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HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Supervisor User
Contact Center

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.


1. General Information 6
1.1 Introduction 6
1.2 Logging in 6

2. Utility Tab 13
2.1 Email 14
2.2 Chat (Supervisor Side) 23
2.3 Chat (Customer Side) 32
2.4 SMS 39
2.5 Social Media 47
2.6 Create Ticket 55

3 Dashboard 57
3.1 Real-Time Dashboard 57
3.2 Agent Dashboard 61
3.3 Queue Dashboard 64
3.4 Live calls 67

4 Web Phone 69

5. Call Details 74
5.1 Call Details 75
5.2 CRM Form(Customer relationship management) 76
5.3 Script 77
5.4 My callback 78
5.5 My Waiting call 79
5.6 Ticket details 80
5.7 Survey 80
5.8 SMS 83
5.9 Whatsapp 83

6. Internal Chat 84

7. Compose Email 86

8. Compose SMS 88

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9. Compose Whatsapp 89

10 Client History 90

11 Customer Details 90

12 Call History 92

13 Callback Details 93

14 Missed Call 95

15 Session Details 95

16. Agent 97

17. Send Notification 97

18. QA Form 99

19. Approve details 102

20. System Codes 104

21. Reports 106

21.1 System Reports 106
21.1.1 CDR (Call Details Records) 106
21.1.2 Hourwise Calls Summary 113
21.1.3 Datewise Calls Summary 114
21.1.4 DateHour wise Calls Summary 115
21.1.5 Callback Details 117
21.1.6 Disposition Details 118
21.1.7 Abandoned Calls 119
21.1.8 Ticket Details 120
21.1.9 Notification Details 122
21.1.10 Survey Details 124
21.1.11 QA Details 125
21.1.12 QA Scoring 127
21.1.13 Queue callback details 128
21.2 Supervisor Reports 129
21.2.1 Supervisor Session Summary 129
21.2.2 Datewise Session Summary 130
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21.2.3 Supervisor Session Details 131

21.2.4 Supervisor Queue Summary 132
21.2.5 DateHour wise Queue 133
21.2.6 Datewise Supervisor Queue 135
21.2.7 Hourwise Supervisor Queue 136
21.2.8 Queuewise Supervisor Summary 137
21.2.9 Queue Recording 138
21.2.10 Abandoned Summary 139
21.2.11 Datewise Abandoned Summary 140
21.2.12 Supervisor Break 141
21.2.13 Ticket summary 142
21.2.14 Audit Details 143
21.2.15 Supervisor shift report 144
21.3 Agent Reports 145
21.3.1 Agent Session Summary 145
21.3.2 Datewise Session Summary 146
21.3.3 Agent Session Details 147
21.3.4 Agent Queue Summary 148
21.3.5 DateHour wise Queue 149
21.3.6 Datewise Agent Queue 151
21.3.7 Hourwise Agent Queue 152
21.3.8 Queuewise Agent Summary 153
21.3.9 Queue Recording 154
21.3.10 Abandoned Summary 156
21.3.11 Datewise Abandoned Summary 157
21.3.12 Agent Break 158
21.3.13 Ticket summary 159
21.3.14 agent shift report 160
21.3.15 agent QA score summary report 161
21.4 Campaign Reports 162
21.4.1 Campaign Summary 162
21.4.2 DateHour wise Campaign 163
21.4.3 Datewise Campaign 165
21.4.4 Hourwise Campaign 166
21.4.5 Campaign Recording 167

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21.4.6 Missed call job summary 168

21.5 Multimedia Reports 169
21.5.1 Email Details 169
21.5.2 Chat Details 170
21.5.3 Inbound SMS 173
21.5.4 Outbound SMS 174
21.5.5 Social Media Details 175
21.5.6 Outbound Whatsapp 177

22 Supervisor Information 178

22.1 Profile 178
22.2 Queue 179
22.3 Change password 180
22.4 Language 181
22.5 Logout 181

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1. General Information
This user's manual provides information on how to use Call Center effectively, in
a way that is easy to understand.

1.1 Introduction

Supervisor can use his login portal to supervise his associates or agents which
are working under his supervision. He can check all the reports generated by the
system for the calling and JOB status. Agent's call time , talk time , idle time ,
break time and hold time can be observed from here. Also he can log out
forcefully any agent which is assigned to his queue.

1.2 Logging in

To login as a supervisor -

● Select Agent Login.

● Enter username and password OR Login with google.(If Login with Google
is selected, then user need to login with their SSO email ID)
● Click on 'Login'.

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● After successful login, below page will display and you have to select
supervisor from dropdown, client type and select queues for login.

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● Client type ​: There are two types of client.

1) ​CC WebClient : ​If the client type is CC WebClient, the supervisor can not
logged in from any SIP phone and external client too.

1) If supervisor select client type is CC WebClient then supervisor will

logged in from CC WebPhone only.

2) After selection of client type, supervisor has to select Extension

ID,Extension ID selection option will display when agent “extension type”
is ​flexible that is set at the agent creation time. supervisor will get list of
Extensions and user will able to login with selected extension. List of
Extension means extension numbers with flexible type using which no
supervisor is login at given point of time.

3) Finally Supervisor has to select Queue for calls which is assigned to

that particular supervisor at the agent creation time. supervisor can select
multiple queue at a time.

4) click on Login.

Fixed extension Type Login page :

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If supervisor is fixed extension type, supervisor has to select client type

and queue selection then click on login.

If supervisor want to go back then click on the back button otherwise click
on login.

Flexible extension Type Login page :

If Supervisor is flexible extension type, supervisor has to select client type,

extension ID and queue selection then click on login.
If Supervisor want to go back then click on the back button otherwise click
on login.

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2) ​External Client : If supervisor is logged in using “External Client” Type

Then, Call Will be Answered/Hold/Mute from SIP Phone and Disposition
works from supervisor portal.

1) If supervisor select client type is “External Client” then supervisor has

to logged in from CC WebPhone and register the extension in SIP phones
otherwise supervisor will not registered from the CC WebPhone.

2) After selection of client type,supervisor has to select Extension

ID,Extension ID selection option will display when agent “extension type”
is ​flexible that is set at the agent creation time.supervisor will get list of
Extensions and user will able to login with selected extension.List of
Extension means extension numbers with flexible type using which no
supervisor is login at given point of time.

3) Finally supervisor has to select Queue, which is assigned to that

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particular supervisor at the agent creation time. supervisor can select

multiple queue at a time.

4) click on Login.

Fixed extension Type Login page:

If Supervisor is fixed extension type, supervisor has to select client type
and queue selection then click on login.
If Supervisor want to go back then click on the back button otherwise click
on login.

​Flexible extension Type Login page:

If Supervisor is flexible extension type, supervisor has to select client type,

extension ID and queue selection then click on login.
If Supervisor want to go back then click on the back button otherwise click
on login.
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Note ​:- ​If Supervisor is logged in using “External Client ” Type Then, Call
Will be Answered/Hold/Mute from Voip Phone and Disposition works from
Supervisor portal.
The page will look as below when the agent logs in and there are no calls.

When PSTN Supervisor login into the portal, then On 2nd step client type will be
external client (Can’t be changed) and Extension number will be his/her remote
number as seen in below snap.
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Note :- When supervisor login with “External client” client type, then Chat, SMS
and Social Media will not be available.

2. Utility Tab

The main tab of this portal shows the logo of Contact center, current server time,
various parameters of the logged in Supervisor and different options for the
Supervisor which will be described below.

The leftmost corner shows the logo, auto answer button and switch to manual

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Auto answer - If the auto answer is on,call will be answered automatically. Click
on the Auto Answer button to switch it On or Off.

Switch to Manual - ​When Supervisor click on “switch to manual” button,

Supervisor will see dialpad from where Supervisor can dial any number

Supervisor can select outbound campaign from list of outbound campaign Which
is assigned to that particular Supervisor. If Supervisor want to close the “switch
to manual” session then click on cross button which is on the left side of
campaign list.

The right most of the tab shows Compose Email, Internal chat, Create Ticket,
Break and supervisor name with registration status.

2.1 Email

If Supervisor wants to Switch to Email Media for the Current session then need
to click on the Email Icon. Here Supervisor can see Unread email Count and
Manual Email count & At the Top Total Count Will be displayed.

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By Clicking on the Email Icon, Supervisor Will be Redirect to Email details page
which looks like as shown in the image below.

At the left Corner, Email Count will be displayed.

At the Right corner Incoming Email Count Will be displayed from Where
Supervisor can Manually Assign Mail to himself as seen in the image below.

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Supervisor can Search Particular Ticket on the basis of Ticket Subject,

Customer name, Ticket ID, Status and Created Time as seen in the image

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On the Left Side, All the Ticket Will be listed with the information like Customer
name, Ticket Subject, Ticket ID, Ticket Created Time and Ticket Status as seen
in below image.

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At the Right Side, Selected Ticket conversation will be displayed As seen below.

In Header, Ticket ID, Customer name and subject Will be displayed Along With
Ticket Created time. By Clicking on Customer name, It shows the Complete
Customer Information.

On the Right Side, There are six options available.

Add Comment - By Clicking on (Add Comment) Icon, Supervisor can add

a comment to the Tickets.

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Change Ticket Status​ - By Clicking on (Change Ticket status) Icon,

Supervisor can change the status of the Tickets.

Also, Supervisor need to select Disposition when changing the Status of the

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Change Ticket Category​ - By Clicking on (Change Ticket category) Icon,

Supervisor can change the Category of the Tickets.

Customer Information​ - ​By Clicking on (Customer Info.) icon, Supervisor

Can See the Complete Customer Information for the particular Tickets.

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Transfer​ - By Clicking on Icon, Supervisor can Transfer his own tickets to

the Other Agent/ Supervisor.

Note :- Here, Logged in agent will be indicated with Green Icon and
Logged out agent will be indicated with Red Icon.

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Reply - ​By Clicking on icon, Supervisor will be Directly goes to the reply
Section From where agent can reply to the ticket.

To Reply any of the Tickets, Agent needs to Select Template and enter the

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details in the body section.

At the Bottom, there are Three options available. ​None, Agent Signature and
System Signature.

None​ - If None is selected, then no Signature will be sent in the Reply Mail.

Agent signature - if Agent Signature is selected then Agent Signature will be

sent in the reply Mail.(Signature which is set by the agent in their profile)

System signature - if system Signature is selected then Signature which is

defined in the Outgoing mail server will be sent in the reply Mail.

Agent Can upload Attachment to this mail by clicking on Send Attachment


Note :- In Email Details, only those Tickets will be displayed which is

received through Email.

2.2 Chat (Supervisor Side)

If a Supervisor wants to Switch to Chat Media for the Current session then need
to click on Chat Supervisor can see Assign Chat Count and Waiting
Visitor count & At the Top Total Count Will be displayed.

By Clicking on the Chat Icon, Supervisor Will be Redirect to Chat page which
looks like as shown in below image when there is no Active chat found.

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At the left Corner, Chat Count will be displayed Which is currently assigned to
that Supervisor​.

At the Right corner Waiting visitor Count Will be displayed from Where
Supervisor can Accept the Chat by Clicking on ​Accept as seen in the image

Once the Chat is Accepted by the Supervisor​, the page will look like as seen

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On the Left Side, All the Assigned Chat Will be listed with the information like
Customer name, Phone number and unread count if any.

On the Right Side, Chat Conversation will be displayed as seen on the below

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Supervisor can send Attachment by Clicking on the Send Attachment button, it

opens pop-up to select file as seen in below image.

On the Right Side, There are eight options available.

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Visitor information - By Clicking on Icon, Supervisor can see the visitor


Customer Information - ​By Clicking on (Customer Info.) icon, Supervisor

Can See the Complete Customer Information for the particular Chat if the same
customer details exist in the customer table.

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Create Ticket - By Clicking on Icon, Supervisor can Create ticket for the
ongoing chat & that ticket is mapped with this chat.

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Map Ticket - By Clicking on Icon, Supervisor can map previous Ticket of

the same customer to this chat Which are created/ received by the agent.

Once the ticket is assigned, Chat Transcript will be added to the particular Ticket
conversation as seen in the image below.

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Change Ticket Status​ - By Clicking on (Change Ticket status) Icon,

Supervisor​can change the status of the Tickets.

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Change Ticket Category​ - By Clicking on (Change Ticket category) Icon,

Supervisor can change the category of the Tickets.

Add Ticket comment​ - By Clicking on (add ticket comment) Icon,

Supervisor can add comment for the ticket.

Transfer - By Clicking on Icon, Supervisor can Transfer chat to the Other

Agent/ Supervisor.
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Note :- Here, Logged in agent will be indicated with Green Icon and
Logged out agent will be indicated with Red Icon.

To End the chat, the Supervisor need to click on End chat Button.

2.3 Chat (Customer Side)

To Create Chat Plugin, User need to add Widget code to their Site.

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Once the Widget code is added to the site, Chat Plugin will look as seen in the
below image.

Click on Icon, it will ask to add visitor information as seen in the image below.

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Fields description are as follow -

Your Name​ - Name of the Visitor.

Email address​ - Email Address of the Customer.

Your number​ - Phone number of the Customer.

Note :- If “Ask Client Info” Switch is on, in Chat Multimedia Campaign

Which are assigned in widget code, then Email Address or phone number
is mandatory.

Enter all the Relevant details and click on start.

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There will be two options available. ​Audio call, Video call and Chat.

Audio call​ - This Option will be available only when, call campaign is selected in
the Widget code.

By Clicking on Audio call Icon, user need to select the Call destination to initiate
the chat as seen in the below snap.

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By Clicking on next, call will be routed to that DID which is mapped with this
campaign in the Widget code.

Chat​ - This Option will be available only when, chat campaign is selected in the
Widget code.

By Clicking on Chat call Icon, user need to select the chat destination to initiate
the chat as seen in the below snap.

By Clicking on next, Chat Requests will be sent to the agent and at the customer
side chat window will be open as seen in the below image.

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Note :- Customer can not send any message until agent accepts send

Once the Chat request is accepted by the agent, Customer will get a message
like ​“Agent has joined you”.

Note :- If Display Agent Info switch is on, in Chat Multimedia Campaign

Which are assigned in widget code, then agent name will be displayed at
the customer side.

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There are Two options available when clicking on the setting icon as seen in the
above image.

Email Transcript - This Option will be available only when, ​“Email Transcript”
switch is on in Chat Multimedia Campaign Which are assigned in widget code.

Customer can send Chat Transcript to their Email ID in between and after chat
by Clicking on this icon, it opens a pop-up to enter Email ID.

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Attach File - This Option will be available only when, ​“Allow Attachment”
switch is on in Chat Multimedia Campaign Which are assigned in widget code.

Customer can send Attachment to the agent by selecting File.

To end the chat, customer needs to click on “End chat ” button.

2.4 SMS

If a Supervisor wants to Switch to SMS Media for the Current session then need
to click on the SMS Icon. Here Supervisor can see Assigned SMS and waiting
users & At the Top Total Count Will be displayed.
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By Clicking on SMS Icon, Supervisor Will be Redirect to the SMS page which is
looks like as shown in below image.

At the left Corner, SMS Count will be displayed.

At the Right corner Incoming SMS Count Will be displayed from Where
Supervisor can Manually Assign SMS to himself as seen in the image below.

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At the Left Side, All the Assigned SMS Will be listed with the information like
Customer name, customer number and Ticket ID if mapped as seen in the
image below.

On the Right Side, SMS Conversation will be displayed as seen on the below

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On the Right Side, There are Seven options available.

Customer Information​ - ​By Clicking on (Customer Info.) icon, Supervisor

Can See the Complete Customer Information for the particular Tickets.

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Create Ticket - By Clicking on Icon, Supervisor can Create ticket for the
ongoing chat & that ticket is mapped with this chat.

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Map Ticket - By Clicking on Icon, Supervisor can Map previous Ticket of

the same customer to this SMS Which are created/ received by the agent.

Once the ticket is Mapped, SMS Transcript will be added to the particular Ticket
conversation as seen in the image below.

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Change Ticket Status​ - By Clicking on (Change Ticket status) Icon,

Supervisor can change the status of the Tickets.

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Change Ticket Category​ - By Clicking on (Change Ticket category) Icon,

Supervisor can change the category of the Tickets.

Add Ticket comment​ - By Clicking on (add ticket comment) Icon,

Supervisor can add comment for the ticket.

Transfer​ - By Clicking on Icon, Supervisor can Transfer his own tickets to

the Other Agent/ Supervisor.
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Note :- Here, Logged in agent will be indicated with Green Icon and
Logged out agent will be indicated with Red Icon.

2.5 Social Media

If an Supervisor wants to Switch to Social Media for the Current session then
need to click on Social Media Icon. Here the Supervisor can see the Assigned
Ticket and waiting user & At the Top Total Count Will be displayed.

By Clicking on Social Media Icon, Supervisor Will be Redirect to Social Media

page which looks like as shown in below image.

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At the left Corner, Social Media Count will be displayed.

At the Right corner Incoming Social Media Count Will be displayed from Where
Supervisor can Manually Assign Social Media to himself as seen in below

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At the Left Side, All the Assigned Social Media Will be listed with information like
Customer name, Conversation ID and Ticket ID if mapped as seen in below

At the Right Side, Social Media Conversation will be displayed as seen in the
image below.

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At the Right Side, There are Six options available.

Customer Information​ - ​By Clicking on (Customer Info.) icon, Supervisor

Can See the Complete Customer Information for the particular Tickets.

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Change Ticket Status​ - By Clicking on (Change Ticket status) Icon,

Supervisor can change the status of the Tickets.

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Also, Supervisor need to select Disposition when changing Status of the ticket.

Change Ticket Category​ - By Clicking on (Change Ticket category) Icon,

Supervisor can change the category of the Tickets.

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Add Comment​ - By Clicking on (Add Comment) Icon, Supervisor can add

a comment to the Tickets.

Post Detail​ - ​By Clicking on icon, Supervisor Can See detail of the post.

Map Customer - ​By Clicking on icon, Supervisor Can Map the customer with the

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Transfer - By Clicking on Icon, Supervisor can Transfer his own tickets to

the Other Agent/ Supervisor.

Note :- Here, Logged in agent will be indicate with Green Icon and Logged
out agent will be indicate with Red Icon.

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2.6 Create Ticket

By Clicking Create Ticket Icon, Supervisor Will be able to create a Ticket For the

All the Created Ticket using “Create Ticket”, will be displayed in the Ticket
Details page.

The page will look as seen in the below image.

Apart from the Self Explanatory fields, below are as follow -

Ticket subject​ - Subject of the Ticket.

Customer​ - Select the Customer name for which ticket is created.

Ticket Comment​ - Brief Description of the ticket.

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Ticket source - Select Ticket source, through which Ticket belongs to (i.e Call,
Chat and Email).

Example - Suppose Customer call and he/she wants to register complaint,

then in this case agent can create Ticket by selecting origination medium
as “Call”.

Campaign - Select the campaign of which outgoing mail server will be used
when Agent reply to that Ticket from the compose mail section.

Category​ - Select the Category for which ticket is belongs to.

Note :- Also, Supervisor Can create Ticket While Call is going on.

Break - This button is used by the agent to punch 'Break'. If the Supervisor
wants to go out for a break, he/she can punch break. On returning, the same
button will be 'In' to punch in again. When the Supervisor will be on a break, he
won't Receive/Dial any calls.

Click on break button and select break type.

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Note ​:- Now Supervisor can punch Break while Call is

Ringing/Answered,but Break Time Will be Considered once call is hangup.

3 Dashboard
The various important parts of it are as follows -

3.1 Real-Time Dashboard

Graphical View :

In this Dashboard, the different details will be shown in a Graphical form.

Day call Summary​- ​This chart shows Total,Inbound, Outbound, Transferred

and Failover calls of agents assigned to this supervisor.

Live calls​ - ​This pie chart shows Live calls of agent

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Live queue calls - ​This pie chart shows that the calls are in a queue is live
agent call or waiting calls.

Live Sessions Type - ​This pie chart shows agent login in campaign ( Manual /
Progressive etc...​)

Live Sessions Media​ - ​This pie chart shows agent’s live session

Agent call Status - ​This ​section shows the agent call status. (i.e. Waiting,
On-Dial, Wrap-up etc...)

Tabular View :
In this view, the different details will be shown in a tabular form. The different
tabs are as follows-

Live Agent
This tab shows the number of agents that are logged in, on calls, on break,
ringing and waiting,wrapping up the last call and on-dial.

Agent Queue Details​ -

This tab shows the details of all the queues that the supervisor's agents belong

Name​ - Display name of the Agent queue.

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Assigned Agents - Display the Total number of agent assigned in the particular


Agents​ -​ Number of agents logged in that queue.

Waiting Calls​ -​ Displays live waiting calls for that agent in queue

Agents Calls​ -​ Displays live calls of agent.

Today Total​:

Agents Calls​ -​ Display today’s total agent queue calls

Abandoned Calls​ -​ Display today’s total agent abandoned calls

AWT(sec) - Average Waiting Time displays the average amount of time a call is
waiting in the queue.

ATT(sec) ​- Average Talk Time displays the average amount of time calls last in
then queue.

Agent session details​ -

This tab shows the details of agent session details, as follows -

Apart from the self explanatory details, the other are as follows-

This tabs shows the details of agents that are logged in, as follows ​-
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Apart from the self explanatory details, the other are as follows-

Name​ - N
​ ame of the agent.

Queue​ - N
​ ame of the queue, in which agent is logged in.

Session Type -​ Display Session type for that particular agent. (i.e Auto,
Progressive, Manual)

State ​- Current status of the agent. (i.e Waiting, On-break, On-call, Wrap-up

Active Channel​ ​-​ Displays Active channel of agent

SST​ -​ This displays the start time of the session for that agent.

TAC(Total Answered Call)​ - Number of calls answered.

TST(sec)​ ​- Total session time of Agent.

TCT(Total Call Time)​ - ​This is the total time of all the calls.

TTT(sec)​ ​- This displays the total talk time of the agent in that session.

THT(total hold time)​ - D

​ isplay total hold time of agent in this session.

TMT(total hold time)​ - ​Display total mute time of agent in this session.

TDT(Total deposition time)​ - T

​ otal Deposition time by agent.

ATT(sec)​ ​- This displays the average talk time of the agent in that session.

Email time​ ​- Total time spent by agent for Email Media in this session.

Chat time​ - Total time spent by agent for Email Media in this session.

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SMS time​ - Total time spent by agent for SMS Media in this session.

Social time​ - Total time spent by agent for Social Media in this session.

TBT(sec)​ ​- This displays the total break time of agent in that session.

TIT(Total idle time)​ - ​Total idle time of agent for this session.

3.2 Agent Dashboard

As seen in the above image, Supervisor can see the username of the agent
along with the state of the agent and extension status.

Total call will be counted based on the dialed and answered call. Here tenant
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can send the notification to agent by clicking on ​Bell​ Icon.

Agent name​ -​ Display first name and last name of the agent.

Status​ -​ Current Status of the agents.

Agent Extension​ -​ Display agent first name with agent extension number.

Total Calls - Today total calls done by particular agent.Total call should be
answered and dialed calls.

Answered / Offered - Total offered calls to this particular agent.That will be

inbound calls and job calls.How many calls answered by this agent that call
counts will be displayed here.

Connected / Dialed​ - Total dialed call through “manual dialer”.

TST(Total Session Time)​ - Today total session time by this particular agent.

CST(Current Session Time) -​ Current session time of the agent.

TCT(Total Call Time)​ - Today total call time by this particular agent.

ACT(Average Call Time) -​ Today average call time of this agent.

THT(Total Hold Time)​ - Total hold time of this agent.

TMT(Total Mute Time) -​ Toal Mute time of this agent.

TBT(Total Break Time)​ - Total Break time of this agent.

ABT(Active Break Time) -​ Active Break time of this agent.

TDT(Total Disposition Time) ​- Total Disposition time of this agent.

TIT(Total Idle Time) ​- Total Idle time of this agent.

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TTT(Total Talk Time)​ - Total talk time of this agent.

ATT(Average Talk Time) -​ Average Talk time of this agent.

MT(Total Multimedia Time) ​- Total Multimedia time of this agent.

AMT(Average Multimedia Time) ​- Average Multimedia time of this agent.

Send Notification - T ​ o send notification to the particular agent, Click on the bell
icon it will display the notification box for sending notification. Write a notification
test and click on the send button.

Hung up -​ Tenant can hung up the agent call by clicking on hungup button.

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3.3 Queue Dashboard

Tabular View :

In this view, the different details will be shown in a tabular form. The different
tabs are as follows -

This tab shows the details of agent queue details, as follows -

This Dashboard displays the Complete details for the selected queue, like queue
summary, Live Queue calls, live sessions and hourwise queue details with
comparison of Today, yesterday and last week.

Graphical View :

User can add multiple queue by selecting a queue from dropdown and click on +
sign to add.All selected queue will be displayed as seen in below image.

queue Summary - ​This ​section shows the Call Summary for particular queue
like agent calls, abandoned calls and ratio for the same.

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Live queue calls - ​This pie chart shows that the calls are in a queue is live
agent call or waiting calls for selected queue.

Live Sessions - ​This Section shows the type of agent session.(i.e Auto,
Progressive & Manual etc..)

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As You can see in the image below, it displays comparison for the Today,
Yesterday and last week calls for the selected queue.

Hourwise queue details - This Section shows the calls based on hourwise for
selected queue and with comparison of today, yesterday and last weekday calls.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

3.4 Live calls

This tab is used to monitor the details of live calls of the agents that are under

This tab shows the details of a live call such as Phone number, Trunk/DID,
Destination, Destination Name, Agent, Call Start Time, Call Queue Time and
Call Agent Time.

Phone number​ -​ The number from which the call is made is displayed here.

Trunk/DID - If the call would be outbound, it would display the Trunk number, but
if it would be inbound it will display the DID.

Destination - This displays the destination of the call. For example, as in the
above example, it is a queue.

Destination name - Displays the name of the destination, as in the above

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example, it is displaying the name of the queue.

Agent​ - D
​ isplays the name of the agent that received the call.

Call Start Time​ - ​Displays the time at which the call initiated.

Call Queue Time​ -​ Displays the time at which the call entered the queue.

Call Agent Time​ - ​Display the time at which an Agent picked up the call.

Call Duration​ -​ Display Total call duration for the active call.

Agent Duration​ -​ Display Total Agent duration for the active call.

Active Hold time​ -​ Display active hold time for the particular call.

Total Hold time​ -​ Display Total hold time for the particular call with Hold count.

Active Mute time​ -​ Display active mute time for the particular call.

Total Mute time​ -​ Display Total mute time for the particular call with mute count.

At the left side, there are three options available.

Barge - When supervisor uses barge, the call becomes a conference call in
which everyone can talk to and listen to each other, that is the supervisor, agent
and the customer.

Whisper - In this type of call, no one can listen to the supervisor. But the
supervisor can hear the other two people.

Coach ​- In this type of call, only the agent can listen to the supervisor. It can be
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used to train the agent.

When the supervisor Click on any of the Options, Then status will be change to
Running and hangup button will be displayed.

Click on “Hangup” button to end the call.

4 Web Phone
This section is the web phone. It handles all the calling functionality for the
agent. When a call is incoming, the below screen is displayed.

There will be two options - pick up the call or hang up.

If the auto answer is on call will be answered automatically. Click on the Auto
Answer button to switch it On or Off.

When the Supervisor picks up the call, the screen of the webphone is shown

The various options are as follows -

Hold​ -​ The hold button is for putting the call on hold.

When the call is put on hold, the button changes to play, and when it is clicked
the call is resumed again.

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Note:when call is on hold then mute,DTMF and transfer button will be


Mute - The second button is for muting the microphone. The same button is
used for unmute.

Dialpad - The third button is a dial pad which is used to send any DTMF if
necessary. Clicking it will show a dial pad as shown below.

Call transfer​ - S
​ upervisor used transfer button to transfer a call.

Note :- Transfer Button is available only when, agent blind Transfer call to
the supervisor.

Clicking on transfer button it gives Seven ways to transfer a call.

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Blind Transfer to supervisor - This option is for to transfer call to another


Blind Transfer to Agent​ -​ This option is for to transfer call to another Agent.

Note : This option only be available if it is enabled for this Agent.

Blind Transfer to Queue​ -​ This option is for to transfer call to another Queue.

Note : This option only be available if it is enabled for this Agent.

Blind Transfer to Campaign - T​ his option is for to transfer call to another

Campaign(Only inbound and blended campaign will be displayed).

Note : This option only be available if it is enabled for this Agent.

Blind Transfer to External Number - This option is for blind transfer the call to
any external number. It ​will instantly disconnect the supervisor's call and
disposition form will appear.
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Blind Transfer to Agent External Number - This option is for blind/Attended

transfer the call to Agent’s External number.(Only those agent’s list will be
appear which have entered phone number while creating agent).

Blind Transfer to IVR - This option is for blind transfer the call to particular
IVR.(All the IVR Created in Tenant portal will be displayed here).

Note : This option only be available if it is enabled for this Agent.

Blind Transfer to IVR Survey - This option is for blind transfer the call to
particular IVR Survey.(All the IVR Survey Created in Tenant portal will be
displayed here).

Note : This option only be available if it is enabled for this Agent.

Note :- IVR Survey Transfer option will be available only when user have
license for the IVR Survey.

Blind Transfer to External group - This option is for blind transfer the call to
External group.

Note: Supervisor cannot change queue, log out and Change Language
when a call is in progress.

Disposition Form - D​ uring the call time supervisor can fill disposition. Just click
on disposition button as shown below.

Also When the call is hung up, Disposition section will be open as seen in below

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The Supervisor cannot punch break, in and cannot log out either, until he/she
has filled out the disposition form.

Supervisor can fill CRM from while ongoing call. Also note that Supervisor will
not receive next call until he/she fills up and submit this CRM form.

Note :- Supervisor can fill multi-level disposition as seen in the above

image , if created in Tenant portal.

General Disposition:

once the call hungup Supervisor needs to fill disposition within wrap up time
which is set in the queue else disposition will be filled with default system

Callback Disposition:

once the call hungup Supervisor needs to fill disposition within wrap up time
which is set in the queue else disposition will be filled with default system
description and callback time will be set addition of 30 minutes from current

Supervisor have to submit description as well as callback date and time with this
form. Based on this details callback reports will be generated.
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Call time​ - Supervisor can see his/her call time with customer and supervisor.

Hangup​ -​ Hungup button is for hanging up the call.

5. Call Details

This section shows different information of the call like phone number, Queue
name, Campaign name, Customer details which is added form tenant.

Other information like, Script, My callback, Disposition, URL, Survey section will
be displayed.

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5.1 Call Details

This section shows different information of the call like phone number, Queue
name, Campaign name.

If the call is Routed to the IVR and from the IVR call reaches to the Supervisor,
all the activity in the IVR by the customer will be displayed as seen in below

By clicking on Grey Icon, Supervisor can pause and resume recording during
the call.

By Clicking on Red icon, pop-up will be open from where Supervisor can add
number in DNC or Blacklist as seen in below image.

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5.2 CRM Form(​Customer relationship management)

This is the customer relationship form. When an Supervisor receives a call, the
form displays the information of the customer that the Supervisor will be in
contact with.

The CRM form is as follows -

If Number masking is on, phone number will be displayed with masking in CRM.

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If Number masking is off, Actual number will be displayed in CRM.

5.3 Script

This part displays the script which the Supervisor can refer while talking to the
customer if he/she needs any help.

Scripts can be added using the Tenant portal.

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5.4 My callback

If Supervisor fills up a disposition as a callback then those list will be displayed

here. When Supervisor makes call manually or using outbound campaign, that
number will be removed from this callback list.

callback without masking :

If “allow number masking” is off from Supervisor portal then Supervisor is

allowed to view the Phone numbers so Number will be shown without
masking.Also display call back time and date.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

callback with masking :

If “allow number masking” is on from Supervisor portal then Supervisor is not

allowed to view the Phone numbers so Number will be shown with masking and
also display call back date and time.

5.5 My Waiting call

When Supervisor is on call, list of calls in a same Queue or direct Supervisor call
will be displayed by hover on the call icon as seen in below image.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

At the top of the icon, Total count will be displayed including my calls and Queue

5.6 Ticket details

Using This section, Supervisor can see the ticket details of the customer. Also
Supervisor can search Ticket by Ticket ID and view the content of the ticket by
clicking on the view icon.

5.7 Survey

Note :- This options will be available only when survey license is there.

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When call comes to the Supervisor and Supervisor answer the call then survey
from will be loaded in the survey tab, If Survey Template is selected in

If Survey is Required, then Supervisor need to compulsory fill the survey form.

There will be two option to fill the survey. 1) Submit 2) Submit Default .

If Supervisor click the submit default, then survey will be submitted with the
default value which are entered while creating survey template.

Also Supervisor can search the survey details for the particular phone number
by entering phone number.

If Survey is not Required, then there will be option to enable survey, if

Supervisor want to fill the survey as seen in below image.

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If Supervisor enables the survey, then There will be three option to fill the
survey. 1) Submit 2) Submit Default 3) Skip.

If Supervisor click the submit default, then survey will be submitted with the
default value which are entered while creating survey template.

If Supervisor click the skip, then survey will be skipped and agent can not again
fill the survey during the call.

If Supervisor fill the survey after call hangup, then Supervisor has to fill the
survey within survey wrap-up time defined in the campaign.

Note :- Once the survey is enabled, then Supervisor ​can't disable the
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5.8 SMS

Note :- This option will be available only when the SMS license is there.

Using This section, Supervisor can send an SMS to the customer. here
Supervisor need to select template which will be sent as sms to the customer.

5.9 Whatsapp

Note :- This option will be available only when the Social license is there.

Using This section, Supervisor can send an whatsapp message to the customer.
here Supervisor need to select template which will be sent as message to the

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6. Internal Chat
Using This section, Supervisor can chat with other agents/Supervisors.The page
will look as below when there is no chat going on.

By Clicking on Add Icon, Pop up will open to select the agent/supervisor.

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Note :- Here, Logged in agent will be indicate with Green Icon and Logged
out agent will be indicate with Red Icon.

Select any Agent From the list and click on Start Chat to initiate chat.

Once the Opposite Agent, Accept the Chat the page looks like as seen in above
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At the Left Corner, Internal Chat Count will be displayed. below that list of the
agent name will be displayed with whom chat is going on.

Agent can send Attachment by Clicking on Send Attachment button, it open

pop-up to select file as seen in below image.

To End the chat, agent need to click on End chat Button.

7. Compose Email
Using This section, Supervisor can send an email to the customer by selecting
customer or by entering email id.

The Page looks like as seen in below image.

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Customer​ - Select the Customer to which email will be sent.

Email ID​ - Enter email ID.(This field is mandatory)

Subject​ - Enter Subject.

Campaign - Select the campaign and this Campaign’s outgoing mail server will
be used for the sending mail.

Select Template​ - Select Template Group.

At the Bottom, there are Three options are available. ​None, Agent Signature
and System Signature.

None​ - If None is selected, then no Signature will be sent in the Reply Mail.

Agent signature - if Agent Signature is selected then Agent Signature will be

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sent in the reply Mail.(Signature which is set by the agent in their profile)

System signature - if system Signature is selected then Signature which is

defined in the Outgoing mail server will be sent in the reply Mail.

Agent Can upload Attachment to this mail by clicking on Send Attachment


8. Compose SMS
Using This section, Supervisor can send an SMS to the customer by selecting
customer or by entering Phone number.

The Page looks like as seen in below image.

Customer​ - Select the Customer to which SMS will be sent.

Prefix​ - Select Prefix for the SMS number.

SMS Number​ - Enter Phone number.(This field is mandatory)

Campaign - Select the campaign and this Campaign’s SMS Channel will be
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

used for sending SMS.

Template​ - Select template which will be sent to the customer.

SMS Text - Enter the SMS Text. (User can enter the that much Character which
is defined in SMS Channel)

9. Compose Whatsapp
Using This section, Supervisor can send an whatsapp message to the customer
by selecting a customer.

The Page looks like as seen in the image below.

Customer​ - Select the Customer to which whatsapp message will be sent.

Prefix​ - Select Prefix for the Whatsapp number.

Whatsapp Number - Whatsapp number will be displayed here, once customer is


Campaign - Select the campaign and this Campaign’s whatsapp Channel will be
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

used for sending whatsapp message.

Whatsapp Template - Whatsapp template will be loaded once campaign is


10 Client History
This section shows all the dispositions the Supervisor has filled till date.

As shown in the image above, it displays the phone number, disposition name,
disposition description, agent and the date and time of the disposition. Data can
be filtered by particular phone number and day.

Note:If “view client history” switch is on from agent then client history
page will be displayed to that particular agent.

11 Customer Details
This section shows all the Customer details. The report can be filtered based
first name and Contact no.
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As shown in the image above, it displays the First name, last name, contact
number, address and email ID.

If Customer Details switch is on, Supervisor will be able to view details of the
customers that are not assigned to any other agent. (it means general and
assigned to that particular supervisor).

Note :- Supervisor can Add/update customer details, only if Edit CRM

switch is on in plan which are assigned to that particular supervisor.

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Supervisor can dial outbound call by selecting campaign which are assigned to
particular agent.

12 Call History

This report shows the call history of Customers. It can be searched based on
phone number,date and sticky agent .

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13 Callback Details

This report shows the callback details of customers. It can be searched based
on date, status and phone number. Disposition filled by Supervisor ,that record
will display in this record.

Supervisor needs to fill disposition within wrap up time which is set in the queue
else disposition will be filled with default system description.

Here supervisor can update callback time as well as cancel the callback by
clicking on red icon beside particular record as seen in below image.

Click on cancel callback button after entering cancel reason will cancel the

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Supervisor can transfer callback to another agent or in queue by clicking on the

little blue icon, it will open pop up as shown below.

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Select proper transfer to(i.e Agent or queue), callback time and comment and
click on transfer.

14 Missed Call
This section shows missed call details of the agent. The report can be filtered
based on date and campaign name.

As shown in the image above, it displays the phone number, customer name,
call status, missed call time, dial time, total try done.

15 Session Details
This section shows session details of this Supervisor. It displays the session
start and end time, session type and other details of this agent.The report can
be filtered based on date.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

TST(Total Session Time) - This displays Total session time of Supervisor of

particular session.

TC(Total Call) - ​This display session wise total call .

AC( Answered Call) ​- session wise Number of calls answered.

TCT(Total Call Time) - ​This is the session wise total call time.

TTT(Total talk time) - ​This displays session wise total talk time.

​ isplay total hold time of Supervisor session wise .

THT(total hold time) - D

​ isplay total mute time of Supervisor session wise.

TMT(total Mute time) - D

​ otal Deposition time by Supervisor.

TDT(Total deposition time) - T

ATT( Average Talk Time) - Displays session wise the average amount of time

TIT(Total idle time) - ​Total idle time of Supervisor session wise.

TBT(Total Break Time) - ​Total break time taken by Supervisor session wise.

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16. Agent
This page lists out all the agents that are under the supervisor.

Any particular agent can be searched using the filters provided in the first row of
every column.

Logging out an agent -

Supervisor can log out any agent who is logged in using the little red button
beside that particular agent's name in the last column. It will log out that agent
from the agent portal.

17. Send Notification

The Notifications which have been added are listed on the page. To search for
any particular Notification, the filters in the first row of every column can be

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Adding new Notification​ -

To add a new Notification, click on “Add New” button on the page. It will open a
create form.

Notification Text​ - Enter the Text that will be sent to agent/supervisor.

Agent/supervisor - Select the Appropriate option to whom this notification will be

sent.(i.e Agent, Supervisor).

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Logged In - If On, then notification will be sent to only logged in


18. QA Form
This report shows QA form details of all the calls in which QA Template is
mapped along with call recording. Data can be filtered on the basis of start date,
end date, campaign, QA form, agent duration and phone number.

To fill the QA form, click on the little green icon will open the form to answer the
Question by listening recording.

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Once the form is filled up, click on save to submit the QA form for the approval.

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HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

19. Approve details

This report shows all the details of QA form which are filled by the tenant or
supervisor and using this page supervisor can approve the QA form by verifying
details. Data can be filtered on the basis of start date, end date, campaign, QA
template and filled by.

click on the little blue icon beside that particular record. It will open a form as
shown below.

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After Verifying the details, select the status approved or rejected. also you can
add Approve/ Reject Comment.

20. System Codes

This page lists all System codes,Which will be used while Login in to External

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HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21. Reports
This section provides various useful reports. These reports are only of the
agents that come under the supervisor that is logged in.

21.1 System Reports

21.1.1 CDR (Call Details Records)

This report shows the details of all the calls.

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By Clicking on the Green(+) icon, the tenant can view call recording pause
details. like, pause start time, pause end time and pause duration.

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By Clicking on the grey icon, the tenant can view call media details.

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Click the 'Reset' button to show all the call records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, agent, queue, call type, campaign ,
trunk/DID and call status, then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab
and then export the report, which will export only the filtered report.


call came to server and was in the queue, but before customer can talk to agent
the maximum wait time is expired or customer hanged up the call.

Call is answered by the agent and customer has talked with the agent

Number or the call is dialed out from the system , either from the JOB or Manual
outbound but was not successfully answered or matured with customer.

Call is Answered by the system feature like IVR or Playback or voicemail etc.

Call is transferred to the external number and answered by the external number.
e.g. Activity is selected as external and incoming call is transferred to external

When call Goes to fail over activity set in the queue.

When the call generated by the system from the JOB , and the call is answered
by the customer but the Agent is not free, customer is in queue and before agent
get free, customer hangs up the call. In that case this status will be.


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This cause indicates that the call is being cleared because one of the users
(caller or callee) involved in the call has requested that the call be cleared.
Under normal situations, the source of this cause is not the network.

This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the
condition is not likely to last a long period of time. It means the server has some
temporary issue for handling this specific call.

This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached because, although
the called party number is in a valid format, it is not currently allocated

When the call is dialed, but before call gets matured , originator or caller
canceled the call or hangup.

his cause is used to indicate that the called party is unable to accept another call
because the user busy condition has been encountered. This cause value may
be generated by the called user or by the network. In the case of user
determined user busy it is noted that the user equipment is compatible with the

This cause is used when a called party does not respond to a call establishment
message with either an alerting or connect indication within the prescribed
period of time allocated.


This cause is used when the called party has been alerted but does not respond
with a connect indication within a prescribed period of time.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

This means tried to originate a call to a SIP user who is not registered right now.

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a
request to establish a call which has low/high layer or other compatibility
attributes (e.g. data rate, or other medium) which cannot be accommodated.

This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the called
party number is not in a valid format or is not complete.

Is maximum initial silence duration before greeting.If this is exceeded, the result
is detection as a MACHINE and call will hungup.

Is the maximum number of words in a greeting If this is REACHED, then the
result is detection as a MACHINE and call will hungup.

This cause is used to report a normal event only when no other cause in the
normal class applies.

This cause indicates that the switching equipment generating this cause is
experiencing a period of high traffic.


Server Aborted the call , and BYE is sent from server side.

Outgoing :Endpoint rejected the call (e.g. 4xx or 5xx)
Incoming : Server rejected the call (e.g. 4xx or 5xx)

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Server hanged up the call. eg. after maximum wait for response or after
successful call etc.

Endpoint or the user (agent) disconnected the call.

21.1.2 Hourwise Calls Summary

This report shows the number and type of calls handled by the system on an
hourly basis. The records can be searched for a specific date range.

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Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Apart from the self explanatory fields, the other fields are as follows-

TCT(Total Call Time)​ ​- This is the total time of all the calls.

TWT(Total Wait Time)​ -​ The total time a customer waits in queue.

TTT(Total Talk Time) - This is the total time for which the calls were active I.e
both parties were talking.

ACT(Average Call Time)​ -​ An hourly average on the total call time.

AWT(Average Waiting Time)​ -​ The average time a caller had to wait on a call.

ATT(Average Talk Time)​ -​ An hourly average on the total talk time.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered

21.1.3 Datewise Calls Summary

This report shows the number and type of calls handled by the system on a daily
basis. The records can be searched for a specific date range.

The fields are same as those in the hourly system performance report, the only
difference is that this report is on a day-to-day basis.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered

21.1.4 DateHour wise Calls Summary

This report shows the summary of calls handled by the system on an hourly
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basis for the selected dates. The records can be searched for a specific date

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered
21.1.5 Callback Details

After filling up a disposition by agent if he specifies to call back to that number

with reason, this is the report for those calls. Data can be filtered by date range,
callback time, phone number, agent and campaign name.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If the report is to be filtered by date range,date range, callback time, phone

number, agent and campaign name then the criteria has to be entered in the
search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered report.

21.1.6 Disposition Details

T​his report shows Disposition details for calls which are filled after Call hangup.
Date can be filtered on the basis of start date, end date, Disposition type, phone
number, agent and campaign name.

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Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, Disposition type, phone number,

agent and campaign name ​then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab
and then export the report, which will export only the filtered report.

21.1.7 Abandoned Calls

This report shows the summary of all the Abandoned calls. It can be searched
based on date range and Queue, Campaign.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range or Queue, Campaign, then the criteria
has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export
only the filtered report.

21.1.8 Ticket Details

This report shows the details of all the Tickets. Data can be filtered on the basis
of Start date, End date, Customer, Ticket ID, Agent name, Ticket subject, Status
and Ticket source.

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By clicking on View icon, It shows the Ticket conversation For that particular

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Click the 'Reset' button to show all the Ticket records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by Start date, End date, Customer, Ticket ID, Agent
name, Ticket subject, Status and Ticket source, then the criteria has to be
entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the
filtered report.
21.1.9 Notification Details
This report shows the details of all the Notification. Data can be filtered on the
basis of Date Range.

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By clicking on the Green icon, Supervisor can see the complete details of the
Notification as seen in the below image.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the Notification details, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range ,then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21.1.10 Survey Details

This report shows the details of all the Survey which are filled by the agent. Data
can be filtered on the basis of start date, end date, survey template and
campaign name.

By clicking on view, It shows the survey details For that particular record.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the Survey details, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, survey template or Campaign, then

the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which
will export only the filtered report.

21.1.11 QA Details
This report shows the details of QA form of all the agent. Data can be filtered on
the basis of Start datetime, End datetime, template, campaign, status and filled

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By clicking on the View icon, It shows the details of the complete record.

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Exporting a1report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by Start datetime, End datetime, template, campaign

and status, then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export
the report, which will export only the filtered report.
21.1.12 QA Scoring
This report shows the score for the particular question in a template. Data can
be filtered on the basis of Start datetime, End datetime, template, campaign.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If the report is to be filtered by Start datetime, End datetime, template and

campaign, then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export
the report, which will export only the filtered report.
21.1.13 Queue callback details
This report shows the details of Queue callback. Data can be filtered on the
basis of Start date, End date and status.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by Start date, End date and status, then the criteria
has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export
only the filtered report.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21.2 Supervisor Reports

21.2.1 Supervisor Session Summary

This report gives a summary of all the supervisor's sessions. It can be searched
on date range and supervisor name.

TST(Total Session Time)​ – Total session time of Supervisor.

TC(Total Calls)​ – Total calls of that session.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and supervisor name, then the criteria
has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

only the filtered report.

21.2.2 Datewise Session Summary

This report shows the datewise session summary of all the Supervisors. It can
be searched based on date range and supervisor name.This report display how
many times login and logout in a day and also display login and logout time of
the supervisor for the selected date.

Exporting a report -
The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If the report is to be filtered by date range or supervisor name, then the criteria
has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export
only the filtered report.

21.2.3 Supervisor Session Details

This report gives the details of all the supervisor's sessions. It can be searched
on date range and supervisor name.

TC(Total Calls)​ – Total calls of that session.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and supervisor name, then the criteria
has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export
only the filtered report.

21.2.4 Supervisor Queue Summary

This report is a summary of all the supervisor's queues. It can be searched and
filtered based on date range.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered

21.2.5 DateHour wise Queue

This report shows the summary of Supervisor queue calls handled by the
system on an hourly basis for the selected dates. The records can be searched
for a specific date range.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered
21.2.6 Datewise Supervisor Queue

This report is same as the above report except that this report is on a day-to-day
basis. It can also be searched on date range and supervisor queue.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and supervisor queue name, then the
criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will
export only the filtered report.

21.2.7 Hourwise Supervisor Queue

This report shows the hourly performance of all queues. The report can be
searched based on date range or supervisor queue name to see the records on
those particular days or only of that particular queue respectively.Click the
'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and supervisor queue name, then the
criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will
export only the filtered report.

21.2.8 Queuewise Supervisor Summary

This report shows the details of each Supervisor and his queue. The report can
be searched on date range and supervisor queue name.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, supervisor name and supervisor

queue name, then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then
export the report, which will export only the filtered report.

21.2.9 Queue Recording

This report shows the total recordings of the supervisor queue. Data can be
filtered on the basis of date range, supervisor queue name,supervisor name and
phone number and disposition type.​There is a option ”Download Records” to
Select multiple recording and Download multiple recordings with zip file. Zip File
will be generated and downloaded as per selected criteria.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, supervisor queue and supervisor

name then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the
report, which will export only the filtered report.

21.2.10 ​Abandoned Summary

This report shows the abandoned summary of queue. The report can be
searched on date range only.
Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records of current date, without any filter.

Abandoned​ -​ Total number of calls which are abandoned by a customer.

Abandoned(%) - Abandoned percent can calculate through (total Abandoned

calls*100)%total call.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Abandoned Within(sec)​ ​ - Calls are abandoned within seconds.

Example​ - For Queue within 5 seconds total 8 calls abandoned by customer.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered

21.2.11 Datewise Abandoned Summary

This report shows the abandoned summary of the queue based on the selected
date.The report can be searched on date range and Queue.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records of the current date, without any

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Abandoned​ -​ Total number of calls which are abandoned by a customer.

Failover -​ If call is not answered by the agent,To which action call will be
Transferred in Failover Case.

Abandoned​(%) - Abandoned percent can calculate through (total Abandoned

calls*100)%total call.

Failover(​ %)​ - Failover percent can calculate through (total failover

calls*100)%total call.

Abandoned Within(sec)​ ​ - Calls are abandoned within seconds.

Example​ - For Queue within 5 seconds total 8 calls abandoned by customer.

Exporting a report-
The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.
If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered

21.2.12 Supervisor Break

This report shows the details of each supervisor's total break. The report can be
searched on date range and supervisor name.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, break type and Supervisor name,
then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report,
which will export only the filtered report.

21.2.13 Ticket summary

This report shows the Ticket summary of the supervisor. Data can be filtered on
the basis of supervisor name and date range.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, supervisor name then the criteria has
to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export only
the filtered report.
21.2.14 Audit Details
This report shows the report of total barged calls. Data can be filtered on the
basis of supervisor name, agent name , barge date and phone number.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, supervisor name, agent name and
phone number then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then
export the report, which will export only the filtered report.

21.2.15 Supervisor shift report

This report shows the details of shift timing for the supervisor. It can be
searched based on date range, shift name and supervisor name.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-
The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, shift name or supervisor name, then
the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which
will export only the filtered report.

21.3 Agent Reports

21.3.1 Agent Session Summary

This report gives a summary of all the agents. It can be searched on date range
and agent name.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and agent name, then the criteria has
to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export only
the filtered report.

21.3.2 Datewise Session Summary

This report shows the datewise session summary of all Agents. It can be
searched based on date range and Agent name.This report display how many
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

times login and logout in a day and also display login and logout time of the
Agent for the selected date.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.
If the report is to be filtered by date range or agent name, then the criteria has to
be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export only
the filtered report.

21.3.3 Agent Session Details

This report gives the details of all the agent's sessions. It can be searched on
date range and agent name, session type.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

TC(Total Calls)​ ​– Total calls of that session.

TBT(Total Break Time)​ –​ The total time for which agent is on break.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and agent name, then the criteria has
to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export only
the filtered report.

21.3.4 Agent Queue Summary

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

This report is a summary of all the agent's queues. It can be searched and
filtered based on date range.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered

21.3.5 DateHour wise Queue

This report shows the summary of agent queue calls handled by the system on

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

an hourly basis for the selected dates. The records can be searched for a
specific date range.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered
21.3.6 Datewise Agent Queue
This report shows the performance of every agent on a day-to-day basis. It can
be searched based on a date range or agent queue name.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and agent queue name, then the
criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will
export only the filtered report.

21.3.7 Hourwise Agent Queue

This report shows the hourly performance of all agent's queues. The report can
be searched based on a date range or agent queue name.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and agent queue name, then the
criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will
export only the filtered report.

21.3.8 Queuewise Agent Summary

This report shows the details of each agent and his queue. The report can be
searched on date range, agent name and queue name.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, agent name and agent queue name,
then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report,
which will export only the filtered report.

21.3.9 Queue Recording

This report shows the total recordings of agent queue. Data can be filtered on
the basis of date range, Agent queue name,Agent name and phone
number.​There is a option ”Download Records” to Select multiple recording and
Download multiple recordings with zip file. Zip File will be generated and
downloaded as per selected criteria.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, agent queue and agent name then
the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which
will export only the filtered report.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21.3.10 ​Abandoned Summary

This report shows the abandoned summary of the queue. The report can be
searched on date range only.
Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records of the current date, without any

Abandoned​ -​ Total number of calls which are abandoned by a customer.

Failover -​ If call is not answered by the agent,To which action call will be
Transferred in Failover Case.

Abandoned(%) - Abandoned percent can calculate through (total Abandoned

calls*100)%total call.

Failover(%)​ - Failover percent can calculate through (total failover

calls*100)%total call.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Abandoned Within(sec)​ ​ - Calls are abandoned within seconds.

Example - For agt-queue with in 5 seconds 5 calls are abandoned by customer.

21.3.11 Datewise Abandoned Summary

This report shows the abandoned summary of the queue based on the selected
date. The report can be searched on date range and queue.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records of the current date, without any

Abandoned​ -​ Total number of calls which are abandoned by a customer.

Failover -​ If call is not answered by the agent,To which action call will be
Transferred in Failover Case.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Abandoned(%) - Abandoned percent can calculate through (total Abandoned

calls*100)%total call.

Failover(%)​ - Failover percent can calculate through (total failover

calls*100)%total call.

Abandoned Within(sec)​ ​ - Calls are abandoned within seconds.

Example​ - For agt-queue with in 5 seconds 5 calls are abandoned by customer.

Exporting a report-
The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.
If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered
21.3.12 Agent Break
This report shows the details of each agent's total break. The report can be
searched on date range,agent name and break.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and agent name, then the criteria has
to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export only
the filtered report.

21.3.13 Ticket summary

This report shows the Ticket summary of the Agent. Data can be filtered on the
basis of Agent name and date range.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, agent name then the criteria has to
be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export only
the filtered report.
21.3.14 agent shift report
This report shows the details of shift timing for the agent. It can be searched
based on date range, shift name and Agent name.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-
The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, shift name or agent name, then the
criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will
export only the filtered report.

21.3.15 agent QA score summary report

This report shows the summary of QA score for a particular agent. It can be
searched based on date range, template, agent and queue.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-
The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, template, agent and queue, then the
criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will
export only the filtered report.

21.4 Campaign Reports

21.4.1 Campaign Summary

This report shows the summary of all campaigns. It can be searched on date
range to see the records of all campaigns in those particular days.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, then the criteria has to be entered in
the search tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered

21.4.2 DateHour wise Campaign

This report shows the Calls summary of the campaign for the particular hours
based on the selected dates . It can also be searched on date range and

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

campaign name.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and campaign name, then the criteria
has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export
only the filtered report.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21.4.3 Datewise Campaign

This report is same as the above report except that this report is on a day-to-day
basis. It can also be searched on date range and campaign name.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -
The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and campaign name, then the criteria
has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export
only the filtered report.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21.4.4 Hourwise Campaign

This report shows the hourly performance of different campaigns. The number of
total calls and agent calls of the campaign are displayed along with time
parameters as described above.

This report can be filtered based on date range or campaign name.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and campaign name, then the criteria
has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export
only the filtered report.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21.4.5 Campaign Recording

This report shows the report of total recordings. Data can be filtered on the basis
of date range, Campaign name and phone number.​There is a option ”Download
Records” to Select multiple recording and Download multiple recordings with zip
file. Zip File will be generated and downloaded as per selected criteria.

This report can be filtered based on date range or campaign name and phone

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range,campaign name and phone number,

then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report,
which will export only the filtered report.
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21.4.6 Missed call job summary

This report shows the missed call job summary. The records can be searched
for a specific date range and campaign name.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range and campaign name, then the criteria
has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will export
only the filtered report.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21.5 Multimedia Reports

21.5.1 Email Details
This report shows the details of all the Emails. Data can be filtered on the basis
of start datetime, end datetime, Customer, Ticket ID, Agent, Subject, Status.

By clicking on Subject, It shows the Email Body For that particular record.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the Email records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by datetime range, Customer, Ticket ID, Agent,

Subject, or Status, then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then
export the report, which will export only the filtered report.
21.5.2 Chat Details

This report shows the details of all the Chats. Data can be filtered on the basis
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

of Created Time, Customer name, Ticket, Type, Status, Agent name.

By clicking on Transcript, It shows the chat conversation For that particular


HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the Chat records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by Created Time, Customer name, Ticket, Type,

Status or Agent name, then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and
then export the report, which will export only the filtered report.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21.5.3 Inbound SMS

This report shows the details of all the inbound SMS. Data can be filtered on the
basis of date range, Customer name, Ticket, Status, Agent name.

By clicking on Transcript, It shows the SMS conversation For that particular


HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the SMS records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, Customer name, Ticket, Status or

Agent name, then the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then
export the report, which will export only the filtered report.

21.5.4 Outbound SMS

This report shows the details of SMS Sent when call is answered or missed and
SMS Sent by the agents. Data can be filtered on the basis of Date range, Agent
name and Campaign.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the Agent SMS Records, without any filter.

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by Date Range, Campaign or Agent name, then the
criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which will
export only the filtered report.

21.5.5 Social Media Details

This report shows the details of all the Social Media. Data can be filtered on the
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

basis of datetime range, Agent, Message type, Message Status, Ticket ID and

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the Social Media records, without any filter.

Exporting a report -

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by date range, Agent, Message type, Message

Status, Ticket ID and campaign, then the criteria has to be entered in the search
tab and then export the report, which will export only the filtered report.
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

21.5.6 Outbound Whatsapp

This report shows the details of whatsapp message Sent by the agents using
compose whatsapp. Data can be filtered on the basis of Datetime range, Agent
name and Campaign.

Click the 'Reset' button to show all the Agent whatsapp Records, without any

Exporting a report-

The whole report can be exported in a .xls format to the device by choosing the
'EXPORT' button in the search tab.

If the report is to be filtered by Datetime Range, Campaign or Agent name, then

the criteria has to be entered in the search tab and then export the report, which
HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

will export only the filtered report.

22 Supervisor Information

By​ ​Clicking on Supervisor Name, Different options will be available like profile,
Queue, Change password, Language and logout.

22.1 Profile

Supervisor can change his own profile by Clicking on the Profile option.

Apart from Self Explanatory fields, Below are as follow -

Timezone : This is the default Timezone in which the Time will be shown in
portal when user logs in.

Callback Notification​ - If ON, Supervisor will get Callback Notification.

Callback Notification Time(Min) - Specify Callback Notification Time, after which

callback notification appear to the agent.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

If any notification will be sent by tenant, will be displayed in supervisor screen as

seen in below image.

22.2 Queue

If Supervisor wants to change the queue or wants to add multiple queue in

Current session then click on queue Option.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

select the queue and click on save button.

22.3 Change password

To change the password Supervisor portal, click on the drop-down menu on the
top rightmost corner.If “allow change password” switch is on then Supervisor
can change password otherwise not.

Click on “Change Password”. It will open a form as shown below.

HoduSoft Pvt. Ltd.

Fill in the required details and click on “save” to change the password.

22.4 Language

To change the language of the Supervisor portal, Supervisor need to select

language option.

22.5 Logout

To logout of the portal, click on the drop-down menu on the top rightmost corner.
Click on “Logout” .

Note : When the Supervisor has an ongoing call, he cannot press any of
the above options.


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