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Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466

Microfiltration of water-based paint effluents

B.K. Deya, M.A. Hashima, S. Hasanb, B. Sen Guptac,*
Institute of Post Graduate Studies and Research, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
School of Chemical Engineering, Queens’ University Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 5AG Belfast, UK

Received 5 September 2002; accepted 29 October 2002


The major hurdle associated with water recycling in water-based paint manufacturing processes is microbial
contamination and related deterioration of product quality and shelf life. The common problems associated with
microbial degradation are change in viscosity, pH, colour and loss of surface adhesion properties. Owing to these
reasons, water recycling is not widely practised in water-based paint manufacturing processes. The present study
focuses on tertiary treatment of effluent by chemical coagulation and cross-flow microfiltration (0.2 mm pore size)
to produce water of sufficient quality for reuse in various stages of water-based paint manufacturing. The coagulation
and flocculation were carried out in a ‘jar test’ rig at a controlled pH, and coagulant dosage was optimised by
turbidity and zeta potential measurements. The filtrate was subjected to cross-flow microfiltration and permeate was
tested for necessary quality attributes. Screening of aerobic microbes and fungi were conducted by streaking the
samples on nutrient agar and malt extract agar, respectively. Iron sulfide agar tubes were used for screening anaerobic
microbes or the sulfate reducing bacteria. The tests showed that permeate was free from microorganisms. The process
was implemented in a paint manufacturing plant in Malaysia, which resulted in 55% reduction in water consumption.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Microfiltration; Water recycling; Microbial contamination; Water-based paint

1. Introduction is generated primarily due to cleaning operations of

mixers, reactors, blenders, packing machines and floors.
Latex paints generally consist of organic and inorgan- In general, paint effluents are alkaline and have high
ic pigments and dyestuffs, extenders, cellulosic and non- BOD, COD, heavy metals, suspended solids and col-
cellulosic thickeners, latexes, emulsifying agents, anti oured materials (Dey, 1999). Recovery of water from
foaming agents, preservatives, solvents and coalescing paint effluent is an attractive option as it substantially
agents. Due to the varying degree of chemicals used, reduces the fresh water consumption in the process.
the wastewater contains appreciable concentrations of Anderson et al. (1981) reported the use of reverse
BOD, chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended osmosis for the treatment of paint wastewater for recy-
solids, toxic compounds and colour. The treatment of cling purposes. In this process, high quality feed water
latex paint wastewater for reuse thus requires effective
was derived from the electrocoat painting bath by
treatment for the removal of suspended solids, metal
reverse osmosis. Uenoyama et al. (1996) reported a
ions and microorganisms.
case study of successful recycling of water at a Nippon
In manufacturing paint and allied products, all the
Paint plant in Japan. In this case, the waste stream from
constituents entering mixers or reactors come out as
products and, as such, there is no major stream of a water-based paint manufacturing process was used to
wastewater associated with the production. Wastewater recover pigment, and water for cleaning purposes.
Microbiological spoilage of water-based surface coat-
*Corresponding author. ings can result in severe economic losses to the manu-
E-mail address: (B. Sen Gupta). facturers and end users. The effects of bacterial and

1093-0191/04/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 0 9 3 - 0 1 9 1 Ž 0 2 . 0 0 1 2 2 - 3
456 B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466

Table 1
Effects of microbial degradation on paint ingredients

Attack on cellulosic thickeners Viscosity loss, gas production, pH shifts

Attack on dispersants Poor hiding, colour shifts, precipitation of pigments, gelling
Attack on glycols, coalescing agents Gloss reduction, poor freeze thaw stability, chalking, porous
film, poor adhesion, poor levelling
Attack on antifoam Foam, porous film
Attack on dispersed colour Off-colour, uneven colour, agglomeration of colorant

fungal activity are viscosity loss, gassing, malodour and plant in Kuala Lumpur was used for this purpose. The
visible surface growth. In addition, discoloration and company could comply with the discharge regulations
alteration in the rheology of the formulation can result set by Department of Environment (DOE), Malaysia.
in the product being unacceptable to the customer. In However, the management was keen to reduce the
addition to these obvious problems, the presence of effluent volume and regenerate process water from the
microbially produced enzymes can lead to changes in effluent as far as possible. The company employed
the product long after manufacture (Briggs, 1977; Dey, physical and chemical treatment methods to treat was-
1999). tewater generated from the production and cleaning
Microorganisms thrive well in water-based paint. processes. The treatment plant consisted of an equalis-
They quickly consume the available oxygen allowing ation basin, a primary settling tank, a flash mixing tank
anaerobic growth to commence. Both bacteria and fungi (where sulphuric acid, lime, alum, polymers and bio-
are capable of producing cellulase, an enzyme remark- nutrients are added for pH control and coagulation),
ably effective at concentrations as low as 10y5 units two aeration tanks, a secondary settling tank and two
per cm3, at breaking down long chain cellulosic thick- holding tanks. Wastewater from the manufacturing plant
ening agents, producing small oligomeric residual units was conveyed by gravity flow to the treatment plant.
which do not fulfil the function of the original material. Here the colloidal particles or suspended solids in the
Fermentative bacteria would produce gas from break- waste water, coloured materials, BOD, COD and heavy
down of the cellulosic thickener degrading the cellulose metals were reduced to Standard B limits of the Malay-
first to glucose, which is then fermented to yield acid sian Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Amendment
and carbon dioxide. In the presence of fillers such as 1996) prior to discharging to a public sewer system.
calcium carbonate, further gas can be produced by
action of the biogenic acids (Briggs, 1977; Dey, 1999). 2. Materials and methods
Other bacteria known as sulphate reducers, for example
Desulphovibrio desulphuricans, under anaerobic condi- 2.1. Sampling procedures
tions can utilise oxygen from sulphates leading ulti-
mately to the formation of hydrogen sulphide. Composite samples of effluent were collected from
Opperman and Goll (1984), in their study of contami- two points, the equalisation tank and the effluent dis-
nated emulsion paints, concluded that more than a charge out fall. Twenty samples were collected from
quarter were infected with these and other anaerobic each point. Sampling of the wastewater was carried out
organisms. Such sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) are according to Standard Methods for the Examination of
responsible for the most commonly noticed malodour Waste Water (APHA, 1992).
associated with emulsion paint spoilage. Formation of
insoluble sulphides such as iron sulphide can cause 2.2. Waste water characterisation
discoloration. Other organisms such as Rhodotorula
rubra and Sporobolomyces roseus and pigmented mould Effluents from the equalisation tank and the outfall
fungi can also produce discoloration. Acid production were completely characterised in this study. Moreover,
by microorganisms can cause pH shifts although paints outfall samples were analysed after further treatment,
are normally well buffered to withstand rapid spoilage. namely chemical coagulation and membrane filtration
A summary of effects of microbial degradation on paint following coagulation. All samples were analysed fol-
ingredients in a formulation is shown in Table 1 (Dey, lowing the procedures outlined in the Standard Methods
1999). (APHA, 1992).
The present study focuses on the tertiary treatment of
effluent by enhanced chemical coagulation and cross- 2.3. Chemical coagulation and analysis
flow microfiltration to produce water that is of sufficient
quality for reuse in various production stages. In this Laboratory scale evaluation of chemical coagulation
study, the effluent from a modern paint manufacturing and flocculation was performed using a six-place jar
B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466 457

test apparatus equipped with multi-speed mixing stirrers. the cleanliness of the membrane. The experimental set-
The jar test procedure included high sheer mixing at up is shown schematically in Fig. 1. A micro pump
100 rpm for 5 min, followed by 30 min flocculation at (Micro-Tech Scientific, CA, USA) was used to achieve
20 rpm and a 1 h of settling sequence. Experiments a constant feed flow rate. The flow rates were monitored
were carried out with 300 ml of liquid, which was using a Dwyer Rate—Master flow meter (Sherman
equivalent to 4.8 cm of liquid in a jar. Supernatant was Instruments, NJ, USA). The pressure levels were adjust-
withdrawn at a height of 1.6 cm from the top using a ed manually by in-line valves and by controlling the
hypodermic needle. At this depth, neither any floating speed (rpm) of the peristaltic pump. Compressed air
particle was sucked in nor the sludge was resuspended was used to maintain constant pressure in the feed tank
due to suction. The suspended solids concentration (T) as well as to purge residual water after each cleaning
was determined by turbidity meter (Jenway, UK Model cycle. The operations were carried out at a transmem-
No. 6035). The relative turbidity, TyT0 where T0 is T in brane pressure drop of 0.3 bar and at a maximum cross-
the absence of chemical coagulants was employed in flow velocity of 0.3 mys. All the operations were carried
order to assess the efficiency of the coagulant and out under total recycle mode, using a peristaltic pump
flocculant used. The inorganic chemicals like alum to return permeate to the feed tank and maintain the
(Fluka Chemicals, UK), calcium hydroxide (Ajax consistency of the feed.
Chemicals, Malaysia) and anionic polyelectrolyte
(Aldrich Chemicals, UK) used for flocculation were of 2.5. Microbial tests
analar grade. Polyelectrolyte (anionic polyacrylamide)
was added to the sample as a freshly prepared, 0.25% The samples of effluent emanating from the waste-
solution. Fresh polyelectrolyte solution was prepared water treatment plant (WWTP) as well as the effluent
daily from a 3% stock solution. subjected to additional treatments were subjected to
First, the optimum pH for the function of alum and microbiological tests. The samples were collected in
lime was determined. Varying doses of polyelectrolyte sterilised bottles and stored at 4 8C prior to the test.
were then added at the optimum pH and alum dose. The pH and redox potential measurements were initially
Apart from this, mixing time, mixing speed, age of recorded. The samples were then screened for microbi-
polymer, and mixer geometry were held constant to ological contamination. The growth of microorganisms
avoid the introduction of additional variables to the was assessed after 48 h incubation period. Total viable
system. The clarification efficiencies were measured in counts were conducted for samples showing positive
terms of turbidity and COD. Once the optimum dosage results in the screening stage.
of alum and polyelectrolyte had been determined, larger
quantities of wastewater were treated and a full analysis 2.5.1. Screening for aerobic microbiological
of parameters listed in Standard B of the Industrial contamination
Effluent Regulation 1989 (Malaysia) were carried out. Aliquots of each sample were inoculated by streaking
All parameters were analysed according to procedures onto plates of nutrient and malt extract agars for the
outlined in Standard Methods (APHA, 1992). detection of bacteria and fungi (including yeast), respec-
tively. After incubation for at least 48 h at 25 andyor
2.4. Membrane filtration 30 8C, the resulting microbiological growth was visually
assessed using a rating scale of 0–6 with 0 indicating
A bench scale cross-flow microfiltration membrane no growth and 6 indicating dense growth.
unit (Sartorius GmbH Model No. SM 16650) was
employed to accomplish further clarification and disin- 2.5.2. Screening for anaerobic sulphate reducing
fection of the treated effluent for recycling purposes. bacteria
The set-up consisted of a feed tank, a pump with Each sample was streak inoculated into tubes of
adjustable speed and the filter equipment. The trial was sulphate iron media (SIM)yiron sulphate agar (ISA).
carried out utilising 0.01 m3 (10 l) of treated effluent After incubation at 30 8C, the resultant growth of SRB
and permeate was collected in a measuring cylinder. was visually assessed according to the degree of black
The cumulative volume of permeate was recorded at 15 coloration developing.
s interval.
All the experiments were carried out using a cellulose 2.5.3. Total viable count by miles and misra technique
acetate flat sheet membrane (0.2 mm). It was cleaned (Miles and Misra, 1938)
after each experiment in three stages using 0.1 N HCl, Serial dilutions of each sample were prepared in
followed by 0.1 N NaOH and 0.6% hydrogen peroxide. sterile 1y4 strength Ringer’s Solution. Duplicate 25 ml
The membrane was thoroughly cleaned with deionised drops of each dilution were pipetted onto the surface of
water after each stage to remove any reagent residues. well-dried nutrient and malt extract agars for the detec-
Pure water permeability tests were carried out to assess tion of bacteria and fungi (including yeast), respectively.
458 B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up for the microfiltration of effluent.

After incubation at 25 andyor 30 8C for a minimum of limits proposed by the DOE, Malaysia. However, the
24 h (bacteria) and 48 h (moulds and yeast), the effluent did not meet the proposed effluent standards.
numbers of colonies from a ‘countable’ drop were Under these circumstances, the management of the
recorded. company decided to subject the stream to further treat-
ment with the idea of recycling water. In this study,
3. Results and discussion major pollutants were analysed based on composite
samples collected from the main effluent channel.
3.1. Waste stream characterisation
3.2. Coagulation and flocculation studies
The influent (untreated wastewater) and effluent ema-
nating from the plant’s wastewater treatment facility Numerous jar tests were carried out in order to
were characterised and are shown in Tables 2 and 3, establish a practical understanding of the coagulation
respectively. In principle, the concentration of the efflu- performance for this application. Initially the tests were
ent emanating from the WWTP should comply with the carried out to determine the optimum pH for the
B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466 459

Table 2
Physico-chemical characteristics of the influent stream

Parameters Unit Minimum Maximum Averagea Std. Bb

pH 8.0 9.3 8.5 5.5–9.0
BOD5 @ 20 8C mgyl 450 598 588 50
COD mgyl 4500 5868 5632 100
TSS mgyl 2784 3824 2864 100
Temperature 8C 29.5 30.2 30.2 –
Turbidity NTU 4896 5854 5632 –
DO mgyl 0.05 0.79 0.58 –
Mercury as Hg mgyl 0.012 0.035 0.031 0.05
Cadmium as Cd mgyl ND(-0.003) ND(-0.003) ND(-0.003) 0.02
Hexa-chromium as Cr6q mgyl ND(-0.02) ND(-0.02) ND(-0.02) 0.05
Cyanide as CN mgyl ND(-0.02) ND(-0.02) ND(-0.02) 0.10
Lead as Pb mgyl ND(-0.02) 0.15 0.12 0.5
Tri-chromium as Cr3q mgyl 0.02 0.09 0.06 1.0
Copper as Cu mgyl ND(-0.003) 0.098 0.095 1.0
Manganese as Mn mgyl 0.048 0.065 0.057 1.0
Nickel as Ni mgyl 0.030 0.048 0.04 1.0
Tin as Sn mgyl ND(-0.01) ND(-0.01) ND(-0.01) 1.0
Zinc as Zn mgyl 0.154 0.198 0.173 1.0
Boron as B mgyl 1.3 1.9 1.7 4.0
Iron as Fe mgyl 0.42 0.58 0.48 5.0
Phenol mgyl 0.34 0.057 0.036 1.0
Free chlorine as Cl2 mgyl ND(-0.02) ND(-0.02) ND(-0.02) 2.0
Sulphide as S2y mgyl ND(-0.1) ND(-0.1) ND(-0.1) 0.5
Oil and grease mgyl ND(-2) ND(-2) ND(-2) 10.0
Untreated wastewater.
Average of 20 samples.
DOE (Malaysia) Std. B parameter limits for discharge of effluent to inland waters below water intake points.

function of alum. A fixed dose of alum was added to treatment for wastewater are shown in Fig. 4. The
the effluent wastewater and the pH of the mixture was studies showed that a relatively low aluminium ion
then adjusted with calcium hydroxide and sulphuric dosage of 700 mgyl was capable of reducing turbidity
acid. For jar test purposes, the effluent water was and COD load from the wastewater by coagulation to
suitably diluted with filtrate so that the zeta potential of an acceptable level. Furthermore, the relationship
the system does not change due to dilution. The effi- between suspended solids and turbidity of the effluent
ciency of alum at various pH was measured in terms of at various dilutions are shown in Fig. 5. The plot was
turbidity. The studies showed that alum had the best generated by diluting the effluent having an initial
removal efficiency at pH of 7.5 (Fig. 2). Zeta potential turbidity of 1080 NTU with distilled water. Relative
measurement of effluent treated with alum at various turbidity, TyT0, where T0 is T in the absence of floccu-
pH confirmed that the treated colloidal dispersion was lant, was employed as a measure of the efficiency of
stable at pH 4.0–5.0. However, at pH 7.0–7.5, as the the flocculant used. At the optimum dosage of approx-
zeta potential approached zero, colloidal dispersion was imately 700 mgyl, the COD reduced by 65% while the
destabilised (Fig. 3). relative turbidity reduced to 12.8% (Fig. 6). Addition
of polymer concentration between 1 and 10 mgyl at
3.2.1. Optimising chemical dosage optimum alum dosage of 700 mgyl further enhanced
Experiments were carried out to determine the com- the COD and turbidity removal. A maximum COD
bined optimum dose of alum and polyelectrolyte. First, removal of 74% was observed at a polymer concentra-
the optimum dose of alum was determined. The coag- tion of 6 mgyl while the alum dosage was kept at 700
ulation and flocculation of wastewater was investigated mgyl (Fig. 7). Consequently the relative turbidity (Ty
using alum doses of 100–1000 mgyl. The pH was kept T0) decreased from 12.8 to 0.37%.
constant at 7.5 by using either calcium hydroxide or 4. Cross-flow microfiltration
sulphuric acid. Coagulated wastewater samples were
tested for residual suspended solids (measured as tur- Cross-flow microfiltration was employed as the pol-
bidity) and COD. The results of alum coagulation ishing treatment for the effluent to generate microorgan-
460 B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466

Table 3
Physico-chemical characteristics of the effluent stream

Parameters Unit Minimum Maximum Averagea Std. Bb

pH 7.3 7.5 7.3 5.5–9.0
BOD5 @ 20 8C mgyl 150 298 291 50
COD mgyl 926 1468 1362 100
TSS mgyl 1068 1128 1080 100
Temperature 8C 29.5 30.2 30.2 –
Turbidity NTU 1180 3740 2325 –
DO mgyl 2.23 2.26 2.25 –
Mercury as Hg mgyl 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.05
Cadmium as Cd mgyl ND (-0.003) ND (-0.003) ND (-0.003) 0.02
Hexa-chromium as Cr6y mgyl ND (-0.02) ND (-0.02) ND (-0.02) 0.05
Cyanide as CN mgyl ND (-0.02) ND (-0.02) ND (-0.02) 0.10
Lead as Pb mgyl ND (-0.02) ND (-0.02) ND (-0.02) 0.5
Tri-chromium as Cr3q mgyl 0.015 0.25 0.02 1.0
Copper as Cu mgyl ND (-0.003) ND (-0.003) ND (-0.003) 1.0
Manganese as Mn mgyl 0.025 0.035 0.032 1.0
Nickel as Ni mgyl 0.01 0.03 0.01 1.0
Tin as Sn mgyl ND (-0.01) ND (-0.01) ND (-0.01) 1.0
Zinc as Zn mgyl 0.033 0.085 0.067 1.0
Boron as B mgyl 0.18 0.24 0.20 4.0
Iron as Fe mgyl 0.20 0.98 0.32 5.0
Phenol mgyl 0.006 0.016 0.008 1.0
Free chlorine as Cl2 mgyl ND (-0.02) ND (-0.02) ND (-0.02) 2.0
Sulphide as S2y mgyl ND (-0.1) ND (-0.1) ND (-0.1) 0.5
Oil and grease mgyl ND (-2) ND (-2) ND (-2) 10.0
Average of 20 samples.
DOE Std. B parameter limits for discharge of effluent to inland waters below water intake points.

Fig. 2. pH vs. turbidity.

B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466 461

Fig. 3. pH vs. zeta potential.

ism free water for reuse in the manufacturing process. with pore size 0.2 mm. Membrane treatment by cross-
Preliminary studies were carried out to determine if flow microfiltration of the chemically treated effluent
cross-flow microfiltration treatment of the effluent with- from the WWTP produced permeate that could be
out chemical pre-treatment could be employed. Subse- recycled for various uses within the manufacturing plant.
quently, effluent that had undergone coagulation– The filtered water, which was free of suspended matter,
flocculation pre-treatment was passed through the bacteria and colloidal matter, was accepted for reuse
cross-flow microfiltration unit. The cross-flow microfil- thus, reducing water consumption and effluent discharge
tration unit consisted of a cellulose acetate membrane to external watercourses.

Fig. 4. Alum dose vs. COD removal.

462 B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466

Fig. 5. TSS of the composite effluent vs. NTU at various dilutions.

4.1. Membrane filtration without pre-treatment next 10 min. This phenomenon was investigated by
suspending the runs at regular intervals and observing
Several experiments were conducted without pre- the fouling of the membrane surface visually. It was
treatment of effluent water to examine the effectiveness observed that it took at least 20 min to develop any
of membrane filtration to remove COD, turbidity and significant fouling layer. Perhaps residual surface charge
microorganisms. Furthermore, the decline of permeate on the membrane surface prevented adsorption of foul-
flux due to membrane polarisation and fouling was also ing materials to any significant level in the first phase
recorded. Table 4 shows the solids removal efficiency of filtration. Table 4 shows that initial turbidity was
in terms of turbidity at different feed flow rates. The removed effectively from the untreated effluent water
solids removal efficiency was 99% or more in all cases. but the permeate flux decreased significantly in the
However, ultrafine pigments and various macromole- beginning, followed by a slower long-term decrease.
cules present in the paint caused mild turbidity in the This phenomenon is shown in Fig. 9 for a feed flow
permeate. rate of 200 lyh. This may be due to blockage of the
Fig. 8 indicates the permeate flux vs. time for 1 h of membrane by colloidal substances present in the was-
operation. There was marginal drop (;5%) in permeate tewater. A set of experiments was also performed with
flux in the first 20 min, followed by a sharp drop in the treated effluent (alum and polymer) at different feed

Fig. 6. Alum dose vs. relative turbidity (TyT0).

B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466 463

Fig. 7. Polyelectrolyte vs. COD removal.

Table 4 4.2. Membrane filtration with pre-treatment

Turbidity of influent and permeate (without pre-treatment)

Influent (NTU) Feed flowrate Permeate Removal 4.2.1. Effect of flocculation

(lyh) (NTU) efficiency A set of experiments was conducted with effluent
water at different feed flow rates to study the effect of
45 9.97 99.07
flocculation on the limiting flux of the membrane
1080 54 10.97 99.98
75 10.80 99.00 filtration. It was observed that the limiting flux rate of
filtration increased 100% due to coagulation–floccula-
tion treatment of the effluent water. However, a flux
flow rates to study the removal efficiency of COD on rate decline was observed for chemically treated was-
the permeate flux of the cross-flow microfiltration unit. tewater, but it was not so predominant in comparison to
The limiting flux almost doubled as shown in Table 6 the untreated wastewater.
for feed flow rates varying between 200 and 400 lyh. The permeability of the membrane plays an important
However, the feed flow rate had no significant effect role in the viability of the process. High permeabilities
on the permeate COD, as shown in Table 5. lead to the potential for higher product fluxes. Fouling

Fig. 8. Permeate flux vs. time for untreated effluent. Feed flow rate 200 lyh.
464 B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466

Fig. 9. Permeate flux vs. time for treated effluent. Feed flow rate 200 lyh.

of the membrane surface during processing is especially coagulation–flocculation treatment employing a com-
a problem with liquid processing. It is observed from bined dose of alum, calcium hydroxide or sulphuric acid
Table 6 that the limiting flux for the effluent with and polymer are shown in Table 7.
chemical treatment is higher than the one without
treatment by a factor of two or more in all cases. This 4.4. Scale up of cross-flow microfiltration studies
may be due to reduction in membrane fouling, which
improved the permeate flux. However, the limiting flux The chemically treated effluent was then passed
increased with increasing feed flow rate in all cases through a cross-flow microfiltration unit. The character-
although the improvement was more perceivable for istics of the effluent after coagulation–flocculation and
treated effluent. Permeate flux in cross-flow microfiltra- membrane treatment are shown in Table 8.
tion depends on cross-flow velocity, temperature, feed
characteristics and the geometry of the membrane mod- 5. Microbiological studies
ule (Samuelsson et al., 1997). In the present case, the
limiting flux enhancement was caused by higher cross-
Two effluent samples were tested for microbiological
flow velocity when the feed flow rate was increased.
contamination by a standard method (Miles and Misra,
This is consistent with the findings of Samuelsson et al.
1938). The samples had been subjected to chemical pre-
(1997) for colloidal fouling.
treatment and microfiltration as described earlier. At
each stage of treatment, samples were collected and
4.3. Scale up of chemical treatment
tested for microbiological contamination. The six treated
samples and a sample of distilled water used in this
Using optimum dosage of alum and polyelectrolyte work (control) were screened for aerobic and anaerobic
obtained from the jar test experiments, 10 l of waste- microbial contamination. Screening for aerobic microbes
water was treated. The trial reconfirmed the coagulant were conducted by streaking the samples onto nutrient
dose obtained in the jar test for optimum removal of agar incubated at 25 and 30 8C to detect bacterial
COD and turbidity. Characteristics of the effluent after growth and onto malt extract agar incubated at 25 8C
Table 5 Table 6
COD concentration of influent and permeate (without pre- Effect of flocculationypre-filtration on limiting flux
Feed flowrate Limiting flux (lym2 yh)
Influent COD Feed flowrate Permeate Removal (lyh)
(mgyl) (lyh) COD (mgyl) efficiency Without treatment With treatment
45 209 84.65 200 17.45 36.45
1362 54 200 85.32 300 22.68 43.93
75 205 84.95 400 27.85 59.18
B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466 465

Table 7
Physico-chemical characteristics of effluent after coagulation–flocculation treatment

Parameters Unit Std. Ba

pH 7.5 5.5–9.0
BOD5 @20 8C mgyl 96.7 50
COD mgyl 354.12 100
TSS mgyl 8 100
Temperature 8C 27.0 –
Turbidity NTU 8.6 –
DO mgyl 7.03 –
Colour True colour units 5 –
Mercury as Hg mgyl 0.012 0.05
Hexa-chromium as Cr6q mgyl ND(-0.02) 0.05
Cyanide as CN mgyl ND(-0.02) 0.10
Lead as Pb mgyl ND(-0.02) 0.5
Copper as Cu mgyl 0.019 1.0
Zinc as Zn mgyl 0.121 1.0
Iron as Fe mgyl 0.10 5.0
DOE Std. B parameter limits for discharge of effluent to inland waters below water intake points.

to detect fungi growth. After incubation for at least 48 not remove bacteria from the effluent. However, cross-
h the resultant microbiological growth was visually flow membrane filtration is capable of removing bacteria
assessed using the rating scale detailed in Table 9. SIMy to produce water that is of sufficient quality for use
ISA tubes were used for screening of anaerobic microbes within the plant. The cross-flow microfiltration unit
or more specifically SRB. The tubes were incubated at employing a cellulose acetate membrane with a pore
30 8C and any resultant growth was assessed visually size of 0.2 mm is capable of removing the smallest
according to the extent of black coloration. The results bacteria, Pseudomonas diminuta which has a diameter
of the screening test are as shown in Table 9. Microbi- of 0.2 mm.
ological growth was observed for samples A1, A2, B1
and B2. Samples A3, B3 and the control showed no
6. Conclusions
microbiological growth. Positive microbial growth on
malt extract agar plates was identified as bacterial and
not fungi growth. All ISA tubes showed negative results The present study shows that chemical coagulation
indicating no growth of SRB. It can be concluded from followed by microfiltration can be implemented for
the tests above that the chemical treatment alone could water recycling in the plant under study. However, based

Table 8
Physico-chemical characteristics of effluent after coagulation–flocculation and membrane treatment

Parameters Unit Std. Ba

PH 7.5 5.5–9.0
BOD5 @ 20 8C mgyl 28 50
COD mgyl 65 100
TSS mgyl 5 100
Temperature 8C 27.0 –
Turbidity NTU 0.3 –
DO mgyl 7.25 –
Colour True colour units 5 –
Mercury as Hg mgyl 0.01 0.05
Hexa-chromium as Cr6q mgyl ND(-0.02) 0.05
Cyanide as CN mgyl ND(-0.02) 0.10
Lead as Pb mgyl ND(-0.02) 0.5
Copper as Cu mgyl 0.006 1.0
Zinc as Zn mgyl 0.10 1.0
Iron as Fe mgyl 0.03 5.0
DOE Std. B parameter limits for discharge of effluent to inland waters below water intake points.
466 B.K. Dey et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 8 (2004) 455–466

Table 9
Screening for aerobic and anaerobic microbes

Samples Microbiological growth ratinga:

Nutrient agarb Malt extract agarc ISA tubesd
25 8C 30 8C
25 8C 30 8C
A1 6 6 0 0
A2 3 4 3e 0
A3 0 0 0 0
B1 6 6 6e 0
B2 6 6 6e 0
B3 0 0 0 0
Distilled water (control) 0 0 0 0
Growth rating scale, 0, no growth; 6, dense growth.
Nutrient agar for detection of bacteria.
Malt extract agar for detection of fungi (including yeast).
ISA tubes for detection of SRB.
Presence of bacteria.

on the experimental findings, the following conclusions was deduced that limiting flux increased by 100% when
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4.0–4.5 the floc formation was minimal, however in the permeate flux.
when the pH was increased to between pH 7.0 and
7.5 flocs were easily formed. The studies showed References
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