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Question Bank

Cyber Security
2 Marks

1. What do you mean by steganography?

2. What is the Basic Principle of Security or CIA Triad?
3. Define Cyberspace & Cyber threats.
4. What is cyber-stalking?
5. What is Cyber Security?
6. What are the different tools we use for cybercrime?
7. What is botnet?
8. Define the terms: cybercrime, cyber security.
9. What is phishing?
10. What are the possible ways to protect the system from cybercrime based on mobile/cell
phones? Explain it with an example.

5 Marks

1. What are the differences between DoS and DDoS attacks?

2. Explain the working of cyber tools by using an appropriate example.
3. Describe the following terms:
• Trojan horse
• Backdoor
4. What is the concept behind cloud computing? Explain with a diagram.
5. Describe different methods to prevent cybercrime in detail.
6. Describe the concept of cyber security.

10 Marks

1. Describe the virus. Also, discuss its process by using an appropriate example.
2. Discuss various types of cyber-attacks in detail.
3. What do you mean by key loggers? Also, explain its various types.
4. What is password cracking? Describe its types too.

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