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Biology Chapter : Inheritance

Q.No.1: Attempt any 10 Short Questions.

1. Differentiate b/w dominant and recessive alleles.
2. Differentiate b/w Genotype and Phenotype.
3. Define the term allele and locus.
4. Differentiate b/w transcription and translation.
5. Differentiate b/w monohybrid and dihybrid cross.
6. Define Law of Segregation.
7. Define Mandel’s law of independent assortment.
8. Differentiate b/w Co-dominance and Incomplete dominance. Give one example each.
9. Define the term Continuous variation.
10. What is theory of Special creation.
11. Compare breed with cultivars.

Q.No.2: Encircle the correct option

1. Rhizopus is reproduced by:
a) Binary Fission b) Budding c) Spore formation d) Parthenogenesis
2. Sperms and fluid collectively called:
a) Hormones b) Semen c) Follicle d) Scrotum
3. Ovary change into after ripen into:
a) seed b) fruit c) flower d) nectar
4. The genotype in which the Gene Pair contains two different alleles are called:
a) Locus b) Mutations c) Homozygous d) Heterozygous
5. The ratio of Phenotype in Law of Independent Assortment is:
a) 9:3:1:4 b) 9:3:3:1 b) 9:3:1:3 d) 9:3:2:2

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