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Exercise 1. Rewrite sentences in passive form.

(Present simple)

1. She cleans the office every day.


2. He sends emails.


3. Alex cuts the grass.


4. Jane prefers chocolate.


5. He often steals cars.


Exercise 2. Make the passive sentences. (Past simple)

1. They lost the letter.


2. We found the key.


3. They made mistakes.


4. We loved that woman.


5. They cleaned the rooms.

Exercise 3. Put sentences into passive. (Present perfect simple)

1. Somebody has cleaned the kitchen.


2. She has watered the plants.


3. He has taken the money.


4. Diana has bought the presents.


5. Candice has finished the report.


Exercise 4. Change sentences into passive. (Future simple)

1. Somebody will clean the windows.


2. They will meet you at the airport.


3. We will process your application.


4. We will find your glasses.


5. They will bring food.


Exercise 5. Change sentences into passive. (Present continuous)

1. I am afraid that somebody else is using my laptop.

I am afraid that my ............................................................................................

2. They aren't feeding the lions at the moment.

The .............................................................................................. at the moment.

3. Someone is speaking Spanish in this classroom.

Spanish .......................................................................................... in this classroom.

4. The red light is on because doctors are operating a patient.

The red light is on because a ..........................................................................

5. They are putting books on shelves.

Books .................................................................................................... on shelves.

Exercise 6. Change the following sentences from active to passive (mixed)

1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.


2. The Government is planning a new road near my house.


3. My grandfather built this house in 1943.

4. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.


5. The cleaner has cleaned the office.


6. He had written three books before 1867.


7. John will tell you later.


8. By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal.


9. Somebody should do the work.


10. The traffic might have delayed Jimmy.


11. The local authorities have cut down three trees in our street.


12. They serve lunch from 12 to 2.


13. When I got there, they were paving the road.


14. The referee will stop the match if the weather gets worse.

15. Mom hasn’t washed my jeans since October.


Exercise 7. Fill in the correct passive form of the verb.

1. Olives _________________________ in Mediterranean countries. (GROW)

2. He _________________________ French when he spent his childhood there.


3. "A Hard Days Night" _________________________ by the Beatles. (WRITE)

4. We _________________________ about the hurricane for the last few days.


5. Before the meeting was over all the food _________________________. (EAT)

6. I _____________________________ extra pay this month. (ALREADY GIVE)

7. I _________________________ by the music so I couldn't concentrate. (DISTURB)

8. Aluminium _________________________ out of bauxite. (MAKE)

9. _________________________________________ yet? (THE PACKAGES,


10. A UFO _________________________ by several witnesses yesterday evening.

Exercise 9. MCQ – Choose the best answer

1. My mother is very angry because some paint _____ on the carpet in the living room.

A) was spilling B) has been spilt C) had been spilt D) will spill

2. We _____ the first birthday of our son next week, and the invitations _____ out to all

of our family and friends yesterday.

A) are celebrated / are sending B) are going to celebrate / have been sent

C) are celebrating / were sent D) will be celebrated / sent

3. When the project _____, the staff _____ an off week because they will have got

really tired by then.

A) is finished / will be given B) finishes / has given

C) was finished / gave D) will finish / is given

4. The Internet _____ by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, and since then, it _____ by

people all around the world.

A) will be invented / must use B) was inventing / will be used

C) invented / has been using D) was invented / has been used

5. Thieves _____ this afternoon because they _____ a car from a car park.

A) arrested / were stolen B) were arrested / had stolen

C) will be arrested / have been stolen D) arrest / steal

6. The functions of the new computer programme _____to the employers by a

technician last week.

A) have been explained B) explained C) were explained D) had explained

7. A passenger plane flying from Jordan to London _____by the terrorists this morning.

A) had been hijacked B) hijacked C) will hijack D) has been hijacked

8. Some strong aftershocks _____ about 10 minutes after the main earthquake.

A) has been feeling B) were felt C) feels D) had been felt

9. Before its movie _____, the final book of the Harry Potter book series _____.

A) was released / had been published B) released / has been published

C) has been released / is published D) releases / will be published

10. A: How do you get to work every day? B: I _____ to work every day by my


A) drive B) am driving C) had driven D) am driven

11. A prize _____ to the person who _____ the jigsaw puzzle first.

A) will be given / completes B) has been given / is completed

C) is giving / has completed D) gave / was completed

12. Downloading music from the Internet for free _____

until some steps _____ by the government to stop it.

A) hasn't ended / are going to be taken B) hadn't ended / took

C) won't end / are taken D) isn't ending / take

13. The milk of the cows which _____ at the moment _____to make yoghurt, butte

cheese later.

A) are milking / is going to be used B) are being milked / will be used

C) have been milked / is using D) will milk / uses

14. Lake Van _____ some of the water that _____ in the irrigation of nearby

agricultural land.

A) is provided B) has been provided / is being used

C) provides / is used D) will provide / is going to use

15. While the kitchen _____ by James, the bedroom _____by Matt.

A) was being redecorated / was being painted B) was redecorating / was painting

C) redecorated / painted D) has redecorated / is being painted

16. Because Mr Pitt _____ one of his teeth, an appointment with the dentist _____ by

his secretary immediately.

A) was broken / had been made B) has broken / will make

C) had been broken / made D) broke / was made

17. Ekrem and Kamil _____ a bedtime story by their nanny when the lights _____ out.
A) have been reading / go B) will be read / were going

C) were being read / went D) are reading / have gone

18. The Grey family _____ for their dog for a week before it _____ by a neighbour in

the park.

A) had been looking / was found B) will be looked / finds

C) are looking / is found D) have been looking / found

19. A: When _____ the exam results _____? B: I'm not sure, but probably they _____

them in a couple of weeks.

A) have ... been announced / are announcing

B) are ... going to announce / announce

C) will ... be announced / will announce

D) are ... announcing / are announced

20. Coffee, which _____ heavily all around the world now, _____ to America by the

British in the mid-1600s.

A) consumes / introduced

B) is consumed / was introduced

C) is consuming / had been introduced

D) has been consumed / was introducing


I. Rewrite sentences in passive form. (Present simple)

1. The office is cleaned every day.

2. Emails are sent by him.

3. The grass is cut by Alex.

4. Chocolate is preferred by Jane.

5. Cars are often stolen by him.

II. Make the passive sentences. (Past simple)

1. The letter was lost.

2. The key was found by us.

3. Mistakes were made by them.

4. That woman was loved by us.

5. The rooms were cleaned by them.

III. Put sentences into passive. (Present perfect simple)

1. The kitchen has been cleaned.

2. The plants have been watered by her.
3. The money has been taken by him.
4. The presents have been bought by Diana.
5. The report has been finished by Candice.
IV. Change sentences into passive. (Future simple)

1. The windows will be cleaned

2. You will be met at the airport.
3. Your application will be processed.
4. Your glasses will be found.
5. Food will be brought.
V. Change sentences into passive. (Present continuous)

1. I am afraid that my laptop is being used by somebody else.

2. The lions aren't being fed at the moment.

3. Spanish is being spoken in this classroom.

4. The red light is on because a patient is being operated (by doctors).

5. Books are being put on shelves.

VI. Change the following sentences from active to passive (mixed)

1. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.

2. A new road is being planned near my house.
3. This house was built (by my grandfather) in 1943.
4. Guernica was being painted (by Picasso) at that time.
5. The office has been cleaned.
6. Three books had been written before 1867.
7. You will be told (by John) later.
8. By this time tomorrow the deal will have been signed.
9. The work should be done.
10. Jimmy might have been delayed (by the traffic).

11.The local authorities have cut down three trees in our street.

Three trees in our street have been cut down by the local authorities.

12.They serve lunch from 12 to 2.

Lunch is served from 12 to 2.

13.When I got there, they were paving the road.

When I got there the road was being paved.

14.The referee will stop the match if the weather gets worse.

The match will be stopped if the rain gets worse.

15.Mom hasn’t washed my jeans since October.

My jeans haven’t been washed since October.

VII. Fill in the correct passive form of the verb.

16.Olives are grown in Mediterranean countries. (GROW)

17.He was taught French when he spent his childhood there. (TEACH)

18."A Hard Days Night" was written by the Beatles. (WRITE)

19.We have been warned about the hurricane for the last few days. (WARN)

20.Before the meeting was over all the food had been eaten. (EAT)

21.I have already been given extra pay this month. (ALREADY GIVE)

22.I was disturbed by the music so I couldn't concentrate. (DISTURB)

23.Aluminium is made out of bauxite. (MAKE)

24.Have the packages been delivered yet? (THE PACKAGES, DELIVER)

25.A UFO was seen by several witnesses yesterday evening. (SEE)

VIII. MCQ – Choose the best answer

1: B 5: B 9: A 13: B 17: C

2: C 6: C 10: D 14: C 18: A

3: A 7: D 11: A 15: A 19: C

4: D 8: B 12: C 16: D 20: B


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