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Name: Muhammad Arham Biology 10th-Reproduction Marks______/______

Q.No.1: Encircle the correct option.

1. Ferns reproduce by:
a) Corms b) Tubers c) Bulbs d) Rhizomes
2. Where are the sperms are produced inside the Testies:
a) Vas Deferens b) Seminiferous Tubules c) Sperm Duct d) Collecting Duct
3. Ovule develops into:
a) Fruit b) Seed c) Endodermis d) Pollen Sacs
4. The units of Gynoecium are called:
a) Sepals b) Petals c) Carpels d) Stamens
5. These reproduce by Budding:
a) Planaria b) Corals c) Rhizopus d) Tulips
6. Ovary changes into:
a) Seed b) Flower c) Fruit d) Ovule
7. Male reproductive part of flower is:
a) Calyx b) Androecium c) Corolla d) Gynoecium
8. Which animal is not able to reproduce in summer months?
a) monkey b) dog c) rabbit d) cat
9. The third whorl of flower is:
a) Calyx b) Corolla c) Androecium d) Gynoecium
10. Which group of animals show external fertilization?
a) Reptiles b) Amphibians c) Mammals d) Birds
Q.No.2: Attempt following Short Questions.
1. Write down the two main causes of AIDS?
2. What is micropyle? Describe its function.
3. Define term germination.
4. Differentiate between Sexual and Asexual reproduction.
5. Define Follicles. What is present inside?
6. Describe the method of grafting.
7. Why the spores of Bacteria are called Endospore?
8. Define Double Fertilization.
9. Differentiate b/w Epigeal and Hypogeal germination.
10. What is difference between Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis.
11. Define Budding and give one example.
12. What is alternation of generation?

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