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Planejamento Father’s Day

4º ano C ( 18 alunos)
Fazer cartões do Father’s Day
Como fazer o cartão:
Materiais necessários:
- Papel A4 colorido gramatura 120g (Filipinho)
- Caneta hidrográfica ( caso eles já tenham não precisa)
- Lápis de cor ( caso eles já tenham não precisa)
- EVA colorido ( preferência vermelho e azul)
- Tinta guache e pinceis
- Cola de isopor
Cantar a canção com a coreografia e gravar
Para a coreografia do vídeo as crianças irão confeccionar um “dedão
de espuma”, usado muito em torcidas nos EUA. No anexo já está o
desenho do só precisa ser impresso em folha A4 para cada aluno. A
ideia é gravar e depois irei editar para ser enviado para as famílias no
dia dos pais. É necessário também que cada aluno possua uma cópia
da lyrics para que eles consigam acompanhar.
Introduction: Fathers are truly special
They care for us, protect us, and give us so much love.
So today, let’s let them know how much we love and appreciate them.
I want to say thank you (thank you)
Just for being who you are (Oh,oo, oh, oo, oh)
You love and protect me
Daddy you’re my number one star (you’re number one)
Aaaye aye,
Your love makes me glad
I’m so grateful, grateful for my dad.
Aaaye aye,
Your love makes me glad
I’m so grateful, grateful for my dad.
My dad is brave
My dad is strong (strong)
He cares for me and helps me carry on.
My dad is brave
My dad is strong (strong)
Inside my heart, where you belong.
Daddy I love you, I love you
You mean so much to me
Daddy I love you
I love you
Thankful for you
And what you do for our family
Aaaye aye,
Your love makes me glad
I’m so grateful, grateful for my dad.
Aaaye aye,
Your love makes me glad
I’m so grateful, grateful for my dad.
Daddy I love you
I love you
I wanna tell the world
I wanna tell the world
Daddy I love you
I love you
To all the dads we say
Happy Father’s Day
DATA: ___ /___/ 2024 TURMA: TARDE

Lyrics: Daddy I love you

Introduction: Fathers are truly I love you
special. They care for us, protect us,
Thankful for you
and give us so much love.
And what you do for our family
So today, let’s let them know how
much we love and appreciate them. Aaaye aye,
I want to say thank you (thank you) Your love makes me glad
Just for being who you are (Oh,oo, I’m so grateful, grateful for my dad.
oh, oo, oh)
Aaaye aye,
You love and protect me
Your love makes me glad
Daddy you’re my number one star
(you’re number one) I’m so grateful, grateful for my dad.

Aaaye aye, Daddy I love you

Your love makes me glad I love you

I’m so grateful, grateful for my dad. I wanna tell the world

Aaaye aye, I wanna tell the world

Your love makes me glad Daddy I love you

I’m so grateful, grateful for my dad. I love you

My dad is brave To all the dads we say

My dad is strong (strong) Happy Father’s Day!

He cares for me and helps me carry

My dad is brave
My dad is strong (strong)
Inside my heart, where you belong.
Daddy I love you, I love you
You mean so much to me

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