас були якісь труднощі, щоб нас знайти?
I’m fine! Thank you.
(Дякую! Уменевсечудово. )
How would you describe yourself as a person?
— Як би Ви самі себе відрекомендували?

I’m a perfectionist. I pay attention to all the details, and like to be sure that every-
thing is just right.
Я перфекціоніст. Звертаю увагу на усі деталі, і мені подобається бути впевненим,
що все відбувається згідно плану.

I’m efficient and highly organized. This enables me to be as productive as possible

on the job.
Я продуктивний та дисциплінований. Це допомагає досягти найвищих
результатіву роботі.

I’m a creative thinker. I like to explore alternative solutions to problems and have
an open mind about what will work best.
Я винахідливий. Мені подобається знаходити альтернативні, більш ефективні
рішення до завдань.
I enjoy solving problems, troubleshooting issues, and coming up with solutions in a
timely manner.
Мені подобається вирішувати задачі та пропонувати рішення.
What type of position are you looking for?
— Якого типу посаду Ви шукаєте?

I’m interested in an entry level (beginning) position.

Мене цікавить посада початкового рівня.

I’m looking for a position in which I can use my experience.

Я шукаю посаду, на якій я би мав можливість використовувати свій досвід.

I would like any position for which I qualify.

Мені підійде будь-яка посада, що відповідає моїй кваліфікації.
Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?
– Вас цікавить робота на повну ставку або на часткову ставку?
I am more interested in a full-time position. However, I would also consider a part-
time position.
Я більше зацікавлений вроботі на повній ставці. Проте, я б розглянув також
роботу на неповну ставку.
Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?
– Розкажіть, будь ласка, про свої обов'язки на останньому місці роботи.

I advised customers on financial matters. After I consulted the customer, I com-

pleted a customer inquiry form and catalogued the information in our database. I
then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the
client. The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial
activities that I formulated on a quarterly basis.
Я консультував клієнтів з фінансових питань. Після консультацій я заповнював
опитну форму клієнта і заносив інформацію в каталог в нашій базі даних. Потім,
разом з колегами я готував найкращий можливий пакет для клієнта. Після цього
клієнтам видавався звідний звіт за їх фінансовими операціями, який я готував
What is your greatest strength?
– Які ваші найсильніші якості?

I work well under pressure. When there is a deadline, I can focus on the task at
hand (current project) and structure my work schedule well. I remember one week
when I had to get 6 new customer reports out by Friday at 5. I finished all the re-
ports ahead of time without having to work overtime.
Я добре працюю в стресових ситуаціях (під тиском) Якщо встановлений крайній
термін для виконання завдання, я добре організовую свій план робіт. Пам'ятаю
один тиждень, коли я повинен був видати 6 звітів по нових клієнтах до 17-00
п'ятниці. Я закінчив усі звіти достроково, і мені не довелося працювати
I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice. One
afternoon, my colleague was involved with a troublesome (difficult) customer who
felt he was not being served well. I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited
both my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together.
Я відмінно ладнаю з людьми. Люди довіряють мені і приходять радитися. Одного
дня мій колега зіткнувся з проблемним (важким) клієнтом,який вважав, що його
погано обслужили. Я приготував клієнтові чашку кави і запросив клієнта і колегу
до мого столу,де ми спільно розв'язали проблему.

I am a trouble shooter. When there was a problem at my last job, the manager
would always ask me to solve it.
Я умію залагоджувати проблеми. Коли на моїй попередній роботі траплялися
проблеми, керівник завжди просив мене вирішити їх.

My time management skills are excellent. I’morganizedandefficient.

У мене прекрасні навички управління часом. Я дисциплінований і ефективний.
What is your greatest weakness?
– Які ваші найбільші слабкості (недоліки)?

I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied. However, I be-
gan setting time-limits for myself If I noticed this happening.
У мене є схильність витрачати надто багато часу щоб задовольнити клієнта.
Проте, я почав встановлювати для себе ліміти часу, якщо помічаю, що це

Being organized wasn’t my strongest point, but I implemented a time management

system that really helped my organization skills.
Я не завжди був таким відмінно організованим, тому я освоїв систему управління
часом, яка дійсно допомогла мені з моєю дисципліною
Why do you want to work for us?
– Чому ви хочете працювати у нас?
I am impressed by the quality of your products. I am sure that I would be a con-
vincing salesman because I truly believe that the ABC is the best product on the
market today.
На мене справила враження якість вашої продукції. Я упевнений, що буду
переконливим продавцем тому що щиро вірю, що АБС- це кращий продукт на
ринку сьогодні.

Why should we hire you?

— Чому нам слід вас найняти?

I am very motivated to do this job- it’s my dream. If you hire me, I will do my best
to exceed your highest expectations.
Я дуже мотивований виконувати цю роботу, оскільки це робота моєї мрії. Якщо
Ви наймете мене, то я не пожалію зусиль для того, щоб виправдати Ваші найвищі

I can’t speak for the other candidates because I don’t know their qualifications,
but I can tell you this: I would never put myself in a position where I think I would
fail. I know I can do this job and succeed.
Я не можу говорити за інших кандидатів, оскільки не знаю рівня їхньої
кваліфікації,проте можу сказати: що ніколи б не претендував на посаду,яку не
заслуговую. Я знаю, що впораюся з цією роботою і досягну успіху.

What сan you contribute to the company?

— Яким буде ваш внесок у компанію?

I can contribute my organizational skills and my ability to work well in a group.

Я готовий привнести до компанії мої організаторські здібності і мою здатність
добре працювати в команді

I have the experience, contacts, and knowledge to contribute to the rapid growth of
this business.
Я маю досвід, контакти і знання, які дозволять забезпечити стрімке зростання
цього бізнесу/компанії.
Why did you leave your previous job?
— З якої причини ви пішли з попередньої роботи?

This position seemed like an excellent match for my skills and experience and I am
not able to fully utilize them in my present job.
Ця посада ідеально підходить для застосування моїх навичок і досвіду у повному
об'ємі, на відміну від моєї нинішньої роботи.
Why did you move to this country?
— Чому ви переїхали в цю країну?

I moved here for the employment opportunities.

Я переїхав сюди із-за кар'єрних можливостей
What motivates you most at work?
— Що мотивує/надихає вас на роботі?

I’ve always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I’m
Я завжди був мотивований бажанням робити роботу добре, незалежно від того, на
якій посаді я б не знаходився.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
– Де ви бачите себе через 5 років?

After the five year I want be get respectable position in organization. After getting
more experience I want to take part to making important decision for organiza-
Через 5 років мені б хотілося займати шановну посаду в цій компанії. Після того,
як я придбаю необхідний досвід я б хотів приймати важливі рішення в цій

What is important to you in a company?

— Що є для вас важливим в компанії? Уякій компанії ви б хотіли працювати?

I would like to work for a company that:

Мені б хотілося працювати в компанії, яка :
is fair and open with its employees (чесна і відкрита до своїх співробітників)
is growing (зростає)
offers opportunities (надає можливості)
offers training to do my job better (пропонує тренінги з підвищення кваліфікації)
When can you begin?
– Коли ви зможете приступити до роботи?

Emphasize your positive traits during the interview

learning agility [əˈdʒɪlɪti] (fast-learner) — швидко навчаюся
self-motivated and determined — ініціативний та цілеспрямований
success-oriented and natural leader — зорієнтирований на успіх, природжений
teamplayer — командний гравець
hardworking — працелюбний, працездатний
intelligence and self confidence — інтелект та впевненість у собі
able to keep deadlines successfully —здатний виконувати роботу в строк
abletoprioritize — здатний розставляти пріоритети
able to work in dependently with little or nosupervision — здатний працювати
незалежно , без контролю (або з мінімальним контролем)
adapt well to new situations — легко адаптуюсь до нових ситуацій
have good communication / interpersonal skills — маю гарні комунікативні
have planning skills - маю навички планування
multitasking - здатний успішно працювати з кількома проектами
open to change — готовий змінюватись, неретроград
patient — толерантний
possesspro active approach — маю активну життєву позицію, ініціативний
quality-oriented— зорієнтований наякість
trying to learn from past mistakes — намагаюся вчитися на помилках
well-organized — організований
have a stable work history — моя професійна біографія відрізняється
versatile [ˈvəːsətʌɪl] - гнучкий,багатогранний, універсальний

а quick learner (enjoy learning new things) — швидко навчаюся (люблю

вивчати нове)
а team player who shares knowledge and ideas with colleagues-командний гравець,
ділюся знаннями та ідеями з колегами

How to tell about positive traits during the interview

-I think one of my greatest strengths is as a problem solver.
I have the ability to see a situation from different perspectives and I can get my work
done even in the face of difficult obstacles.
I also feel that my communication skills are top notch ( неперевершені)
I feel just as comfortable presenting( спілкуватися) to senior executives as I do
mediating a conflict between junior team members
I worked as a programmer in the past so I have that perspective of a developer (розумію
точку зору тих, хто розробляє програми) and I think that they respect me for that.
Negative traits that can be mentioned during the interview
getting nervous around people — відчувати знервованість від перебування у
having trouble delegating tasks — мати проблеми з делегуванням задач
lacking some skills — мати нестачу певних знань та вмінь
being too sensitive — бути занадто чутливим
getting impatient with some team members— втрачати терпіння з деякими членами

How to tell about negative traits during the interview

-Well, nobody is perfect.
I definitely get impatient with team members who are making mistakes or delivering
substandard work. ( не якісна робота ) .
But I've learned over the past that it's more effective way to approach those team
members with professionalism and constructive criticism rather than jump to
conclusions about who's to blame for the cause of the problem. It doesn't come naturally
to me but I think the blame game is just a waste of time and it's better to focus on where
to go from here.

Job Interview.

Dialogue 1.
-Good morning, Miss Voytenko. So you applied for a job in our team. Am I right?
-Yes, I did. I sent my resume for a position of a restaurant manager.
-That`s good. I`d like to know a bit more about you. Probably you could tell us about
your education first.
-Well, I left school at 17 and then for the next five years I studied at Odesa National
University of Economics. I graduated from the Department of International Economics
with high honors and was qualified as a manager of enterprise. And after that I did a
one-year computer course.
-Well. Your education sounds great, Miss Voytenko. And have you got any experience?
Have you worked before?
-Certainly. First I worked as a manager at children’s clothes shop. I stayed there for four
years and then I moved on to my present company. They offered me a job of a manager
in a big cafe.
-That`s very interesting. Why aren’t you happy with your present job, Miss Voytenko?
Why are you going to leave them?
-Well. The salary isn’t so bad, I must admit. But the work schedule isn’t convenient for
me. And I often do a lot of overtime there. Besides you have an excellent reputation and
I hope to have more opportunity and growth potential in your company.
-I see. Do you mind business trips? And are you fluent in Italian or German?
-Oh, foreign languages are my favorites. We did Italian and German at the University
and I use them when I travel.
-Very good. Can you tell me about your good points then?
-Well… I start my work on time. I learn rather quickly. I am friendly and I am able to
work under pressure in a busy company.
-OK. That’s enough I think. Well, Miss Voytenko. Thank you very much. I am pleased
to talk to you and we shall inform you about the result of our interview in a few days.

Dialogue 2.
Employer: Good morning! How are you?
Candidate: Fine, thank you very much.
Employer: We made this appointment to speak about your personality traits and your
professional skills. Please, tell us about yourself.
Candidate: I`m a very friendly person. Love to people helps me at solving different
problems. I am responsible and diligent. I`m really good at working with personal
computers and I`m very interested in programming (software engineering). When I was
a university undergraduate I was twice awarded the second prize in the database
programming competition.
Employer: Can you explain us, why should our company hire you?
Candidate: I can work very well with other people, because I`m a real team player. My
qualification and professional skills help me to get any job done.
Employer: You mean you have never had a confrontation with your colleagues at your
last place of work?
Candidate: No I haven`t. I always resolved difficult problems without confrontation.
I`m a very hard worker.
Employer: Tell us about your main negative and positive traits.
Candidate: I am outgoing optimist. I like people and I enjoy being around them. What
about my negative traits… Well, I like to discuss the newest gadgets with my friend
Paul very much, because they are a very important part of my life. Often we are fully
unmindful of time and depress our relatives.
Employer: Maybe this side of your character exercises significant influence on your
private life but it cannot be bad for your professional abilities.

Dialogue 3.
Mr. Richards: Good morning, Michael. I'm Phil Richards from the personnel
Michael: Good morning, Mr. Richards. Nice to meet you.
Mr. Richards: How are you doing?
Michael: I'm fine, thank you.
Mr. Richards: Was the traffic heavy?
Michael: No, it wasn't. The traffic was light this morning. I'm so glad that I came on
Mr. Richards: That's good. Now, if you don't mind, let's start our interview.
Michael: Yes, of course
Mr. Richards: We've got your CV last week and we thought you are the right person for
this position. However, I need to clarify some areas. First of all, can you tell me a bit
more about your previous experience of work?
Michael: I've been working as a head manager of the department for two years. The
company which hired me went bankrupt last month and many branches were closed. So,
now I'm looking for a similar job.
Mr. Richards: I see. What did you like in your job?
Michael: Well, there are many things I liked about my job. Firstly, it's the chance to be a
part of the corporate company. Secondly, I liked communicating with my colleagues and
being a part of the professional team. Thirdly, it's the cnahce to get promoted, I mean
career development.
Mr. Richards: Have you ever been promoted, Michael?
Michael: Yes, twice during my work at the previous place.
Mr. Richards: I see. What didn't you like about your job?
Michael: Perhaps, it's the fixed hours of work. Every day I had to work from 9 am to 5
pm. However, I'm ready to be flexible and work at other times too.
Mr. Richards: The position which we want to offer involves work in shifts.
Michael: It suits me perfectly.
Mr. Richards: I have a few more questions for you, Michael. What are your strengths?
And, why should we hire you?
Michael: Well, I'm a hard-working person with sufficient experience in the field of
management. I'm a good team player and I get on well with my colleagues. I'm eager to
grow and develop and I should say, I'm a fast learner.
Mr. Richards: How do you usually react to stressful situations?
Michael: I try to stay calm and level-headed.
Mr. Richards: That's good to know. We sometimes work in hectic conditions. When are
you ready to start the job?
Michael: Any moment, Mr. Richards. I can start from Monday if you wish.
Mr. Richards: Yes, you can start from the next week. My secretary will send you the
employment contract. The first three months are going to be probationary for you, but
I'm sure you'll be fine.
Michael: Thank you, Mr. Richards. I'm happy to become a part of your company now.

Dialogue 4.
someone knocked the door
— Exuse me, may I come in?
— Yes, of course. Sit down. So, what’s your name?
— My name is James Smith.
— How old are you?
— I am 20 years old.
— Well, James, where did you work before?
— I worked as a cashier in McDonald’s.
— Are you quit yourself or somebody fired you?
— I quit myself. The work distracted me.
— Okay. So you haven`t got experience in selling cars.
— That’s right.
— You must understand that we need skilled workers.
— It seems to me, that I won`t get this job. But, I think that there is a good candidate for
this place!
— Who are you talking about?
— My father knows the machines well. Moreover, he has a lot of free time!
— Okay, how old is your father?
-He is 45.
— Hmm … I think we’ll call you back later.
— Okay. Be sure to call. Here is his number: 81341341313.
— I need to write down his name and surname.
— Oh sure. His name is George Smith.
— Thank you so much.
— Thank you.
— Have a nice day!
— Bye!
— Bye!

Dialogue 5.
— Hello Anna.
— Hello.
— You are applying for an editorial job.Вы претендуете на вакансию редактора.
— Yes.
— You have a wonderful resume. Tell me more about your work in the newspaper.
— I started working as a freelance reporter.(позаштатний репортер). For the year I
grew up to be an assistant editor.( помічника редактора). My specialization is
economic news, interviews with key persons of companies.
— This is exactly what we need. Do you know the conditions that we offer?
— Yes, I read it on the site.
— Are you satisfied with everything?
— Yes, but I would like to have a more flexible schedule.
— Good. If everyone is happy with everything, then congratulations, you are accepted,
bring the documents to the personnel department. Welcome to the team.

Appendix 1


Personal Name: Viktoria Savchenko

information Address: 33716, Оdesa, Ukraine
Dobrovolsky avenue 53/3, app. 160
Phone: +3-812-100-38-94
Date of birth: 16 August 1997
Age: 20
Marital status: Single
Nationality: Ukrainian
Objective To provide advanced administrative services for your company, carry
out office management and information management tasks as an
Executive Secretary
Education 2012 — present time Teacher of History and Social Studies,
Historical Department, 2nd year study,
Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Ukraine
2002 — 2012 Gymnasium № 1, Odesa, Ukraine
Work Experience May 2013 – September 2013 Receptionist
(LLC) “Tradecontact”,Odesa , Ukraine
Responsibilities: answer calls; negotiations arrangement; office work;
business documentary; advertising.
Skills Computer skills: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), 1C, Outlook
Ukrainian — native
English — working knowledge
French — basic knowledge
Driving Licence: Category B
References Letter of Reference is available upon request from:
Irina A.Vaschennko, Executive Director (LLC) “Tradecontact”,
Prymorsky st., 7/2b,
Odesa, Ukraine
Phone: +3(495)934-56-31

Appendix 2

Зразок супроводжувального листа (Cover Letter)

Farrington Road

Apt. G11
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Taylor, Inc.

694 Rockstar Lane

Durham, NC 27708

January 11, 2015

Dear Ms. Jones:

I am seeking a position in your engineering department where I may use my training

in computer sciences to solve Taylor’s engineering problems. I would like to be a part
of the department that developed the Internet Selection System but am unsure
whether you have a current opening.

I expect to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from North Carolina

State University in June and by that time will have completed the Computer Systems
Engineering Program. Since September 2010, I have been participating, through the
University, in the Professional Training Program at Computer Systems International
in Raleigh. In the program, I was assigned to several staff sections as an apprentice.
Most recently, I have been a programmer trainee in the Engineering Department and
have gained a great deal of experience in computer applications. Details of the
academic courses I have taken are included in the enclosed resume.

If there is a position open at Taylor Inc., please let me know whom I should contact
for further information. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I may be reached
at my office (919-866-4000 ext. 232) or via email (

Yours faithfully,
Rebecca Brock


Фаррингтон-Роуд кв. G11 Чапел-Хілл, NC 27514 Taylor, Inc. 694 рокстар-Лейн

Дарем, NC 27708 11 січня 2015 р

Шановна пані Джонс,

Мене цікавить вакансія в вашому конструкторському відділі, де я б змогла
використати отриману мною освіту в сфері компьютерних технологій для
вирішення технічних завдань компанії Taylor. Я б хотіла стати частиною відділу,
який розробив InternetSelectionSystem, але не впевнена в наявності у вас
відкритої вакансії на даний момент.
У червні я отримаю ступінь бакалавра технічних наук Університету Північної
Кароліни, і на той час програму навчання по системотехніці буде завершено.
Починаючи з 2010 року, за сприяння університету, я брала участь в програмі
професійної підготовки при компанії Computer Systems International в м Рейлі.
В ході навчання за даною програмою я проходила стажування в кількох відділах
компанії. Останнім часом я працювала програмістом-стажером в
конструкторському відділі, де набула достатнього досвіду роботи з
компьютерними програмами. Детальніше про прослухані мною академічні курси
написано в доданому резюме
Якщо в корпорації Taylor є відкрита вакансія, будь ласка, повідомте, до кого мені
звертатися за додатковою інформацією.
З нетерпінням очікую вашої відповіді. Мої контактні дані: робочий телефон 919-
866-4000 дод. 232, електронна адреса:
Щиро Ваша,
Ребекка Брок
Appendix 3
Аплікаційна форма/ApplicationForm

Реєстраційний номер _______

Registration number
Дата заповнення «___»__________20_____р.
Date of filling

1. Особисті дані учасника

Applicant’s personal data

NamePatronymic (name)
Датанародження «___»___________ _________
Date of birth

Місце народження___________________________________________________
Адреса (вулиця, місто, країна)
Address (street, city, country)

Телефон:___________________________ e-mail:___________________________
Telephone number
Паспортні дані: серія______ № _________________ виданий_________________
Passport data: serialissued by
___________________________________ дата видачі «___»_____________ р.
Date of issue
Наявність закордонного паспорта Так Ні
Foreign passport available YesNo
Якщо так, то вказати (дані заповнюютьсялатинськими літерами за закордонним
If available, notify (fill datum according to foreign passport in Roman letter)
Прізвище _________________________ Ім’я___________________
Surname Name
серія _____ № __________ Дійснийдо «___»_____________ _______
serial Validtill

Сімейний статус: Одружений(а) Неодружений(а) Розлучений(а)

Marital status: Married Single Divorced

Діти: Так Ні
Children Yes No
2. Освіта.
Середня освіта:
Secondary education
Назва навчального закладу/номер Період
Secondary institution full Місто Країна навчання
name/number Town Country з по

Вища освіта:
Higher Education:
Назва ВУЗу Факультет або навчання
Name of Higher Educational спеціальність з по
institution Faculty or Specialty Period of
Особисті досягнення (грамоти, нагороди, сертифікати)
Personal achievements (Diplomas, rewards, certificates)

Знання іноземних мов

Knowledge of foreign languages

Англійська НімецькаGerman ФранцузькаFrench Інша

English Other language
розм. пис. розм. пис. розм. пис. розм. пис.
speaking writing speaking writing speaking writing speaking.
не володіюdo not master

Досвід роботи:
Work experience:
Період Назва Посада і основні обов’язки
Period організаціїOrganization Position acquired and principal duties
full name
Загальна інформація:
General Information:
1.Чи перебували Ви за кордоном? В якій країні?________________________
Have you been abroad? What country?
2. Мета перебування______________________________________________
Aim of staying
3. Період перебування______________________________________________
4. Наявність відмов в посольствах, депортації _________________________
Available refusals in the embassies, deportations
5. Наявність санітарного паспорта____________________________________
Sanitary passport availability
6. Дані роботодавця(адреса)________________________________________
Employee data (address)

Я завіряю, що всі дані та надана інформація повністю та правильно

викладені. Мені відомо, що надання завідомо недостовірних даних може бути
підставою для відмови в реєстрації.
I do hereby declare that all data and information rendered is completely and
correctly stated. I am informed that rendering of deliberately invalid data may be
considered as argument for registration refusal.

Відповіднодо Закону України «Про захист персональних даних» даю згоду на

обробку моїх персональних даних з первинних джерел (у т.ч. паспортні дані,
відомості з виданих на моє ім’я документів (про освіту, сімейний стан, склад
родини, тощо), відомості, які надаю про себе) з метою забезпечення реалізації
трудових відносин, адміністративно-правових, податкових відносин та відносину
сфері бухгалтерського обліку, відносину сфері управління людськими ресурсами.

Підпис ________________ Дата «___»___________20___

Signature Date

Appendix 4

Letter of Recommendation - this is a letter specifically requested by someone for a par-

ticular job, academic program or application for remuneration
Letter of Recommendation - це лист, спеціально запитаний кимось для певного
місця роботи, академічної програми або заявки на отримання винагороди.
As a rule, these letters are sent directly to the requested and are not considered by the
Як правило, ці листи відправляються безпосередньо тому, хто їх запитує, і не
розглядаються кандидатом.
Letter of Reference is usually more general and not addressed to the specific person re-
quested. Often these letters are addressed to "To Whom it may Concern" or "Dear Sir /
Letter of Reference зазвичай носить більш загальний характер і не адресований
конкретній особі, яка його запитує. Часто ці листи адресовані "To Whom it may
Concern" або "Dear Sir/Madam".
Letters of Reference are most often passed directly to the candidate and stored for future
Letters of Reference найчастіше передаються безпосередньо кандидату і
зберігаються для використання в майбутньому

Letter of Reference
Ltd.The company ’Center"
56. Pushkin Street .Odesa. Ukraine
Tel: +3 912 9335579
April 12, 2017
To Whom It May Concern:
Reference for Mr Alexandr Ivanchenko

Alexandr Ivanchenko joined the Ltd. The company "Center” in July 2015. Since then he
has proved to be a most reliable and effective member of the sales team. Alexandr is
professional and efficient in his approach to work and very well-liked by his colleagues
and executive clients. He is well-presented and able to work both independently and as
part of a team.
His contribution to all areas of company activity in which he has been involved have
been much appreciated. I believe that Alexandr will make a valuable addition to any or-
ganization that he may join. We deeply regret his decision to move on and I recommend
him without hesitation
I would gladly answer any request for further information.
Igor Petrov
Managing Director

Letter of Recommendation
Ms. Greta Johanssen
Sales Manager
Streambase Corp.
69 Western Boulevard
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87500

Dear Ms. Johanssen,

It’s my pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation for James as he seeks
employment in software sales with Streambase. As James’s sole direct manager at
Waretech, I’ve worked closely with him over the past three years, sharing the same open
office space the majority of the time. James showed excellent communication skills and
consistently exceeded company quotas. On a personal level, he’s charismatic and well-
spoken, both qualities that have served him well in his role as software sales
Due to his wife’s cross-country transfer, James is seeking employment out west. All of
us at Waretech will be sad to see such a valuable employee go, but our loss is truly your
gain. Allow me to point out three examples of James’s strengths.
First, James brought great value to Waretech by consistently exceeding quotas and
selling in the top 15% of his peers. James has an understanding of market trends and
instincts for identifying and pursuing qualified leads. Not only does he provide stellar
service to existing clients, but he’s established a number of new business-to-business
and business-to-customer accounts during his time at Waretech. Last fall, for instance,
he added Voxacorp to our client list, a huge acquisition, and has been working closely
with its IT department ever since. James has the combination of business acumen and
communication skills that makes him an outstanding salesperson.
Second, James has a very strong grasp of technology. He knows our software inside and
out and helps relay technical information to customers in an accessible way. He explains
our products clearly to customers and makes the most of technological avenues to gain
new leads and customize his sales pitch to clients. During an early review, I observed
him discuss in detail with a prospective client the specific ways that our software could
boost the sales of her online bakery. By monitoring clients’ presence across our website
and blog, he provides each one with personalized service to meet his/her needs. James
makes the most of technology to find new prospects, provide modern solutions, and
drive results.
Finally, James has proven himself to be a strong cultural fit here at Waretech. He’s
always ready to lend a helping hand to his teammates and contributes during
brainstorming sessions and meetings between the sales and marketing teams. Last
month, James co-led an enlightening meeting on content marketing and account
management. Outside of official events, James also takes turns leading weekly spin
classes at our in-house gym. James is an active member of the Waretech team and
supports his colleagues professionally and personally (not to mention athletically!).
In closing, I’d like to restate my strong support for James’s application to the role of
software sales professional with Streambase. I’m confident that he will surpass your
expectations in this new role. James is driven, self-confident, proactively helpful, and
smart, and I know he will continue to find success in sales. Please feel free to contact
me at (866) 811-5546 or with any other questions. Thank
you for your time.
Samuel Saasman
Sales Manager
Streambase, Inc.
(879) 811-5539

Appendix 5

Dialogue: Contract negotiation

A: And now I’d like to discuss with you the year results of our new contract with the
“TechArt Group”.
B: So the contract was signed 10 months ago and in the beginning the outcome was
under a big question. We provided them with high quality raw materials for their
production chain but one supply was with a big percentage of waste.
A: So how did you solve the problem?
B: We changed the delivery and suggested them a discount on the following dispatch.
Now our total turnover is over 2 billion dollars. It is 5% higher than what we expected.
A: That is a good outcome. Are they going to sign a contract for the next year
B: Yes, they certainly will. They are happy with our delivery terms and payments. And
what is more, we are discussing their new project now.
A: It is great. Keep working this way.

Dialogue: Discussion of the budget and finance

-So we gathered here to discuss budget planning for the next year expenditures. What I
want to underline is that basing on the latest research we are going to face some
financial difficulties. So we need to prepare and cut the budget.
-First of all I would like to say that no redundancy will take place. We are staffed better
than ever before. All our employees correspond to the required level and do their job
well. Besides, we cannot cut down production financing. As even a small decrease in
the quality of raw materials largely results in the goods quality.
-So what is going to be cut down is the marketing budget. I appreciate what marketing
department does for the company. What is more, I realize that this is going to create
huge difficulties for the marketers. But we all understand what will happen if we don’t
do this way.

Dialogue: Talking on the phone about meeting

–Hello. May I talk to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), please?
–Good morning. Mister Browson is busy at the moment. He is holding a meeting. Do
you mind leaving the message for him, please?
–No, I don't. It is Mr. Sparrow calling. We arranged to meet for discussion of our new
contract. So I'm calling to confirm.
–Oh, yes, Mr. Sparrow. I was looking forward to your call. Mr.Browson asked me to
confirm that he would meet you at the Brew at 2 p.m.
–It is very good. Thank you for information. Looking forward to meeting him.

Dialogue: Discussion of delivery and costs

–The recent research of average customer consumption revealed that we are going to
face the forthcoming problems.
-Our turnover decreased by 15% while the profit is 7.5% lower than last season. So we
need to change the way we are working now. And the sphere we need to pay lots of
attention to is logistics and delivery.
-The goods departure needs to become cheaper. Transportation and storage costs need
to be cut down. That is the main and the most obvious thing to do.
-As we can’t influence custom duties we need to think over what else we can do to
reduce our logistics expenditures.

Dialogue: Discussion of future collaboration

–Hello, Mr. Collins.
-Good morning, Mr. Evans.
-So we’ve met to discuss our future mutual development.
-Yes. Our businesses can produce much more together rather than by themselves. You
specialize in marketing and we specialize in producing high-quality goods. That is
going to give an amazing synergy.
-I hope it will. Have you seen the contract yet?
-Yes. My lawyers looked it through and I am ready to sign and start working.
-That’s great. So I suggest celebrating such a move in our development. In our company
we have a tradition to meet outside the office on a yearly basis. So why don’t we
commit this year gathering to our agreement? (У нашій компанії є традиція
зустрічатися поза офісом щорічно.Так чому б нам не приурочити нинішню зустріч
до нашої угоди?)
-That is a very good idea.

Dialogue: At the airport

Customer: - Hello! Give me a one-way ticket to Seattle and hurry up, please!
Travel agent: - No problem. When are you going to leave for Seattle?
C: - As quickly as you sell me the ticket.
T.A.: - I'm afraid you will not be able to fly there till Tuesday.
C: - Tuesday? Are you kidding me? My business will be ruined if I don't get to Seattle
tomorrow morning!
T.A.: - I'm really sorry but all the departures are delayed because of inclement weather
in the state of Washington.
C: - Oh, my God!
T.A.: - Don't worry, I'll try to help. You are planning to fly to Seattle, aren't you?
C: - Yes, I am. Haven't you asked?
T.A.: - Let me process your request... Well, flights to Redmond are available. You can
fly here and then go to Seattle by bus. It will take you about ten hours.
C: - It would be great!
T.A.: - There are some first class tickets available to the daytime flight at six p.m.
C: - Are there any economies? I would prefer to save money.
T.A.: - Yes, there are some. But they are for the nine p.m. departure.
C: - Then I'll take one first class ticket. Here is my passport.
T.A.: - It costs 550 dollars. By the way, meals are served on the flight. And refreshments
are free.
C: - I don't care. I feel sick travelling by plane. It'd be a great luck for me to fall asleep
right after takeoff.
T.A.: - Have you got any bags?
C: - No, I haven't. Just a small suitcase but I'd like to take it on board with me.
T.A.: - OK, let me weigh it. Everything is fine with your luggage, it weighs about seven
pounds. Take your luggage check. What seat would you prefer: aisle or window?
C: - Aisle, of course. I'm terribly afraid of flying.
T.A.: - Next time book tickets in advance. You are lucky that I've found an appropriate
C: - I know. I always make reservations. That accident has happened due to my new
secretary, a very absent-minded young person.
T.A.: - How will you pay?
C: - Can I pay with my credit card? I have little cash with me.
T.A.: - Of course, you can. Now your seat is reserved and you have to wait for two
hours. Take a seat or visit our duty free. Be on time near the fifth gate. Don't be late for
the departure.
C: - Thanks a lot! I'll bring you an armful of smoked salmon from Seattle!
T.A.: - That sounds a bit strange, but thank you. Have a nice trip!

Dialogue: Booking a room at the Hotel

Jane: Good morning! Is that the Savoy Hotel?
Receptionist: Yes, that`s right. What can I do for you?
Jane: I would like to book a double room with air conditioner, bath and phone.
Receptionist: For how long you require this accommodation?
Jane: I need accommodation for four nights.
Receptionist: When will you arrive here?
Jane: I will arrive a day after tomorrow in the early morning. I think I`ll be at the hotel
at about six a.m.
Receptionist: All right. And what floor would you like to book a room on?
Jane: I always prefer the first floor.
Receptionist: All right. I book a room in the first floor for you.
Jane: Thank you very much. And what is the charge?
Receptionist: It is ninety pounds a night.
Jane: Fine, thank you.

Dialogue:Problems at a hotel
- Hello. Reception. How may I help you?
- Hello. I think I’ve got several problems in my room.
- Excuse me, sir. What’s your room number, please?
- Oh, yes. It’s 447.
- Right. What’s the matter, Mr. Peterson?
- The thing is that the room heating doesn’t seem to be working and it was really
freezing in here last night.
- OK. I’m sorry, Mr. Peterson. Would you like me to send you the engineer right away
and get it fixed?
- Well, I guess it would be better to change the room as this one is too noisy and small
for me. And by the way, the sink is clogged in the bathroom and I cannot use the water
in it. Hadn’t the housekeeping staff examined it before I checked in? The smell is
- Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience. I’ll find the plumber and let
him know.
- I hope so. So is it possible to find another room for me today?
- Let me see… Yes. We can offer you room 205. It is a little larger and not noisy at all. I
will send you a porter to help you move your luggage in an hour. Is that all right?
- That sounds perfect. But please make sure that the room is clean and there are towels
and a hair-dryer in the bathroom. I have had to ring the housekeeping every day and ask
them to clean my room.
- Sure, sir. I’ll speak to housekeeping straight away.
- Thanks for your help.
- Enjoy your stay, Mr. Peterson. And feel free to ask or call the reception anytime.

Dialogue: At the Restaurant

Waiter: Good evening, sir. Welcome to The Knight's Asylum. What can I do for you?
Have you booked the table?
Mr. Berton: Yes. I phoned you yesterday evening. The name is Berton.
Waiter: Yes, sir. Are you alone? (Looking down the list before him). Oh, no, excuse me,
the table for two.
Mr. Berton: My wife will be here fairly soon.
Waiter: Here you are, please. Would you like this table?
Mr. Berton: Oh, no. My wife is fond of sitting by the window and staring at the passers-
Waiter: This way, sir. It's the right place for your wife.
Mr. Berton: Well, thank you. It seems pretty... for my wife. Not for me, I mean. But the
view is wonderful.
Mrs.Berton: Peter! (A middle-aged perfectly dressed woman is coming to Mr. Berton).
I'm sorry, I'm late.
Mr. Berton: Better late than never.
Mrs. Berton: Please, don't grumble! I've just visited my hairdresser. Besides ladies have
the right to be late. Gentlemen —never!
Mr. Berton: Yes, you're right. Do you like the place?
Mrs. Berton: Oh, I'm awfully pleased!
Waiter: Here's the menu. What would you like to start with, madam?
Mrs. Berton: Wait a minute. Er... It's funny enough, but I'm hungry as a bear. And the
dishes in your menu look so appetizing... Well, I'd like to begin with baked mushrooms
and melon.
Waiter: And you, sir?
Mr. Berton: As for me, I would like to begin with something more interesting. What can
you say about your steaks?
Waiter: Oh, they're really delicious today! What vegetables would you like with the
steaks? Fried tomatoes with spiced sour-cream, cauliflower or French beans?
Mr. Berton: So, two steaks with fried tomatoes. I prefer steaks well done. What else? A
nice portion of roast potatoes.
Mrs. Berton: Waiter, the same for me, please.
Mr. Berton: And what about your diet, dear?
Mrs. Berton: Let's forget about it!
Waiter: Anything to drink?
Mr. Berton: A bottle of French red wine, two cups of strong coffee...
Mrs. Berton: And orange juice, please!
Mr. Berton: Of course! How could I forget!
Waiter: Please, wait a moment. (The waiter goes out. In a few minutes he appears again
with a tray with dishes). Here you are.
Mrs. Berton: Seems and smells fantastic!
Mr. Berton: Great!
Waiter: Good appetite! Enjoy yourselves. What would you like for dessert?
Mrs. Berton: Vanilla ice-cream mixed with bits of chocolate and pineapples, a nice slice
of apple pie for me and ... (looks at her husband) absolutely nothing for my husband, I
Mr. Berton: Good gracious! You're right, dear! Will you please bring me the bill, waiter?
Waiter: Certainly, sir.

Dialogue: Shopping the clothes.

Salesgirl: Good Morning! What can I do for you?
Sarah: Could you let me see that green dress? I saw it in your window and I like the
style and the colour very much.
Salesgirl: I`m afraid, this dress will be too big for you. May I show you another dress in
green? I think this one will fit you.
Sarah: This is another style. Let me try it on in your fitting-room. I think I like it too. It
is very nice.
Salesgirl: I see, you like the dress. It looks very fine on you.
Sarah: I will buy it.
Salesgirl: Do you want anything else?
Sarah: Could you show me that light white shirt? I would like to buy it for my son. May
I bring it back tomorrow, if this shirt doesn`t fit him?
Salesgirl: Sure, you can. It it doesn`t fit him, you can make a refund or exchange it.
Sarah: All right.
Salesgirl: Would you pay cash?
Sarah: No, I would like to pay by my credit card.
Salesgirl: Fine. Thank you. Here are your clothes.
Sarah: Thank you, too. Good bye!
Salesgirl: Good bye!

Dialogue: Meeting a Businessman

Smith: Good morning! My name is Smith. I`m from «Smith and Co.». I`ve got an
appointment with Mister Naidenko at 10.50.
Secretary: Good Morning, Mister Smith. Mister Naidenko is already expecting you.
Will you take a seat, please.
Smith: Thank you. I think I`m a bit early.
Secretary: That`s all right, Mister Smith.
Naidenko: Good morning, Mister Smith. It`s nice to see you here again. How are you?
Smith: Fine, thanks. And you?
Naidenko: Pretty well too, thank you. Would you like a cup of coffee?
Smith: Yes, please. It is rather cold and very wet outside today.
Naidenko: Yes, the weather hasn`t been very nice lately.
Smith: That`s right, but it is usually warm here in October. Now, Mister Naidenko, how
about our catalogues? Have you looked through them?
Naidenko: Sure. We have studied them closely. The new models are certainly good.
Smith: Yes, they are of high quality. Our company has just started manufacturing these
models and we have already got a lot of orders from different companies.
Naidenko: Your equipment meets our requirements and we are interested in purchasing
Smith: What model you are interested in? And how many machines would you like to
Naidenko: Model CD0199 meets all our requirements. We would like to purchase ten
machines till the end of this year. Mister Smith, have you seen our usual contract form?
Smith: Not yet.
Naidenko: Would you like to look through it?
Smith: I certainly would.
Naidenko: Here you are, Mister Smith. You have to study our terms and then we meet
again next Friday.
Smith: All right, Mister Naidenko . Good-bye for now.
Naidenko: Good-bye, Mister Smith.
Список використаних джерел

1. D. Cotton, D.Falvey, S.Kent- Pre-Intermediate Market Leader Business English

Course Book, Pearson Education Limited,2012, 3-rd Edition,175p.
2. New Webster`s Dictionary and Thesaurus of the English Language,Lexicon
3. Сучасний тлумачний словник української мови 50 000 слів/За заг.ред.д-ра
філол.наук, проф.В.В.Дубічинського.-Х.:ВД «Школа»,2006.-832с.
4. › Блог › Бизнес английский › Резюме на английском

Англо – український тематичний словник-довідник

для студентів економічних факультетів
усіх форм навчання усіх спеціальностей
Укладач: Олена Геннадіївна Галашова

Підписано до друку __________________ Зам._____________

Формат паперу 60 Х 84 1/16 Обсяг __3,25___ авт. арк.
Тираж______ прим. ОНЕУ, м. Одеса, вул. Преображенська, 8

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